154 research outputs found

    What determines large scale galaxy clustering: halo mass or local density?

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    Using dark matter simulations we show how halo bias is determined by local density and not by halo mass. This is not totally surprising, as according to the peak-background split model, local density is the property that constraints bias at large scales. Massive haloes have a high clustering because they reside in high density regions. Small haloes can be found in a wide range of environments which determine their clustering amplitudes differently. This contradicts the assumption of standard Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) models that the bias and occupation of haloes is determined solely by their mass. We show that the bias of central galaxies from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation as a function of luminosity and colour is not correctly predicted by the standard HOD model. Using local density instead of halo mass the HOD model correctly predicts galaxy bias. These results indicate the need to include information about local density and not only mass in order to correctly apply HOD analysis in these galaxy samples. This new model can be readily applied to observations and has the advantage that the galaxy density can be directly observed, in contrast with the dark matter halo mass.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    Acquired Cold Urticaria: Clinical Features, Particular Phenotypes, and Disease Course in a Tertiary Care Center Cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Data about special phenotypes, natural course, and prognostic variables of patients with acquired cold urticaria (ACU) are scarce. OBJECTIVES: We sought to describe the clinical features and disease course of patients with ACU, with special attention paid to particular phenotypes, and to examine possible parameters that could predict the evolution of the disease. METHODS: This study was a retrospective chart review of 74 patients with ACU who visited a tertiary referral center of urticaria between 2005 and 2015. RESULTS: Fourteen patients (18.9%) presented with life-threatening reactions after cold exposure, and 21 (28.4%) showed negative results after cold stimulation tests (classified as atypical ACU). Nineteen patients (25.7%) achieved complete symptoms resolution at the end of the surveillance period and had no subsequent recurrences. Higher rates of atypical ACU along with a lower likelihood of achieving complete symptom resolution was observed in patients who had an onset of symptoms during childhood (P < .05). In patients with atypical ACU, shorter disease duration and lower doses of antihistamines required for achieving disease control were detected (P < .05). Age at disease onset, symptom severity, and cold urticaria threshold values were found to be related to disease evolution (P < .05). LIMITATIONS: This study was limited by its retrospective nature. CONCLUSIONS: The knowledge of the clinical predictors of the disease evolution along with the clinical features of ACU phenotypes would allow for the establishment of an early and proper therapeutic strategy

    Atmira Pharma Visualization

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    Atmira Pharma Visualization és un repte que presenta Cajamar UniversityHack 2022. Aquest repte consisteix en crear la millor aplicació i/o visualització de dades anonimitzades facilitades per Atida Mifarma, una empresa de comerç electrònic líder en Espanya i Portugal en la venta de productes de parafarmàcia i farmàcia. Així doncs, l'objectiu general del TFG és donar una visualització útil i completa per l'empresa Atida Mifarma que li permeti conèixer de forma visual dades rellevants pel seu dia a dia, a més d'ajudar la en la seva missió, visió i valors. A més, s'han realitzat dues recomanacions a l'empresa per tal que els seus clients siguin més proactius i ajudar al seu creixement.Atmira Pharma Visualization es un reto que presenta Cajamar UniversityHack 2022. Este reto consiste en crear la mejor aplicación y/o visualización de datos anonimizados facilitados por Atida Mifarma, una empresa de comercio electrónico líder en España y Portugal en la venta de productos de parafarmacia y farmacia. Así pues, el objetivo general del TFG es dar una visualización útil y completa por la empresa Atida Mifarma que le permita conocer de forma visual datos relevantes para su día a día, además de ayudarle en su misión, visión y valores. Además, se han realizado dos recomendaciones a la empresa para que sus clientes sean más proactivos y ayudar a su crecimiento.Atmira Pharma Visualization is a challenge presented by Cajamar UniversityHack 2022. This challenge consists in creating the best application and/or visualization of anonymized data provided by Atida Mifarma, a leading e-commerce company in Spain and Portugal in the sale of parapharmacy products and pharmacy. Therefore, the general objective of this Final Degree Project is to provide a useful and complete visualization for the company Atida Mifarma that allows them to visualize relevant data for their day to day, as well as help them in their mission, vision and values. In addition, two recommendations have been made to the company to make its customers more proactive and help them grow

    Cosmology with galaxy surveys : how galaxies trace mass at large scales /

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    Els cartografiats galàctics són una eina important per la cosmologia. No obstant això, la majoria de la matèria està en forma de matèria fosca, que no interacciona amb la llum. Per tant, les galàxies que observem des dels nostres telescopis són una petita fracció de la matèria total de l'univers. Per això és necessari entendre la connexió entre galàxies i matèria fosca per tal d'inferir la distribució de tota la matèria de l'univers a partir dels cartografiats galàctics. Les simulacions són una eina important per a predir la formació i evolució de les estructures de matèria fosca i galàxies. Les simulacions permeten estudiar l'impacte de diferents cosmologies i models de formació de galàxies en les estructures a gran escala finals que formen les galàxies i la matèria. A gran escala, les fluctuacions de densitat de galàxies a gran escala són proporcionals a les fluctuacions de matèria per un factor anomenat bias galàctic. Aquest factor permet inferir la distribució de matèria total a partir de la distribució de galàxies, i per tant el coneixement del bias galàctic té un impacte molt important en els nostres estudis cosmològics. Aquesta tesi doctoral està focalitzada en l'estudi del bias galàctic i el bias d'halos a grans escales. Hi ha diferents tècniques per a estudiar el bias galàctic, en aquesta tesi ens focalitzem en dues d'elles. La primera tècnica utilitza l'anomendat Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD), que assumeix que les galàxies poblen halos de matèria fosca només segons la massa dels halos. No obstant això, aquesta hipòtesi no sempre és suficientment precisa. Utilitzem la simulació Millennium per a estudiar el bias galàctic i d'halos, la dependència en la massa del bias d'halos i els seus efectes en les prediccions del bias galàctic. Trobem que l'ocupació de galàxies en halos no depèn només de la seva massa, i assumir això causa un error en la predicció del bias galàctic. També estudiem la dependència del bias d'halos en l'ambient, i mostrem que l'ambient restringeix molt més el bias que la massa. Quan un conjunt de galàxies és seleccionat per propietats que estan correlacionades amb l'ambient, l'assumpció de que el bias d'halos només depèn de la massa falla. Mostrem que en aquests casos utilitzant la dependència en l'ambient del bias d'halos produeix una predicció del bias galàctic molt més bona. Una altra tècnica per estudiar el bias galàctic és utilitzant Weak gravitational lensing per mesurar directament la massa en observacions. Weak lensing és el camp que estudia les distorsions lleus en les imatges de les galàxies degut a la deflexió de la llum produïda per la distribució de matèria del davant de la galàxia. Aquestes distorsions permeten inferir la distribució a gran escala de la matèria total. Desenvolupem i estudiem un nou mètode per mesurar el bias galàctic a partir de la combinació dels mapes de weak lensing i el camp de distribució de galàxies. El mètode consisteix en reconstruïr el mapa de weak lensing a partir de la distribució de les galàxies de davant del mapa. El bias és mesurat a partir de les correlacions entre el mapa de weak lensing reconstruït i el real. Testegem diferents sistemàtics del mètode i estudiem en quins règims el mètode és consistent amb altres mètodes per mesurar el bias lineal. Trobem que podem mesurar el bias galàctic utilitzant aquesta tècnica. Aquest mètode és un bon complement d'altres mètodes per mesurar el bias galàctic, perquè utilitza assumpcions diferents. Juntes, les diferents tècniques per mesurar el bias galàctic permetran restringir millor el bias galàctic i la cosmologia en els futurs cartografiats galàctics.Galaxy surveys are an important tool for cosmology. The distribution of galaxies allow us to study the formation of structures and their evolution, which are needed ingredients to study the evolution and content of the Universe. However, most of the matter is made of dark matter, which gravitates but does not interact with light. Hence, the galaxies that we observe from our telescopes only represent a small fraction of the total mass of the Universe. Because of this, we need to understand the connection between galaxies and dark matter in order to infer the total mass distribution of the Universe from galaxy surveys. Simulations are an important tool to predict the structure formation and evolution of dark matter and galaxy formation. Simulations allow us to study the impact of different cosmologies and galaxy formation models on the final large scale structures that galaxies and matter form. Simulations are also useful to calibrate our tools before applying them to real surveys. At large scales, galaxies trace the matter distribution. In particular, the galaxy density fluctuations at large scales are proportional to the underlying matter fluctuations by a factor that is called galaxy bias. This factor allows us to infer the total matter distribution from the distribution of galaxies, and hence knowledge of galaxy bias has a very important impact on our cosmological studies. This PhD thesis is focused on the study of galaxy and halo bias at large scales. There are several techniques to study galaxy bias, here we focus on two of them. The first technique is the Halo Occupation Distribution (HOD) model, that assumes that galaxies populate dark matter haloes depending only on the halo mass. With this hypothesis and a halo bias model, we can relate galaxy clustering with matter clustering and halo occupation. However, this hypothesis is not always accurate enough. We use the Millennium Simulation to study galaxy and halo bias, the halo mass dependence of halo bias, and its effects on galaxy bias prediction. We find that the halo occupation of galaxies does not only depend on mass, and assuming so causes an error in the galaxy bias predictions. We also study the environmental dependence of halo bias, and we show that environment constrains much more bias than mass. When a galaxy sample is selected by properties that are correlated with environment, the assumption that halo bias only depends on mass fails. We show that in these cases using the environmental dependence of halo bias produces a much better prediction of galaxy bias. Another technique to study galaxy bias is by using weak gravitational lensing to directly measure mass. Weak lensing is the field that studies the weak image distortions of galaxies due to the light deflections produced by the presence of a foreground mass distribution. Theses distortions can be used to infer the total mass (baryonic and dark) distribution at large scales. We develop and study a new method to measure bias from the combination of weak lensing and galaxy density fields. The method consists on reconstructing the weak lensing maps from the distribution of the foreground galaxies. Bias is then measured from the correlations between the reconstructed and real weak lensing fields. We test the different systematics of the method and the regimes where this method is consistent with other methods to measure linear bias. We find that we can measure galaxy bias using this technique. This method is a good complement to other methods to measure bias because it uses different assumptions. Together the different techniques will allow to constrain better bias and cosmology in future surveys

    BMP-2 induces osterix expression through upregulation of DLX5 and its phosphorylation by p38

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    Osterix, a zinc-finger transcription factor, is specifically expressed in osteoblasts and osteocytes of all developing bones. Because no bone formation occurs in Osterix null mice, Osterix is thought to be an essential regulator of osteoblast differentiation. We report that bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) induces an increase in Osterix expression, which is mediated through a homeodomain sequence located in the proximal region of the Osterix promoter. Our results demonstrate that induction of Dlx5 by BMP-2 mediates Osterix transcriptional activation. First, BMP-2 induction of Dlx5 precedes the induction of Osterix. Second, Dlx5 binds to the BMP-responsive homeodomain sequences both in vitro and in vivo. Third, Dlx5 overexpression and knock-down assays demonstrate its role in activating Osterix expression in response to BMP-2. Furthermore, we show that Dlx5 is a novel substrate for p38 MAPK in vitro and in vivo and that Ser-34 and Ser-217 are the sites phosphorylated by p38. Phosphorylation at Ser-34/217 increases the transactivation potential of Dlx5. Thus, we propose that BMP activates expression of Osterix through the induction of Dlx5 and its further transcriptional activation by p38-mediated phosphorylation

    Different polyphenol excretion between two populations following a 40th parallel diet

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    Podeu consultar el III Workshop anual INSA-UB complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/118993Sessió 1. Pòster núm.

    Factors Predicting Ictal Quality in Bilateral Electroconvulsive Therapy Sessions

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    In electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), ictal characteristics predict treatment response and can be modified by changes in seizure threshold and in the ECT technique. We aimed to study the impact of ECT procedure-related variables that interact during each session and might influence the seizure results. Two hundred and fifty sessions of bilateral ECT in forty-seven subjects were included. Seizure results were evaluated by two different scales of combined ictal EEG parameters (seizure quality index (SQI) and seizure adequacy markers sum (SAMS) scores) and postictal suppression rating. Repeated measurement regression analyses were performed to identify predictors of each session's three outcome variables. Univariate models identified age, physical status, hyperventilation, basal oxygen saturation, days between sessions, benzodiazepines, lithium, and tricyclic antidepressants as predictors of seizure quality. Days elapsed between sessions, higher oxygen saturation and protocolized hyperventilation application were significant predictors of better seizure quality in both scales used in multivariate models. Additionally, lower ASA classification influenced SQI scores as well as benzodiazepine use and lithium daily doses were predictors of SAMS scores. Higher muscle relaxant doses and lower applied stimulus intensities significantly influenced the postictal suppression rating. The study found several modifiable procedural factors that impacted the obtained seizure characteristics; they could be adjusted to optimize ECT session results

    Edició i estudi preliminar de "La famosa comedia de la entrada del marqués de Los Vélez en Cataluña, rota de las tropas castellanas y asalto de Montjuïc"

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    En aquest treball, s'elabora l'estudi i l'edició de l'obra teatral titulada La famosa comedia de la entrada del Marqués de los Vélez, de 1641; únic exemple del teatre barroc basat en la Guerra dels Segadors. Primerament, es fa una reflexió sobre l'statu quo de la redacció de la peça i sobre l'autoria anònima. En segon lloc, es proposa una descripció de les seves unitats dramàtiques i personatges. S'exposa la seva transmissió textual i els criteris d'edició seguits. S'esposa una lectura interpretativa del nivell simbòlic, i, en darrer terme, s'exposa el text dramàtic establert amb les notes explicatives corresponents