79 research outputs found

    Guide to prevention of skin injuries after the use of individual protection equipment against infections.

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    La presente guía pretende facilitar unas recomendaciones en los cuidados de la piel de los profesionales que se ven obligados a utilizar los equipos de protección individual (EPI), durante un periodo largo de tiempo en su jornada laboral. Estas pautas previas y posteriores a la utilización de dichos equipos, es el resultado de la revisión de la literatura científica más reciente, tienen la finalidad de prevenir las lesiones cutáneas que pueden abarcar desde una simple fricción a úlceras por presión e incluso dermatitis alérgicas o de contacto.Medicin

    Redefinition of the Ilerdian Stage (early Eocene)

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    The Ilerdian Stage was created by Hottinger and Schaub in 1960 to accommodate a significant phase in the evolution of larger foraminifera not recorded in the northern European basins, and has since been adopted by most researchers working on shallow marine early Paleogene deposits of the Tethys domain. One of the defining criteria of the stage is a major turnover of larger foraminifera, marked by the FO’s of Alveolina vredenburgi (formerly A. cucumiformis) and Nummulites fraasi. There is now conclusive evidence that this turnover was coeval with the onset of the Carbon Isotope Excursion (CIE) and, consequently, with the Paleocene-Eocene (P-E) boundary, a temporal correspondence that reinforces the usefulness of the Ilerdian as a chronostratigraphic subdivision of the early Eocene in a regional context. However, in addition to the paleontological criteria, the definition of the Ilerdian was also based on the designation of two reference sections in the southern Pyrenees: Tremp (stratotype) and Campo (parastratotype). In both sections, the base of the stage was placed at the lowest marine bed containing A. vredenburgi specimens. Using the CIE as a correlation tool we demonstrate that these two marine beds occur at different chronological levels, being older in Campo than in Tremp. Further, we show that both beds are in turn younger than the lowest strata with Ilerdian larger foraminifera at the deep-water Ermua section in the Basque Basin (western Pyrenees). Since the age of stage boundaries must be the same everywhere, the choice of these stratotype sections was misleading, since in practice it resulted in the Ilerdian being used as a facies term rather than as a chronostratigraphic unit. To eliminate that conflict, and yet be respectful with established tradition, we propose to redefine the Ilerdian Stage following a procedure similar to the one used by the International Commission on Stratigraphy to establish global chronostratigraphic standards, namely: by using a “silver spike” to be placed in the Tremp section at the base of the Claret Conglomerate, a widespread lithological unit that in the Tremp Graus Basin coincides with the onset of the CIE. The redefined regional Ilerdian Stage becomes thus directly correlatable to the lower part of the global Ypresian Stage, as currently defined by the International Commission on Stratigraphy

    Prevention of skin lesions after the use of personal protective equipment against infection.

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    Una de las grandes preocupaciones actuales que padecen los profesionales sanitarios que precisan del uso continuado de equipos de protección individual (EPI), sobre todo para el manejo del paciente con enfermedad COVID, es la protección y prevención de las lesiones en piel que dichos equipos producen como evento adverso. El presente artículo revisa esta afectación y sus causas: oclusión de la piel, evaporación del agua intradérmica, fricción, presión, humedad y reacciones químicas. Como conclusiones, la estrategia de prevención incluye abordar aspectos como el lavado e hidratación de la piel, prevención de la presión local y prevención de la humedad.One of the major concerns of today's healthcare professionals who require the continued use of personal protective equipment (PPE), especially for the management of patients with COVID disease, is the protection and prevention of skin injuries that such equipment produces as an ad-verse event. This article reviews this affectation and its causes: skin occlusion, intra-dermal water evaporation, friction, pressure, humidity and chemical reactions. As conclusions, the prevention strategy includes addressing aspects such as washing and moisturizing the skin, preventing local pressure and preventing moisture.Medicin

    Drinking Water Library: nuevo recurso para identificar cepas bacterianas en aguas de consumo

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    De acuerdo con el RD 140/2003, el agua apta para el consumo humano no debe mostrar presencia de los indicadores bacterianos Escherichia coli, Clostridium perfringens y Enterococcus sp. Pero, aunque no se detecten estos indicadores, el agua del grifo no es estéril y puede tener cierta cantidad de microrganismos que muchas veces puede generar colonias en las placas de cultivo. Lejos de representar un peligro para la salud humana, si se dispone de un método rápido, sencillo, robusto y fiable para la identificación de estas colonias, se puede avanzar mucho en el conocimiento de la microbiología del agua potable. El proyecto Drinking Water Library ha permitido desarrollar la primera base de datos para MALDI-TOF MS específica para bacterias presentes en aguas de consumo

    Well logs-outcrop sections correlation in the Aptian-Albian continental facies of SW Basquecantabrian basin: application to identifying coal-bearing units

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    Gamma-ray well logs of Aptian and Albian fluvial facies of Palencia, Cantabria and Burgos (SW Basque-Cantabrian Basin, N Spain), show serrated bell and funnel shaped patterns for the Utri/las Fm. and cylindrica/ shaped thicker sequences for the underlying Escucha Fm. Taking into account outcrop data, such differences in log patterns are attributed to different overbank-channel fill facies ratio and to the type of channe/-fill sequences. Coal seams, mainly identified by sonic logs, occur on top of both cylindrical and bel/ shaped gamma-ray facies. Coal occurrence is facies dependent, the major coa/-bearing unit in the fluvial facies (but sti/l non-economic) being the overbank facies rich middle member of the Escucha Fm. Restored cross-section of Aptian-Albian fluvial deposits show that the sedimentation of the Escucha Fm. was strongly controlled by N400 E trending synsedimentary fold

    A massive input of coarse-grained siliciclastics in the Pyrenean Basin during the PETM: the missing ingredient in a coeval abrupt change in hydrological regime

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    The Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) is represented in numerous shallow and deep marine sections of the south-central and western Pyrenees by a 2-4 m thick unit (locally up to 20 m) of clays or marly clays intercalated within a carbonate-dominated succession. This unit records a massive input into the Pyrenean Gulf of fine-grained terrestrial siliciclastics, attributed to an abrupt hydrological change during the PETM. However, the nature of such a change remains controversial. Here we show that, in addition to fine-grained deposits, large volumes of coarse-grained siliciclastics were brought into the basin and were mostly accumulated in incised valleys and in a long-lived deep-sea channel. The occurrence of these coarse-grained deposits has been known for some time, but their correlation with the PETM is reported here for the first time. The bulk of the incised valley deposits in the PETM interval are cross-bedded sands and pebbly sands, almost exclusively made of quartz. The criteria for indicting a relation to the PETM include their stratigraphic position between upper Thanetian and lower Ilerdian marine carbonates, organic carbon isotope data, and a high percentage of kaolinite in the clay matrix. The axially flowing deep-sea channel existed throughout Paleocene times in the Pyrenean Basin, within which coarse-grained calciclastic and siliciclastic turbidites were accumulated. This Paleocene succession is capped by thickly bedded quartz sandstones and pebbly sandstones, probably deposited by hyperpycnal flows, which are here assigned to the PETM based on their stratigraphic position and organic carbon isotopic data. The large and simultaneous increase in coarse- and fine-grained terrestrial siliciclastics delivered to the Pyrenean Gulf during the PETM is attributed to an increased intra-annual humidity gradient. During the PETM a longer and drier summer season facilitated the erosion of landscapes, whereas a dramatic enhancement of precipitation extremes during the wet season led to intensified flood events, with rivers carrying greater volumes of both bed and suspended loads. This scenario argues against the possibility that PETM kaolinites indicate a coeval warm and humid climate in northern Spain. Instead, the kaolinite reflects the erosion of thick Cretaceous lateritic profiles developed on the Hercynian basement

    Història sense nom

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