14 research outputs found

    Sulle epigrafi in lineare A di carattere sacrale

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    Raccolgo qui le epigrafi cretesi in Lineare A che, per essere scritte su oggetti pertinenti al culto, hanno sicuramente carattere sacrale

    G. Pugliese Carratelli, Principii della filosofia greca. La nascita della filosofia, Nuova edizione a cura di F. Verde

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    Tra i massimi storici dell’antichità, Giovanni Pugliese Carratelli è stato un raro esempio di intellettuale capace di avere una visione globale ed essenzialmente onnicomprensiva del mondo antico, racchiudendo in esso non solo la Grecia, l’Etruria e Roma, ma anche la Grecia d’Occidente, il Vicino e l’Estremo Oriente. Il volume che qui si pubblica in una nuova edizione è uno dei pochi lavori che Pugliese dedicò interamente al pensiero antico. Tema centrale è l’origine storica della filosofia greca: essa è affrontata comparativamente nel contesto delle più antiche civiltà dell’Asia Anteriore ed egee (Minoici e Micenei). Pugliese, da storico, non crede nel cosiddetto “miracolo greco” ma valorizza la specificità e la diversità dell’esperienza greca rispetto alle altre culture precedenti e coeve, accentuando la decisiva rilevanza della struttura della polis per la nascita della filosofia


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    The availability of plentiful and accurate experimental data on the sea state is a prerequisite of real time activities such as civil protection and navigation safety as well as for the construction of the historical data bases which are necessary for the design of coastal and offshore structure. Unfortunately, while a wealth of applied research is available for researchers working in the development of electronic systems and in the analysis of raw data, many practising maritime engineers still lack a clear reference on the principles, the techniques and the objectives of radar-based systems, which nowadays constitute the largest source of such data. The objective of the paper is to introduce engineers and applied oceanographers to the principles of sea wave measurement by radar and to underline their possibilities and their limits

    An X-Band Radar System for Bathymetry and Wave Field Analysis in a Harbour Area

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    Marine X-band radar based systems are well tested to provide information about sea state and bathymetry. It is also well known that complex geometries and non-uniform bathymetries provide a much bigger challenge than offshore scenarios. In order to tackle this issue a retrieval method is proposed, based on spatial partitioning of the data and the application of the Normalized Scalar Product (NSP), which is an innovative procedure for the joint estimation of bathymetry and surface currents. The strategy is then applied to radar data acquired around a harbour entrance, and results show that the reconstructed bathymetry compares well with ground truth data obtained by an echo-sounder campaign, thus proving the reliability of the whole procedure. The spectrum thus retrieved is then analysed to show the evidence of reflected waves from the harbour jetties, as confirmed by chain of hydrodynamic models of the sea wave field. The possibility of using a land based radar to reveal sea wave reflection is entirely new and may open up new operational applications of the system