17 research outputs found

    Reformasi Administrasi Pelayanan Publik Pada Kantor Pelayanan Terpadu ( Studi Pada Disperindag Dan Dispendukcapil Kota Malang )

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    : The Reform of Public Services Administration at The Office of Integrated Service (studies on the reform of public service administration in the Department of Industry and Trade, and the Department of Civil Registration Malang city). Every citizen requires public services efficiently and effectively to complaints and responsive citizens. In Indonesian public service is still an issue that is still ongoing improvements. So to improve public services necessary administrative reform public services. Office of integrated services reform public services. Location research in the reform of public service administration in the Department of Industry and Trade, and the Department of Civil Registration. The purpose of this research study to describe and analyze the shape of the administrative reform of public services that occurred on the reform of public service administration in the Department of Industry and Trade, and the Department of Civil Registration. Methods this study uses descriptive qualitative research method. The results showed that the reform carried out by streamlining its organizational structure, reform strategies using core strategy and customers, the reform still have some barriers caused by the lack of most human resources who have quality and quantity, and the low participation of the community

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan terhadap Kepuasan Nasabah (Studi pada Bank Riau Kepri Cabang Pasir Pengaraian)

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    This research was conductedin Riau Kepri Bank, Pasir Pengaraian branch. this research aimsto determine the effect of service quality loward customer satisfaction. Service quality as independent variable(x) and customer satisfaction as independent variable (y). The research sample are 99 respondents of the population by using the slovin formula. Data was obtained from the questionnaire and subsequently processed to then be tested with the help of statistics through SPSS. The result of. calculation of the determination coefficientis 0.670. it means, service quality affects customer satisfaction is 67%. The research sample are 99 respondents of the population by using the slovin formula. Data was obtained from the questionnaire and subsequently processed to then be tested with the help of statistics through SPSS. The result of. calculation of the determination coefficientis 0.670. it means, service quality affects customer satisfaction is 67%. Keywords: Service quality, customer satisfaction, Riau Kepri Bank Keywords: Service quality, customer satisfaction, Riau Kepri Ban

    The Risk Factors of Pneumonia Disesase at Babies Under Five Years Old Based on Measles Imune Status and Breast Freeding Exclusive Status

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    The amount of pneumonia case toward children under five years old tends to increase in Surabaya city every years. It is one of the big ten disease attacked to children in ganesa room Bhakti Dharma Husada hospital during 2011–2013. The purpose of this research to analyze the risk factors of those children based on measles imune status and breast freeding exclusive status. This kind of research is analytical observational within case control designed. The sample of this research consist of 20 case sample (the injuries children of pneumonia) and was taken from totally population and 40 control sample (not injuries children of pneumonia) was derived from random sampling. The independent variable are measles imune status and breast freeding exclusive status, even though the dependent variable is pneumonia disease at children under five years old. The data analysis by calculating odds ratio and using statcalc in the level 95% confidence interval. The result of this research showed that the most injuries children of pneumonia are male of 1–<2 years old. Those the children who didn\u27t get measles imune can be attacked pneumonia disease for 10,23 higher than children get measles imune; 95% CI (1,60–107,95) and the last the children who didn\u27t get breast freeding exclusive can be attacked pneumonia disease for 7,00 higher than children that get breast freeding exclusive; 95% (1,82–29,49). The importance of raising the awareness of parents regarding measles immunization and exclusive breastfeeding can prevent occurrence pneumunia in infants.

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Dalam Mengkonsumsi Tablet Besi Di Desa Sokaraja Tengah Kecamatan Sokaraja Kabupaten Banyumas

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    The primary factor that causes high prevalence anemia is caused by low expecting mother's obedience in consumings iron supplement during the pregnancy. Based on household health survei (2007) about expecting mother obedience in consuming iron suplement was 23 %. The aim of this research is to find out the factors that influence expecting mother obedience in consumings iron suplement during pregnancy at village Sokaraja Tengah district Sokaraja regency Banyumas.This research is an analysis study. The sample was 42 expecting mothers which was taken by purposive sampling. Data were collected from medical report at posyandu and questioner sheet. The result of this research showed there were no significant connection among the factors such as knowledge, attitude, value and belief, income level, health care facilities, care giver behavior and family participation with expecting mother's obedience consuming iron supplement but the knowledge level was the significantly. The obedience only influence by factor that connected with obedience knowledge factor, attitude, value and belief, income level, education level, health care facilities, care giver behavior and family participation as much as 41,3 %, and the other factors 58,7 % was unrevealed. The dominant factor expecting mother obedience consuming iron supplement was attitude one

    Efek Durasi Pencahayaan pada Sistem HRAR untuk Menurunkan Kandungan Minyak Solar dalam Air Limbah

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    Kandungan minyak di dalam air limbah industri perminyakan umumnya bersifat toksik terhadap mikroorganisme dan mengganggu proses pengolahan secara biologis. Sistem HRAR diperkirakan dapat mengatasi hambatan tersebut melalui proses fotosintesis untuk menghasilkan oksigen yang dibutuhkan mikroorganisme dalam mendegradasi senyawa hidrokarbon. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji pengaruh perpanjangan waktu pencahayaan pada kemampuan HRAR dalam menurunkan kandungan minyak di dalam limbah. Variabel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah variasi durasi pencahayaan dan variasi penambahan volume minyak solar yang ditambahkan ke dalam reaktor. Variasi durasi pencahayaan yang digunakan adalah pencahayaan selama 12 jam dan pencahayaan selama 24 jam. Sedangkan penambahan volume minyak solar ke dalam masing-masing reaktor adalah sebesar 346 ppm, 519 ppm dan 692 ppm. Hasil yang didapatkan dari penelitian ini adalah durasi pencahayaan selama 12 jam memiliki efek yang lebih baik terhadap penurunan konsentrasi minyak dibandingkan pencahayaan selama 24 jam. Hal ini dapat terlihat dari baiknya pertumbuhan alga dan bakteri di dalam reaktor serta tingginya penurunan konsentrasi minyak solar di dalamnya. Penurunan konsentrasi minyak solar terbaik terdapat pada reaktor dengan penambahan minyak solar sebesar 346 ppm. Pada reaktor dengan durasi pencahayaan selama 12 jam terjadi penurunan konsentrasi minyak sebesar 78,4%. Sedangkan penurunan kandungan minyak solar pada reaktor dengan durasi pencahayaan selama 24 jam adalah sebesar 73,9%

    Pengaruh Jalan Pagi terhadap Perubahan Tekanan Darah pada Lanjut Usia dengan Hipertensi di Desa Kalianget Timur Kecamatan Kalianget Kabupaten Sumenep

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    Pendahuluan: Jalan pagi merupakan aktivitas ringan yang sesuai untuk orang dengan lanjut usia (lansia) karena dapat membantu mengendalikan tekanan darah dalam jangka panjang. Keterbatasan lansia untuk melakukan aktivitas fisik sehari-hari dapat mempengaruhi Perubahan tekanan darah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh jalan pagi terhadap Perubahan tekanan darah pada lansia dengan hipertensi. Metode: Desain penelitian pre-experiment menggunakan one group pre-post test design, dengan teknik simple random sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian adalah lansia dengan hipertensi di Desa Kalianget Timur sebanyak 71 orang, sampel sebanyak 60 orang. Analisa data menggunakan uji statistik Wilcoxon. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum dilakukan jalan pagi sebagian besar (65%) tekanan darah sistole 140-159 mmHg dan tekanan darah diastole seluruhnya (100%) >100 mmHg. Kemudian sesudah dilakukan jalan pagi tekanan darah menurun, sebagian besar (55%) tekanan darah sistole 140-159 mmHg dan hampir seluruhnya (88,3%) tekanan darah diastole >100 mmHg. Hasil analisa data diperoleh p= 0,000

    Synthesis and Performances Test of Cellulose Acetate Membrane From Nata De Coco as Microfiltration Membrane to Reduce Turbidity in Artificial Water

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    In advanced water treatment applications, microfiltration membrane has been used to reduce turbidity, suspended solids, and bacteria. This research was aimed to know performances of cellulose acetate microfiltration membrane synthesized from Nata de coco to reduce turbidity in artificial water. Cellulose Acetate (CA) was obtained from acetylation for 20 hours and hydrolysis for 6 hours. Cellulose acetate obtained content 44.56 % acetyl. Cellulose acetate membrane was obtained by dissolving cellulose acetate in dichloromethane with 10% (w/v) of cellulose acetate concentration through immersed precipitation technique. Morphology imaging by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) method showed that the membrane was porous with pore sizes range from 3.45 μm to 10.60 μm, 6.48 μm average pore sizes, 121.05 μm membrane thickness, and asymmetric structured. Cross flow testing unit was used for flux and rejection of pure water and artificial water with various turbidity of 15, 40, and 55 NTU and operating pressure variation were 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 atm. Best performances of flux was 214.9682 L.hr-1.m-2 in 15 NTU of feed concentration with operating pressure was 1.5 atm. Rejection was vary 92 - 98 % with higher rejection was 98.182 % in 55 NTU of feed concentration with operating pressure was 1.5 atm. Cellulose acetate membrane yielded from Nata de coco were considered to be microfiltration membrane categories and showed good performances to drinking water processing

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Media Dan Konsentrasi Iodium Pada Dua Jenis Garam (Nacl Dan Kcl) Terhadap Kadar Iodium Dan Kualitas Sensoris Telur Asin

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh kombinasi jenis media dan konsentrasi iodium dalam garam NaCl/KClterhadap total iodium dan kualitas sensoris telur asin. Hasil pengujian kadar iodium dan uji sensoris dianalisis menggunakan oneway ANOVA. Jika terdapat perbedaan maka dilanjutkan dengan uji beda nyata Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) pada tingkatsignifikansi 95% (α = 5%). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis media yaitu abu gosok dan bata merah dan konsentrasiiodium dalam garam NaCl dan garam KCl berpengaruh terhadap total iodium telur asin. Nilai total iodium telur asin dengan mediaabu gosok pada berbagai konsentrasi lebih tinggi daripada telur asin yang menggunakan bata merah. Penetrasi iodium tertinggidengan penggunaan garam NaCl maupun garam KCl terdapat pada telur dengan media abu gosok dan konsentrasi KIO3 sebesar 75ppm. Penambahan konsentrasi iodium dalam garam tidak berpengaruh pada penampakan, aroma, rasa, tekstur, dan overall telurasin. Telur asin dengan penambahan garam NaCl dan KCl disukai panelis pada tingkat kesukaan yang sama dengan telur asinkontrol