5 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Minyak Jelantah sebagai Lilin Aroma Terapi untuk Meningkatkan Minat Berwirausaha Pemuda Muhammadiyah Desa Batu Belah

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    This service activity aims to increase the entrepreneurial interest of Muhammadiyah Youth members in Batu Belah Village, Kampar District, Kampar Regency, by utilizing community waste, namely used cooking oil which is disposed of in the surrounding environment. The method used is to provide training in processing used cooking oil into aromatherapy candles. From the training provided, it is hoped that it will create a new entrepreneur in the partner environment so that it can increase the income of its members


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    Sampah telah menjadi masalah yang belum dapat diatasi di Indonesia. Pengelolaan sampah belum secara maksimal dilakukan. Penanganan permasalahan sampah di Kota Pekanbaru harus dimulai dari sumbernya yaitu rumah tangga dengan melibatkan partisipasi aktif masyarakat. Tujuan kegiatan yaitu memberikan pemahaman dan kemampuan masyarakat dalam melakukan pengelolaan sampah, sehingga memiliki kesadaran sosial untuk merubah perilaku dalam mengolah sampah. Pengurangan sampah dengan metoda 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) berbasis masyarakat lebih menekankan kepada cara pengurangan sampah yang dibuang oleh individu, rumah, atau kawasan seperti RT ataupun RW. Pengelolaan sampah yang efektif di rumah dapat membuat kita terbiasa mengatur alur masuk-keluar sampah. Tidak ada lagi sampah yang tergeletak begitu saja. Setiap sampah akan ditempatkan sesuai peruntukannya. Sampah organik diproses menjadi kompos, sedangkan sampah plastik/kaleng/botol dibersihkan dan dikirimkan untuk didaur ulang. Kegiatan pengelolaan sampah efektif ini akan membuat lingkungan menjadi bersih dan nyaman.

    Pengaruh Kadar Suspensi Pati Kulit Pisang Kepok pada Kinetika Reaksi Proses Hidrolisis: Kadar Suspensi Pati Kulit Pisang Kepok

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    Banana peel is one of the wastes that can pollute the environment so it needs to be utilized. One of the ingredients in kepok banana peels is starch (carbohydrates). Banana peel starch can be converted into glucose by hydrolysis method. This study aimed to find out the effect of banana peel starch suspension levels on the reaction kinetics of the hydrolysis process. The hydrolysis process used 2 N oxalic acid with reaction times of 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 minutes and the levels of suspension of kepok banana peel starch (gr/mlcamp) were 10/250, 20/250 and 30/250. The results showed that the optimum results were obtained at a suspension content of 10/250 gr/ml with a reaction conversion reaching 35% at a time of 50 minutes at a constant temperature of 100°C. Keywords : Hydrolysis, Banana Kepok, Reaction Kinetic


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    Corrosion is one the problems that occur in the production process in oil and gas industries that can reduce material equipment such as tubing and flowline. corrosion is influenced by humidity and temperature. Corrosion can be control by using organic inhibitors because they are environmentally friendly. This research is a laboratory research that examines the effect of humidity using red ginger  on reducing corrosion flow rate. Red ginger is used because it contains phenol antioxidants which can inhibit the corrosion flow rate. The variables used were variations in room humidity, 80%, and 90% and the inhibition time was 72 hours, 144 hours, and 216 hours. The results showed that the sample by adding red ginger  inhibitor at room temperature humidity, 80%, 90% was able to maximize decrease in the corrosion rate. The sample with the addition of ginger  inhibitor showed the higher the humidity value, the higher the corrosion rate where the highest corrosion rate was 0.1362 mmpy at 90% humidity, while the lowest humidity was obtained at room humidity of 0.0517 mmpy.   Keywords : Humidity, Corrosion, Inhibitor, Red ginger, Coatin

    Oksidasi fero sulfat menjadi feri sulfat dengan katalis kupri sulfat

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