41 research outputs found

    Simulación de la produccción de giberelinas en Saccharomyces cerevisiae mediante COBRApy

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    Faced with a population in constant growth (with a forecast of 8.5 billion in 2030 according to the UN), as well as a global climate problem in the coming years, it is imperative to develop new technologies in the field of agriculture. Due to the important role of phytohormones in the growth and maturation of the plant, the use of different hormones such as auxins, gibberellins, ethylene or cytokinins is being researched. The use of gibberellins, phytohormones capable of promoting stem growth, number of inflorescences and resistance to saline stress, is presented as a tool with much potential in the agricultural world. However, current production methods, such as submerged fermentation of Gibberella fujikuroi, are under development, making it unfeasible for extensive use in crops. The use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a producer of gibberellins has been modelled in this final grade work. To carry out this task, bioinformatic tools have been used such as COBRApy, a package implemented in Python for the analysis of metabolic pathways of mathematical models using annotated genomes. The use of these tools allows to study in-silico the viability of gibberellin production in S. Cerevisiae. COBRApy allows simulations of metabolic pathways and different studies on the metabolism of the organism, which makes it ideal as an initial phase of a biotechnological project. Once the conditions of the environment have been established, with an input of 10mmol of glucose as the only source of carbon, the maximum production of biomass, gibberellins and the combination of both has been analysed. The maximum production of biomass and gibberellins when optimized separately has been 9.75% and 6.73% of the total carbon flow respectively. In order to improve the production of gibberellins, flow distribution comparison analysis describes a proposal of knockouts that could help redistribute the carbon flow. However, although the in-vivo results may differ, the model does not predict improvements to the gene proposal made. Keywords: GENRE, COBRA, knock-out, terpenes, gibberellins, phytohormone

    Principios antiinflamatorios de Teucrium Boxifolium Schreber

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Farmacia, Departamento de Farmacología (Farmacognosia y Farmacología Experimental), leída el 22-02-1994La especie "teucrium buxifolium" schreber es un endemismo valenciano, empleado en medicina tradicional como paliativo de afecciones reumáticas. Se corrobora científicamente la actividad de los extractos hexano y metanol, asi como de la infusión, forma de uso popular, mediante dos protocolos experimentales, artritis generalizada y edema plantar agudo. Se estudia también su acción a nivel de mucosa gástrica, comprobando que ambos extractos y la infusión previenen las ulceras inducidas por indometacina y ejercen citoprotección frente a lesiones necróticas por etanol. Se realizó un screening fitoquímico con el fin de iniciar una búsqueda racionalizada de los principios activos, procediendo a realizar un fraccionamiento del extracto hexanico por cromatografía flash y mplc. Al tiempo, se realiza un seguimiento de la actividad antiinflamatoria de las sucesivas fracciones. Se realiza un analisis estructural de los principios activos aislados: 8-hidroxi-4(15)-eudesmeno, estigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, un derivado 3beta-hidroxi-5-estigmastadieno y los triterpenos alfa y beta-amirinaDepto. de Farmacología, Farmacognosia y BotánicaFac. de FarmaciaTRUEpu

    Principios antiinflamatorios de Teucrium Boxifolium Schreber

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    La especie "teucrium buxifolium" schreber es un endemismo valenciano, empleado en medicina tradicional como paliativo de afecciones reumáticas. Se corrobora científicamente la actividad de los extractos hexano y metanol, asi como de la infusión, forma de uso popular, mediante dos protocolos experimentales, artritis generalizada y edema plantar agudo. Se estudia también su acción a nivel de mucosa gástrica, comprobando que ambos extractos y la infusión previenen las ulceras inducidas por indometacina y ejercen citoprotección frente a lesiones necróticas por etanol. Se realizó un screening fitoquímico con el fin de iniciar una búsqueda racionalizada de los principios activos, procediendo a realizar un fraccionamiento del extracto hexanico por cromatografía flash y mplc. Al tiempo, se realiza un seguimiento de la actividad antiinflamatoria de las sucesivas fracciones. Se realiza un analisis estructural de los principios activos aislados: 8-hidroxi-4(15)-eudesmeno, estigmasterol, beta-sitosterol, un derivado 3beta-hidroxi-5-estigmastadieno y los triterpenos alfa y beta-amirin

    SESAR Solution 08.01 Validation Plan (VALP) for V2 - Part I; D2.1.040

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    Dissemination level = CO confidentialThis validation plan describes the V2 validation activities planned for solution 1 of the PJ08 Advanced Airspace Management. The aim of the planned validation activities in Wave 1 is to complete V2 maturity level of the four Operational Improvements as foreseen in the Transition Validation Strategy [22]: • AOM-0208- B • AOM-0805 • AOM-0809A & AOM-0809-B • CM-0102- B Model based, fast time simulations and real time simulations are planned to address stakeholders’ needs and assess the KPAs. This document is part of a project that has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 731796 under European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.SESAR Solution 08.01 Validation Plan (VALP) for V2 - Part I; D2.1.040acceptedVersio

    Mental Workload in the Explanation of Automation Effects on ATC Performance

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    Automation has been introduced more and more into the role of air traffic control (ATC). As with many other areas of human activity, automation has the objective of reducing the complexity of the task so that performance is optimised and safer. However, automation can also have negative effects on cognitive processing and the performance of the controllers. In this paper, we present the progress made at AUTOPACE, a European project in which research is carried out to discover what these negative effects are and to propose measures to mitigate them. The fundamental proposal of the project is to analyse, predict, and mitigate these negative effects by assessing the complexity of ATC in relation to the mental workload experienced by the controller. Hence, a highly complex situation will be one with a high mental workload and a low complex situation will be one in which the mental workload is low

    Simulación de la produccción de giberelinas en Saccharomyces cerevisiae mediante COBRApy

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    Faced with a population in constant growth (with a forecast of 8.5 billion in 2030 according to the UN), as well as a global climate problem in the coming years, it is imperative to develop new technologies in the field of agriculture. Due to the important role of phytohormones in the growth and maturation of the plant, the use of different hormones such as auxins, gibberellins, ethylene or cytokinins is being researched. The use of gibberellins, phytohormones capable of promoting stem growth, number of inflorescences and resistance to saline stress, is presented as a tool with much potential in the agricultural world. However, current production methods, such as submerged fermentation of Gibberella fujikuroi, are under development, making it unfeasible for extensive use in crops. The use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a producer of gibberellins has been modelled in this final grade work. To carry out this task, bioinformatic tools have been used such as COBRApy, a package implemented in Python for the analysis of metabolic pathways of mathematical models using annotated genomes. The use of these tools allows to study in-silico the viability of gibberellin production in S. Cerevisiae. COBRApy allows simulations of metabolic pathways and different studies on the metabolism of the organism, which makes it ideal as an initial phase of a biotechnological project. Once the conditions of the environment have been established, with an input of 10mmol of glucose as the only source of carbon, the maximum production of biomass, gibberellins and the combination of both has been analysed. The maximum production of biomass and gibberellins when optimized separately has been 9.75% and 6.73% of the total carbon flow respectively. In order to improve the production of gibberellins, flow distribution comparison analysis describes a proposal of knockouts that could help redistribute the carbon flow. However, although the in-vivo results may differ, the model does not predict improvements to the gene proposal made. Keywords: GENRE, COBRA, knock-out, terpenes, gibberellins, phytohormone

    Simulación de la produccción de giberelinas en Saccharomyces cerevisiae mediante COBRApy

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    Faced with a population in constant growth (with a forecast of 8.5 billion in 2030 according to the UN), as well as a global climate problem in the coming years, it is imperative to develop new technologies in the field of agriculture. Due to the important role of phytohormones in the growth and maturation of the plant, the use of different hormones such as auxins, gibberellins, ethylene or cytokinins is being researched. The use of gibberellins, phytohormones capable of promoting stem growth, number of inflorescences and resistance to saline stress, is presented as a tool with much potential in the agricultural world. However, current production methods, such as submerged fermentation of Gibberella fujikuroi, are under development, making it unfeasible for extensive use in crops. The use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a producer of gibberellins has been modelled in this final grade work. To carry out this task, bioinformatic tools have been used such as COBRApy, a package implemented in Python for the analysis of metabolic pathways of mathematical models using annotated genomes. The use of these tools allows to study in-silico the viability of gibberellin production in S. Cerevisiae. COBRApy allows simulations of metabolic pathways and different studies on the metabolism of the organism, which makes it ideal as an initial phase of a biotechnological project. Once the conditions of the environment have been established, with an input of 10mmol of glucose as the only source of carbon, the maximum production of biomass, gibberellins and the combination of both has been analysed. The maximum production of biomass and gibberellins when optimized separately has been 9.75% and 6.73% of the total carbon flow respectively. In order to improve the production of gibberellins, flow distribution comparison analysis describes a proposal of knockouts that could help redistribute the carbon flow. However, although the in-vivo results may differ, the model does not predict improvements to the gene proposal made. Keywords: GENRE, COBRA, knock-out, terpenes, gibberellins, phytohormone

    Visualización de datos en mapas para datos medioambientales

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    Existen muchísimos datos en la actualidad que contienen información medioambiental, como datos climatológicos, datos de contaminación o datos sobre el tráfico que han sido generados a lo largo del tiempo. Actualmente no existe ninguna herramienta que nos permita visualizar de una manera sencilla y efectiva todos estos datos de forma conjunta para poder hacer un análisis eficaz entre todos estos datos medioambientales. El contenido de este trabajo de fin de grado consiste, principalmente, en realizar una herramienta que nos permita visualizar datos medioambientales extraídos de fuentes de datos públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid sobre mapas interactivos, intentando emular la tendencia que se da hoy en día en la visualización de datos sobre mapas. Para poder visualizar los datos medioambientales se ha desarrollado un servicio web responsive que nos da la posibilidad de observar todo tipo de información relacionada con el medioambiente, así como la capacidad de seleccionar a gusto del usuario los datos que desea visualizar, intentando que el entorno gráfico de visualización de los datos sea lo más sencilla posible de comprender para el usuario del servicio web. El servicio web nos muestra información de climatología, contaminación ambiental, contaminación acústica y tráfico, así como gráficos que, con mucho más grado de detalle nos permite visualizar estos datos recogidos por las distintas estaciones que existen en la Comunidad de Madrid desde el año 2016. Para lograr este cometido, se han usado las tecnologías más punteras que existen a día de hoy relacionadas con el mundo del Desarrollo web.---ABSTRACT---There is a great deal of data today that contains environmental information, such as weather data, pollution data, or traffic data that has been generated over time. Currently, no tool exists that allows us to visualize all this data simply and effectively in order to make an efficient analysis among all these environmental data. The content of this end-of-degree work consists, mainly, of making a tool that allows us to visualize environmental data extracted from public data sources of the Community of Madrid on interactive maps, trying to emulate the trend that occurs today in the visualization of data on maps. In order to be able to visualize the environmental data, a responsive web service has been developed that give us the possibility of observing all types of information related to the environment, as well as the capacity to select the data that the user wishes to visualize, trying to make the data display in the graphical environment as simple as possible for the web service user. The web service shows us information about climatology, environmental pollution, noise pollution and traffic, as well as graphics that, with much more detail, allow us to visualize these data collected by the different stations that exist in the community of Madrid since 2016. During the implementation of this project, the most advanced technologies that exist today in the realization of web services have been used

    Visualización de datos en mapas para datos medioambientales

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    Existen muchísimos datos en la actualidad que contienen información medioambiental, como datos climatológicos, datos de contaminación o datos sobre el tráfico que han sido generados a lo largo del tiempo. Actualmente no existe ninguna herramienta que nos permita visualizar de una manera sencilla y efectiva todos estos datos de forma conjunta para poder hacer un análisis eficaz entre todos estos datos medioambientales. El contenido de este trabajo de fin de grado consiste, principalmente, en realizar una herramienta que nos permita visualizar datos medioambientales extraídos de fuentes de datos públicas de la Comunidad de Madrid sobre mapas interactivos, intentando emular la tendencia que se da hoy en día en la visualización de datos sobre mapas. Para poder visualizar los datos medioambientales se ha desarrollado un servicio web responsive que nos da la posibilidad de observar todo tipo de información relacionada con el medioambiente, así como la capacidad de seleccionar a gusto del usuario los datos que desea visualizar, intentando que el entorno gráfico de visualización de los datos sea lo más sencilla posible de comprender para el usuario del servicio web. El servicio web nos muestra información de climatología, contaminación ambiental, contaminación acústica y tráfico, así como gráficos que, con mucho más grado de detalle nos permite visualizar estos datos recogidos por las distintas estaciones que existen en la Comunidad de Madrid desde el año 2016. Para lograr este cometido, se han usado las tecnologías más punteras que existen a día de hoy relacionadas con el mundo del Desarrollo web.---ABSTRACT---There is a great deal of data today that contains environmental information, such as weather data, pollution data, or traffic data that has been generated over time. Currently, no tool exists that allows us to visualize all this data simply and effectively in order to make an efficient analysis among all these environmental data. The content of this end-of-degree work consists, mainly, of making a tool that allows us to visualize environmental data extracted from public data sources of the Community of Madrid on interactive maps, trying to emulate the trend that occurs today in the visualization of data on maps. In order to be able to visualize the environmental data, a responsive web service has been developed that give us the possibility of observing all types of information related to the environment, as well as the capacity to select the data that the user wishes to visualize, trying to make the data display in the graphical environment as simple as possible for the web service user. The web service shows us information about climatology, environmental pollution, noise pollution and traffic, as well as graphics that, with much more detail, allow us to visualize these data collected by the different stations that exist in the community of Madrid since 2016. During the implementation of this project, the most advanced technologies that exist today in the realization of web services have been used

    Level of Stress Experienced by Teachers, Extent of Utilization of Coping Strategies and Extent of Their Wellness

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    This study aimed to determine the level of stress experienced by teachers, the extent of utilization of coping strategies, and the extent of their wellness. The respondents came from 18 public elementary schools comprising the city division of Dumaguete for School Year 2018-2019. Some 142 teachers were taken in as respondents. The study was descriptive and correlational in nature. It utilized the frequency distribution, percentage, weighted mean, and the Pearson r and Chi-square for statistical analysis. Data of the study revealed that the respondents are “Mildly Stressed” with individual and organizational stressors, and “Slightly Stressed” with environmental stressors. On the other hand, teachers were found to have a “high” extent of utilization on the stress’ coping strategies, and also revealed a “high” extent of wellness. Furthermore, findings in this study disclosed that the teachers’ level of stress experienced has a “weak” degree of relationship with their coping strategies, namely: time management, lifestyle management technique, physiological technique, and support seeking, while a “Negligible” connection is indicated on the cognitive technique. In addition, data revealed a “Negligible” relationship between the teachers’ level of stress experienced and the extent of their wellness was found on the following wellness variables, namely; emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual. Meanwhile, a “weak” bond is established on physical wellness. Lastly, the relationship between the teachers’ extent of wellness and their profile in terms of: sex, age, educational attainment and family income showed “Negligible” results