32 research outputs found

    Measles Virus Strain Diversity, Nigeria and Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    Differences in epidemiologic patterns are only partially explained by vaccination practices

    Antecedent causes of a measles resurgence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    Introduction: Despite accelerated measles control efforts, a massive measles resurgence occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) starting in mid-2010, prompting an investigation into likely causes. Methods: We conducted a descriptive epidemiological analysis using measles immunization and surveillance data to understand the causes of the measles resurgence and to develop recommendations for elimination efforts in DRC. Results: During 2004-2012, performance indicator targets for case-based surveillance and routine measles vaccination were not met. Estimated coverage with the routine first dose of measles-containing vaccine (MCV1) increased from 57% to 73%. Phased supplementaryimmunization activities (SIAs) were conducted starting in 2002, in some cases with sub-optimal coverage (≤95%). In 2010, SIAs in five of 11 provinces were not implemented as planned, resulting in a prolonged interval between SIAs, and a missed birth cohort in one province. During July 1, 2010-December 30, 2012, high measles attack rates (>100 cases per 100,000 population) occurred in provinces that had estimated MCV1 coverage lower than the national estimate and did not implement planned 2010 SIAs. The majority of confirmed case-patients were aged <10 years (87%) and unvaccinated or with unknown vaccination status (75%). Surveillance detected two genotype B3 and one genotype B2 measlesvirus strains that were previously identified in the region. Conclusion: The resurgence was likely caused by an accumulation of unvaccinated, measles-susceptible children due to low MCV1 coverage and suboptimal SIA implementation. To achieve the regional goal of measles elimination by 2020, efforts are needed in DRC to improve case-based surveillance and increase two-dose measles vaccination coverage through routine services and SIAs.Keywords: Measles, outbreak, elimination, immunization, vaccination, surveillance, DRC, RD

    Leptospirosis as a cause of fever associated with jaundice in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

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    BACKGROUND: Fever with jaundice is a common symptom of some infectious diseases. In public health surveillance within the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), yellow fever is the only recognized cause of fever with jaundice. However, only 5% of the surveillance cases are positive for yellow fever and thus indicate the involvement of other pathogens. Leptospira spp. are the causative agents of leptospirosis, a widespread bacterial zoonosis, a known cause of fever with jaundice. This study aimed to determine the seropositivity of anti-Leptospira antibodies among suspected yellow fever cases and map the geographical distribution of possible leptospirosis in the DRC. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective study using 1,300 samples from yellow fever surveillance in the DRC from January 2017 to December 2018. Serum samples were screened for the presence of IgM against Leptospira spp. by a whole cell-based IgM ELISA (Patoc-IgM ELISA) at the Institut National de Recherche Biomedicale in Kinshasa (INRB) according to World Health Organization (WHO) guidance. Exploratory univariable and multivariable logistic regression analyses were undertaken to assess associations between socio-demographic factors and the presence of Leptospira IgM. RESULTS: Of the 1,300 serum samples screened, 88 (7%) showed evidence of IgM against Leptospira spp. Most positive cases (34%) were young adult males in the 20-29-year group. There were statistically significant associations between having Leptospira IgM antibodies, age, sex, and living area. Observed positive cases were mostly located in urban settings, and the majority lived in the province of Kinshasa. There was a statistically significant association between seasonality and IgM Leptospira spp. positivity amongst those living in Kinshasa, where most of the positive cases occurred during the rainy season. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that leptospirosis is likely an overlooked cause of unexplained cases of fever with jaundice in the DRC and highlights the need to consider leptospirosis in the differential diagnosis of fever with jaundice, particularly in young adult males. Further studies are needed to identify animal reservoirs, associated risk factors, and the burden of human leptospirosis in the DRC

    Herpes Infections in Suspected Cases of Yellow Fever in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    International audienceIn the battle to quickly identify potential yellow fever arbovirus outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, active syndromic surveillance of acute febrile jaundice patients across the country is a powerful tool. However, patients who test negative for yellow fever virus infection are too often left without a diagnosis. By retroactively screening samples for other potential viral infections, we can both try to find sources of patient disease and gain information on how commonly they may occur and co-occur. Several human arboviruses have previously been identified, but there remain many other viral families that could be responsible for acute febrile jaundice. Here, we assessed the prevalence of human herpes viruses (HHVs) in these acute febrile jaundice disease samples. Total viral DNA was extracted from serum of 451 patients with acute febrile jaundice. We used real-time quantitative PCR to test all specimens for cytomegalovirus (CMV), herpes simplex virus (HSV), human herpes virus type 6 (HHV-6) and varicella-zoster virus (VZV). We found 21.3% had active HHV replication (13.1%, 2.4%, 6.2% and 2.4% were positive for CMV, HSV, HHV-6 and VZV, respectively), and that nearly half (45.8%) of these infections were characterized by co-infection either among HHVs or between HHVs and other viral infection, sometimes associated with acute febrile jaundice previously identified. Our results show that the role of HHV primary infection or reactivation in contributing to acute febrile jaundice disease identified through the yellow fever surveillance program should be routinely considered in diagnosing these patients

    Detection of human parvovirus B19 in serum samples from children under 5 years of age with rash-fever illnesses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    BACKGROUND: It has been demonstrated that infection with human parvovirus B19 (B19V) is associated with rash-fever illnesses. The present study aimed to investigate B19V as an aetiological agent of rash-fever syndromes in Congolese children confirmed as measles and rubella IgM-negative. An ELISA IgM test and PCR were performed to screen for B19V. METHODS: A total of 177 archived serum samples were randomly selected from the measles biobank of the National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB). Samples were investigated for anti-B19V IgM and B19V DNA. These samples originated from children <5years of age with measles-like rashes, previously confirmed as negative for both measles and rubella IgM. RESULTS: Out of 177 serum samples tested by ELISA and 168 tested by PCR, 109 were positive for B19V IgM antibodies (61.6%) and 87 (51.8%) were positive for B19V DNA. Positive samples in both assays were from all provinces of DRC. CONCLUSIONS: B19V plays a role in rash-fever illnesses in children under 5 years of age suspected of having measles or rubella infections in DRC. As an aetiological cause of rash and fever syndromes, the present study demonstrates that B19V should also be considered during the laboratory investigation of rash-fever illnesses in DRC, particularly in the paediatric population. There is a need to conduct further studies in order to gain a better understanding of the spatiotemporal pattern of B19V and to define the genotype(s) of B19V circulating in DRC.status: publishe

    Detection of human parvovirus B19 in serum samples from children under 5 years of age with rashâfever illnesses in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    Background: It has been demonstrated that infection with human parvovirus B19 (B19V) is associated with rashâfever illnesses. The present study aimed to investigate B19V as an aetiological agent of rashâfever syndromes in Congolese children confirmed as measles and rubella IgM-negative. An ELISA IgM test and PCR were performed to screen for B19V. Methods: A total of 177 archived serum samples were randomly selected from the measles biobank of the National Institute for Biomedical Research (INRB). Samples were investigated for anti-B19V IgM and B19V DNA. These samples originated from children <5 years of age with measles-like rashes, previously confirmed as negative for both measles and rubella IgM. Results: Out of 177 serum samples tested by ELISA and 168 tested by PCR, 109 were positive for B19V IgM antibodies (61.6%) and 87 (51.8%) were positive for B19V DNA. Positive samples in both assays were from all provinces of DRC. Conclusions: B19V plays a role in rashâfever illnesses in children under 5 years of age suspected of having measles or rubella infections in DRC. As an aetiological cause of rash and fever syndromes, the present study demonstrates that B19V should also be considered during the laboratory investigation of rashâfever illnesses in DRC, particularly in the paediatric population. There is a need to conduct further studies in order to gain a better understanding of the spatiotemporal pattern of B19V and to define the genotype(s) of B19V circulating in DRC. Keywords: Parvovirus B19, Rashâfever illnesses, IgM antibody, Measles/rubella, Democratic Republic of the Cong

    Identification of Dengue and Chikungunya Cases Among Suspected Cases of Yellow Fever in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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    International audienceFor more than 95% of acute febrile jaundice cases identified through surveillance for yellow fever, a reemerging arthropod-borne viral disease, no etiological exploration is ever done. The aim of this study was to test for other arthropod-borne viruses that can induce the same symptoms in patients enrolled in the yellow fever surveillance in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Of 652 patients included in the surveillance of yellow fever in DRC from January 2003 to January 2012, 453 patients that tested negative for yellow fever virus (YFV) immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies were selected for the study. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed for the detection of dengue, West Nile, Chikungunya, O'nyong-nyong, Rift Valley fever, Zika, and YFV. The average age of patients was 22.1 years. We reported 16 cases (3.5%; confidence interval [CI]: 0.8-5.2) of dengue (serotypes 1 and 2) and 2 cases (0.4%; CI: 0.0-1.0) of Chikungunya. Three patients were co-infected with the two serotypes of dengue virus. Three cases of dengue were found in early July 2010 from the city of Titule (Oriental province) during a laboratory-confirmed outbreak of yellow fever, suggesting simultaneous circulation of dengue and yellow fever viruses. This study showed that dengue and Chikungunya viruses are potential causes of acute febrile jaundice in the DRC and highlights the need to consider dengue and Chikungunya diagnosis in the integrated disease surveillance and response program in the DRC. A prospective study is necessary to establish the epidemiology of these diseases

    High Prevalence and Diversity of Hepatitis Viruses in Suspected Cases of Yellow Fever in the Democratic Republic of Congo

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    International audienceThe majority of patients with acute febrile jaundice (>95%) identified through a yellow fever surveillance program in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) test negative for antibodies against yellow fever virus. However, no etiological investigation has ever been carried out on these patients. Here, we tested for hepatitis A (HAV), hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV), hepatitis D (HDV), and hepatitis E (HEV) viruses, all of which can cause acute febrile jaundice, in patients included in the yellow fever surveillance program in the DRC. On a total of 498 serum samples collected from suspected cases of yellow fever from January 2003 to January 2012, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) techniques were used to screen for antibodies against HAV (IgM) and HEV (IgM) and for antigens and antibodies against HBV (HBsAg and anti-hepatitis B core protein [HBc] IgM, respectively), HCV, and HDV. Viral loads and genotypes were determined for HBV and HVD. Viral hepatitis serological markers were diagnosed in 218 (43.7%) patients. The seroprevalences were 16.7% for HAV, 24.6% for HBV, 2.3% for HCV, and 10.4% for HEV, and 26.1% of HBV-positive patients were also infected with HDV. Median viral loads were 4.19 × 10 5 IU/ml for HBV (range, 769 to 9.82 × 10 9 IU/ml) and 1.4 × 10 6 IU/ml for HDV (range, 3.1 × 10 2 to 2.9 × 10 8 IU/ml). Genotypes A, E, and D of HBV and genotype 1 of HDV were detected. These high hepatitis prevalence rates highlight the necessity to include screening for hepatitis viruses in the yellow fever surveillance program in the DRC