120 research outputs found

    The Competence Readiness of the Electrical Engineering Vocational High School Teachers in Manado Towards the ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint in 2025

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    This paper presents the competence readiness of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado towards ASEAN Economic Community blueprint in 2025. The objective of this study is to get the competencies readiness description of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado towards ASEAN Economic Community blueprint in 2025. Method used quantitative and qualitative approach which the statistical analysis in quantitative and the inductive analysis used in qualitative. There were 46 teachers of the electrical engineering vocational high school in Manado observed. The results have shown that the competencies readiness of the electrical engineering vocational high school teachers in Manado such as: pedagogical, professional, personality, and social were 13.04%, 19.56%, 19.56%, and 19.56% respectively. The results were still far from the focus of the ASEAN economic community blueprint in 2025, so they need to be improved through in-house training, internship programs, school partnerships, distance learning, tiered training and special training, short courses in educational institutions, internal coaching by schools, discussion of educational issues, workshops, research and community service, textbook writing, learning media making, and the creation of technology and art

    Rekayasa Sistem Informasi Manajemen Inventaris Jurusan Teknik Industri Universitas Brawijaya

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    Inventaris barang merupakan salah satu alat penunjang suatu jurusan dalam menjalankan aktivitasnya, baik dalam akademik maupun non akademik, untuk meningkatkan pelayanan. Salah satu upaya peningkatan pelayanan yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan menambah jumlah inventaris yang dimiliki. Semakin banyaknya inventaris maka diperlukan juga manajemen inventaris yang tepat dengan menggunakan sistem basis data. Pengembangan sistem basis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Access untuk membantu perancangan database. Sebelum disimpan dalam database, data dan informasi mengenai inventaris akan dikelompokkan menggunakan menggunakan konsep Group Technology (GT) untuk mempermudah proses penyimpanan data. Data yang disimpan juga disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan user. Kebutuhan user dapat diperoleh dengan menggali informasi kepada karyawan recording dan kepala laboratorium dengan cara interview. Selain mendefinisikan kebutuhan user, dilakukan perancangan Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) dan Data Flow Diagram (DFD) untuk memahami sistem yang ada. Untuk menganalisis sistem yang ada, dilakukan analisis berdasarkan Performance, Information, Economy, Control, Efficiency dan Service (PIECES). Dengan mengetahui kelemahan sistem yang ada dan kebutuhan user maka dapat dirancang prototype manajemen inventaris jurusan teknik industri dengan menggunakan Microsoft Access. Berdasarkan hasil uji validasi, uji verifikasi dan uji prototipe, kelemahan sistem yang ada dapat diperbaiki dan kebutuhan user dapat terpenuhi. Untuk mengetahui kelemahan sistem, dapat dilakukan dengan analisis PIECES terhadap sistem yang lama dan sistem yang baru. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui bahwa kebutuhan user sudah terpenuhi dapat dilakukan dengan menyesuaikan kebutuhan user dengan prototype melalui uji validasi dan uji verifikasi

    Chronic Diarrhea Caused by Amebic Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    The diagnosis of intestinal amebiasis is easily established based on colonoscopy, i.e. there is a specific characteristic of ulcer/lesion “discrete flask-shape ulcer” with normal mucosa among the ulcers. However, most patients with amebic colitis have non-specific clinical manifestations and their colonoscopy findings are hardly distinguished from inflammatory bowel disease. In the present case, the patient had a chief complaint of chronic bleeding diarrhea and abdominal pain. The fecal analysis found trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica. Serology test (sero-amebic) revealed negative result. The colonoscopy examination reveals hyperemic mucosa, edema, and multiple ulcers with various sizes covered with fragile and easily bleed debris, from the rectum to ascending colon, rigid colon, narrowing lumen and tumor/mass appearance on ascending colon. The differential diagnosis was severe amebic colitis and inflammatory bowel disease. Based on the colonoscopy biopsy, we found an active chronic colitis along with dysplasia. The patient received management and treatment of severe amebic colitis and inflammatory bowel disease

    Kinetika Fotodegradasi Klorofil, Tokoferol, dan Karotenoid dalam Minyak Sawit Merah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji laju fotodegradasi klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten dalam minyak sawit merah (MSM) selama penyimpanan dalam kondisi terpapar cahaya fluoresen pada intensitas 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi dikaji dengan mengukur Perubahan kadar klorofil, tokoferol, dan karoten MSM pada botol transparan yang disimpan dalam kotak inkubator (31,60±0,69 oC) dengan intensitas cahaya dipertahankan konstan. Sebagai pembanding, MSM murni dalam botol gelap dan transparan disimpan pada suhu (31,46±1,04 °C) dan pencahayaan normal laboratorium (476,25-484,89 lux). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klorofil mengalami fotodegradasi mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama dalam dua periode; yaitu periode fotodegradasi cepat selama penyimpanan 6 jam pertama dengan nilai konstanta laju (k) 3,81x10-2, 4,45x10-2, 5,64x10-2 hari-1, diikuti periode fotodegradasi lambat pada penyimpanan yang lebih lama dengan nilai k 1,41x10-2, 3,01x10-2, 4,59x10-2 hari-1 masing-masing pada intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Fotodegradasi tokoferol dan karoten juga mengikuti model reaksi ordo pertama. Fotodegradasi tokoferol berlangsung dengan laju paling tinggi (nilai k 9,10x10-2, 12,02x10-2, 17,33x10-2 hari-1), sedangkan fotodegradasi karoten berlangsung dengan laju paling rendah (nilai k 0,80x10-2, 1,40x10-2, 1, 98x10-2 hari-1) masing-masing pada perlakuan intensitas cahaya 5000, 10000, dan 15000 lux. Konstanta intensitas cahaya (zi) sebagai indikator ketergantungan nilai k terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya untuk klorofil, tokoferol, karoten berturut-turut adalah 20000, 33333, dan 25000 lux. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa laju degradasi klorofil paling sensitif terhadap Perubahan intensitas cahaya

    Evaluasi Penggunaan Augmented Reality sebagai Media Ajar Pengenalan Benda Sekitar pada Kelompok Bermain

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    Penelitian ini telah melakukan analisis penggunaan Augmented Reality (AR) untuk pembelajaran pada kelompok bermain dengan topik pengenalan benda secara 3D. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah waterfall diawali dengan observasi, rancang bangun aplikasi dan pengujian aplikasi. Observasi dilakukan pada 2 tempat yaitu pada kelompok bermain Ayah Bunda dan Pos PAUD di Kecamatan Colomadu. Aplikasi dikembangkan menggunakan openspace. Pengujian aplikasi dilakukan secara black box, sedangkan analisis pengujian aplikasi terhadap daya tarik pengunjung dilakukan melalui angket kuisioner dengan skala butir pertanyaan menggunakan skala Likert dalam 6 skala nilai. Responden yang mengisi angket kuisioner sejumlah 33 terdiri dari pengasuh dan wali murid. Tanggapan terhadap aplikasi diwujudkan dalam 5 aspek bernilai setuju-sangat setuju yaitu aspek ketertarikan terhadap aplikasi 93%, aspek kemudahan mendapatkan informasi 97%, aspek kemudahan navigasi 100%, aspek interaktifitas aplikasi 94%, dan aspek inovasi aplikasi 97%

    Potential Threats of Information Disclosure in Social Media: a Systematic Literature Review

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    Along with the growth of social media, a variety of potential threats to users is also increasing. These kinds of threats often occur because the users accidentally or unknowingly disclose their information or identity on social media. Threats resulted from the disclosure of information are needed to be known so that the users can understand the risks that arise and take precautions. This research was aimed to summarize the potential threats arising from the information disclosure in social media. The research method used was a systematic literature review to explore and summarize the literatures that discuss the specific topic. The research results show that the potential threats are mostly social threats and identity theft

    Design a website to measure ASEAN entrepreneurship profiling

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    ASEAN Entrepreneurship Profiling is one of the initial efforts to bring together profiles among ASEAN countries and to find the most powerful determining factor for entrepreneurs in ASEAN, developed using the Neuroresearch and Waterfall Model research methods. This research aims to identify the design of ASEAN Entrepreneurship Profiling website design to collect data online by using Neuroresearch and Waterfall Model research methods. The result shows that this profiling is expected to be able to contribute to novice entrepreneurs to explore gaps, take advantage of opportunities, prepare for their capacity, and build their potential. It is also easier for business actors when visiting the website as it displays self-profiling and recommendations for themselves

    The Physics of the Colloidal Glass Transition

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    As one increases the concentration of a colloidal suspension, the system exhibits a dramatic increase in viscosity. Structurally, the system resembles a liquid, yet motions within the suspension are slow enough that it can be considered essentially frozen. This kinetic arrest is the colloidal glass transition. For several decades, colloids have served as a valuable model system for understanding the glass transition in molecular systems. The spatial and temporal scales involved allow these systems to be studied by a wide variety of experimental techniques. The focus of this review is the current state of understanding of the colloidal glass transition. A brief introduction is given to important experimental techniques used to study the glass transition in colloids. We describe features of colloidal systems near and in glassy states, including tremendous increases in viscosity and relaxation times, dynamical heterogeneity, and ageing, among others. We also compare and contrast the glass transition in colloids to that in molecular liquids. Other glassy systems are briefly discussed, as well as recently developed synthesis techniques that will keep these systems rich with interesting physics for years to come.Comment: 56 pages, 18 figures, Revie

    Antioxidant Capacity and Phytochemical Profile of Punica granatum L.Peel Ex-tracts Using Different Solvent Extraction

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    Pomegranate is known to have valuable nutrients and contains various bioactive compounds found in the fruit's peel. The utilization of these bioactive compounds could be used as herbal medicines and supplements, such as antioxidants. This study aimed to determine the antioxidant capacity, phytochemical profile, and pomegranate peel extract grouping using different extracting solvents. The extraction solvents used were water, 70% ethanol, and ethanol pro analysis (p.a) grade. The antioxidant capacity of the three extracts was measured using DPPH and CUPRAC methods. We also determined the total phenolic and flavonoid levels and the TLC fingerprint analysis and FTIR spectrum of the pomegranate peel extracts. The 70% ethanol extract owned the largest antioxidantcapacity. Itwas significantly different fromthe other two extracts with a value of 358.67 and 2981.59 μmol trolox/g dried sample using the DPPH and CUPRAC methods, respectively. The three pomegranate peel extracts' total phenolic and flavonoid levels ranged from 287.26–1068.81 mg GAE/g dried sample and 0.24-0.75 mg QE/g dried sample. TLC fingerprint analysis of pomegranate peel extract yielded 2, 6, and 6 bands for water extract, 70% ethanol, and p.a ethanol, respectively. The three extracts can be grouped based on FTIR spectrum data using principal component analysis using three principal components with a total variance of 93%. The results obtained showed that using different extracting solvents provides different antioxidant capacities and phytochemical profiles