58 research outputs found

    An Assessment of Contaminants in UK Road-Verge Biomass and the Implications for Use as Anaerobic Digestion Feedstock

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    Biomass from harvested road-verge herbage has potential value as a feedstock for anaerobic digestion (AD) energy plants. However, the proximity to road traffic related pollution sources introduces the possibility of contamination by potentially toxic elements and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Potential sources of pollution from road traffic emissions are identified and the consequent likelihood of certain contaminants being present at elevated levels is assessed. Samples of road verge biomass harvested from selected locations in Lincolnshire UK for use in AD plants were analysed to produce a set of measurements for the presence of the contaminants of interest. The measured levels of these contaminants are compared to reported background levels in UK herbage and soils to assess if there is significant increased concentration in road-verge biomass. Samples of digestate from an AD plant using the road-verge biomass as feedstock were also analysed to determine if there is notable risk of transfer and concentration of contaminants into agricultural land where the digestate may be used for fertilisation. While elevated levels of contaminants were detected, they were not found in concentrations on road verge biomass at high enough levels to cause adverse effects or concerns for its safe use as an AD feedstock

    Warming Up: succesvolle warming up om klimaatverandering te bestrijden lijkt valse start

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    Het Protocol van Kyoto bij het Raamverdrag van de Verenigde Naties inzake klimaatverandering is ogenschijnlijk succesvol. De collectieve doelstelling van het protocol om de broeikasgasemissies te reduceren wordt waarschijnlijk gehaald en het onafhankelijke toezicht op de naleving van het protocol blijkt effectief. Desondanks hebben landen zich voorgenomen om het klimaatbeleid op een andere leest te schoeien

    An overview on non-CO2 greenhouse gases

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    Non-CO2 greenhouse gases, included in the Kyoto Protocol, are methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), hexafluorocarbons (HFC), perfluorinated compounds (PFC) and sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). Together they account for about 25% of the present global greenhouse gas emissions. Reductions in emissions of these gases have occurred in the industrialised countries, and they contribute to the efforts to reach the target of 5% greenhouse gas emission reduction as agreed in the Kyoto Protocol for these countries. Globally however, greenhouse gas emissions continue to increase as do the concentrations of these gases in the atmosphere. The relation between emissions and concentrations is not clear for all non-CO2 greenhouse gases. This especially holds for methane. This article discusses the contribution of non-CO2 greenhouse gases to global climate forcing within the causal chain approach of the DPSIR schema (Drivers, Pressures, State, Impact and Response) as a background for the studies presented in this special issue. Although considerable reductions in non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions are expected in the first commitment period under the Climate Convention (Kyoto Protocol), it is argued that further substantial emission reductions in subsequent commitment periods for the most important non-CO2 greenhouse gases (CH4 and N2O) are difficult to achiev

    Nieuwe richtlijnen voor emissies broeikasgassen

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    In de loop van 2005 hoopt het IPCC gereed te komen met een stevige aanvulling en herziening van haar richtlijnen voor uniforme en betrouwbare nationale emissierapportages. In 2006 moet de vernieuwde set richtlijnen worden vastgesteld. Een aantal belangrijke aanpassingen en hun betekenis op een ri

    Verification, validation and uncertainties

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    Nieuwe richtlijnen voor emissies broeikasgassen

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    In de loop van 2005 hoopt het IPCC gereed te komen met een stevige aanvulling en herziening van haar richtlijnen voor uniforme en betrouwbare nationale emissierapportages. In 2006 moet de vernieuwde set richtlijnen worden vastgesteld. Een aantal belangrijke aanpassingen en hun betekenis op een ri