278 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Revolusi Digital terhadap Program Pemasaran

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    The digital revolution of the marketplace allows much greater customization of products, services, and promotional messages than older marketing tools. By doing so, it enables marketers to build and maintain relationship with customers but on much greater and more efficient scale


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    Stakeholder management is generally viewed  as a partnering between  the  firm and the who the firm considers  to its stakeholders and involves "communicating, negotiating, contracting and managing relationship"  (freeman, 2004). Managers cannot attend to all of the actual and potential claims of all the stakeholders, the issue of the "Who and What" do managers pay attention  and how  they go about making this determination are depend on stakeholders saliency. Stakeholders salience explain the condition under which managers pay attention to certain classes of stakeholders and how they prioritize stakeholder relationship. They posit that stakeholders  identification and salience is a function of managers' perceptions  of stakeholders as possessing one or more  relationships attributes  : the stakeholders'  power  influence  the organization, the legitimacy of stakeholders' relationship with  the organization,  and  the urgency  of stakeholders'  claim on  the organization

    Pengaruh Distribusi Pendapatan Tidak Merata Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia 1980 - 1993.

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    Keunggulan Bersaing dan Pendidikan

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    Marketing Mix sebagai Alat Pembeda dalam Persaingan

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    Marketers must not only formulate the broad strategies to achieve its marketing objectives but also plan marketing mix programs. Many good strategies fail when it comes to development of specific marketing - mix tactics. Decision must be made to transform marketing strategy to marketing mix and to provide competitive advantageous in the competitive market place and in the same time to provide what market needs. Key words : Integrated Marketing, Marketing Mix, Differentiation, Customer Value, Product, Place, Marketing Channel, dan Promotion

    Servqual Dan Importance-performance Analysis Untuk Perguruan Tinggi

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    When student do not focus solely on academic quality but focus on service quality too. It is essential for student perception of service quality to be evaluated and managed by the university. We can employ SERVQUAI and Important Performance Analysis methods to know the quality of service of the university. The information that result from application of these methods are very important for the university to improve the quality of service and what attribute should be concentrate to improve

    The Saliency of Stakeholders

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    Stakeholder management is generally viewed as a partnering between the firm and the who the firm considers to its stakeholders and involves "communicating, negotiating, contracting and managing relationship" (freeman, 2004). Managers cannot attend to all of the actual and potential claims of all the stakeholders, the issue of the "Who and What" do managers pay attention and how they go about making this determination are depend on stakeholders saliency. Stakeholders salience explain the condition under which managers pay attention to certain classes of stakeholders and how they prioritize stakeholder relationship. They posit that stakeholders identification and salience is a function of managers\u27 perceptions of stakeholders as possessing one or more relationships attributes : the stakeholders\u27 power influence the organization, the legitimacy of stakeholders\u27 relationship with the organization, and the urgency of stakeholders\u27 claim on the organization