69 research outputs found

    Two-way air-sea coupling : A study of the adriatic

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    Abstract High-resolution numerical simulations of the Adriatic Sea using the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) and Coupled Ocean–Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) were conducted to examine the impact of the coupling strategy (one versus two way) on the ocean and atmosphere model skill, and to elucidate dynamical aspects of the coupled response. Simulations for 23 September–23 October 2002 utilized 2- and 4-km resolution grids for the ocean and atmosphere, respectively. During a strong wind and sea surface cooling event, cold water fringed the west and north coasts in the two-way coupled simulation (where the atmosphere interacted with SST generated by the ocean model) and attenuated by approximately 20% of the cross-basin extension of bora-driven upward heat fluxes relative to the one-way coupled simulation (where the atmosphere model was not influenced by the ocean model). An assessment of model results using remotely sensed and in situ measurements of ocean temperature along with overwater and coastal wind observations showed enhanced skill in the two-way coupled model. In particular, the two-way coupled model produced spatially complex SSTs after the cooling event that compared more favorably (using mean bias and rms error) with satellite multichannel SST (MCSST) and had a stabilizing effect on the atmosphere. As a consequence, mean mixing was suppressed by over 20% in the atmospheric boundary layer and more realistic mean 10-m wind speeds were produced during the monthlong two-way coupled simulation

    Shared liking and association valence for representational art but not abstract art

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    This is the authors' accepted version of an article published in Journal of Vision, 2015. The article, together with supplementary information, is available at http://jov.arvojournals.org/Article.aspx?articleid=2278788We examined the finding that aesthetic evaluations are more similar across observers for representational images than for abstract images. It has been proposed that a difference in convergence of observers' tastes is due to differing levels of shared semantic associations (Vessel & Rubin, 2010). In Experiment 1, student participants rated 20 representational and 20 abstract artworks. We found that their judgments were more similar for representational than abstract artworks. In Experiment 2, we replicated this finding, and also found that valence ratings given to associations and meanings provided in response to the artworks converged more across observers for representational than for abstract art. Our empirical work provides insight into processes that may underlie the observation that taste for representational art is shared across individual observers, while taste for abstract art is more idiosyncratic

    High-resolution mapping of Bora winds in the northern Adriatic Sea using synthetic aperture radar

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 115 (2010): C04020, doi:10.1029/2009JC005524.The Adriatic Sea is regularly subjected to strong Bora wind events from the northeast during winter. The events have a strong effect on the oceanography in the Adriatic, driving basin-scale gyres that determine the transport of biogeochemical material and extracting large amounts of heat. The Bora is known to have multiple surface wind jets linked to the surrounding orography and have been the focus of many studies, but it has not been possible to describe the detailed spatial structure of these jets by in situ observations. Using high-resolution spaceborne RADARSAT-1 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images collected during an active Bora period (23 January–16 February 2003), we created a series of high-resolution (300 m) maps of the wind field. The obtained winds show reasonable agreement with several in situ wind observations, with an RMS wind speed error of 3.6 m/s, slightly higher than the 2–3 m/s errors reported in previous studies. These SAR images reveal the spatial structure of the Bora wind in unprecedented detail, showing several new features. In the Senj region of Croatia, several images show rhythmic structure with wavelengths of 2–3 km that may reflect Bora pulsation seen at fixed locations by previous investigators. Along the Italian coast, several images show a wide (20–30 km) band of northwesterly winds that abruptly change to the northeasterly Bora winds further offshore. Meteorological model results suggest that these northwesterly winds are consistent with those of a barrier jet forming along the Italian Apennine mountain chain

    Chaotic advection in an archipelago

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 40 (2010): 1988–2006, doi:10.1175/2010JPO4336.1.Techniques from dynamical systems theory have been applied to study horizontal stirring of fluid in the Philippine Archipelago. The authors’ analysis is based on velocity fields produced by two high-resolution (3 and 6 km) numerical models. Particular attention is paid to identifying robust surface flow patterns and associating them with dominant Lagrangian coherent structures (LCSs). A recurrent wind-driven dipole in the lee of the coastline is considered in detail. The associated LCSs form a template for stirring, exchange, and biological transport in and around the dipole. Chaotic advection is argued to provide a relevant framework for interpreting mesoscale horizontal stirring processes in an archipelago as a whole. Implications for the formation of filaments, the production of tracer variance, and the scale at which stirring leads to mixing are discussed in connection with an observed temperature record.This work was supported by the Office of Naval Research: Grant N00014-07-1-0590 to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Grant ONR- 0601153N to Stevens Institute of Technology; Grant N00014-07-1-0417 to Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences, Rutgers University; and Grant N00014-09-1- 0582 to Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University

    Shared liking and association valence for representational art but not abstract art

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    We examined the finding that aesthetic evaluations are more similar across observers for representational images than for abstract images. It has been proposed that a difference in convergence of observers' tastes is due to differing levels of shared semantic association

    A Qualitative Study of Women High School Principals\u27 Career Life Histories

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    Gender inequalities in the workplace continue to plague aspiring career- directed women. In public education, it is established that there are fewer women high school principals than there are men. In a profession predominantly employing women, the question remains, “Where are the women high school administrators”? This study examines the sociopolitical gender systems and psychological dynamics that perpetuate gender inequality. It then discusses the encumbered or constrained choices women make that are burdened or made more complicated by gendered sociopolitical or psychological dynamics. The study is a qualitative study narrowing the life-history method with an innovative career life-history focus. Seven high school women principals were interviewed and then data were transcribed and analyzed. Participants provided an external participant who shared their perspectives of the career life histories of these women principals, which added to the richness of the data analysis. Resumes of the principal participants were collected for triangulation purposes. Finally, a narrative from the data analysis was written. The findings reveal unintentional career journeys. The women in the study were invited to join administrative teams, reluctantly accepted, and embarked on their career journey, psychologically transitioning from teacher to administrator. They navigated through sociopolitical systems and barriers, finding support from family, supervisors, and friends. The women’s new identities led to reconfigured families and brought diversity to high school administrative teams

    Effects of Beta Rays, Gamma Rays, and Hydrochloric Acid on Tubers of Jerusalem Artichoke

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    Levulose (D-fructose, fruit sugar), C6H12O6 is a white crystalline ketohexose. This sugar has distinctive properties which make it of commercial interest. It is more costly than ordinary table sugar (sucrose). Levulose is characterized by a high degree of sweetness (6), great solubility (20), and medical usefulness when administered intravenously. Joslin (21) and Root and Baker (32) found levulose to be of great value in the treatment of diabetes. According to Daniel (8), it is assimilated and oxidized more quickly than sucrose, supplying the necessary energy requirements for the human system. Additional uses of levulose have been reported by McGlumphy and Eichinger (27), which include its application to improve the quality and the flavor of jams, jellies, marmalades, canned fruits, carbonated beverages, and corn sugar. Plants of the family compositae contain large amounts of levulose polymers, but the dahlia, chicory, and Jerusalem artichoke are the most promising sources because of the high levulose content and the ease of production (13). The tubers of Jerusalem artichoke were used in this study because they offer an inexpensive and prolific source from which levulose can be extracted. Since most of the levulose units in the artichoke tubers are linked together to form inulin or carbohydrate intermediate compounds between inulin and levulose, it is necessary to hydrolyze the material in order to free the levulose. Several investigators have reported the use of acid compounds. Anderson and Greaves (1) used H2SO4 for hydrolysis, while Yamasaki (41) used HC1 for the same purpose. Kleiderer and Englis (23) obtained complete hydrolysis of inulin by use of CO2 and SO2 at a pressure of 1000 pounds per square inch at 150o C. for 60 minutes. As fare as can be determined from the literature, little work was done prior to 1953 using radioactive material to study peaceful uses of atomic energy. Since that time, a law was passed by the United States Congress authorizing the use of radioactive material for peaceful purposes, thereby making it possible to use atomic energy for this study. Since previous work has shown that gamma rays can convert starch to simple sugar (33), it was therefore, assumed that the inulin and other carbohydrate intermediates of Jerusalem artichoke upon hydrolysis by beta or gamma rays might yield fructose (35). The primary purpose of this study was to determine the effects of beta and gamma rays on inulin and other carbohydrate intermediate compounds present in the Jerusalem artichoke tubers and to compare the results with those obtained by hydrolysis with radiation plus hydrochloric acid

    Bora event variability and the role of air-sea feedback

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research 112 (2007): C03S18, doi:10.1029/2006JC003726.A two-way interacting high resolution numerical simulation of the Adriatic Sea using the Navy Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM) and Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPSÂź) was conducted to improve forecast momentum and heat flux fields, and to evaluate surface flux field differences for two consecutive bora events during February 2003. (COAMPSÂź is a registered trademark of the Naval Research Laboratory.) The strength, mean positions and extensions of the bora jets, and the atmospheric conditions driving them varied considerably between the two events. Bora 1 had 62% stronger heat flux and 51% larger momentum flux than bora 2. The latter displayed much greater diurnal variability characterized by inertial oscillations and the early morning strengthening of a west Adriatic barrier jet, beneath which a stronger west Adriatic ocean current developed. Elsewhere, surface ocean current differences between the two events were directly related to differences in wind stress curl generated by the position and strength of the individual bora jets. The mean heat flux bias was reduced by 72%, and heat flux RMSE reduced by 30% on average at four instrumented over-water sites in the two-way coupled simulation relative to the uncoupled control. Largest reductions in wind stress were found in the bora jets, while the biggest reductions in heat flux were found along the north and west coasts of the Adriatic. In bora 2, SST gradients impacted the wind stress curl along the north and west coasts, and in bora 1 wind stress curl was sensitive to the Istrian front position and strength. The two-way coupled simulation produced diminished surface current speeds of ∌12% over the northern Adriatic during both bora compared with a one-way coupled simulation.The research support for J. Pullen, J. D. Doyle, and T. Haack was provided by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) program elements 0602435N and 0601153N

    Collaboration tools and techniques for large model datasets

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2007. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Marine Systems 69 (2008): 154-161, doi:10.1016/j.jmarsys.2007.02.013.In MREA and many other marine applications, it is common to have multiple models running with different grids, run by different institutions. Techniques and tools are described for low-bandwidth delivery of data from large multidimensional data sets, such as those from meteorological and oceanographic models, directly into generic analysis and visualization tools. Output is stored using the NetCDF CF Metadata Conventions, and then delivered to collaborators over the web via OPeNDAP. OPeNDAP datasets served by different institutions are then organized via THREDDS catalogs. Tools and procedures are then used which enable scientists to explore data on the original model grids using tools they are familiar with. It is also low-bandwidth, enabling users to extract just the data they require, an important feature for access from ship or remote areas. The entire implementation is simple enough to be handled by modelers working with their webmasters – no advanced programming support is necessary.S. Carniel was partially supported by the Office of Naval Research (ONR grant number N00014-05-1-0730). I. Janekovic was supported by the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (grant number 0098113)
