42 research outputs found


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    Plasticizer is the content of the soft liner (with soft acrylic polymer (poly ethylmethacrylate)) or denture tissue conditioner material that maintains the soft said material. However, it will release as a result of the saliva or water solution being absorbed that could be effected on the acrylic soft liner physical properties such as a hardness. Selection of the denture cleanser is very important to minimize its impact, which is the traditional plant cinnamon (Cinnamomum burmani) can be used as an alternative of natural denture cleansure agents besides alkaline peroxide chemicals used frequently. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of different denture cleansers on hardness of acrylic soft liner. Method: Eighteen cylindrical acrylic soft liner samples (15mm x 10 mm (ASTM: D-2240 64T)) were divided into 3 groups : group I aquadest immersion, group II alkaline peroxide immersion and group III cinnamon immersion. The measurement of acrylic soft liner hardness was done using Shore A hardness D2240 after 7 days of immersion. The results were submitted to one-way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni. Results: The highest average of acrylic soft liner hardness was shown by alkaline peroxide immersion group followed by cinnamon immersion group and aquadest immersion group sequentially. There was a significant difference between all groups (p<0.05). Conclusion: There was effect of different denture cleansers on hardness of acrylic soft liner. Keywords: soft liner, denture cleanser, cinnamo

    Effect of Different Types of Denture Cleansers on Hardliner Surface Roughness

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    &nbsp; Introduction: Hard liner is a denture relining material which can be used directly at the chairside in brief time. The characteristic of the hardliner is its susceptibility towards porosity which consequently resulting biofilm accumulation and Candida albicans colonization. Thus, there is a need for denture cleaning. Alkaline peroxide is a type of denture cleanser which is widely used, but it could affect the physical properties of hard liner. One of the traditional ingredients that have the potential to be used as an alternative to denture cleanser is cinnamon. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of different types of denture cleansers on the surface roughness of hard liner. Method: Twelve cylindrical hard liner specimens (15mm x 10mm, ASTM: D-2240 64T) were divided into three groups: group I (immersed in distilled water), group II (immersed in alkaline peroxide) and group III (immersed in 1.5% extract cinnamon). All specimens were soaked for 15 minutes/day for 7 days. Surface roughness was measured using surface roughness tester (Handysurf E-MC-S24B Japan). Data were analysed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni (α=0.05). Results: The highest average of surface roughness was shown on specimens immersed in alkaline peroxide, followed by specimens immersed in 1.5% cinnamon extract and distilled water, respectively. There were a significant difference in surface roughness values in all groups (p&lt;0.05). Conclusion: There is an effect of type of denture cleanser on the surface hardness of hard liner

    Edukasi Pentingnya Asupan Gizi Pasca Donor Darah Di Gbi Rumah Persembahan Medan

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    Donor darah adalah proses pengambilan darah dari seseorang secara sukarela untuk disimpan di bank darah yang digunakan untuk keperluan transfusi darah. Setelah donor darah, hemoglobin (HB) dapat terkuras, untuk membantu tubuh mengganti kadar hemoglobin dalam darah, tubuh akan melakukan kompensasi dengan membentuk sel darah baru perlu asupan gizi yang baik dengan makan makanan yang bergizi tinggi dan protein yang cukup. Metode kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini disusun dalam beberapa tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan/ interaksi, dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan edukasi berjalan dengan baik dan lancar, semua rencana kegiatan terselesaikan dengan baik. Sebagian peserta hanya memahami makan sekali saja telur rebus dan tablet penambah darah sudah mencukupi, akan tetapi sebagian peserta paham akan pentingnya asupan gizi ini karena donor darah merupakan kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan setiap 3 bulan kalau tidak ada halangan


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    Demokrasi adalah suatu bentuk pemerintahan di mana rakyat memegang kekuasaan tertinggi. Keterlibatan aktif seluruh anggota masyarakat merupakan salah satu prinsip inti demokrasi. Sudut pandang masing-masing anggota sangat penting dalam situasi ini untuk memperkuat gagasan demokrasi. Untuk meningkatkan rasa demokrasi, penting untuk menciptakan masyarakat yang adil dan inklusif. Setiap orang unik dalam pengalaman, latar belakang, dan sudut pandangnya. Sudut pandang masing-masing anggota sangat penting untuk proses pengambilan keputusan yang adil dan merata dalam suasana demokratis. Semua suara dapat didengar, sehingga masyarakat dapat mengambil keputusan yang lebih tepat. Selain itu, pendapat masing-masing anggota juga ikut berperan dalam membentuk karakter demokrasi yang kuat. Setiap orang merasa dihormati dan berhak mendapatkan martabat yang sama dalam masyarakat demokratis. Membangun pemahaman kolektif tentang hak dan kewajiban setiap orang dapat dilakukan dengan menampilkan sudut pandang seluruh anggota, sehingga meningkatkan rasa demokrasi di antara kelompok. Selain itu, hal ini juga mendorong keterlibatan sosial dan politik, yang keduanya dapat meningkatkan keadilan sosial dan kualitas hidup. Selain itu, sudut pandang masing-masing anggota memberikan kontribusi pada penguatan ikatan sosial antar masyarakat. Rekonstruksi dan dialog merupakan alat penting untuk mencapai konteks antar pihak dalam suasana demokratis. Masyarakat dapat menjadi komunitas yang lebih dapat dipercaya dan bersatu sehingga hasilnya, memperkuat ikatan sosial dalam proses


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    Background: Candida albicans is an opportunistic microorganism found in the oral cavity. High numbers of C. Albicans were often detected in dental plaque from children with caries. Aloe vera contains active compounds such as anthraquinone and flavanoid that have an antifungal effect against C. Albicans. The study aimed to compare the effect between Aloe vera juice and 0.06% chlorhexidine mouth rinse on C. Albicans colonies in plaqueMethod: Experimental study consisted of 30 children with carious teeth >4. Subjects were divided into two groups; Aloe vera juice and chlorhexidine 0,06%.Subjects were instructed to use 10 ml of each mouthwash twice daily for 7 days. At baseline and 7thdays, dental plaque samples were collected and then inoculated on saboroud dextrose agar. C. Albicans colonies were counted and expressed in CFU/ml.Result: The data were analyzed using a paired T-test and Mann-Whitney U test. A significant reduction on C. Albicans colonies in plaque was observed with Aloe vera juice (p0,05).Conclusion: The present study suggested that Aloe vera juice can be used as amouthwash due to its ability in reducing C. Albicans in plaque

    Occlusal Vertical Dimension Analyzed By Digital Photography Using Graphic Design Softwares

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    The measurements of occlusal vertical dimension (OVD) is very important in the process of making denture. One method of them is indirectly with digital photography analysis using graphic design softwares. Some softwares used in digital photo analysis are cheap and easy for generalized use. There are several other softwares often used by graphics professionals that its application is a little more difficult. This study aimed to compare in the measurement results of occlusal vertical dimension analyzed by digital photography using graphic design softwares, and it was expected that their results approached the direct method. This study was an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional approach. The total sample in this study was amounted to 30 pre-clinical and clinical dentistry study programs at Universitas Sriwijaya. The measurements of occlusal vertical dimension were measured from subnational to menton in an occlusion state using the direct method (Willis) (control) and digital photography analysis of both softwares (Adobe Photoshop and Coreldraw). Data were tested using one-way ANOVA test. One-way ANOVA test results showed differences in the occlusal vertical dimension between the direct method and digital photography analysis of both softwares were not significant (P> 0.5). There was no difference in the results of the occlusal vertical dimension between the groups

    Orbital cellulitis as a complication of odontogenic infection

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    Orbital cellulitis is uncommon sequelae of the spread of odontogenic infection to adjacent maxillary sinuses or to distant sites such as the orbits. Once it happened, the spread of such infection can be of serious complication such as complete blindness or even more serious and life threatening situations as cavernous sinus thrombosis, intra-cranial abscess, or even death. This paper aimed to expose the guideline treatment of orbital cellulitis as a complication of odontogenic infection. It reported one case of orbital cellulitis in the emergency unit of Hasan Sadikin hospital Bandung, with complaints of pain, swelling at cheek and periorbital region, and the history of toothache. The treatment include incision drainage, extraction of tooth, and parenteral administration of antibiotic and analgesic. Odontogenic infections are derived from dental infection and can potentially spread rapidly to be ascending infection like orbital cellulitis. Odontogenic infection and orbital cellulitis should be adequately treated with incision drainage, extraction of tooth and parenteral administration of antibiotic, steroid and analgesic. Without immediate treatment, odontogenic infection can lead to ascending infection. Orbital cellulitis due to spreading of odontogenic infection is a rare case. In this case report, the patient had a significantimprovement due to immediate and proper treatment

    Pengaruh Terapi Bermain Plastisin Terhadap Tingkat Kecemasan Akibat Hospitalisasi Pada Anak Usia 3-6 Tahun Di RSUD Dr.RM Djoelham Binjai

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    Play therapy is a good activity to deal with anxiety due to hospitalization so as to speed up the child's healing process. This study aims to determine the effect of playing plasticine on the level of anxiety due to hospitalization in children aged 3-6 years at RSUD DR RM Djoelham Binjai. This type of research is a quantitative research with a Quasi-Experimental method and uses a pretestposttest design with a control group. The sample in this study was 30 people, collecting data using a direct questionnaire. Sampling used the slovin formula technique, the normality test used the Shapiro-Wilk and data analysis used the paired t-test. The results of the normality test before being given education were 0.938 and Sig. .082 after education 0.897 and Sig. 0.007 which is normally distributed. The results of the study were obtained before being given plasticine play therapy, the level of severe anxiety was 15 children (50.0%). And after being given plasticine play therapy in children, the level of severe anxiety decreased to 6 children (20.0%). The results of the paired ttest obtained a significance value obtained from the calculation results, namely p value 0.023


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    PDAM Tirta Malem is responsible for providing clean water services to the community while contributing to advancing the local economy. However, access to clean water in Kabanjahe Regency still needs to be improved, with only 48,080 of the 75,899 residents of Kabanjahe District having access in 2018. Obstacles such as damaged pipe networks and poor financial management also affect Tirta Malem's service performance. This research aims to describe the performance of PDAM Tirta Malem by utilizing indicators of productivity, service quality, responsiveness, and accountability, as well as analyzing the factors inhibiting and driving its performance. The research method used is qualitative, collecting data through interviews, observation, documentation, and literature study. The research results show that PDAM Tirta Malem has yet to be completely successful in providing clean water services to the community in Kabanjahe District. Although there have been efforts to account for finances and prevent corruption, performance-supporting factors such as increased finances and resources and good leadership are the keys to improvement. On the other hand, inhibiting factors such as lack of human and financial resources and the problem of water theft are still challenges. Research recommendations include installing pumps at water sources, increasing supervision, improving pipe infrastructure, employee training, and implementing better business plans to improve the overall performance of PDAM Tirta Malem. Keywords: Public Service; New Public Management; Performance of Public Sector   Organizatio