11 research outputs found

    A Proposal of the Fingerprint Optimization Method for the Fingerprint-Based Indoor Localization System with IEEE 802.15.4 Devices

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    Nowadays, human indoor localization services inside buildings or on underground streets are in strong demand for various location-based services. Since conventional GPS cannot be used, indoor localization systems using wireless technologies have been extensively studied. Previously, we studied a fingerprint-based indoor localization system using IEEE802.15.4 devices, called FILS15.4, to allow use of inexpensive, tiny, and long-life transmitters. However, due to the narrow channel band and the low transmission power, the link quality indicator (LOI) used for fingerprints easily fluctuates by human movements and other uncontrollable factors. To improve the localization accuracy, FILS15.4 restricts the detection granularity to one room in the field, and adopts multiple fingerprints for one room, considering fluctuated signals, where their values must be properly adjusted. In this paper, we present a fingerprint optimization method for finding the proper fingerprint parameters in FILS15.4 by extending the existing one. As the training phase using the measurement LQI, it iteratively changes fingerprint values to maximize the newly defined score function for the room detecting accuracy. Moreover, it automatically increases the number of fingerprints for a room if the accuracy is not sufficient. For evaluations, we applied the proposed method to the measured LQI data using the FILS15.4 testbed system in the no. 2 Engineering Building at Okayama University. The validation results show that it improves the average detection accuracy (at higher than 97%) by automatically increasing the number of fingerprints and optimizing the values

    Design and Implementation of SEMAR IoT Server Platform with Applications

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    Nowadays, rapid developments of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have increased possibilities of realizing smart cities where collaborations and integrations of various IoT application systems are essential. However, IoT application systems have often been designed and deployed independently without considering the standards of devices, logics, and data communications. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of the IoT server platform called Smart Environmental Monitoring and Analytical in Real-Time (SEMAR) for integrating IoT application systems using standards. SEMAR offers Big Data environments with built-in functions for data aggregations, synchronizations, and classifications with machine learning. Moreover, plug-in functions can be easily implemented. Data from devices for different sensors can be accepted directly and through network connections, which will be used in real-time for user interfaces, text files, and access to other systems through Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface (REST API) services. For evaluations of SEMAR, we implemented the platform and integrated five IoT application systems, namely, the air-conditioning guidance system, the fingerprint-based indoor localization system, the water quality monitoring system, the environment monitoring system, and the air quality monitoring system. When compared with existing research on IoT platforms, the proposed SEMAR IoT application server platform offers higher flexibility and interoperability with the functions for IoT device managements, data communications, decision making, synchronizations, and filters that can be easily integrated with external programs or IoT applications without changing the codes. The results confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposal

    Pengaruh Soft Handoff Terhadap Peningkatan Kapasitas Jaringan UMTS

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    Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) adalah produk dari teknologi selular generasi ketiga yang berasal dari evolusi GSM dengan menggunakan air interace Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). Standarisasi UMTS mengikuti European Telecommunication Standard Institution (ETSI) pada 2 Mbps dan 2 GHz dengan alokasi spektrum 230 MHz, dengan frekuensi downlink 1885-2025 Mhz dan 2110-2200 Mhz untuk uplink. Dalam system ini handoff merupakan bagian mendasar yang mendukung mobilitas user. Handoff bertujuan untuk menyediakan layanan mobile secara kontinyu kepada user yang bergerak hingga melampaui jangkauan suatu sel. Secara umum terdapat tiga jenis handoff yang dapat diterapkan dalam jaringan UMTS yaitu hard handoff, soft handoff dan softer handoff. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh soft handoff pada peningkatan jaringan UMTS. Analisisnya meliputi probabilitas blocking dan probabilitas dropcall karena handoff failure. Setiap analisis untuk soft handoff dibandingkan dengan hard handoff untuk mengetahui peningkatan yang terjadi. Dalam perhitungan digunakan software Matlab7 untuk membantu proses analisis. Saat menerapkan soft handoff peningkatan kapasitas sebesar 9,77%, level penerimaan daya minimum 6,78% lebih kecil dan dropcall probability menurun sebesar - 98% dibanding dengan saat hard handoff. Dengan demikian soft handoff dapat memberikan pengaruh yang lebih baik untuk performa jaringan UMTS. Kata Kunci— Soft handoff, hard handoff, kapasitas, bloking call, dan dropcal

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    46 hlm. ; ilus.: 23 c

    Analisa launching McCafe dalam upaya repositioning restoran McDonald's cabang Basuki Rakhmat Surabaya dari restoran keluarga ke restoran kawula muda

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    McDonald?s sebagai salah satu waralaba di Indonesia harus dapat mempertahankan posisinya dalam pasar mengingat persaingan yang sangat ketat. Sebagai restoran siap saji, McDonald's dengan memposisikan dirinya sebagai restoran keluarga dianggap terlalu umum. Oleh karena itu, McDonald?s Cabang Basuki Rachmat melakukan repositioning. Dengan rekomendasi Head Office Jakarta, McDonald's cabang Basuki Rakhmat Surabaya merubah target pasarnya dari restoran keluarga menjadi restoran kawula muda. Usaha repositioning McDonald's cabang Basuki Rakhmat Surabaya ini juga didukung oleh lokasi yang strategis karena McDonald's cabang Basuki Rakhmat Surabaya terletak di pusat kota Surabaya dan tempat strategis tersebut sering dijadikan tempat berkumpul kawula muda terutama oleh club-club mobil atau motor para kawula muda. Dengan menggunakan alat analisa The Five Forces of Competitor, Seven Subhash Criteria, Matriks General Electric serta analisa SWOT terhadap Price, Product, Place and Promotion McDonald's cabang Basuki Rakhmat Surabaya dapat diketahui bahwa strategi repositioning berada di Kuadran I yaitu strategi agresif yang menunjukkan bahwa McDonald's cabang Basuki Rakhmat Surabaya memiliki kekuatan yang besar dan peluang bisnis yang besar pula dan layak untuk dilakukan formulasi strategi pemasaran melalui McCafe

    Wireless body area network's application for motion detection based on Android smartwatch

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    Short-range, wireless communications in the vicinity of, or inside, a human body (but not limited to humans) are specified in this standard. It uses existing industrial scientific medical (ISM) bands as well as frequency bands approved by national medical and/or regulatory authorities. These sensors provide accurate and reliable information about the situation or activity occurring at any time. This high responsiveness of these sensors has made lives easy and safe. This article will perform an investigation on the WBAN's application for motion detection based on android smartwatch. The main problem is how to the sensors that attached on the human body can send of data via Bluetooth and read the motion and orientation of the body and display in the graph form. However, if the sensors do not match, the result of output display inappropriate. This article proposed method by using accelerometer and gyroscope sensors which are integrated with smartwatch to overcome the main problem. This application will display results in the form of numeric values and then convert in graph form. These results have proven that WBAN's application for motion sensing can be used for detection of motion and orientation via Bluetooth based on android smartwatch

    Three Diverse Applications of General-Purpose Parameter Optimization Algorithm

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    Parameters often take key roles in determining the accuracy of algorithms, logics, and models for practical applications. Previously, we have proposed a general-purpose parameter optimization algorithm, and studied its applications in various practical problems. This algorithm optimizes the parameter values by repeating small changes of them based on a local search method with hill-climbing capabilities. In this paper, we present three diverse applications of this algorithm to show the versatility and effectiveness. The first application is the fingerprint-based indoor localization system using IEEE802.15.4 devices called FILS15.4 that can detect the location of a user in an indoor environment. It is shown that the number of fingerprints for each detection point, the fingerprint values, and the detection interval are optimized together, and the average detection accuracy exceeds 99%. The second application is the human face contour approximation model that is described by a combination of half circles, line segments, and a quadratic curve. It is shown that the simple functions can well approximate the face contour of various persons by optimizing the center coordinates, radii, and coefficients. The third application is the computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation to estimate temperature changes in a room. It is shown that the thermal conductivity is optimized to make the average temperature difference between the estimated and measured 0.22∘C