4 research outputs found

    The Determination of Algae Group as Bioindicator of Water Quality Change Affected by Mercury Release from Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

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    Artisanal small scale gold mining (ASGM) practices typically use mercury for amalgamation. Near water environments this can degrade water quality and aquatic biota, including algae. Changes in algal communities can reflect water environment disturbance. The aim of this study was to determine if algae can be used as bioindicator of river water quality impacted by ASGM activities. The research was conducted from July to October 2018 at thirty sampling sites along rivers near ASGM areas in several regencies of Indonesia. Composite samples of water and sediment were collected. A plankton net and brushing methods were used to collect planktonic and benthic algae, respectively. The physicochemical parameters of the water and the sediment as well as the dominant algae genera were analyzed statistically with principal component analysis. The results showed that the total mercury concentration in the water ranged from <0.04 to 20 µg.L-1, while in the sediment the maximum value was 13,500 µg.kg-1. The total mercury content in the sediment was negatively correlated with the dominant benthic Navicula at a significance level of p < 0.05. This means that a low density of benthic Navicula can be proposed as a bioindicator of water quality, indicating the increase of mercury pollution in sediment

    The Determination of Algae Group as Bioindicator of Water Quality Change Affected by Mercury Release from Artisanal Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)

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    Artisanal small scale gold mining (ASGM) practices typically use mercury for amalgamation. Near water environments this can degrade water quality and aquatic biota, including algae. Changes in algal communities can reflect water environment disturbance. The aim of this study was to determine if algae can be used as bioindicator of river water quality impacted by ASGM activities. The research was conducted from July to October 2018 at thirty sampling sites along rivers near ASGM areas in several regencies of Indonesia. Composite samples of water and sediment were collected. A plankton net and brushing methods were used to collect planktonic and benthic algae, respectively. The physicochemical parameters of the water and the sediment as well as the dominant algae genera were analyzed statistically with principal component analysis. The results showed that the total mercury concentration in the water ranged from <0.04 to 20 µg.L-1, while in the sediment the maximum value was 13,500 µg.kg-1. The total mercury content in the sediment was negatively correlated with the dominant benthic Navicula at a significance level of p < 0.05. This means that a low density of benthic Navicula can be proposed as a bioindicator of water quality, indicating the increase of mercury pollution in sediment

    Komunitas Algae Epilitik Sebagai Indikator Biologis Di Sungai Batang Ombilin, Sumatera Barat

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    A study about community of epilithic algae was conducted on April until August 2014. The objective of this study was to clarify composition and structure of epilithic algae in Ombilin River and water quality of Ombilin River based on community of epilithic algae. Samples were collected by survey and brushing method and the research station was choosed 6 stations purposively. The results showed that totally 72 genera had been found with total density of epilithic algae was 388.92ind/cm2to 2139.04 ind/cm2. The highest density of epilithic algae was found in station III (Talawi) and the lowest in station II (Lubuk Pinang). The dominant epilithic algae were Cocconeis, Synedra, Navicula, Denticula and Gomphonema (Baccilariophyta), Stigeoclonium (Chlorophyta), Phormidium and Calothrix (Cyanophyta), Ceratium (Dinophyta) and Audouinella (Rhodophyta). Diversity index was 1.50 to 2.48, where the highest was observed at station II (Lubuk Pinang) and the lowest one at station III (Talawi). Equitability index was 0.42 to 0.68. Similarity index was 50 to 74.70%. Saphrobic coefficient was 0.61–1. The result also showed that Ombilin Riverwere polluted slightly byorganic and inorganic materials in β-mesosaprobic phase