34 research outputs found

    Fermi surface reconstruction in hole-doped t-J models without long-range antiferromagnetic order

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    We calculate the Fermi surface of electrons in hole-doped, extended t-J models on a square lattice in a regime where no long-range antiferromagnetic order is present, and no symmetries are broken. Using the "spinon-dopon" formalism of Ribeiro and Wen, we show that short-range antiferromagnetic correlations lead to a reconstruction of the Fermi surface into hole pockets which are not necessarily centered at the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone boundary. The Brillouin zone area enclosed by the Fermi surface is proportional to the density of dopants away from half-filling, in contrast to the conventional Luttinger theorem which counts the total electron density. This state realizes a "fractionalized Fermi liquid" (FL*), which has been proposed as a possible ground-state of the underdoped cuprates; we note connections to recent experiments. We also discuss the quantum phase transition from the FL* state to the Fermi liquid state with long-range antiferromagnetic order.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Incommensurate 2kF2k_F density wave quantum criticality in two dimensional metals

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    We revisit the problem of two dimensional metals in the vicinity of a quantum phase transition to incommensurate Q=2kF\mathbf{Q}=2k_F charge density wave order, where the order parameter wave vector Q\mathbf{Q} connects two hot spots on the Fermi surface with parallel tangents. Earlier theoretical works argued that such critical points are potentially unstable, if the Fermi surface at the hot spots is not sufficiently flat. Here we perform a controlled, perturbative renormalization group analysis and find a stable fixed point corresponding to a continuous quantum phase transition, which exhibits a strong dynamical nesting of the Fermi surface at the hot spots. We derive scaling forms of correlation functions at the critical point and discuss potential implications for experiments with transition metal dichalcogenides and rare-earth tellurides.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures; journal versio

    Exact solution of a two-species quantum dimer model for pseudogap metals

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    We present an exact ground state solution of a quantum dimer model introduced in Ref.[1], which features ordinary bosonic spin-singlet dimers as well as fermionic dimers that can be viewed as bound states of spinons and holons in a hole-doped resonating valence bond liquid. Interestingly, this model captures several essential properties of the metallic pseudogap phase in high-TcT_c cuprate superconductors. We identify a line in parameter space where the exact ground state wave functions can be constructed at an arbitrary density of fermionic dimers. At this exactly solvable line the ground state has a huge degeneracy, which can be interpreted as a flat band of fermionic excitations. Perturbing around the exactly solvable line, this degeneracy is lifted and the ground state is a fractionalized Fermi liquid with a small pocket Fermi surface in the low doping limit.Comment: Revised version, 8 page

    Mobile impurity near the superfluid–Mott-insulator quantum critical point in two dimensions

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    We consider bosonic atoms in an optical lattice at integer filling, tuned to the superfluid-Mott insulator critical point, and coupled to a single, mobile impurity atom of a di↵erent species. This setup is inspired by current experiments with quantum gas microscopes, which enable tracking of the impurity motion. We describe the evolution of the impurity motion from quantum wave packet spread at short times, to Brownian diffusion at long times. This dynamics is controlled by the interplay between dangerously irrelevant perturbations at the strongly-interacting field theory describing the superfluid-insulator transition in two spatial dimensions.Physic

    Electron spectral functions in a quantum dimer model for topological metals

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    We study single electron spectral functions in a quantum dimer model introduced by Punk, Allais and Sachdev (Ref. [1]). The Hilbert space of this model is spanned by hard-core coverings of the square lattice with two types of dimers: ordinary bosonic spin-singlets, as well as fermionic dimers carrying charge +e and spin 1/2, which can be viewed as bound-states of spinons and holons in a doped resonating valence bond (RVB) liquid. This model realizes a metallic phase with topological order and captures several properties of the pseudogap phase in hole-doped cuprates, such as a reconstructed Fermi surface with small hole-pockets and a highly anisotropic quasiparticle residue in the absence of any broken symmetries. Using a combination of exact diagonalization and analytical methods we compute electron spectral functions and show that this model indeed exhibits a sizeable antinodal pseudogap, with a momentum dependence deviating from a simple d-wave form, in accordance with experiments on underdoped cuprates.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Signatures of correlated magnetic phases in the local two-particle density matrix

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    Experiments with quantum gas microscopes have started to explore the antiferromagnetic phase of the two-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model and effects of doping with holes away from half filling. In this work we show how direct measurements of the system averaged two-spin density matrix and its full counting statistics can be used to identify different correlated magnetic phases with or without long-range order. We discuss examples of phases which are potentially realized in the Hubbard model close to half filling, including antiferrromagnetically ordered insulators and metals, as well as insulating spin-liquids and metals with topological order. For these candidate states we predict the doping- and temperature dependence of local correlators, which can be directly measured in current experiments.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Aging dynamics in quenched noisy long-range quantum Ising models

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    We consider the dd-dimensional transverse-field Ising model with power-law interactions J/rd+σJ/r^{d+\sigma} in the presence of a noisy longitudinal field with zero average. We study the longitudinal-magnetization dynamics of an initial paramagnetic state after a sudden switch-on of both the interactions and the noisy field. While the system eventually relaxes to an infinite-temperature state with vanishing magnetization correlations, we find that two-time correlation functions show aging at intermediate times. Moreover, for times shorter than the inverse noise strength κ\kappa and distances longer than a(J/κ)2/σa(J/\kappa)^{2/\sigma} with aa being the lattice spacing, we find a critical scaling regime of correlation and response functions consistent with the model A dynamical universality class with an initial-slip exponent θ=1\theta=1 and dynamical critical exponent z=σ/2z=\sigma/2. We obtain our results analytically by deriving an effective action for the magnetization field including the noise in a non-perturbative way. The above scaling regime is governed by a non-equilibrium fixed point dominated by the noise fluctuations.Comment: Accepted version, 11 pages, 5 figure