7 research outputs found

    Informe addiccions comportamentals: any聽2021

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    Addiccions comportamentals; Conductes; Prevalen莽aAdicciones comportamentales; Conductas; PrevalenciaBehavioral addictions; Prevalence; BehaviorsEn aquest Informe es presenten els resultats de la prevalen莽a de les conductes que poden generar un problema o una addicci贸 comportamental en la poblaci贸 de Catalunya a partir de les dades de les dues enquestes estatals biennals que es duen a terme en anys alterns, conjuntament amb el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas: una enquesta s鈥檃dre莽a a la poblaci贸 general "Enquesta domicili脿ria sobre alcohol i drogues a Espanya (EDADES)" i l鈥檃ltra est脿 enfocada a la poblaci贸 escolar "Enquesta estatal sobre l鈥櫭簊 de drogues en ensenyaments secundaris (ESTUDES)". A la segona part de l鈥橧nforme, es presenta la informaci贸 sobre els tractaments de les persones diagnosticades de trastorn per addiccions o problemes comportamentals o sense subst脿ncia que s鈥檋an at猫s a les unitats especialitzades d鈥檃tenci贸 a aquestes addiccions, les unitats d鈥檃ddiccions comportamentals (UAC) i centres d鈥檃tenci贸 i seguiment de les drogodepend猫ncies (CAS)

    Understanding how alcohol environment influences youth drinking: A concept mapping study among university students

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    The aim of the study was to identify the environmental factors that influence alcohol consumption, according to university students, and assess the relative importance and the frequency attributed to each factor. A study using Concept Mapping methodology was performed with a sample of nursing students, who participated in two face-to-face data collection sessions. In session 1, a consensus about the environmental aspects that influence their alcohol consumption was obtained. In session 2, the statements obtained were rated according to their relative importance and frequency in alcohol use (1 = minimum; 5 = maximum). Subsequently, all data were analyzed with the RCMAP of the statistical package R 3.6.1. Approximately 60 students participated in each session. Most were women aged 20 to 24. In session 1, a total of 55 statements were obtained and classified into 7 different clusters: Advertising (9 statements); Family environment (4 statements); Social pressure (12 statements); Responsibilities/ norms (4 statements); Holidays and leisure time (7 statements); Emotional situations (8 statements); Accessibility (11 statements). Factors related to social pressure, holidays and leisure time, and alcohol accessibility were considered the most important and frequent in alcohol consumption. In contrast, alcohol advertising was considered the least important (mean 2.6 out of 5) and frequent (mean 2.1 out 5) factor. In conclusion, the factors considered most relevant among nursing students match those having more resources allocated for prevention and health promotion, except for alcohol advertising, which was perceived as less important and frequent compared with the other factors

    Assessing the association between tourism and the alcohol urban environment in Barcelona: a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: Alcohol availability and promotion are not distributed equally in the urban context. Evidence shows that the socioeconomic level seems to influence the amount of alcohol-related elements in an area. Some studies suggest that tourism could also affect the distribution of these elements. We explore with a valid instrument in a large city whether there is an association between high tourism pressure and a greater presence of alcohol-related elements in the urban environment. Design: Observational ecological study. Setting: The study was conducted in Barcelona during 2017-2018. Participants: We assessed urban exposure to alcohol by performing social systematic observation using the OHCITIES Instrument in a stratified random sample of 170 census tracts within the city's 73 neighbourhoods. Primary and secondary outcome measures: For each census tract we calculated the density of alcohol premises, and of promotion in public places per 1000 residents. We estimated tourism pressure using the number of tourist beds per 1000 residents in each neighbourhood and calculated quartiles. To assess the relationship between rate ratios of elements of alcohol urban environment and tourism pressure, we calculated Spearman correlations and fitted Poisson regression models with robust error variance. Results: The median densities obtained were of 8.18 alcohol premises and of 7.59 alcohol advertising and promotion elements visible from the public space per 1000 population. Census tracts with the highest tourism pressure had 2.5 (95% CI: 1.85-3.38) times more outlets and 2.3 (95% CI: 1.64-3.23) times more promotion elements per 1000 residents than those in the lowest tourism pressure quartile. Conclusions: We observed a strong association between tourism pressure and alcohol exposure in the city of Barcelona

    Social Inequalities in Changes in Diet in Adolescents during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Spain : The DESKcohort Project

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    Adolescence is a critical period in the consolidation of healthy lifestyles that can last into adulthood. To analyze changes in food consumption and eating behaviors in high-school adolescents during the first confinement, a cross-sectional study was conducted at the end of confinement in Spain. Changes in the frequency or quantity of consumption of different types of food and food-related behaviors were analyzed. Socioeconomic and health-related variables were also considered. To determine whether dietary changes were related to socioeconomic position (SEP), Poisson regression models with robust variance were estimated. Overall, there were some changes towards a healthier diet such as an increase in fruit consumption (38.9%) and a decrease in the consumption of soft drinks (49.8%), sweets and pastries (39.3%), and convenience foods (49.2%). Some changes, however, were related to less healthy behaviors, such as a more irregular pattern of meal distribution (39.9%) or an increase in snacking between meals (56.4%). Changes towards less healthy eating were also related to students' SEP. The risk of worsening the diet was found to be 21% higher in adolescents from a more disadvantaged SEP. Future public policies could be adapted to avoid increasing nutritional and health inequalities

    Prevalence of binge drinking among high school students and urban contextual factors

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    [spa] Fundamentos: Muchos adolescentes experimentan con sustancias adictivas como el alcohol. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la prevalencia del consumo intensivo epis贸dico de alcohol (binge drinking o atrac贸n de bebida) en estudiantes de secundaria y su relaci贸n con el g茅nero, el curso y el tipo de escuela, as铆 como con factores urbanos contextuales del barrio de escolarizaci贸n: nivel socioecon贸mico, densidad de locales de venta de alcohol y presi贸n tur铆stica. M茅todos: Se trat贸 de un estudio observacional transversal. La poblaci贸n estudiada fue el alumnado de 2潞 y 4潞 de Ense帽anza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de la ciudad de Barcelona en 2016. El consumo de alcohol, el sexo, el curso, el tipo de escuela y el barrio de escolarizaci贸n se extrajeron de la encuesta FRESC. La riqueza del barrio y la presi贸n tur铆stica se extrajeron de las estad铆sticas municipales. La densidad de establecimientos de venta de alcohol se obtuvo por observaci贸n directa mediante el instrumento OHCITIES. Se estim贸 la prevalencia de episodios de consumo intensivo de alcohol (cinco o m谩s unidades en una ocasi贸n), estratificando por edad, sexo y titularidad de la escuela. Se calcu- laron modelos de regresi贸n de Poisson con varianza robusta para estimar las variables relacionadas con una mayor prevalencia de consumo intensivo. Resultados: La frecuencia autodeclarada de episodios de consumo intensivo en los 煤ltimos 30 d铆as fue del 6,1% en esta muestra de 2.329 estudiantes, 2,2% en 2潞 curso y 10,3% en 4潞 curso. Fue mayor en los chicos (7%) que en las chicas (5,1%), y ligeramente mayor en las escuelas privadas subvencionadas (6,4%) que en las escuelas p煤blicas (5,5%). En los modelos de regresi贸n de Poisson, ni los coeficientes de las tres variables de contexto ni el tipo de escuela alcanzaron significaci贸n estad铆stica, a dife- rencia de los obtenidos con las variables individuales de sexo y curso. La prevalencia ajustada de episodios de consumo intensivo en los barrios oscil贸 entre 0 y el 18,2%. Al comparar las variables contextuales de los ocho barrios con menor prevalencia de consu- mo intensivo con los dem谩s, tanto una mayor densidad de locales de venta de alcohol como una mayor presi贸n tur铆stica se asociaron a una mayor prevalencia de episodios de consumo intensivo, mientras que para la riqueza no hubo diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas. Conclusiones: El consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia temprana est谩 asociado con variables individuales como el sexo y la edad. Factores urbanos contextuales como una mayor presi贸n tur铆stica y la densidad de los locales que venden alcohol podr铆an ejercer tambi茅n cierta influencia. [eng] Background: Many teenagers experiment with addictive substances such as alcohol. The objective of this study was to estimate the frequency of binge drinking among secondary school students and its relationship with sex, grade, and type of school, as well as with urban contextual factors of the school neighborhood: socioeconomic level, density of alcohol outlet premises, and tourist pressure. Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study. The study population were the students of 8th and 10th grade (2nd and 4th year of ESO) in the city of Barcelona in 2016. Alcohol use, sex, grade, type of school and school neighborhood were taken from the FRESC survey. The wealth of the neighborhood and tourist pressure were extracted from municipal statistics. The density of alcohol outlets was obtained by direct observation with the OHCITIES instrument. We estimated the prevalence of binge drinking (consumption of five or more units on one occasion) stratifying by age, sex and ownership of the school. We calculated a robust Poisson regression model with the individual and contex- tual variables and analyzed the situation of those neighborhoods with the highest prevalence of binge. Results: The self-declared frequency of binge drinking in the last 30 days was 6.1% in this sample of 2,329 students, 2.2% in 8th grade and 10.3% in 10th grade. It was higher in boys (7%) than in girls (5.1%), and slightly higher in private subsidized schools (6.4%) than in public schools (5.5%). In the Poisson regression models, neither the coefficients of the three contextual variables nor the type of school reached statistical significance, contrary to those obtained with the individual variables of sex and year. The adjusted prevalence of binge in the 36 neighborhoods ranged from 0 to 18.2%. Comparing the contextual variables of the 8 neighborhoods with the lowest prevalence of binge with the others, both a greater density of local alcohol sales and higher tourism pressure were associated with a higher prevalence of binge drinking, while for wealth there were no significant differences. Conclusions: The use of alcohol in early adolescence is related to individual variables such as sex and age. Urban contextual factors such as a higher tourist pressure and the density of premises that sell alcohol may exert also some influence

    Preventive Gambling Programs for Adolescents and Young Adults: A Systematic Review

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    Gambling disorder in youth is an emerging public health problem, with adolescents and young adults constituting a vulnerable age group for the development of gambling-related problems. Although research has been conducted on the risk factors for gambling disorder, very few rigorous studies can be found on the efficacy of preventive interventions in young people. The aim of this study was to provide best practice recommendations for the prevention of disordered gambling in adolescents and young adults. We reviewed and synthesized the results of existing RCTs and quasi-experimental studies covering nonpharmacological prevention programs for gambling disorder in young adults and adolescents. We applied the PRISMA 2020 statement and guidelines to identify 1483 studies, of which 32 were included in the systematic review. All studies targeted the educational setting, i.e., high school and university students. Most studies followed a universal prevention strategy, that particularly targeted adolescents, and an indicated prevention strategy for university students. The reviewed gambling prevention programs generally showed good results in terms of reducing the frequency and severity of gambling, and also regarding cognitive variables, such as misconceptions, fallacies, knowledge, and attitudes towards gambling. Finally, we highlight the need to develop more comprehensive prevention programs that incorporate rigorous methodological and assessment procedures before they are widely implemented and disseminated

    Prevalencia de los episodios de consumo intensivo de alcohol entre estudiantes de secundaria y factores urbanos contextuales

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    Background: Many teenagers experiment with addictive substances such as alcohol. The objective of this study was to estimate the frequency of binge drinking among secondary school students and its relationship with sex, grade, and type of school, as well as with urban contextual factors of the school neighborhood: socioeconomic level, density of alcohol outlet premises, and tourist pressure. Methods: This was an observational cross-sectional study. The study population were the students of 8th and 10th grade (2nd and 4th year of ESO) in the city of Barcelona in 2016. Alcohol use, sex, grade, type of school and school neighborhood were taken from the FRESC survey. The wealth of the neighborhood and tourist pressure were extracted from municipal statistics. The density of alcohol outlets was obtained by direct observation with the OHCITIES instrument. We estimated the prevalence of binge drinking (consumption of five or more units on one occasion) stratifying by age, sex and ownership of the school. We calculated a robust Poisson regression model with the individual and contextual variables and analyzed the situation of those neighborhoods with the highest prevalence of binge. Results: The self-declared frequency of binge drinking in the last 30 days was 6.1% in this sample of 2,329 students, 2.2% in 8th grade and 10.3% in 10th grade. It was higher in boys (7%) than in girls (5.1%), and slightly higher in private subsidized schools (6.4%) than in public schools (5.5%). In the Poisson regression models, neither the coefficients of the three contextual variables nor the type of school reached statistical significance, contrary to those obtained with the individual variables of sex and year. The adjusted prevalence of binge in the 36 neighborhoods ranged from 0 to 18.2%. Comparing the contextual variables of the 8 neighborhoods with the lowest prevalence of binge with the others, both a greater density of local alcohol sales and higher tourism pressure were associated with a higher prevalence of binge drinking, while for wealth there were no significant differences. Conclusions: The use of alcohol in early adolescence is related to individual variables such as sex and age. Urban contextual factors such as a higher tourist pressure and the density of premises that sell alcohol may exert also some influence.Fundamentos: Muchos adolescentes experimentan con sustancias adictivas como el alcohol. El objetivo de este estudio fue estimar la prevalencia del consumo intensivo epis贸dico de alcohol (binge drinking o atrac贸n de bebida) en estudiantes de secundaria y su relaci贸n con el g茅nero, el curso y el tipo de escuela, as铆 como con factores urbanos contextuales del barrio de escolarizaci贸n: nivel socioecon贸mico, densidad de locales de venta de alcohol y presi贸n tur铆stica. M茅todos: Se trat贸 de un estudio observacional transversal. La poblaci贸n estudiada fue el alumnado de 2潞 y 4潞 de Ense帽anza Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) de la ciudad de Barcelona en 2016. El consumo de alcohol, el sexo, el curso, el tipo de escuela y el barrio de escolarizaci贸n se extrajeron de la encuesta FRESC. La riqueza del barrio y la presi贸n tur铆stica se extrajeron de las estad铆sticas municipales. La densidad de establecimientos de venta de alcohol se obtuvo por observaci贸n directa mediante el instrumento OHCITIES. Se estim贸 la prevalencia de episodios de consumo intensivo de alcohol (cinco o m谩s unidades en una ocasi贸n), estratificando por edad, sexo y titularidad de la escuela. Se calcularon modelos de regresi贸n de Poisson con varianza robusta para estimar las variables relacionadas con una mayor prevalencia de consumo intensivo. Resultados: La frecuencia autodeclarada de episodios de consumo intensivo en los 煤ltimos 30 d铆as fue del 6,1% en esta muestra de 2.329 estudiantes, 2,2% en 2潞 curso y 10,3% en 4潞 curso. Fue mayor en los chicos (7%) que en las chicas (5,1%), y ligeramente mayor en las escuelas privadas subvencionadas (6,4%) que en las escuelas p煤blicas (5,5%). En los modelos de regresi贸n de Poisson, ni los coeficientes de las tres variables de contexto ni el tipo de escuela alcanzaron significaci贸n estad铆stica, a diferencia de los obtenidos con las variables individuales de sexo y curso. La prevalencia ajustada de episodios de consumo intensivo en los barrios oscil贸 entre 0 y el 18,2%. Al comparar las variables contextuales de los ocho barrios con menor prevalencia de consumo intensivo con los dem谩s, tanto una mayor densidad de locales de venta de alcohol como una mayor presi贸n tur铆stica se asociaron a una mayor prevalencia de episodios de consumo intensivo, mientras que para la riqueza no hubo diferencias estad铆sticamente significativas. Conclusiones: El consumo de alcohol en la adolescencia temprana est谩 asociado con variables individuales como el sexo y la edad. Factores urbanos contextuales como una mayor presi贸n tur铆stica y la densidad de los locales que venden alcohol podr铆an ejercer tambi茅n cierta influencia