99 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Anak Usia di Bawah Dua Tahun (Baduta) dari Ibu Penderita Gondok

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    The objective of this research was to study the growth and development pattern of under two year age children of mother with maternal goiter. The research design was retrospective cohort. The Study was conducted in Banyu Arang village, Ngoro Sub distric, Jombang Distric, because this village was categorized as severe endemic goiter area. The observed variables were iodine status of children, the growth parameters such as body weight gain, nutritional status, head circumference, chest circumference; the development parameters such as motor miles stone, and score of pre screening questionnaire for development (KPSP).The result of the study indicated that prevalence of maternal goiter was 48.21%, prevalence of iodine deficiency among under two years children was 8.93%. Median of urinary iodine excretion amongchildren of mother with maternal goiter was 404 μg/L and 506 μg/L for children of mother without maternal goiter. Mean of birth weight among children of mother with maternal goiter was 3.02 kg and 2.96 kg for children of mother without maternal goiter. The growth rate of children of mother with maternal goiter was 278.33 gram and 264.16 gram for children of mother without maternal goiter. The head circumference among children of mother with maternal goiter was 46.35 cm compared with 46.05 cm for children of mother without maternal goiter. Ratio of head circumference and chest circumference were 0.96 and 0.97 respectively, and indicated that no asymetric growth retardation among two groups. Despite no significant diference of total score of KPSP between children of mother with maternal goiter and without maternal goite, but there were 2 (two) children that detected under developed children because total score of KPSP less than 7, and they were found from mother with maternal goiter.It was concluded that there was no significant difference of growth pattern between children of mother with maternal goiter and without maternal goiter. It found that generally development of children of mother without goiter better than children of mother with maternal goiter.Key words: growth, development, IDD, maternal goite

    Uncommon pathogen Bacillus cereus causing subdural empyema in a child

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    Background: Subdural empyema (SDE) in children is a severe intracranial infection. Many pathogens can cause SDE.Case Details: In this articlewe present a 15-month old Indonesian boy diagnosed as SDE based on the clinical symptoms and neuroimaging. A complete blood count showed white blood cell count of 13.800/mm3 and the CRP level was 8.3 mg/L. Craniotomy following burr hole drainage procedure was performed to decrease intracranial pressure. The liquor culture indicated Bacillus cereus. A meropenem injection and metronidazole infusion were administered appropriately with antibiotic sensitivity for several weeks. Immediate initiation of appropriate antibiotic therapy related to an accelerated surgical drainage can improve the outcome.Conclusion: The combination of medication and surgery treatment for Bacillus cereus in SDE resulted in a good response, leaving neurological sequelae.Keywords: Subdural empyema, children, bacillus cereu

    The Relationship of Ns1 Antigen Profi Le and Days of Illness in Children with Dengue Virus Infection

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    Introduction: Dengue NS1 Antigen (NS1 Ag) detection or quantification has become a specific diagnostic tool for dengue virus infection, but has variable sensitivity. Previous research reported NS1 Ag level can be detected up to the 7th–10th day of fever, others stated the sensitivity was decreased after four days of fever. We performed this research to analyze the NS1 Ag profile and its relationship with the day of illness. Methods: This study was a prospective cohort study on 39 children hospitalized at Dr. Soetomo Hospital Surabaya since November 2009 to May 2010. Inclusion criteria were acute fever less than 72 hours, bleeding tendency denoted at least by positive tourniquet test, age between 1–14 years, and confirmed by positive dengue IgM/IgG on the 5th day of fever. We performed daily quantitative dengue NS1 Ag tests until defervescence day, and its relationship with the day of illness were analyzed. Results: NS1 Ag was positive in 19/39 samples. Secondary infection occurred in 14/19 of Dengue Fever and 17/20 of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever cases. Positivity of NS1Ag was higher in primary (6/8 cases) than secondary infection (12/31 cases). Mean level of NS1 Ag was highest on the 2nd day, decreased afterwards and undetected on the 5th day of fever. There was significant relationship between NS1 Ag positivity (P=0.037, rs=-0.9) and level (P<0.001, rs=-1) with the day of illness. Discussions: Dengue NS1 Ag positivity and level were highest during the acute phase of fever and decreased afterwards

    Faktor Resiko yang Berpengaruh pada Periode Kehamilan, Persalinan dan Bayi Baru Lahir dengan Autisme

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    Pendahuluan : Autisme merupakan gangguan perkembangan pada anak yang mencakup bidang interaksi sosial, komunikasi dan perilaku. Insidensi dan prevalensi yang cenderung meningkat dengan faktor risiko yang multifaktoral. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor risiko yang berpengaruh pada periode kehamilan, persalinan dan BBL dengan kejadian autisme. Metode : menggunakan desain kasus kontrol dengan melibatkan 50 anak autis (45 anak laki-laki, 5 anak perempuan, sebagian besar (60%) berusia ≤ 5 tahun) dan 50 anak saudara kandung dari anak autis yang normal sebagai kontrol (26 anak laki-laki, 22 anak perempuan dan sebagian besar (58%) berusia ≤ 5 tahun). Untuk menganalisis 12 faktor risiko pada periode (1). Kehamilan (perdarahan antenatal, jarak kehamilan ≤13 bulan, usia ibu hamil ≥ 35 tahun, depresi hamil, merokok aktif, perokok pasif), (2). Persalinan (ketuban pecah dini) dan (3). Usia BBL (BBLR, prematur, BBL tidak menangis spontan dan tubuh kebiru-biruan segera setelah lahir dan ikterus). Data primer yang diperoleh dari hasil wawancara semi structured kepada ibu. Hasil : Pada analisis bivariat dengan uji chi square variabel yang bermakna dengan autisme adalah perdarahan antenatal (P<0.001), jarak kehamilan ≤13 bulan (P=0.001), usia ibu hamil ≥ 35 tahun (P=0.019) dan ketuban pecah dini (P=0.006). Selanjutnya pada analisis multivariat dengan uji regresi logistik ganda, variabel yang berpengaruh dengan autisme dengan faktor risiko terbesar adalah perdarahan antenatal (P=0.002, OR=6.436), usia ibu hamil ≥ 35 tahun (P=0.033, OR=3.418) dan ketuban pecah dini (P=0.048,OR=4.454). Kesimpulan : Penting dilakukan perencanaan kehamilan terkait usia ibu hamil, pencegahan terjadinya komplikasi kehamilan dan persalinan untuk menghindari faktor risiko autisme

    Profil Pasien Infeksi Saluran Kemih Pada Anak di Puskesmas Surabaya Periode Januari-Desember 2018

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    Infeksi Saluran Kemih merupakan salah satu penyakit yang sering terjadi pada anak. Gejala infeksi saluran kemih bervariasi tergantung dengan usia dan jenis kelamin. Sering kali infeksi saluran kemih terjadi pada perempuan daripada laki-laki. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode retrospektif potong lintang. Data yang diambil yaitu rekam medik pasien di Puskesmas Surabaya dengan teknik pengumpulan data cluster random sampling. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pasien anak yang mengalami infeksi saluran kemih di Puskesmas Surabaya dengan usia 1-6 tahun (34,8%), jenis kelamin perempuan dan laki-laki (50%), dengan keluhan buang air kecil nyeri (86%), dari hasil urinalisis didapatkan bakteriuria. Pasien anak yang mengalami infeksi saluran kemih dari tipe pembiayaan menggunakan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial-Penerima Bantuan Iuran (60,9%) di Puskesmas Jeruk (41,3%). Pasien infeksi saluran kemih pada penelitian ini yang berjenis kelamin laki-laki maupun perempuan memiliki nilai yang sama, berusia 1-6 tahun, dengan keluhan buang air kecil nyeri. Lokasi puskesmas yang terdapat banyak pasien infeksi saluran kemih pada anak ialah Puskesmas Jeruk dengan tipe pembiayaan Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial - Penerima Bantuan Iuran. Kata kunci: Anak, infeksi saluran kemih, puskesma

    Status gizi dan gambaran klinis penyakit pada pasien HIV anak awal terdiagnosis

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    Nutritional status and clinical disease of HIV children patients when diagnosed for the first timeBackground: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in children can cause nutritional problems. Currently, HIV-infected children are still diagnosed when the disease stage is advanced. Nutritional status is a marker of advanced stage conditions in HIV infection.Objective: To determine the clinical findings of disease and nutritional status of HIV children patients when diagnosed for the first time.Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional descriptive study. The data were taken from the medical record documents of child patients aged 0-18 years with the ICD 10 code B20, who was treated at the Dr. Sardjito Yogyakarta Hospital from 1 January 2004-31 December 2019. Results: There were 191 children diagnosed with HIV, 56% of them were boys. The median age was 34 months (IQR 25: 13 months, IQR 75: 69 months), and 95.5% among those were infected perinatally. There were 77 (40,3%) children who suffered from severe malnutrition and 55 (28.8%) children were moderate acute malnutrition. At the age of 0-60 months among them, there were 49 children (36.3%) suffered from severely underweight, 35 children (25.9%) underweight, 53 (39.3%) severely stunted, 38 (28.1%) stunted, 28 severely wasted (20.7%), and wasted as many as 24 (17.8%). At the age of 5-18 years old, there were 19 (33.9%) and 5 (8.9%) children who suffered from severely wasted and wasted respectively. World Health Organization (WHO) stages 3 and 4 were experienced by 62 (32.5%) and 68 (35.6%) children. As many as 41.3% of children had enlarged lymph nodes, thrush (40.8%), pneumonia (40.8%), and persistent or chronic diarrhea (21.5%). Conclusions: The nutritional status of HIV-infected children at baseline was dominated by underweight and stunted. The most clinical findings of the disease when the child was diagnosed with HIV infection were lymphadenopathy, oral thrush, pneumonia, and persistent or chronic diarrhea

    Effects of Climatic Factors on The Incidence Rate of Dengue Virus Infection in Surabaya During 2010-1013

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    Introduction: Dengue Virus Infection (DVI) is one of cautious mosquito-borne virus disease that transmitted by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Surabaya has the highest incidence rate of DVI in East Java. Transmission of dengue virus were significantly affected by the change of climatic factor components (precipitation, temperature, and humidity). This study is aimed to analyze the correlation between climatic factor components with the incidence rate of DVI in Surabaya and its distribution. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study using analytic observational approach. The Incidence rate of DVI during 2010-2013 datas were taken from Surabaya Health Office. Climatic factor datas on the same years were taken from Juanda Meteorological Station. Correlation tests were performed by using Spearman Test. Results: As the result, there were 7,685 DVI patients during 2010-2013. Male patients have less proportion (51.89%). The highest DVI cases are from the age group of 5-14 years (>40%). Incidence rate of DVI was increased during February to April, and highest incidence rate occured in 2010 (n=3,379). There were significant correlation between precipitation (r=0.419, p-value p=0.003) and humidity (r=0.502, p-value=0.000) with the incidence rate of DVI in Surabaya during 2010-2013. Conclusion: Therefore, precipitation and humidity are two climatic factor components that may effect the incidence rate of DVI in Surabaya


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    Highlights • Dengue virus infections exhibit a spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic cases to severe disease, with the potential for fatalities if not managed effectively. • Hematology factors significantly contribute to the severity of dengue virus infection.   Abstract Background: The escalating incidence of dengue cases in Surabaya, Indonesia, underscores the imperative to comprehend the hematology profiles and disease severity in pediatric patients affected by dengue virus infections (DVI). As the prevalence of DVI continues to surge, understanding the nuanced clinical manifestations becomes paramount for effective management and mitigation of the disease burden. Objective: This study aimed to characterize the hematology profiles and the disease severity of dengue virus infections (DVI) among pediatric patients hospitalized at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital, Surabaya, Indonesia throughout 2019. Material and Method: A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted using secondary data from medical records. Pediatric patients aged six months to 18 years were enrolled. A total sampling method comprised 67 patients meeting the inclusion criteria. Result: Severe thrombocytopenia was most commonly observed in dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) III cases (36.4%), while leukopenia was predominant in DF cases (42.2%). High hematocrit levels were more prevalent in DHF III cases (27.3%), and high hemoglobin levels were most frequently identified in DHF II and DHF III cases (33% in each case). Significant differences in DVI severity were observed in platelets and hemoglobin levels (p=0.0002 and p=0.0066, respectively) but not in leukocyte and hematocrit levels. Conclusion: Mild thrombocytopenia was prevalent in Dengue Fever (DF), while severe thrombocytopenia was most prevalent in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) grade III. Leukopenia was prominent in DF patients, and platelets and hemoglobin levels varied across severity of DVI. These findings provide insights for improved clinical management and diagnostic criteria refinement

    Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Keberhasilan ASI Eksklusif

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    Latar belakang. Pemberian ASI eksklusif (AE) merupakan intervensi yang efektif untuk mencegah penyakit metabolik dan permasalahan kesehatan anak. Data Survey Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012 dan 2016 menunjukkan angka ASI eksklusif di Jawa Timur cenderung turun. Faktor yang memengaruhi pemberian AE meliputi faktor pemudah, pendukung, dan pendorong. Tujuan. Mengetahui hubungan antara faktor pemudah (pengetahuan tentang tanda kecukupan ASI, karakteristik sosiodemografi), pendukung (cara persalinan, Inisiasi menyusu dini, paritas ibu), dan pendorong (tenaga kesehatan, keluarga, dan media) dengan keberhasilan AE. Metode. Penelitian potong lintang analitik melalui pengisian kuesioner oleh ibu yang memiliki anak berusia 6-11 bulan yang datang ke Posyandu atau Puskesmas Simomulyo dan Manukan Kulon, Surabaya pada bulan Maret-April 2018. Data hasil pengisian kuesioner dianalisis statistik menggunakan uji Kai kuadrat dan regresi logistik, dengan confidence interval (CI) 95%. Hasil. Didapatkan proporsi AE 61% dari sejumlah 82 ibu, semua ibu pernah melihat iklan formula, dan alasan terbesar (53,1%) ibu tidak memberikan AE karena khawatir ASI tidak cukup. Usia ibu (p=0,020), pekerjaan (p=0,003), pendidikan terakhir (p=0,030), dan riwayat keberhasilan pemberian AE pada anak yang sebelumnya (p=0,032) berhubungan dengan AE. Kesimpulan. Ibu yang berusia 25-30 tahun, berpendidikan tinggi, memiliki riwayat keberhasilan AE, dan tidak bekerja dapat memengaruhi keberhasilan pemberian AE
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