341 research outputs found

    Sediment transport dynamics in the swash zone under large-scale laboratory conditions

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    A laboratory experiment was carried out to study sediment transport dynamics occurring in the swash zone of a coarse-sandy beach built in a large-scale wave flume. Hydro- and morpho-dynamic as well as sediment transport data were collected using sensors mounted on a scaffold rig deployed in the lower swash zone close to the moving bed. The high resolution of near-bed data permitted quantitative evaluation of suspended and sheet flow contributions to the total sediment transport. Although sheet flow sediment fluxes were higher than suspended fluxes, the vertically integrated suspended sediment load overcame the sheet flow load during uprush and it was on the same order of magnitude during backwash. The observed cumulative sediment transport was generally larger than the morphological changes occurring shoreward of the rig location implying either an underestimation of the offshore sediment transport or an overestimation of the onshore fluxes obtained from concentration and velocity profile data. Low correlations were found between net swash profile changes and runup parameters suggesting that local hydrodynamic parameters provide little or no predictability of accretion and erosion of an upper beach which is near equilibrium. The balance between erosion and deposition induced by individual swash events brought a dynamic equilibrium with small differences between the profiles measured at the start and at the end of the run

    Economic viability and greenhouse gas (GHG) budget of the biomethane retrofit of manure-operated biogas plants: A case study from Piedmont, Italy

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    The management of livestock manures and slurries noticeably improved since the massive introduction of anaerobic digestion (AD) plants in Italy and other European Union (EU) countries. However, these plants heavily rely on incentives, and the recent switch of European biogas policies from electricity to biomethane potentially threatens the economic viability of manure AD. In this study, three retrofit options are analyzed for an installation in Piedmont (NW Italy) that is currently producing 999 kWel through combined heat and power (CHP). The techno-economic feasibility and the greenhouse gas (GHG) budget is analyzed for each solution. Results show that exploiting current incentives on electricity is vital to fund the retrofit of CHP plants to biomethane. Energy crop and electricity prices, the sale price of biomethane certificates after the end of incentives, and biogas productivity are the critical parameters for the economic profitability of manure AD plants, along with the possibility to deliver biomethane directly to the pipeline grid. This study provides insight to the reconversion of manure AD plants, addressing issues that affect hundreds of installations in Italy and other EU countries

    Tuning Properties of Poly(ethylene glycol)-\u3cem\u3eblock\u3c/em\u3e-poly(simvastatin) Copolymers Synthesized via Triazabicyclodecene

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    Simvastatin was polymerized into copolymers to better control drug loading and release for therapeutic delivery. When using the conventional stannous octoate catalyst in ring-opening polymerization (ROP), reaction temperatures ≄ 200 °C were required, which promoted uncontrollable and undesirable side reactions. Triazabicyclodecene (TBD), a highly reactive guanidine base organocatalyst, was used as an alternative to polymerize simvastatin. Polymerization was achieved at 150 °C using 5 kDa methyl-terminated poly(ethylene glycol) (mPEG) as the initiator. ROP reactions with 2 kDa or 550 Da mPEG initiators were also successful using TBD at 150 °C instead of stannous octoate, which required a higher reaction temperature. Biodegradability of the poly(simvastatin) copolymer in phosphate-buffered saline was also improved, losing twice as much mass than the copolymer synthesized via stannous octoate. The three copolymers exhibited modified rates of simvastatin release, demonstrating tunablity for drug delivery applications

    Polymeric Prodrug

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    The presently-disclosed subject matter includes compounds that comprise an initiator and an active agent that is covalently bonded to the initiator through a ring-opening polymerization process, an atom-transfer radical polymerization process, a Michael addition reaction, or a ring-opening metathesis polymerization process. In some embodiments the active agent includes simvastatin. The presently-disclosed subject matter also includes methods for making the compositions and methods for using the compositions to treat tissue wounds

    Highly Thiolated Poly (Beta-Amino Ester) Nanoparticles for Acute Redox Applications

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    Disulfides are used extensively in reversible cross-linking because of the ease of reduction into click-reactive thiols. However, the free-radical scavenging properties upon reduction are often under-considered. The free thiols produced upon reduction of this disulfide material mimic the cellular reducing chemistry (glutathione) that serves as a buffer against acute oxidative stress. A nanoparticle formulation producing biologically relevant concentrations of thiols may not only provide ample chemical conjugation sites, but potentially be useful against severe acute oxidative stress exposure, such as in targeted radioprotection. In this work, we describe the synthesis and characterization of highly thiolated poly (ÎČ-amino ester) (PBAE) nanoparticles formed from the reduction of bulk disulfide cross-linked PBAE hydrogels. Degradation-tunable PBAE hydrogels were initially synthesized containing up to 26 wt % cystamine, which were reduced into soluble thiolated oligomers and formulated into nanoparticles upon single emulsion. These thiolated nanoparticles were size-stable in phosphate buffered saline consisting of up to 11.0 ± 1.1 mM (3.7 ± 0.3 mmol thiol/g, n = 3 M ± SD), which is an antioxidant concentration within the order of magnitude of cellular glutathione (1–10 mM)

    Surface integrity in dry and cryogenic machining of AZ31B Mg alloy with varying cutting edge radius tools

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    Surface integrity of machined products has a critical impact on their functional performance. Magnesium alloys are lightweight materials for transportation industry and are also emerging as a potential material for temporary biomedical implants. However, their unsatisfactory corrosion resistance limits their application to a great extent. Surface integrity factors, such as grain size, crystallographic orientation and residual stresses, were reported to have significant influence on corrosion resistance of AZ31 Mg alloys. In this study, AZ31B Mg discs were orthogonally turned using cutting tools with two edge radii under both dry and cryogenic conditions. The influence of cutting edge radius and cooling method on surface integrity was investigated. Cryogenic machining using a large edge radius tool led to a thicker grain refinement layer, larger compressive residual stresses and stronger intensity of basal texture, which may remarkably enhance the corrosion performance of magnesium alloys.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessment of heart rate variability (HRV) in subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus with and without diabetic foot: correlations with endothelial dysfunction indices and markers of adipo-inflammatory dysfunction

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    Background: Some studies have suggested that patients with diabetes and foot complications have worse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular risk profiles, higher degrees of endothelial dysfunction and arterial stiffness and a higher inflammatory background than patients with diabetes without diabetic foot complications. Patients with diabetes mellitus have an alteration in the sympathovagal balance as assessed by means of heart rate variability (HRV) analysis, which is also related to the presence of endothelial dysfunction. Other studies suggest a possible role of inflammation coexisting with the alteration in the sympathovagal balance in favor of the atherosclerotic process in a mixed population of healthy subjects of middle and advanced age. Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of alteration of sympathovagal balance, assessed by HRV analysis, in a cohort of patients with diabetes mellitus with diabetic foot and in control subjects without diabetic foot compared with a population of healthy subjects and the possible correlation of HRV parameters with inflammatory markers and endothelial dysfunction indices. Methods: We enrolled all patients with diabetic ulcerative lesions of the lower limb in the Internal Medicine with Stroke Care ward and of the diabetic foot outpatient clinic of P. Giaccone University Hospital of Palermo between September 2019 and July 2020. 4-h ECG Holter was performed. The following time domain HRV measures were analyzed: average heart rate, square root of the mean of successive differences of NN (RMSSD), standard deviation or square root of the variance (SD), and standard deviation of the means of the NN intervals calculated over a five-minute period (SDANN/5 min). The LF/HF ratio was calculated, reactive hyperemia was evaluated by endo-PAT, and serum levels of vaspine and omentin-1 were assessed by blood sample collection. Results: 63 patients with diabetic foot, 30 patients with diabetes and without ulcerative complications and 30 patients without diabetes were enrolled. Patients with diabetic ulcers showed lower mean diastolic blood pressure values than healthy controls, lower MMSE scores corrected for age, lower serum levels of omentin-1, lower RHI values, higher body weight values and comparable body height values, HF% and LF/HF ratio values. We also reported a negative correlation between the RHI value and HRV indices and the expression of increased parasympathetic activity (RMSDD and HF%) in subjects with diabetic foot and a statistically significant positive correlation with the LF/HF ratio and the expression of the sympathovagal balance. Discussion: Patients with diabetic foot show a higher degree of activation of the parasympathetic system, expressed by the increase in HF values, and a lower LF/HF ratio. Our findings may corroborate the issue that a parasympathetic dysfunction may have a possible additive role in the pathogenesis of other vascular complications in subjects with diabetic foot

    Effects of intravenous furosemide plus small-volume hypertonic saline solutions on markers of heart failure

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    Aims: We sought to compare the effects of furosemide + hypertonic saline solution (HSS) treatment in patients with acute decompensated heart failure in comparison with furosemide alone and the response in a compensated state after an acute saline load with regard to serum levels of heart failure biomarkers. Methods and results: We enrolled 141 patients with acute decompensated heart failure with reduced ejection fraction admitted to our Internal Medicine ward from March 2017 to November 2019. A total of 73 patients were randomized to treatment with i.v. high-dose furosemide plus HSS, whereas 68 patients were randomized to i.v. high-dose furosemide alone. Patients treated with furosemide plus HSS compared with controls treated with furosemide alone showed a comparable degree of reduction in the serum levels of interleukin (IL)-6, soluble suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (sST2), and N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in the ‘between-group’ analysis. Nevertheless, patients treated with high-dose furosemide + HSS showed significantly higher absolute delta values of IL-6 (2.3 Â± 1.2 vs. 1.7 Â± 0.9, P < 0.0005, and 2.0 Â± 0.8 vs. 1.85 Â± 1.1, P = 0.034), sST2 (41.2 Â± 8.6 vs. 27.9 Â± 7.6, P < 0.0005, and 37.1 Â± 6.6 vs. 28.4 Â± 6.7, P < 0.0005), high-sensitivity troponin T (0.03 Â± 0.02 vs. 0.02 Â± 0.01, P = 0.001, and 0.03 Â± 0.02 vs. 0.02 Â± 0.01, P = 0.009), NT-proBNP (7237 Â± 7931 vs. 3244 Â± 4159, P < 0.005, and 5381 Â± 4829 vs. 4466 Â± 4332, P = 0.004), and galectin-3 (15.7 Â± 3.2 ng/mL vs. 11.68 Â± 1.9 ng/mL, P < 0.0005, and 16.7 Â± 3.9 ng/mL vs. 11.8 Â± 2.4 ng/mL, P < 0.0005) than patients treated with furosemide alone. After acute saline load, patients treated with i.v. furosemide + HSS in comparison with subjects treated with furosemide alone showed a significantly lower increase in the serum concentrations of IL-6 (−0.26 Â± 0.42 pg/mL vs. −1.43 Â± 0.86 pg/mL, P < 0.0005), high-sensitivity troponin T (0 vs. −0.02 Â± 0.02 ng/mL, P < 0.0005), sST2 (−8.5 Â± 5.9 ng/mL vs. −14.6 Â± 6.2 ng/mL, P < 0.0005), galectin-3 (−2.1 Â± 1.5 ng/mL vs. −7.1 Â± 3.6 ng/mL, P < 0.0005), and NT-proBNP (77 Â± 1373 vs. −1706 Â± 2259 pg/mL, P < 0.0005). Conclusions: Our findings concerning a comparable degree of reduction in the serum levels of three cardinal biomarkers indicate that a reduction in serum heart failure markers is not linked to the higher degree of congestion relief with a more rapid achievement of a clinical compensation state. This issue may have possible benefits on clinical practice concerning its therapeutic effects over and beyond the simple amelioration of clinical congestion signs and symptoms. Nevertheless, our findings of higher delta values after treatment with i.v. furosemide plus HSS indicate a possible higher efficacy by means of modulation of the stretching and fibrosis mechanisms
