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    Al-Munawar is one of the names of an Arab village in Palembang city, which is on the outskrirts of the river Musi precisely in the 13 Ulu area of Palembang. Al Munawar Arab village set by Department of Tourism and Culture of South Sumatera Province as one of the historical and religious tourism destination. History tells, the formation of the village begins from the commerce of Sriwijaya kingdom until period between the collapse of Sriwijaya kingdom and the emergence of Palembang Sultanate that is 1500-1700 M. In the beginning, the immigrants who are brokers are not allowed to live  in the land of Sriwijaya so they living on the outskirts and the moving to house above the Musi riverbanks, living in groups by maintaining the tradition of the origin culture. One such resident is Habib Hasan Al Munawar. Along with the existance of his descendants in the city of Palembang, causing Palembang has a culinary, how to serve and how to culinary different cuisines. The purpose of this study is :1. Identify culture and culinary of the descendants of Al Munawar in Palembang, 2. Identify the culinary linkages of the Al Munawar tribes in the village of Al Munawar Palembang, 3. Knowing of the role of Habib Hasan in the customs of Palembang people to eat culinary

    Diversification of Regional Specialty Products: Ladu As Typical Tourist Destinations in Batu City

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     Culinary businesses, especially regional snacks, are being optimized to boost tourist shopping in tourist destinations, one of which is the city of Batu. Batu City actually has typical snacks of the Gunungsari archipelago which are snacks and are known as Ladu. However, the production of Ladu snacks is currently starting to be limited, this is due to the lack of interest of tourists in buying this Ladu product. This research was conducted to find out how the right diversification strategy in increasing and adding variants of Ladu products in order to increase the purchasing power of tourists. The methodology in this study uses qualitative descriptive analysis through observation, interviews and documentation studies. The results of this study show that ladu snacks are produced and distributed by producers to second parties without paying attention to good packaging. The lack of knowledge and development in production makes Ladu snack products less varied both in terms of shape and toppings. This can be seen from the small availability of ladu snacks in several souvenir shops typical of Batu.             The strategy needed to diversify snacks is to use a horizontal concentric type, which is an effort to increase product diversity to increase profitability and achieve higher sales volumes than existing products. Various variants of ladu snacks produced have a sweet and salty taste with chocolate toppings, and cheese. Diversification Strategy is an alternative choice in producing variants of snack products that are of interest to visitors. Thus the visitors will have more choices in determining the choice of taste of ladu snacks


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    Gandrung is a social intercourse dance in Banyuwangi regency. At the beginning, gandrung as Blambangan citizenry�s struggle media to fight the authority which want to crush them.Gandrung performance/platform always be a mak of Blambangan warrior to propagate the regent�s message, struggle spirit, and gathering for the logistic materials. On the further development, while the social formation was starting over new along with opening the plantation area at some districts in Banyuwangi, gandrung is adapting to that dynamics. The society compotition which lean more heterogeneous and complex, make gandrung changes their show determinate from entertainment dance to the social intercourse dance. Moreover, Javanese and Balinese songs also use in gandrung�s performance. In this condition, gandrung have more role as an entertaintment media than the struggle. Using ethnic is ethnic which trusted as Banyuwangi indigene ethnic, generation of blambangan also. Existence of this ethnic in historical record is negative label identicaly as wriggle nation, fighter for everything, indeed the black magic shaman stigma, till now. Moreover for Javanese culture opinion says that Using is the javanese subculture. Perceive the judgment, Using collective say their disagreement loudly, and declare that Using culture is independent culture, and different with Javanese culture. Those things make Using collective feel be a marginal ethnic who have to struggle their existence and strengthen their identity more and more. On 2000-2005, Using ethnic had gotten their resurrection momentum when Samsul Hadi choosed as Banyuwangi�s regent. He is a native Using ethnic. Using�s resurrection be more visible when Samsul Hadi gave JenggiratTangi wisdom that Using-sentris nuance. So many directions judge the programme as a political identity run by Samsul Hadi. A political wisdom can be influence in economic development, we have the effect. Likewise JenggiratTangi can be influence the tourism sector also. One of Jenggirat Tangi plans programe is making Gandrung as a tourism mascot. This plan implicate to the gandrung academical foundation, and gandrung statues building. Finally, the social life dynamics interrelated to legalize of Jenggirat Tangi program and gandrung as a tourism mascot policy, will be influence to the gandrung dancer as a subject. Here, gandrung as a subject do their politics of representation effort. In this situation, gandrung distinguish by two kinds of its. They are: gandrung terob and gandrung festival