89 research outputs found


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    Proses mengupas kacang tanah masih menggunakan tenaga manusia. Inovasi dalam pembuatan alat untuk memudahkan petani kacang dalam mengupas kulit kacang lebih cepat. Solusi untuk masalah ini adalah dengan menggunakan metode mekanis. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka dibuatlah mesin pengupas kacang tanah yang dilengkapi dengan sistem Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) dan sensor tegangan dan arus pada mesin yang bertujuan untuk menghemat energi listrik PLN dan mempersingkat waktu pengupasan. Nilai tegangan dan arus ditampilkan melalui layar LCD. Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan 2 sumber listrik yaitu PLN dan panel surya 830WP sebagai sumber energi untuk mensuplai tegangan ke inverter 2000 Watt untuk menghidupkan motor AC 1 Phase 0,25 HP dengan daya 200Watt dan kapasitas baterai 100Ah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah sistem kupas kacang tanah dalam satu harapan mampu mengupas ± 300gram kulit kacang tanah dalam 323 detik, 400 gram kacang tanah dalam 345 detik dan 450 gram kacang tanah dapat dikupas rata-rata 364 deti


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    Biogas is alternative energy produced from the anaerobic activity process of methane bacteria obtained by fermentation. Anaerobic activation is a sequence of microorganism processes breaking down biodegradable  materials without oxygen. Biogas is mostly produced from cow dung and tofu industry waste that has the potential to contain methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). To reduce the content of (CO2) and (H2S) and to increase the element of methane gas, the purification process is needed to do. Purification can be carried out by absorption techniques using water, NaOH solution, and zeolite/silica gel. The purpose of this study is to examine the methane gas content of variations in the composition of cow dung and tofu liquid waste and the fermentation time. The method used was an experiment by varying the composition of cow dung and tofu liquid waste by 40%: 60%; 50%: 50%; and 60%: 40%, as well as variations in the fermentation time of120, 168 and 216 hours of fermentation. The results showed that the highest methane gas content in the composition of a mixture of cow dung and tofu liquid waste was 50:50 in 168 hours of fermentation which was equal to 2.806%. The content of methane gas was influenced by the fermentation time, the pH conditions in the digester, and the intensity of stirring the biogas material in the digester


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    Panel surya adalah salah satu opsi energi alternatif yang ramah lingkungan dan memiliki potensi yang tak terbatas secara signifikan. Tetapi perlu perawatan dan pendinginan yang sesuai untuk memaksimalkan kinerja. Studi sebelumnya sudah mengenali batasan-batasan seperti penumpukan debu dan kotoran, serta pemanasan berlebih yang bisa mengurangi efisiensi kinerja panel surya. Sejumlah penelitian telah berupaya mengatasi isu tersebut melalui penerapan sistem pendinginan otomatis yang mengandalkan mikrokontroler. Hasil penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan bahwa implementasi sistem pendingin telah berhasil mengurangi suhu rata-rata permukaan panel surya, yang pada gilirannya meningkatkan daya dan efisiensi keseluruhan sistem. Namun, sebagian besar sistem ini menggunakan layar LCD untuk pemantauan. Dalam rangka mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan sistem pendinginan dan membersihkan panel surya dengan menggunakan wiper yang dapat diatur sesuai dengan jadwal waktu tertentu. Selain itu, sistem ini juga memiliki kemampuan dapat dipantau dan dikontrol melalui aplikasi mobile berupa user interface yaitu blynk sehingga memudahkan pengguna dalam memantau dan mengontrol pengoperasian panel surya. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan nilai tegangan rata-rata sebesar 21,34 V dalam kondisi normal, 21,27 V dalam kondisi berdebu, dan 21,91 V dalam kondisi dibersihkan. Dan terdapat nilai suhu rata-rata sebesar 46,2 °C pada kondisi normal, suhu 45,74 °C pada kondisi berdebu, serta suhu 39.34 °C dalam keadaan dibersihkan. Berdasarkan informasi tersebut, setelah dilakukan pembersihan, tegangan akan meningkat dan suhu akan menurun dibandingkan kondisi normal atau berdebu

    Optimalisasi Labview Sebagai Kendali dan Monitoring Arus Tegangan pada Modul Solar Cell Menggunakan Jaringan Lokal

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    Renewable energy sources in Indonesia have been widely used, one of which is solar energy, for various needs, one of which is for solar power generation by using solar cells as the medium. In generating electricity, solar cells are very dependent on the intensity of the sun so as to produce currents and voltages that are not constant. Because of this, a monitoring system was created to monitor the current and voltage in a solar cell module to determine current and voltage conditions. In this study, the monitoring system used wireless data transmission via the XBee S2C module installed on the Arduino Mega 2560 and Arduino UNO. The INA 219 sensor is mounted on a solar cell module along with a relay module connected to the Arduino Mega 2560 and the XBee S2C module. The test results show that wireless data transmission cannot be used indoors at a distance of more than 20 meters. The INA 219 sensor as a reader for DC current and voltage parameters has an error rate of 0.49% to 0.75% for voltage and for DC current readings it has an error rate of 1.85%. The results of current and voltage readings are displayed on a LabVIEW interface in real-time and can be accessed via a web browser using a local network. Relay control carried out through LabVIEW has a delay time of 6.08 seconds. Logging data can be stored in .xls files and data displayed on a web browser has a delay of one to two seconds

    Unjuk Kerja Pengembangan Prototype Alat Pengering Padi Metode Thin Layer

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    Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for 2019, Cilacap Regency has an area of ​​14,000 hectares of rice farming land with a potential for harvesting up to 920,000 tons of rice, then the Binangun District area has 66.5 hectares of rice farming land with a potential of harvesting up to 32,000 tons of rice. Turning paddy into rice requires many processes, one of which is drying rice. Traditional rice drying takes a relatively long time, has an uneven moisture content, and is under an unstable temperature therefore it is necessary to develop a thin-layer method for drying rice. This study used the Rex C100 Thermocontrol as a drying temperature controller, used an Arduino Uno equipped with a BTS 7960 driver to adjust the stirring speed, and a YL-69 sensor to read the rice moisture content. Tests in this study were carried out using Inpari-32 rice with a mass of 2 Kg and a drying temperature of 50-80oC. The result of this study was that the relationship between temperature and time in drying was inversely proportional. The rice drying process uses the highest drying power of 654.5 watts while the lowest power is 467.5 watts. The lowest overall energy use was 2.05 x106 J and the highest energy was 2.60 x106 J. The highest drying rate was 0.50%bk/minute. Effective drying uses a temperature of 80oC with a time of 30 minutes to reach the store-dry rice and 70 minutes to reach the dry milled rice category.Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for 2019, Cilacap Regency has an area of 14,000 hectares of rice farming land with a potential for harvesting up to 920,000 tons of rice, then the Binangun District area has 66.5 hectares of rice farming land with a potential of harvesting up to 32,000 tons of rice. Turning paddy into rice requires many processes, one of which is drying rice. Traditional rice drying takes a relatively long time, has an uneven moisture content, and is under an unstable temperature therefore it is necessary to develop a thin-layer method for drying rice. This study used the Rex C100 Thermocontrol as a drying temperature controller, used an Arduino Uno equipped with a BTS 7960 driver to adjust the stirring speed, and a YL-69 sensor to read the rice moisture content. Tests in this study were carried out using Inpari-32 rice with a mass of 2 Kg and a drying temperature of 50-80oC. The result of this study was that the relationship between temperature and time in drying was inversely proportional. The rice drying process uses the highest drying power of 654.5 watts while the lowest power is 467.5 watts. The lowest overall energy use was 2.05 x106 J and the highest energy was 2.60 x106 J. The highest drying rate was 0.50%bk/minute. Effective drying uses a temperature of 80oC with a time of 30 minutes to reach the store-dry rice and 70 minutes to reach the dry milled rice category

    Rancangan Alat Elektroplating dan Eksperimen Pelapisan Berbahan CuSO4 Terhadap Ketebalan Lapisan

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    The electroplating method has the aim of producing a surface that has characteristics by the coating metal. The coating process requires a device that can place the ions from the coating material (anode) into the coated metal (cathode) through an electro-deposition process. Parameters such as temperature affect the electroplating process and greatly determine the coating result. The purpose of this study was to design the electroplating device, as well as to test the coating process using CuSO4 anode. The research method was carried out with an experimental approach through the manufacture of electroplating tools and coating testing of time variations of 20, 26, 32, 38, and 44 minutes and temperatures of 60, 65, 70, 75, and 80 oC. The results of the electroplating device design consist of frame components, plating and rinsing tubs, electrical systems, and cathode hanger. The coating results obtained the highest layer thickness 2.890 ÎĽm at a temperature of 80 oC for 40 minutes

    Studi Perancangan Instalasi Penerangan dan Pengkondisi Suhu Ruangan Pada Gedung Bertingkat Las Mesin

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    Lighting is one of the most important requirements of a building. This is because inadequate lighting of a space can affect the health and comfort of activities in that space. In addition to less important lighting, room temperature adjustments, room temperature adjustments have a significant impact on comfort during activities in the room. This magazine describes the lighting and room temperature control design of the CilacapState Polytechnic Welder Shop. The method used in this study is a quantitative method. This method calculates the required lighting and room temperature control and compares it with the standards. 2 rooms increase the number of light points and 3 rooms change the type of lamp with a higher lumen. There are 8 rooms that are recommended to use air conditioners with SNI 91714189. According to the SNI, the number of air conditioners and the capacity of air conditioners adjusts to the size of the room. &nbsp

    Electronic Information Board Based on AVR Atmega128 for TEWS in Cilacap

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    Dissemination methods of tsunami Information in Cilacap uses voice and siren. There are some constraints on the methods, especially in social aspects for particular society. Utilization of electronic information board is one of alternative solutions that can be offered to the society in responding tsunami information or warning. In this paper, a wireless electronic information board is designed to display the tsunami disaster warning visually. In normal condition or when there is no disaster, the information board can be utilized to display the information about evacuation procedure. The proposed electronic information board is implemented in multicolor using three sets of LED dot matrix panel P10 which have 32 x 16 pixels resolution and is controlled using microcontroller. The result showed that this device was capable to show the tsunami information such as “Status Awas”, “Status Siaga”, “Status Waspada”, and “Evacuation Route”

    Rancang Bangun Kwh Meter Digital Menggunakan Internet of Things

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    In general, the kWh meter is installed in a distribution substation that supplies electrical energy to the building. The weakness of ordinary kWh meters cannot provide real information on electricity consumption. Measuring and recording the use of electrical energy still requires human power. By utilizing an internet network based on the Internet of Things (IoT) concept, this research aims to design and manufacture a digital kWh meter to monitor and control the use of electrical energy in buildings in real-time on a website. Using the website and the MYSQL-PHPMyAdmin Database as data storage. The PZEM-004T sensor is used to measure the electrical energy used, then it is processed on the Wemos D1 Mini microcontroller. From the test results that have been carried out, the digital Kwh meter has succeeded in monitoring and controlling the use of electrical energy through the website in real-time. Percentage average error value: voltage: 0.44% - 0.49%, current: 0.36%, cos phi leading: 39%, cos phi lagging: 1%, power: 0.93% - 2.68%, kWh: 16.3%, frequency: 0 %


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    Untuk memisahkan dua atau lebih penghantar listrik yang bertegangan dalam sistem tenaga listrik dibutuhkan suatu isolasi, sehingga antara penghantar-penghantar yang bertegangan tidak terjadi lompatan listrik atau percikan. Minyak merupakan bahan isolasi yang banyak digunakan untuk mengisolasi dan mendinginkan peralatan listrik tegangan tinggi. Isolator minyak merupakan isolasi cair yang sebagian besar berasal dari minyak bumi atau minyak mentah yang diolah secara khusus sehingga mempunyai sifat-sifat sebagai isolator, tetapi perkembangan dunia sekarang ini menuntut suatu produk yang aman dan ramah lingkungan untuk mengurangi efek pemanasan global. Keadaan ini membuka peluang penggunaan bahan energi terbarukan yang berasal dari minyak nabati. Pengujian tegangan tembus bahan isolasi cair minyak jarak pada berbagai konfigurasi elektroda dengan menggunakan minyak trafo gulf sebagai pembanding, bertujuan untuk mempelajari kekuatan isolasi minyak jarak terhadap tegangan tembus, dengan variasi temperatur dan jarak sela. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa tegangan tembus dielektrik minyak jarak mempunyai nilai yang tinggi,sehingga memungkinkan untuk dikembangkan menjadi minyak isolasi trafo.To detach two or more conductors which have voltage in electrical power system, it is needed an insulation, then among conductors which have voltage do not occur electricity sputtering. Oil is an insulation material which muchused to insulate and refrigerate the high voltage electrical tools. Oil insulator is an liquid insulation which derived from petroleum or crude oil which specifically processed until having characteristics as an insulator, but nowdays theworld development demands for safe and eco-friendly products to decrease the effects of global warming. This condition opens the opportunity to use renewable energy which derived from vegeTabel oil. The breakdown voltagetest of curcas liquid oil insulation materials at various electrode using transformator gulf oil as comparator, it aims to study insulation power of curcas oil towards the breakdown voltage with various temperature and gap spacing. Basedon the result of the test, it shows that the breakdown voltage of curcas oil dielectric has the highest point, then it is possible to be developed being transformator insulation oil
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