11 research outputs found

    Perkembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan Di Provinsi Lampung (Progress of Community Forest in Lampung Province)

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    Community Forest (HKm) in Lampung Province has to be 14 years of age with its dynamics on implementation. Studies on HKm progres is needed. The study aimed is to know progress of HKm especially distribution, problem and expectation condition. The study was conducted in September to December 2014 in Lampung Province. Data was collected using open ended and semi-structured questionnaire interview and direct observation. Information of HKm distribution obtained through survey and identification of districts in Lampung Province. Problem faced and expectation condition on implementation of HKm were collected through interview with farmer groups and national, provincial or district forestry offices and meeting/socialization about HKm. Data was analyzed using a fishbone diagram and descriptive. The results showed that HKm is a solution on problem of forest management conflict, community around the forest have very high dependence upon the forest, its caused forest conversion in Lampung Province. HKm (licence issues for community forest/IUPHKm, determination of community forest working area/PAK) in Lampung Province distributed on 9 of 15 districts. The main problems on HKm implementation was limited of budget support.. HKm is not a priority program so coaching and mentoring are not maximum. Development of farmer groups, land, and entrepreneurship are keys for increase of local welfare and to maintain the wholeness of forest and their functions

    Peranan Petani Terhadap Strategi Pembangunan Hutan Rakyat Di Bagian Hulu Sub DAS Logawa Di Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah (Roles of Farmers on Development Strategies of Community Forests at Upstream Areas of Logawa Sub River Stream Regions in Banyumas)

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    Strategy approach in the development of community forests as portion for land utilization is mostly relevant in connection with quicker degradation and deforestation of natural resources at the Logawa Sub River Drainage Area Stream Regionsin Banyumas Regency in Central Java. Aims of the research were to exploite potency and problem community forestsfrom the environmental, social and economic aspects, and to formulate strategies to develop community forests to sustain management at the upstream areas of the Logawa Sub River Stream Regions. It used survey method and a descriptive analysis, i.e. a research method focusing on attention at problem solving occurring in current period, whereas the problem solved was the factual problem. Through RPA activities and by using FGD method and continued by using AHP. Testresultsof the preparation of the hierarchy with the highest weighting orscalingconsistencycriteria ofinterestto theassessorsaidconsistentlyshowsthatsocialcriteria; sub-criteriatoincreaseparticipation; alternativeto thepricefactoristhehighestpriorityis most important tonote. Results of the formulation become a grand strategy that is implemented in a great agenda or become a directed program, so it will give optimal benefits for the society by environmental, economical, and socialapproaches. The strategic formulation directed for development of small holder forests at the Logawa Sub River Stream Regions is by strengthening farmer groups of the small holder forests, through models of counseling, extension, training, and collaboration to enhance farmers' capabilities until being self service, so they have capability to eliminate obstacles happened serially step by step and to be completed starting from the most important thing, particularly how to achieve bargaining position either obtained from qualified wood or non-wood product, easiness to get capital and market access by staying to keep environmental everlasting

    Optimum Rotation for Harvesting of Cajuput Leave at KPH YOGYAKARTA

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    The productivity of cajuput plantation has improved through tree breeding, while manipulation of site and management engineering of timber plantations have been less attention. Management engineering can be obtained by determining the optimum cycle of cajuput leaves harvesting. This study aims to determine the optimum cycling of cajuput leaves harvesting at KPH Yogyakarta by considering the biological cycles of cajuput leaves, chemical physical properties, and the yield of cajuput oil. The tools used in the research were digital scales, distillation devices, and testing tools of physical-chemical properties of cajuput oil. The material for research was the cajuput plants at KPH Yogyakarta. Data of cajuput leave-twig biomass were obtained for 9 months from 9 plots which were well distributed on various ages. Biological cycle analysis uses curent monthly increment (CMI) and mean monthly increment (MMI) intersection approach. Analysis of the physical-chemical properties on cajuput oil refers to SNI 3954:2014 on cajuput oil. The results showed that the biological cycles of cajuput leaves were obtained 5 months after leaves harvesting. The chemical physical properties of cajuput oil that meet the requirements of SNI were achieved after the leaves are 7 months after harvested. The yield of cajuput oil which is above 0.7% was obtained after the leaves are 8 months after harvested. Thus, the optimum cycle for harvesting of cajuput leaves in KPH Yogyakarta is after 8 months

    Analisis Stakeholder Pengelolaan Taman Nasional Bantimurung Bulusaraung, Propvinsi Sulawesi Selatan (Stakeholder Analysis of Bantimurung Bulusaraung National Park Management, South Sulawesi Province)

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    Stakeholders involved in management of the Babul National Park have diverse interest and power that must be managed well in achieving Babul National Park management objectives. This study aims to identify the stakeholders in Babul National Park management, an explanation of the intersest and power of each stakeholder, and the role of stakeholders in accommodating the interests of communities around Babul National Park. The research was conducted in Maros Regency in Babul National Park, South Sulawesi Province. Data collected through observation and interviews to a number key informants. Data were analyzed with qualitative descriptive analysis. The results showed that primary stakeholders in the Babul National Park management consist of Babul National Park Agency, Communities around National Park, PDAM Maros, Tourism Office, water management institutions in the village. While the secondary stakeholders consist of the Forestry and Plantation Office, Agriculture Office, village and district government, Information and Food Security Agency, the National Land Agency, PNPM Mandiri, local NGOs, universities and research institutions. The existence of these stakeholders can provide positive and negative effects of Babul National Park. The role that can be done of stakeholders in accommodating the interests of society can be a control function, physical assistance, technical assistance, and research support. Collaborative management can be an alternative management model in accommodating the diverse interests of stakeholders

    Allometric Model to Estimate Biomass and Carbon of Seedling in Pangarengan Mangrove Forest, Cirebon, West Java

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    The mangrove ecosystem in Pangarengan Village, Cirebon District, provides benefits for environmental services, including as carbon sinks and stores. In estimating the carbon storage of mangrove forests, in general, allometric equations are used. Unfortunately, the allometric equations currently available are still composed of the stages of growth of saplings, poles, and trees. Thus, the purpose of this study was to develop an allometric model for seedlings in mangrove forests. The research was conducted in June 2021 in the mangrove forest of Pangarengan Village, Cirebon District. The equipment that used in the study were calipers, measuring tape, digital scales, and crop shears. Research materials were mangrove seedlings of Rhizophora mucronata, Avicennia marina, and Sonneratia caseolaris. The best allometric model in estimating dried weight biomass with base diameter predictor is Y = 35,013 Dp1,860 (R2adj = 0,873; SEE = 0,472) using tip diameter predictor is Y = 249.573 Du2,276 (R2adj = 0,524; SEE = 0,710). While the allometrics for estimating the carbon content of seedlings were Y = 5,835 Dp1,804 (R2adj = 0,831; SEE = 0,528) and Y = 35,750 Du2,107 (R2adj = 0,607; SEE = 0,805). Thus, the power allometric model with base diameter predictor was quite good in estimating dried weight biomass and seedling carbon content in the mangrove forest of Pangarengan Village