63 research outputs found

    Leadership and Organizational Commitment as Antecedents of Civil Servant Performance: A Mediating Analysis

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    Empirical studies into leadership and organizational commitment have widely been conducted in private organizations, but a handful of the same research has been undertaken in non-profit organizations. The aim of this research was to examine the role of leadership and organizational commitment in predicting job performance in the context of government organization. The study used a sample of 197 persons, consisting of civil servants located in Central Java, Indonesia. The response rate was 78.8 percent. The independent variable comprises of leadership and organizational commitment, and job performance as dependent variables. Valid and reliable items were used for the variable measurement. Hierarchical regression analysis results showed three major findings for this research: first, transformational leadership directly and positively influences various dimensions of organizational commitment and job performance. In addition, transactional leadership produces a significant influence merely on normative commitment. Second, continuance commitment and normative commitment directly and positively influence job performance. Third, continuance and normative commitment have mediating effects in the relationship between leadership and job performance. Practical implications for local government and suggestions for future research are discussed at the end of the articl

    Leadership and Organizational Commitment as Antecedents of Civil Servant Performance: A Mediating Analysis

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    Empirical studies into leadership and organizational commitment have widely been conducted in private organizations, but a handful of the same research has been undertaken in non-profit organizations. The aim of this research was to examine the role of leadership and organizational commitment in predicting job performance in the context of government organization. The study used a sample of 197 persons, consisting of civil servants located in Central Java, Indonesia. The response rate was 78.8 percent. The independent variable comprises of leadership and organizational commitment, and job performance as dependent variables. Valid and reliable items were used for the variable measurement. Hierarchical regression analysis results showed three major findings for this research: first, transformational leadership directly and positively influences various dimensions of organizational commitment and job performance. In addition, transactional leadership produces a significant influence merely on normative commitment. Second, continuance commitment and normative commitment directly and positively influence job performance. Third, continuance and normative commitment have mediating effects in the relationship between leadership and job performance. Practical implications for local government and suggestions for future research are discussed at the end of the articl

    Antecedents and Consequences of Employee Engagement

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    This research is a study of the antecedents and consequences of employee engagement that is focused on the sample which is a generation Y. This study was conducted on operational employees working in the field of hospitality. This study takes the title: "Antecedents and consequences of employee engagement (sample on generation Y hospitality employees)". This research is an associative modeled study that investigates the causal relationship with quantitative approach. The population in this study is all hotel employees who work on five hotels listed. The number of respondents taken in this research is 130 respondents. and using questionnaires to obtained the data. Respondents from this study are workers who work in the operational section who have jobs to serve hotel visitors directly. Purposive sampling method is used in the determination of respondents. Based on the results of research and data analysis using multiple regression analysis and simple regression analysis showed that: (1) Perceived Organizational Support has a positive effect on Employee Engagement, (2) Organizational Justice has a positive effect on Employee Engagement, (3) Employee Engagement has a positive effect on Job Satisfaction , (4) Employee Engagement has a positive effect on Job Performance.&nbsp


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    Culturing the change is a main objective of organizational change which can be conducted through sharing knowledge, appreciating capabilities, and encourages individuals to do the job based-on organization interests. Revolutionary change not only started at organizational or culture level but can be started from organizational climate through individual interaction, so that eventually form culture change in organization. Leader plays important role in the process of culturing the change by changing his/her paradigm become more transformational and participative. Leader also must be able to encourage individuals to conducted citizenship behavior and become proactive to change. Keywords: External Environment, Change, Proactive to Chang

    La influencia de la estrategia de comunicación efectiva sobre la conciencia y el cumplimiento del contribuyente

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    The aim of this research is to develop an antecedent model of local taxpayer compliance based on communication strategy. Some antecedent factors used in this research are efective communication strategies, tax knowledge, taxpayer awareness, and willingness to obey. To achieve these objectives, research with survey research design was conducted. The location of the research is the area of Banyumas Residency including Banyumas, Purbalingga, Cilacap and Kebumen. Research respondents are taxpayers in the ex-residency area, especially MSME’s entrepreneurs. The survey instrument used is a questionnaire developed specifically for tax research. To develop and test the model to be generated, the analytical tool used is multiple regressions. The results of the study this year showed that an effective communication strategy has a significant and positive influence on taxpayer compliance. In addition, effective communication strategies can also increase the knowledge of the taxpayer, the consciousness of the taxpayer and the desire to obey. Effective communication strategies have several important components: continuity of information delivery, appropriate use of print media, the accuracy and relevance of the information conveyed, and consider the needs of taxpayers.El objetivo de esta investigación es desarrollar un modelo de antecedentes de cumplimiento de los contribuyentes locales basado en la estrategia de comunicación. Algunos factores antecedentes utilizados en esta investigación son estrategias de comunicación efectivas, conocimiento tributario, conciencia del contribuyente y disposición para obedecer. Para lograr estos objetivos, se realizó una investigación con diseño de la encuesta de investigación. La ubicación de la investigación es el área de Residencia Banyumas incluyendo Banyumas, Purbalingga, Cilacap y Kebumen. Los encuestados de la investigación son contribuyentes en el área de ex residencia, especialmente los empresarios de MIPYME. El instrumento de encuesta utilizado es un cuestionario desarrollado específicamente para la investigación fiscal. Para desarrollar y probar el modelo que se va a generar, la herramienta analítica utilizada es de múltiples regresiones. Los resultados del estudio de este año mostraron que una estrategia de comunicación efectiva tiene una influencia significativa y positiva en el cumplimiento de los contribuyentes. Además, las estrategias de comunicación efectivas también pueden aumentar el conocimiento del contribuyente, la conciencia del contribuyente y el deseo de obedecer. Las estrategias de comunicación efectivas tienen varios componentes importantes: la continuidad de la entrega de información, el uso apropiado de los medios impresos, la precisión y la relevancia de la información transmitida y las necesidades de los contribuyentes


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    This article discuss about multilevel and cross level analysis in the field of organizational behavior. The discussion is very important because the reality in the work showed that person, work team and organization are interdependent. Organization consists of work teams, and work team consists of members. So, these three levels are nested. Organization can be able influence the work teams and persons can be influenced by team works. The purpose of this article is to discuss some issues in multilevel and cross level analysis, especially issues related about theory background, measurement (aggregation and disaggregation) and statistical tools. Beside, this article also discuss about the latest development of multilevel and cross level research in justice climate. Finally, the article gave some insights for the OB researcher to develop multilevel and cross level research in the future. It is the time for OB researcher to think multilevel

    Resource-Based View dan Keunggulan Bersaing Berkelanjutan: Sebuah Telaah Kritis Terhadap Pemikiran Jay Barney (1991)

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    Jay Barney have been developed the concept of resource-based view which is important for strategic management. Resource-based view explained that organization can achieve sustained competitive advantage if posses resources with certain characteristics. Those characteristics include valueable resource, unique, rare, and inimitability. Resource-based view emphasize on internal factors as a source of sustained competitive advantage and criticize industrial organization approach which is emphasize on external factors. Based on resource-based view, organization can determine its strategies which appropriate with organizational capabilities. However, resource-based view have some weaknesses particulary related with conceptual and research issues. This article discussed those issues and the possibility for theory integration, especially between resource-based view and indutrial organization. Jay Barney (1991) mengembangkan konsep resource-based view yang memiliki peran penting bagi manajemen strategik. Konsep tersebut menyatakan bahwa organisasi akan mencapai keunggulan bersaing berkelanjutan apabila memiliki sumberdaya yang bernilai, unik, langka dan sulit ditiru. Resource-based view menekankan pada faktor internal organisasi dan mengkritik pendekatan industrial organization yang menekankan pada faktor eksternal organisasi. Berdasarkan resource-based view, organisasi dapat menentukan strategi yang akan dilakukannya sesuai dengan kapabilitas organisasi. Namun, resourcebased view juga memiliki beberapa kelemahan khususnya berkenaan dengan isu konsepsual dan isu metoda riset. Artikel ini membahas isu-isu tersebut dan kemungkinan integrasi resource-based view dengan pendekatan industrial organization

    Evaluasi Kinerja Pemerintah Kabupaten Pemalang, 2005-2007

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    Monitoring and evaluation (monev) are important to analyze the achievement goal through many activities so corrective policies shoud be done immediately. This research evaluates the government performance of Pemalang regency using 117 indicators based on PP No.6/2008. Some data SKPD are displayed from 2005 until 2007. However, data used to compare indicator among regencies are only displayed in 2006. This research recommend which indicators are good and which ones are necessary to accelerate. Keyworlds: monitoring, evaluation, otonom

    Pengaruh Kepribadian, Self-efficacy, dan Locus Of Control terhadap Persepsi Kinerja USAha Skala Kecil dan Menengah

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    Small medium enterprises performance was determined by some factors such asproduction efficiency, marketing strategy, or financial adequacy. But, there is one factor which isimportant for SMEs performance, the enterpreneur itself specially its characteristics. This studyexamined the effects of individual personality, self-efficacy, and locus of control on small mediumenterprises performance in Banyumas. This study used the big five personality approach tomeasure individual characteristics which consists of openness to experience, conscientiousness,extrovertion, agreeableness, and neuroticism (OCEAN). This research used subjective perceptionto measure SMEs performance. This study used survey research design and respondents wereSMEs entrepreneurs located in Banyumas (N = 105). Result of the multiple regression analysisshowed that agreeableness and self-efficacy had a significant and positive effects on SMEsperformance. On the contrary, neuroticism had a significant and negative effect on self-efficacy.Other individual personalities (openness to experience, conscientiousness, and neuritcism) andlocus of control had no significant effect on SMEs performance. Implications for future researchand practice were discussed

    The Effect of Transformational Leadership Style on Employee Performance at Mba Lies Grilled Chicken Restaurant in Purwokerto

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    Employees are the most important factor in running a business, it can even be said as an asset for the company. Without human resources (HR) the company will not be able to run because the company must get employees with good competence in order to move forward. A leader must have the competence to form employees with leadership. In leadership there are suggestions that are able to move the hearts of others, foster and create togetherness of participation among employees. In addition, leadership can be a source of enthusiasm for employees. Leaders must be able to build employee morale in an orderly manner to create a supportive work environment to achieve organizational goals effectively. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of transformational leadership on performance at the Mba Lies Roast Chicken Restaurant in Purwokerto. This type of research is a survey research with a descriptive quantitative discussion approach. The target population in this study were all 30 employees of Mba Lies' Grilled Chicken Resto. Taking the number of samples using non-probability sampling technique with saturated sampling. Saturated sampling is a sampling technique if all members of the population are sampled. The results of this study are H1 is accepted so that it can be said that transformational leadership style has a positive and significant effect on performance because the significance level of the variables 1.664 (1.711 < 1.664).Keywords: Transformational Leadership Style, Employee Performance, Mba Lies Grilled Chicken Restaurant, Purwokert