62 research outputs found

    Keanekaragaman Spesies Lebah (Hymenoptera: Apidae) pada Berbagai Jenis Tanaman Berbunga di Kota Pagaralam Sumatera Selatan

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    Pujiastuti Y, Putri KU. 2021. Species diversity of bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) on various types of flowering plants in Pagaralam City, South Sumatera. In: Herlinda S et al. (Eds.), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Lahan Suboptimal ke-9 Tahun 2021, Palembang  20 Oktober 2021. pp. 603-610.  Palembang: Penerbit & Percetakan Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI). Bees are pollinating insects acting as pollinators on various kinds of plants, both cultivated plants, ornamental plants and wild plants. Bee visits to various plants can provide benefits for both parties, where bees get benefit from getting pollen and nectar as a source of food, while the infested plants get benefit from pollination assisted by bees. The purpose of research was to investigate bee species of Apidae family on various species of flowering plants in Pagaralam City. Surveys of Apidae bees have been carried out in three sub-districts of Pagar Alam City, South Sumatera, namely North Dempo District, South Pagaralam District and North Pagaralam District on 14 plant species spread over eight different villages. Observations were conducted from May to June 2021. Observations were carried out using scan sampling method (direct observation) and using insect net. At observation time, bees were taken using insect nets and put in a bottle vial for population count and identification purposes. Environmental parameters included temperature and humidity measured every time of observations, the morning air temperature (08.00-10.00) ranged from 21oC-27oC with air humidity of 73%-91%. It was found 4 species of bees belong to  the Apidae family namely A. dorsata, A. cerana, T. laeviceps, dan X. violace. Each of bee played a role as pollinators in various flowering plants observed


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    Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan di Desa Pemulutan Ulu Kecamatan Pemulutan Kabupaten Ogan Ilir yang merupakan desa Binaan fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sriwijaya. Desa tersbeut berjarak sekitar terletak sekitar 16 km dari pusat Kota Palembang atau sekitar 20 km dari kampus Unsri Inderalaya kearah kota Palembang. Judul yang diberikan pada kegiatan tersebut adalah “Budidaya Tanaman  Bawang Merah Di Desa Binaan Pemulutan Ulu “. Sebagai khalayak sasaran adalah masyarakat petani terutama yang tergabung dalam kelompok tani “Harapan Tani”. Selama ini para petani belum pernah melakukan penanaman tanaman bawang merah. Oleh karena itu tim pengabdian FP Unsri memberikan cara dan teknologi penanaman bawang merah dalam polibag dilanjutkan dengan pengenalan jenis hama yang menyerang serta pengendaliannya. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan respons yang sangat baik dari peserta, terbukti dnegan adanya banyak pertanyaan maupun masukan dari petani berkaitan dengan adanya hama-hama yang menyerang tanaman bawang merah tersebut. Ketika disampaikan beberapa jensi hama yang menyerang tanaman bawang merah, muncul komentar petani bahwa mereka juga perah meliha hama tersbeut. Oleh karena itu selanjutnya dijelaskna bahwa sebagian hama dapat hidup secara polifagus yaitu dengan memakan berbagai jenis tanaman. Tindak lanjut drai kegiatan ini sangat diharapkan oleh petani. Mereka mengharapkan kemungkinan untuk menanam tanaman bawang merah di lahan biasa (buka dalam polibag) sehingga mereka dapat merasakan manfaat yang lebih besar dari budidaya usaha penanaman tanaman bawang merah tersebut dan mendapatkan tingkat produksi yang tinggi

    Diversity of Soil Inhabiting Arthropods in Intercropping of Chili and Chinese Mustard Green Applied With Bacillus thuringiensis Based Bio-Insecticides and Synthetic Insecticides Treatment

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    Bio-insecticide is one of alternative ways in controlling plant pests with many advantages compared to synthetic insecticides, especially in environmental aspects. Bacillus thuringiensis is a microbial agent which most widely used as bio-insecticide to control insect pests belongs to Filum Arthropods. Biodiversity of arthropods in intercropping plants with application of B. Thuringiensis based bio-insecticide was investigated. Chili and mustard chinese green intercropped in which chili was one season and the other was two seasons. B. thuringiensis-based bio-insecticide and chemical insecticide were applicated on those plants. Sampling of arthropods were conducted by pitfall trap and yellow pan trap The result showed relative abundance of arthropods was higher in Bt B. Thuringiensis-based bio-insecticide treatments compared with chemical one. Dominance Index of second season was higher than in first season. Index of evenness resulted no difference (E < 0.5) between first season and second season shows that population level of each species was not different

    Variety of Pests and Arthropods in Organic and Non-organic Rice Cultivation in South Sumatera

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    The system of cropping pattern and the use of fertilizer will be different to the diversity of pests and arthropods in paddy fields. The objective of this research is to determine the pest and arthropod pests in non-organic and organic paddy in paddy fields. The applied method is the plant observations that attacked pests by using 1 ha of organic paddy field and 1 ha of non-organic paddy field. The catching arthropods is the way to observed the insects by using insect nets, trap holes, yellow trays and light traps and analyzing the result by using the Shannon-Wiener equation. This research was undertaken on April 2016 to August 2016 in Sumber Suko village, BK. VIII, Gumawang district, regency of Ogan Komering Ulu east, South Sumatera. The result of this research pointed out that the variety of pest paddy crops is relatively diverse both in non-organic and organic paddy. The abundance and variety of arthropods in organic agriculture is higher at 1.39 than non-organic agriculture at 0.87 so it can affect the extent of pest attacks on organic paddy. The ecosystem of organic paddy. The ecosystems of organic paddy is more complex in the diversity of arthropods and the abundance of microorganisms than non-organic paddy systems


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    Abstract: Raden Soerjo Gran Forest Park is a conservation area or called a conservation forest that used to collect plants and animals. The plants and the animals in there used as a research material by experts and students. This research was conducted in Raden Soerjo Gran Forest Park Sub Mojokerto Region, precisely at along the road to the Watu Ondo Waterfall. One of the species plants that exist in there is Liana. Liana is a species plant that requires other higher plants to get sunlight to growth. Liana is an important and distinctive component of tropical forests. The purpose of this research is to know the diversity of liana species in Raden Soerjo Gran Forest Park. Data retrieval is done by using explored method. The results of this research have been found 24 species of plants belong to 15 families, which is Piperaceae, Rubiaceae, Rosaceae, Moraceae, Smilacaceae, Arecaceae, Vitaceae, Fabaceae, Araceae, Apocynaceae, Menispermaceae, Elaeagnaceae, Urticaceae, Convolvulaceae, and Commelinaceae. &nbsp; Keywords: Angiosperm, Diversity of Species, Lian

    Fecundity, Longevity, and Host Finding of Three Parasitoid Species of Liriomyza sativae

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    Liriomyza sativae is a polyphagous agromyzid leafminer and it has invaded large part of world, i.e Hemiptarsenus varicornis, Gronotoma micromorpha, and Opius dissitus. This research were conducted to investigate progeny, immature development period, longevity of female parasitoids of L. sativae, and to study female parasitoid behaviour in host finding. Host finding behaviour was observed by examining their visit frequency to the leaves that mined by leafminer larvae and healthy leaves. Results showed that H. varicornis produced more progenies (10.70 + 2.58 progenies/female), but not significantly different (P < 0.05) from progenies produced by G. micromorpha (9.90 + 3.81 progenies/female) and O. dissitus (9.60 + 3.31 progenies/female). The immature development period of G. micromorpha (25.65 + 0.38 days) was found to be longer than H. varicornis (16.14 ± 1.20 days) and O. dissitus (14.03 + 0.22 days). Significant different (P = 0.1014) of adult longevity was not found among H. varicornis (9.22 + 2.48 days), G. micromorpha (7.25 + 1.34 days), and O. dissitus (8.74 + 2.18 days). Our analyses also indicated that G. micromorpha and O. dissitus found their hosts based on the larvae mining, however, H. varicornis performed it randomly. Based on the number of progeny and longevity of adult female, all parasitoids tested may have a potential as biological control agents of leafminer, L. sativae

    Kerapatan Dan Viabilitas Spora Beauveria Bassiana (Bals.) Akibat Subkultur Dan Pengayaan Media, Serta Virulensinya Terhadap Larva Plutella Xylostella (Linn.)

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    Density and viability of spores of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. due to sub-cultures and media enriched, and its virulence against larvae of Plutella xylostella (Linn.) This laboratory research was conducted to determine density and viability of spores of Beauveria bassiana due to sub-cultures and media enriched, and to investigate the fungi virulence againts larvae of Plutella xylostella. B. bassiana was grown in Saborroud Dextrose Broth (SDB) cultures enriched with cricket powder. The results showed that the best sub-culture was the fourth sub-culture enriched with cricket powder, producing 6.05 x 108 spores/ml with 30.7% viability. The highest larval mortality was found in the second sub-culture enriched with cricket powder which was reach 78.33%. The spore density and viability, and virulence of B. bassiana grown in sub-culture without cricket powder enrichment was consistently decreasing from the second sub-culture to the eighth. Sub-cultures enriched with cricket powder could increase density, viability, and virulence of B. bassiana in every sub-culture. Overall, the enrichment with cricket powder up to 0.5% could increase the density, viability, and virulence of B. bassiana
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