34 research outputs found

    Approximate Equilibria for Bayesian Multi-Criteria Games

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    AMS Classification: 91A10non-cooperative games;Bayesian multi-criteria equilibria

    Share Opportunity Sets and Cooperative Games

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    In many share problems there is a priori given a natural set of possible divisions to solve the sharing problem.Cooperative games related to such share sets are introduced, which may be helpful in solving share problems.Relations between properties of share sets and properties of games are investigated.The average lexicographic value for share sets and for cooperative games is studied.cooperative games;bankruptcy games;average lexicographic value;opportunity sets

    Share Opportunity Sets and Cooperative Games

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    In many share problems there is a priori given a natural set of possible divisions to solve the sharing problem.Cooperative games related to such share sets are introduced, which may be helpful in solving share problems.Relations between properties of share sets and properties of games are investigated.The average lexicographic value for share sets and for cooperative games is studied.

    \u201cApproximate solutions and Tihkonov Well Posedness for Nash Equilibria\u201d

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    In this paper some generalizations of Tihkonov well posedness are studied. For some well posed problems of Nash equilibria, a property of ordinatility is consided

    \u201cWell Posedness and Optimization Problems\u201d

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    In this paper the property of Tihkonov well-posedness is analyzed in relation with other well posedness properties

    Banzhaf like value for games with interval uncertainty

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    This paper focuses on the Banzahf value for cooperative games with a finite set of players where the coalition values are compact intervals of the real numbers. We generalize the Banzhaf value for TU-cooperative games to the class of games with interval uncertainty which have many applications. Furthermore the Banzahf like value is here characterized through some axiom

    Environmental Models and Partial Cooperative Games

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    In this contribution, I study environmental models through mathematical games. I consider a game with n players but only some of them wish to cooperate to arrive at a common goal, for example, the reduction of pollution. I introduce a new model of partial cooperative game and consequently of partial cooperative equilibrium

    \u2018\u2019 Evoluzione, comportamento animale e Teoria Matematica dei Giochi\u2019\u2019

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    In questo contributo introduco le nozioni fondamentali della Teoria Matematica dei Giochi e studio i giochi evolutivi e la nozione di equilibrio evolutivamente stabile. Descrivo anche come alcuni comportamenti animali che ci appaiono paradossali, possono trovare una spiegazione razionale nella Teoria Matematica dei Giochi

    Well Posedness for Non-Cooperative Games and Ordinality

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    In this paper we study well posedness property for Nash equilibria and we consider an ordinal approach for Nash equilibria well posed