12 research outputs found

    Perbandingan Kemampuan Embedded Computer dengan General Purpose Computer untuk Pengolahan Citra

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    Perkembangan teknologi komputer membuat pengolahan citra saat ini banyak dikembangkan untuk dapat membantu manusia di berbagai bidang pekerjaan. Namun, tidak semua bidang pekerjaan dapat dikembangkan dengan pengolahan citra karena tidak mendukung penggunaan komputer sehingga mendorong pengembangan pengolahan citra dengan mikrokontroler atau mikroprosesor khusus. Perkembangan mikrokontroler dan mikroprosesor memungkinkan pengolahan citra saat ini dapat dikembangkan dengan embedded computer atau single board computer (SBC). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji kemampuan embedded computer dalam mengolah citra dan membandingkan hasilnya dengan komputer pada umumnya (general purpose computer). Pengujian dilakukan dengan mengukur waktu eksekusi dari empat operasi pengolahan citra yang diberikan pada sepuluh ukuran citra. Hasil yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa optimasi waktu eksekusi embedded computer lebih baik jika dibandingkan dengan general purpose computer dengan waktu eksekusi rata-rata embedded computer adalah 4-5 kali waktu eksekusi general purpose computer dan ukuran citra maksimal yang tidak membebani CPU terlalu besar untuk embedded computer adalah 256x256 piksel dan untuk general purpose computer adalah 400x300 piksel.The improvements in computer technology make image processing developed widely to help people in various areas of work. However, some work canâ??t be developed with image processing because it doesnâ??t support the use of computers and it encourages the development of image processing with a microcontroller or special microprocessor. The improvement of microcontrollers and microprocessors features currently allows image processing can be developed with embedded computers. This study aims to test the performance of embedded computers for image processing and then compare the results with the performance of general purpose computer. The result shows that the optimized execution time of embedded computer is better than general purpose computer with the comparison of average execution time of embedded computer is 4-5 times slower than the general purpose computer and the maximal image size that does not make the CPU overload for embedded computer is 256x256 pixel and for general purpose computer is 400x300 pixels

    Sistem inferensi fuzzy Mamdani untuk menentukan tingkat kualitas air pada kolam bioflok dalam budidaya ikan lele

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    The government has launched a program to increase the production of catfish by using biofloc ponds. The biofloc ponds can maintain the quality of water biologically to maximize the growth of fish. However, the level of water quality monitoring is generally only divided into good or bad categories so that it cannot represent the condition of fish growth. Therefore, this study aims to get the level of water quality (0–100 %) using the Mamdani fuzzy inference system (FIS) algorithm based on pH, temperature, and dissolved oxygen (DO). The level of water quality was correlated based on catfish growth conditions. The results showed that the range of values of the water quality level for each condition of catfish growth was 100 % for normal-living fish, 83–99 % for stunted fish growth, and < 83% for threatened fish. The FIS algorithm had 89.92 % of accuracy.Penerapan kolam bioflok menjadi salah satu program pemerintah untuk meningkatkan produksi ikan lele. Kolam bioflok mempunyai kemampuan untuk menjaga kualitas air secara biologis agar pertumbuhan ikan maksimal. Namun, penentuan kualitas air umumnya hanya dikategorikan ke dalam kondisi baik atau buruk saja sehingga kurang mewakili kondisi pertumbuhan ikan lele. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai dari tingkat kualitas air (0–100 %) menggunakan sistem inferensi fuzzy (FIS) Mamdani yang didasarkan dari parameter pH, suhu, dan oksigen terlarut (DO). Nilai tingkat kualitas air dipetakan sesuai dengan kondisi pertumbuhan ikan lele. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa rentang nilai dari tingkat kualitas air untuk setiap kondisi pertumbuhan ikan lele adalah 100 % untuk ikan hidup normal, 83–99 % untuk pertumbuhan ikan terhambat, dan < 83 % untuk ikan terancam mati. Algoritme FIS yang dihasilkan mempunyai akurasi sebesar 89,92 %

    Trilateration Method for Estimating Location in RSSI-Based Indoor Positioning System Using Zigbee Protocol

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    Wireless network technology that is used today is developing rapidly because of the increase needed for location information of an object with high accuracy. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technology to estimate the current location. Unfortunately, GPS has a lack of accuracy around 10 meters when used indoors. Therefore, it began to be developed with the concept of an indoor positioning system. This is a technology used to estimate the location of objects in a building by utilizing WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). The purpose of this study is to estimate the location of the unknown nodes in the lecturer room as objects and obtain the accuracy of the system being tested. The positioning process is based on the received signal strength (RSSI) on the unknown node using the ZigBee module. The trilateration method is used to estimate the unknown nodes located at the observation area based on the signal strength received at the time of testing. The result shows that the path loss coefficient value at the observation area was 0.9836 and the Mean Square Error of the test was 1.54 meters, which implies that the system can be a solution to the indoor GPS problem.Wireless network technology that is used today is developing rapidly because of the increase needed for location information of an object with high accuracy. Global Positioning System (GPS) is a technology to estimate the current location. Unfortunately, GPS has a lack of accuracy around 10 meters when used indoors. Therefore, it began to be developed with the concept of an indoor positioning system. This is a technology used to estimate the location of objects in a building by utilizing WSN (Wireless Sensor Network). The purpose of this study is to estimate the location of the unknown nodes in the lecturer room as objects and obtain the accuracy of the system being tested. The positioning process is based on the received signal strength (RSSI) on the unknown node using the ZigBee module. The trilateration method is used to estimate the unknown nodes located at the observation area based on the signal strength received at the time of testing. The result shows that the path loss coefficient value at the observation area was 0.9836 and the Mean Square Error of the test was 1.54 meters, which implies that the system can be a solution to the indoor GPS problem

    Prototipe Perangkat Pengingat Penggantian Oli pada Sepeda Motor Via Notifikasi SMS Berbasis Arduino

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    Penggantian oli secara teratur pada kendaraan bermotor tiap jarak tempuh tertentu merupakan salah satu upaya agar kondisi mesin tetap laik jalan. Namun, pemilik sepeda motor seringkali abai terhadap hal ini karena tidak adanya sarana pengingat ketika sudah tiba waktunya untuk mengganti oli. Satu-satunya indikator adalah penunjuk kilometer pada speedometer sehingga sang pemilik harus mengingat posisi kilometer saat oli terakhir diganti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menciptakan sebuah prototipe perangkat berbasis Arduino untuk mengingatkan pemilik kendaraan via notifikasi SMS agar mengganti oli ketika sudah tercapai jarak tempuh tertentu. Proses pembuatan prototipe perangkat meliputi empat tahap yaitu perancangan sistem, perancangan perangkat keras, perancangan perangkat lunak dan pengujian. Prototipe perangkat terdiri dari motor DC untuk menyimulasikan putaran roda, rotary encoder untuk mendeteksi jumlah putaran roda, sistem mikropengendali Arduino sebagai pengendali utama, LCD untuk menampilkan jarak tempuh dan modul GSM Icomsat 1.1 sebagai pengirim SMS. Pada pengujian didapatkan selisih 0,02 m untuk setiap 1 m penghitungan jarak ukur. LCD telah dapat menampilkan nilai jarak tempuh. Perangkat juga telah dapat mengirimkan notifikasi SMS setiap jarak tempuh tertentu terpenuhi. Pada pengembangan mendatang, perlu adanya pengaturan ulang terhadap rotary encoder agar galat pengukuran jarak dapat diperkecil. Selain itu, perlu ditambahkan pula pencatat berapa kali telah dilakukan penggantian oli. Kata Kunci: Arduino, SMS, Pengingat Penggantian Oli


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    Measurement of electric power usage is carried out using simple measuring instruments and the recording is still manual so that the data obtained is not real-time and accurate. This research aims to implement an electrical energy monitoring system using the Internet of Things (IoT) to obtain real-time information related to electrical energy in the education industry. This research uses an Industrial Grade Power Meter to get a more accurate measurement value. To connect the Power Meter device with the IoT system, this research uses Modbus RS485 communication and a mini PC to process data from the meter, so that the data can be sent to a server using the MQTT communication protocol, and displayed on the Dashboard. The test results of this study indicate that the monitoring system can be implemented and the system runs well with end-to-end measurement results. From the measurement results, the current value (3 phase average) has an average deviation of 0.001 Amperes, Voltage (3 phase average) has an average deviation of 0.519 V, Power factor has an average deviation of 0.012, Active power has a deviation average of 0.000 kW, reactive power with an average deviation of 0.000 kVAR, apparent power with an average deviation of 0.000 kVA and frequency with an average deviation of 0.124 Hz. Then the MQTT protocol has a quality of service with index 4 based on TIPHON standardization on delay, throughput, and packet loss parameters, and index 3 based on TIPHON standardization on jitter parameters

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    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Self Directed Learning terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa pada Mata Kuliah Matematika Diskrit

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa antara mahasiswa yang belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran self directed learning dengan mahasiswa yang belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang bertujuan untuk mencari pengaruh perlakuan tertentu terhadap yang lain dalam kondisi yang terkontrol. Hasil penelitian diuji menggunakan uji hipotesis untuk mengetahui adanya perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa antara mahasiswa yang belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran self directed learning dengan mahasiswa yang belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran konvensional. Selain itu juga digunakan analisis statistik deskriptif untuk melihat perubahan sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Dari hasil penelitian menggunakan uji hipotesis dan analisis statistik deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar mahasiswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran self directed learning. Model pembelajaran self directed learning dapat meningkatkan kemandirian belajar mahasiswa sehingga terdapat perbedaan yang cukup signifikan antara kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar menggunakan model pembelajaran self directed learning dan kelompok mahasiswa yang belajar dengan pembelajaran konvensional. Kata kunci: self directed learning ABSTRACT This study aims to determine differences in student learning outcomes between students using self directed learning method and students using conventional method. This research is an experimental research to find the effect of certain treatment on others in controlled condition. Hypothesis testing is used to analyze the result of the research and to know the difference of student learning result. Descriptive statistical analysis is used to determine changes before and after treatment. From the results of the study showed that there are differences in student learning outcomes using self directed learning method. The self directed learning model can improve students' self-reliance so that there is a significant difference between the groups of students using self directed learning method and students using conventional method. Keywords: self directed learnin

    Perbandingan Kinerja Pengontrol PID menggunakan Antarmuka OPC pada PLC dan MATLAB untuk Sistem Pasteurisasi Susu

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    ABSTRAK PLC digunakan pada pengontrolan suhu pada pasteurisasi susu. Di sisi lain, MATLAB memiliki variasi pengontrol yang lebih luas dan dapat terhubung ke sistem Pasteurisasi Susu menggunakan OPC. Namun, penggunaan OPC dikhawatirkan akan menurunkan kinerja sistem karena waktu tunda dan waktu sampling. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan kinerja pengontrolan PID pada sistem pasteurisasi susu dari MATLAB dan PLC dengan memperhatikan pengaruh antarmuka OPC. Pada penelitian ini, kinerja peralihan sistem diukur dengan pengontrol yang berbeda, menggunakan metode penalaan yang berbeda dan berasal dari PLC dan MATLAB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan OPC tidak memberikan efek negatif pada kinerja sistem. Nilai rata-rata MSE setelah keadaan stabil pada pengontrol PI adalah 70,66 sedangkan pada pengontrol PID 1,16. Nilai MSE Pengontrol PID dengan Penalaan Cohen Coon adalah 0,356. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemilihan piranti pengontrol lebih memiliki efek signifikan terhadap kinerja dibandingkan dengan penggunaan OPC. Kata kunci: Pasteurisasi, Cohen Coon, PLC, MATLAB, OPC   ABSTRACT PLC can be used to control temperature in milk pasteurization process. MATLAB has more usable Controllers that can be used in milk pasteurization process through OPC .The concern is that the use of OPC will reduce system performance due to delay and sampling time. This study aims to compare the performance of PID control in the milk pasteurization system usingMATLAB and PLC as controllersregarding the effect of using OPC interfaces. In this research, the transient response performance of the system was measured using different type of controllers, twhich use different tuning methods based on PLC and MATLAB. The results showed that the use of OPC did not have a negative effect on system performance. The MSE average in a steady condition for PI controller is 70,66, and for PID controller is 1,16. MSE result using Cohen Coon controller is 0,356. So it can be concluded that the choice of the control device has a more significant effect on performance than with the use of OPC. Keywords: Pasteurization, Cohen Coon, PLC, MATLAB, OP

    A robust automated system for detecting and recognising the digit of electrical energy consumption number of the postpaid kWh-meter

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    Most of the processes of kilowatt-hour meter (kWh-meter) reading in Indonesia are still in manual process which may lead to some problems, such as time consumption and high possibility of data entry errors. Therefore, this study proposes an automated system to minimise these problems. This system is developed for the image with uneven illumination condition and tilted position of stand kWh-meter due to the unavoidable situation while capturing the kWh-meter image. In this study, the illumination problem is solved by local thresholding and the tilted position of stand kWh-meter is solved by combination of morphology operations and vertical edge detection on the location detection process and vertical-horizontal projections on the segmentation process. Finally, the numeral recognition is performed by support vector machine (SVM) classifier with zonal density feature as a selected input. The results show that the accuracy of proposed system is 93.55% on detection location process, 89.38% on segmentation process, and 78.10% on numeral recognition process