83 research outputs found

    The Polylith Software Bus

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    We describe a system called POLYLITH that helps programmers prepare and interconnect mixedlanguage software components for execution in heterogeneous environments. POLYLITH'S principal benefit is that programmers are free to implement functional requirements separately from their treatment of interfacing requirements; this means that once an application has been developed for use in one execution environment (such as a distributed network) it can be adapted for reuse in other environments (such as a share d-memory multiprocessor) by automatic techniques. This flexibility is provided without loss of performance. We accomplish this by creating a new run-time organization for software. An abstract decoupling agent, called the software toolbus, is introduced between the system components. Heterogeneity in language and architecture is accommodated since program units are prepared to interface directly to the toolbus, not to other program units. Programmers specify application structure in terms of a module interconnection language (MIL); POLYLITH uses this specification to guide packaging (static interfacing acti vities such as stub generation, source program adaptation, compilation and linking). At run time, an implementation of the toolbus abstraction may assist in message delivery, name service or system reconfiguration. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-90-65

    Detecting runtime anomalies in AJAX applications through trace analysis

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    AJAX applications are prone to security vulnerabilities due to the ease of inadvertently entrusting the client with security-critical logic. We characterize exploits of such vulnerabilities as violations of a protocol implicitly defined in the client-side code, and we introduce a method to detect and prevent these protocol violations in middleware, without having to modify the original application. We accomplish this by instrumenting the client code to send fragments of execution traces to the server, allowing the server to efficiently prove that the incoming message complies with the protocol. By combining replay execution and constraint solving, our method exploits the componentized structure of applications to minimize the server computing power and network bandwidth required to monitor them. A prototype running on the Google Web Toolkit platform demonstrates our method

    Metrics-based investigation of distributed intrusion detection and attack surface reduction

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    Two distinct but related projects --- titled "Improved product assurance through automatic trace generation and analysis" and "Improved cyber security via decentralized intrusion detection and dynamic reconfiguration" respectively --- have been under way in this laboratory, both with support from Office of Naval Research, which the authors gratefully acknowledge. The purpose of this report is to frame the even broader goal we envision, which is ultimately to understand how to not just measure properties of a running system which characterize its susceptibility to vulnerabilities in the eyes of potential intruders, but also to dynamically adjust the running system so as to either reduce or remove those vulnerabilities. What is of greatest concern in a running system is not the vulnerabilities we already know about --- after all, they would likely have been repaired at the point of discovery --- but rather the vulnerability that only an intruder understands. Our hypothesis is that static analysis together with measurements at run time may telegraph suggestions for dynamic reconfiguration which might repel an intruder, without loss of service by the system, long enough for operators to identify and understand whatever might have been the specific defect that had been probed. The present report updates our statement of the long term research goals and presents our status on the two projects under way

    Parallel I/O Using a Distributed Disk Cluster: An Exercise in Tailored Prototyping

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    Tailored prototyping refers to an emerging process for prototyping software applications, emphasizing a disciplined experimental approach in order for developers to obtain an understanding of system characteristics before committing to costly design decisions. In our approach, the design of software constituting prototype apparatus is driven by experimental hypotheses concerning risk, rather than an application's functional requirements. This paper describes the principles behind tailored prototyping, then illustrates them in concrete terms by describing their application in a pilot project. The pilot used in our illustration is a parallel I/O service --- a mechanism designed to deliver pages, in parallel, from a cluster of distributed disks. The performance results show that this parallel I/O system can, in certain circumstances, deliver higher page throughput from multiple remote disks, than with a single local disk. The pilot project exemplifies our prototyping method which is applicable to a wide variety software prototyping activities. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-95-18

    Reconfiguration of Hierarchical Tuple-Spaces: Experiments with Linda-Polylith

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    A hierarchical tuple-space model is proposed for dealing with issues of complexity faced by programmers who build and manage programs in distributed networks. We present our research on a Linda-style approach to both configuration and reconfiguration. After presenting the model used in our work, we describe an experimental implementation of a programming system based upon the model. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-93-100

    Load Balancing for Parallel Loops in Workstation Clusters

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    Load imbalance is a serious impediment to achieving good performance in parallel processing. Global load balancing schemes are not adequately manage to balance parallel tasks generated from a single application. Dynamic loop scheduling methods are known to be useful in balancing parallel loops on shared-memory multiprocessor machines. However, their centralized nature causes a bottleneck for the relatively small number of processors in workstation clusters because of order-of-magnitude differences in communications overheads. Moreover, improvements of basic loop scheduling methods have not dealt effectively with irregularly distributed workloads in parallel loops, which commonly occur in applications for workstation clusters. In this paper, we present a new decentralized balancing method for parallel loops on workstation clusters. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-6

    A Tool for Statistical Detection of Faults in Internet Protocol Networks

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    While the number and variety of hazards to computer security have increased at an alarming rate, the proliferation of tools to combat this threat has not grown proportionally. Similarly, most tools currently rely on human intervention to recognize and diagnose new threats. We propose a general framework for identifying hazardous computer transactions by analyzing key metrics in network transactions. While a thorough determination of the particular traits to track would be a product of the research, we hypothesize that some or all of the following variables would yield high correlations with certain undesirable network transactions: Source Address Destination Address/Port Packet Size (overall, header, payload) Packet Rate (overall, Source, Destination, Source/Destination) Transaction Frequency (per Address) By examining statistical correlations between these variables we hope to be able to distinguish - and normalize for changes over time - a healthy network from one that is being attacked or performing an attack. Central to this research is that the class information we are analyzing is available without intervention on the participants of the network transactions, and, in reality, can be performed without their knowledge. This characteristic has the potential to allow Internet service providers or corporations the ability to identify threats without large-scale deployment of some kind of intrusion detection mechanism on each system. Furthermore combining the ability to identify existence and source of a network threat with common network hardware automatic configuration abilities allows for rapid reaction to attacks by shutting down connectivity to the originators of the exploit. This paper will detail the design of a set of tools - dubbed Culebra - capable of remotely diagnosing troubled networks. We will then simulate an attack on a network to gauge the effectiveness Culebra. Ultimately, the type of data gathered by these tools can be used to develop a database of attack patterns, which, in turn, could be used to proactively prevent assaults on networks from remote locations. UMIACS-TR-2002-7

    A Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration of Distributed Programs

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    Current techniques for a software engineer to change a computer program are limited to static activities once the application begins executing, there are few reliable ways to reconfigure it. We have developed a general framework for reconfigurating application software dynamically. A sound method for managing changes in a running program allows developers to perform maintenance activities without loss of the overall system's service. The same methods also support some forms of load balancing in a distributed system, and research in software fault tolerance. Our goal has been to create an environment for organizing and effecting software reconfiguration activities dynamically. First we present the overall framework within which reconfiguration is possible, then we describe our formal approach for programmers to capture the state of a process abstractly. Next, we describe our implementation of this method within an environment for experimenting with program reconfiguration. We conclude with a summary of the key research problems that we are continuing to pursue in this area. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-93-78

    Software Engineering of Virtual Environments: Integration and Interconnection

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    Virtual Environments(VEs) are proving to be valuable resources in many fields, and they are even more useful when they involve multiple users in distributed environments. Many useful VEs were designed to be stand-alone applications, without consideration for integrating them into a distributed VE. Our approach to connecting VEs is to define an abstract model for the interconnection, use integration tools to do as much of the work automatically as possible, and use a run-time environment to support the interconnection. With our experiences to date, we are learning that certain classes of techniques are common to all solutions using this approach. We have summarized these in a set of requirements and are building a system that features these techniques as first class objects. In the future you will be able to solve these interconnection problems cheaply, plus engineers of future VEs will have some guidance on how they should organize their implementations so that interconnection with other VEs will be easier. In this paper we coin the phrase "software engineering of virtual environments" (SEVE) to describe the above activities. (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-96-89
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