6 research outputs found

    Efek Immunostimulan Ekstrak Kelopak Bunga Rosella

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    Theaims of this study was to determine the immunostimulant potential ethanolic extract of roselle catalyx through the proliferation of lymphocytes and phagocytosis ability of macrophages Balb/c mice in vitro. Dried calyx of roselle were extracted using 96% ethanol by maceration method is further polyphenols assay are qualitatively.Vitro test using with immunostimulants are seeing an increase in lymphocyte proliferation using the MTT method andphagocytosis activity macrophages with latex beads. Lymphocyte proliferation is expressed by the difference in absorbance values between trearment and control groups, where as the ability of phagocytosis is expressed as an index of phagocytosis and the SFA. Concentration of extract used was 10-1000 µg/mL. Ethanolic extract of roselle calyc containing polyphenols with total polyphenol concent (TPC) of 2.757%. Ethanol extract of roselle calyx enhanced immune response at law concentrations. Concentrations of 100µg/mL is the optimal concentrations that increased proliferaion of lymphocytest. The highest index of phagocytosis and SFA are at concentrations of 150µg/mL and 250 µg/mL. It canbe conluded that ethanolic extract of roselle calyx has potential as immunostimulants. keywords: roselle, immune responce, macrophage phagocytosis, lymphocyte proliferation, immunostimulant

    Pengaruh Dukungan Orang Dekat terhadap Kepatuhan Minum Obat pada Orang dengan HIV/AIDS (ODHA) di Kabupaten Madiun

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    Background: The proper and correct ARV therapy requires social support, especially from family and close people, in order to be able to reduce negative impacts of the infection.Methods: This study is an observational-analytic study to analyze the influence of support from close people for adherence to taking ARV drugs in PLWH in Madiun district. The research design used in this study was cross sectional with purposive sampling technique. Data was taken through interviews with respondents without giving any treatment. The sample in this study were patients who had been diagnosed with HIV positive for more than 6 months in 2018 which was randomly selected. The research location is the working area of the Local AIDS Eradication Commission (KPAD) of Madiun district. The study was conducted for 7 months, starting from June to December 2018.Result: From the results of bivariate analysis, it was concluded that the support from close people has influence on medication adherence in PLHIV (p = 0.000).Conclusion : From this research, it is expected to be an input for the government in determining health policy, especially to increase the rate of compliance with medication for PLWHA in Madiun district

    Analysis of Students' Conceptual Understanding When the Discovery Learning Learning Model is Applied: Does It Have a Real Impact?

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    This research aims to determine the effect of the discovery learning model on students' understanding of concepts. This research is quasi-experimental research or quasi-experimental research. This research only uses posttests or final tests after being given treatment. The design used was Posttest Only Control Group Design. The research results showed that the average score of experimental class students who used the discovery learning model was 55.44, a maximum of 100, a minimum of 0, and a standard deviation value of 30.072. For the control class using the conventional model, the average score of experimental class students is 40.09, the maximum is 79, the minimum is 0, and the standard deviation value is 25.693. This also shows a positive impact if learning is implemented using the Discovery Learning learning model

    Pengaruh Riwayat Komorbid Dan Pengetahuan Tentang Penyakit COVID-19 Terhadap Praktik 5M Pada Masyarakat Madiun Tahun 2020

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    Background: COVID-19 has become a health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. The high number of COVID-19 transmissions in Indonesia shows the need for massive prevention efforts. In addition to vaccination, the 5M health protocol is an effective way to reduce the number of COVID-19 transmissions. The implementation of the 5M program is influenced by several factors, including knowledge about COVID-19 and history of comorbidities.Methods: This study is an observational-analytic study that aims to analyze the influence of comorbid history during last 3 months and knowledge aobut COVID-19 disease on 5M practice in the Madiun community. 5M practices in this research include wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining distance, avoiding crowds and maintaining immunity. The research design used in this study was cross sectional with the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data was obtained by distributing online questionnaires to people living in the Madiun area. The population in this study is the people of Madiun, and the sample in this study is the people of Madiun who voluntarily fill out online questionnaire. The study was carried out for 7 months, starting from June to December 2020.Result: From the results of the Chi square test, it was concluded that the comorbid history and the knowledge about COVID-19 have an effect on 5M practice (comorbid history p = 0.001 and knowledge about COVID-19 p = 0.000).Conclusion : The results of this study are expected to be an input for the government in determining policies to prevent COVID-19, especially in the Madiun area

    Efek Imunostimulan Ekstrak Etanol Kelopak Bunga Rosella

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    The aims of this study was to determine the imunostimulant potential ethanolic extract of roselle calyx though the proliferation of lymphacytes and phagocytosis ability of macrohages Balb/c mice in vitro. dried calyx of roselle were extracted using 96 % ethanol by maceration method is further polyphenols assay are qualitatively and quantitatively. Vitro test using with immunostimulants are seeing an increase in lymphocyte proliferation using the MTT method and phagocytosis activity macrophages with latex beads Lymphocyte proliferation is expressed by the difference in absorbance values between treatment and control groups,where as the ability of phagocytosis is expressed as an index of phagocytosys and the SFA. Concertration of extract used was 10-1000µg/mL. Ethanolic extract of roselle calyc containing polyphenols with total polyphenol concent (TPC) of 2.7575%. Ethanol ectract of roselle calyx enchaned immune response at low concentrations. Concentration of 100 µg/mL is the optimal concentration that increased proliferaion of lymphocytest. The highest index of phagocytosis and SFA are at concentrations of 150µg/mL and 250µg/mL. It can be concluede that ethanolic extract of roselle calyx has potential as immunostimulants. Keywords: roselle, immune respone, macrophage phagocytosis, lymphocytosis, lymphocyte proliferation, immunostimulant

    Indeks Massa Tubuh dan Profil Sindroma Metabolik Masyarakat Usia Produktif di Posbindu Penyakit Tidak Menular (PTM) Kabupaten Banyumas

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    Tujuan : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melaporkan kaitan IMT dengan profil sindroma metabolik sebagai prediktor penyakit tidak menular pada masyarakat usia produktif Posbindu Kabupaten Banyumas. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan desain penelitian potong lintang. Pengambilan data dilakukan pada bulan Mei 2017 dengan mengambil data variabel bebas yaitu Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan variabel tergantung yaitu profil sindroma metabolik yaitu HDL, lingkar perut, tekanan darah, gula darah, dan trigliserida. Sejumlah 107 subjek berusia 15-64 tahun dari 2 Posbindu PTM di Banyumas dikaji data demografis, Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) dan hubungannya dengan profil sindroma metabolik dengan analisis korelasi Pearson. Hasil : IMT berhubungan dengan beberapa profil sindroma metabolik yaitu berhubungan negatif dengan HDL (P=0,006) dan berhubungan positif dengan trigliserida (P=0,016), tekanan darah diastolik (P=0,002), dan lingkar perut (P=0,000); namun tidak ditemukan hubungan signifikan antara IMT dengan gula darah puasa (P=0,968) dan tekanan darah sistolik (P=0,064). IMT memiliki hubungan dengan beberapa profil sindroma metabolik (HDL, trigliserida, tekanan darah diastolik dan lingkar perut). Kesimpulan : Posbindu dapat menggunakan IMT sebagai parameter untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan pesertanya terhadap risiko penyakit tidak menular seperti Penyakit Jantung Koroner dan Stroke