86 research outputs found

    Microscopic theory of surface-enhanced Raman scattering in noble-metal nanoparticles

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    We present a microscopic model for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) from molecules adsorbed on small noble-metal nanoparticles. In the absence of direct overlap of molecular orbitals and electronic states in the metal, the main enhancement source is the strong electric field of the surface plasmon resonance in a nanoparticle acting on a molecule near the surface. In small particles, the electromagnetic enhancement is strongly modified by quantum-size effects. We show that, in nanometer-sized particles, SERS magnitude is determined by a competition between several quantum-size effects such as the Landau damping of surface plasmon resonance and reduced screening near the nanoparticle surface. Using time-dependent local density approximation, we calculate spatial distribution of local fields near the surface and enhancement factor for different nanoparticles sizes.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Considerably extended final versio

    Methodological problems of ethical regulation of clinical studies

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    В статье рассматриваются методологические проблемы этического регулирования клинических исследований: 1) формализм, неспособность исследователей критически анализировать свой проект с точки зрения безопасности и благополучия пациента, имплементировать принципы биоэтики в исследование; 2) пропедевтический характер научных исследований, низкая степень новизны, теоретической и практической значимости для медицины; 3) волюнтаризм в выборе стратегии и тактики исследования, отсутствие альтернативных научных гипотез.The article deals with the methodological problems of ethical regulation of clinical studies: 1) formalism, the inability of researchers to critically analyze the project in terms of safety and well-being of the patient, to implement the principles of bioethics in study; 2) propaedeutic nature of scientific research, the low degree of novelty, theoretical and practical significance for medicine; 3) voluntarism in the selection of the strategy and tactics of the study, the lack of alternative scientific hypotheses

    V. R. Potter’s global bioethics: stages of development

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    У статті аналізуються основні ідеї поттерівської концепції глобальної біоетики. На початку 1970 років американський учений В. Р. Поттер пропонує термін «біоетика» для нової етики виживання людства, що спрямована на поєднання біологічних фактів і загальнолюдських цінностей, збереження індивідуального здоров’я та довкілля. У 1980 роках Поттер розширює біоетику до глобальної біоетики як всеохоплюючої та всеосяжної, мета якої — прийнятне виживання людства, регуляція та контроль за втручанням людини у сферу різноманітних проявів життя. У 1990 роках поттерівська концепція набуває «глибинного» виміру. Завдання глибинної та глобальної біоетики полягає в розробці моделі повсякденного життя сучасної людини, прийнятної для демократичних суспільств і сумісної з концепцією сталого розвитку.The paper analyzes V. R. Potter’s main ideas of global bioethics. In the early 1970s the American scientist V. R. Potter proposes the term “bioethics” for a new ethics of survival, aimed to join biological facts and human values, preservation of individual health and environment. In 1980 Potter expands bioethics to global bioethics, a complete and comprehensive ethics, directed to acceptable human survival, the regulation and control of human intervention in the field of life. In the 1990s Potter’s conception becomes “deep bioethics” conception. The aim of deep and global bioethics is to develop a model of modern man everyday life acceptable to democratic societies and compatible with the concept of sustainable development

    3-methyl-phenanthrene (3-MP) disrupts the electrical and contractile activity of the heart of the polar fish, navaga cod (Eleginus nawaga)

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    Alkylated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are abundant in crude oil and are enriched during petroleum refinement but knowledge of their cardiotoxicity remains limited. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are considered the main hazardous components in crude oil and the tricyclic PAH phenanthrene, has been singled out for its direct effects on cardiac tissue in mammals and fish. Here we test the impact of the monomethylated phenanthrene, 3-methylphenanthrene (3-MP), on the contractile and electrical function of the atria and ventricle of a polar fish, the navaga cod (Eleginus nawaga). Using patch-clamp electrophysiology in atrial and ventricular cardiomyocytes we show that 3-MP is a potent inhibitor of the delayed rectifier current IKr (EC50=0.25 μM) and prolongs ventricular action potential duration. Unlike the parent compound phenanthrene, 3-MP did not reduce the amplitude of the L-type Ca2+ current (ICa) but it accelerated current inactivation thus reducing charge transfer across the myocyte membrane and compromising pressure development of the whole heart. 3-MP was a potent inhibitor (EC50=4.7 μM) of the sodium current (INa), slowing the upstroke of the action potential in isolated cells, slowing conduction velocity across the atria measured with optical mapping, and increasing atrio-ventricular delay in a working whole heart preparation. Together, these findings reveal the strong cardiotoxic potential of this phenanthrene derivative on the fish heart. As 3-MP and other alkylated phenanthrenes comprise a large fraction of the PAHs in crude oil mixtures, these findings are worrisome for Arctic species facing increasing incidence of spills and leaks from the petroleum industry. 3-MP is also a major component of polluted air but is not routinely measured. This is also of concern if the hearts of humans and other terrestrial animals respond to this PAH in a similar manner to fish.<br/

    European bioethics: theory and practice

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    У статті аналізуються основні етичні принципи європейської біоетики — повага гідності й автономії особи, цілісності, уразливості та ін. Розглядаються практичні аспекти реалізації цих принципів на прикладі європейського законодавства і біополітики. Робиться висновок про принципову відмінність європейської біоетики від американської біомедичної етики та перспективи подальшого розширення предмета біоетики в контексті європейського етоса.The article analyzes the basic ethical principles of the European bioethics: respect for human dignity, respect for autonomy, integrity, vulnerability, etc. Practical aspects of these principles realization are discussed on the example of European legislation and biopolitics. A conclusion is made about fundamental difference between European bioethics and American biomedical ethics and prospects of further expansion of bioethics subject in the context of the European ethos

    Management systems audit in medicine: risk assessment and ethical issues

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    Статья посвящена рискам и этическим вопросам аудита систем менеджмента качества (в соответствии со стандартом ISO 19011:2011). Показано, что проведение аудита сопряжено с рисками объективного и субъективного характера. Приведены рекомендации по выбору адекватного метода аудита. Очевидность глобальных последствий биомедицинских технологий, все более широкая медикализация повседневной жизни человека требуют переосмысления приоритетов деловой этики при проведении аудита. Ценности и принципы биоэтики нужно включить в оценку рисков проведения аудита. Имеется насущная потребность в разработке специального биоэтического кодекса и моделей поведения в конкретных ситуациях для аудиторов медицинских учреждений.The article is devoted to the risks and ethical issues of quality systems audit in health care facilities, which became possible after the release of the new version of ISO 19011:2011. It is shown that the audit involves risks both objective and subjective. The recommendations of an adequate audit method are proposed. Global implications of biomedical technologies and increasingly broad medicalization of everyday man life require a changing of the business ethics priorities in the quality management systems audit in the bioethics context. Values and principles of bioethics should be included to audit risk assessment. There is an urgent need to develop special bioethical code and behavior in specific situations for auditors of medical institutions


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    The detection of the symptoms of endogenous intoxication in patients colorectal cancer patients is a difficult problem and should include not only evaluation of quantitative changes of blood clinical analysis but otheг standard methods. It was shown that adequate preoperative preparation of patients with eespieatory disorders con:ection let us to decrease the risk of perioperative complications in descnbed cases

    Metamorphoses of electronic structure of FeSe-based superconductors (Review Article)

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    The electronic structure of FeSe, the simplest iron-based superconductor (Fe-SC), conceals a potential of dramatic increase of Tc that realizes under pressure or in a single layer film. This is also the system where nematicity, the phenomenon of a keen current interest, is most easy to study since it is not accompanied by the antiferomagnetic transition like in all other Fe-SC’s. Here we overview recent experimental data on electronic structure of FeSe-based superconductors: isovalently doped crystals, intercalates, and single layer films, trying to clarify its topology and possible relation of this topology to superconductivity. We argue that the marked differences between the experimental and calculated band structures for all FeSe compounds can be described by a hoping selective renormalization model for a spin/orbital correlated state that may naturally explain both the evolution of the band structure with temperature and nematicity