6 research outputs found

    Studi Kasus Lingusql: Aplikasi Transaksi Perdagangan Saham

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    Proses pengembangan perangkat lunak yang ideal selalu mensyaratkan pengujian yang menyeluruh untuk memperoleh hasil perangkat lunak yang memiliki tingkat kebenaran tertentu. Namun pada prakteknya pengujian secara menyeluruh sangat jarang dilakukan karena membutuhkan sumber daya waktu dan biaya yang banyak. LinguSQL adalah sebuah tool pengembangan eksperimen yang mengintegrasikan proses pengujian secara whitebox dan blackbox ke dalam aktifitas pembuatan kodenya. Paper ini memaparkan penerapan LinguSQL dalam pengembangan studi kasus sebuah aplikasi transaksi perdagangan saham. Penerapan LinguSQL pada studi kasus yang cukup kompleks diharapkan akan menampilkan keuntungan konsep pengujian secara menyeluruh serta, dalam konteks implementasi tool, menunjukkan bagian-bagian yang masih perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut. The ideal process software development always requires thorough testing to obtain the software that has a certain degree of truth. However, in practice very rarely thorough testing done because it requires so much resources of time and cost. LinguSQL is an experimental tool that integrates the development process is whitebox and blackbox testing in manufacturing activity code. This paper describes the implementastion of LinguSQL in the development of a stock trading application case study. Implementation of LinguSQL on a complex case study will show the expected benefit of testing the concept a thorough and in the context of the implementation tool, showing the parts that still need to be developed further

    The microbiomes of blowflies and houseflies as bacterial transmission reservoirs

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    Blowflies and houseflies are mechanical vectors inhabiting synanthropic environments around the world. They feed and breed in fecal and decaying organic matter, but the microbiome they harbour and transport is largely uncharacterized. We sampled 116 individual houseflies and blowflies from varying habitats on three continents and subjected them to high-coverage, whole-genome shotgun sequencing. This allowed for genomic and metagenomic analyses of the host-associated microbiome at the species level. Both fly host species segregate based on principal coordinate analysis of their microbial communities, but they also show an overlapping core microbiome. Legs and wings displayed the largest microbial diversity and were shown to be an important route for microbial dispersion. The environmental sequencing approach presented here detected a stochastic distribution of human pathogens, such as Helicobacter pylori, thereby demonstrating the potential of flies as proxies for environmental and public health surveillance.

    A synbiotic intervention modulates meta-omics signatures of gut redox potential and acidity in elective caesarean born infants

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    The compromised gut microbiome that results from C-section birth has been hypothesized as a risk factor for the development of non-communicable diseases (NCD). In a double-blind randomized controlled study, 153 infants born by elective C-section received an infant formula supplemented with either synbiotic, prebiotics, or unsupplemented from birth until 4 months old. Vaginally born infants were included as a reference group. Stool samples were collected from day 3 till week 22. Multi-omics were deployed to investigate the impact of mode of delivery and nutrition on the development of the infant gut microbiome, and uncover putative biological mechanisms underlying the role of a compromised microbiome as a risk factor for NCD. Results: As early as day 3, infants born vaginally presented a hypoxic and acidic gut environment characterized by an enrichment of strict anaerobes (Bifidobacteriaceae). Infants born by C-section presented the hallmark of a compromised microbiome driven by an enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae. This was associated with meta-omics signatures characteristic of a microbiome adapted to a more oxygen-rich gut environment, enriched with genes associated with reactive oxygen species metabolism and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, and depleted in genes involved in the metabolism of milk carbohydrates. The synbiotic formula modulated expression of microbial genes involved in (oligo)saccharide metabolism, which emulates the eco-physiological gut environment observed in vaginally born infants. The resulting hypoxic and acidic milieu prevented the establishment of a compromised microbiome. Conclusions: This study deciphers the putative functional hallmarks of a compromised microbiome acquired during C-section birth, and the impact of nutrition that may counteract disturbed microbiome development

    A synbiotic intervention modulates meta-omics signatures of gut redox potential and acidity in elective caesarean born infants

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    The compromised gut microbiome that results from C-section birth has been hypothesized as a risk factor for the development of non-communicable diseases (NCD). In a double-blind randomized controlled study, 153 infants born by elective C-section received an infant formula supplemented with either synbiotic, prebiotics, or unsupplemented from birth until 4 months old. Vaginally born infants were included as a reference group. Stool samples were collected from day 3 till week 22. Multi-omics were deployed to investigate the impact of mode of delivery and nutrition on the development of the infant gut microbiome, and uncover putative biological mechanisms underlying the role of a compromised microbiome as a risk factor for NCD. Results: As early as day 3, infants born vaginally presented a hypoxic and acidic gut environment characterized by an enrichment of strict anaerobes (Bifidobacteriaceae). Infants born by C-section presented the hallmark of a compromised microbiome driven by an enrichment of Enterobacteriaceae. This was associated with meta-omics signatures characteristic of a microbiome adapted to a more oxygen-rich gut environment, enriched with genes associated with reactive oxygen species metabolism and lipopolysaccharide biosynthesis, and depleted in genes involved in the metabolism of milk carbohydrates. The synbiotic formula modulated expression of microbial genes involved in (oligo)saccharide metabolism, which emulates the eco-physiological gut environment observed in vaginally born infants. The resulting hypoxic and acidic milieu prevented the establishment of a compromised microbiome. Conclusions: This study deciphers the putative functional hallmarks of a compromised microbiome acquired during C-section birth, and the impact of nutrition that may counteract disturbed microbiome development