42 research outputs found

    Conocer para comprender, comprender para conservar

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    The First Pampean Meeting on Lentic Ecosystems and the Conservation of their Biodiversity took place on March 30 and 31, 2023 in the Benicio Delfín Pérez Urban Natural Reserve, located in General Pico, La Pampa. This meeting was conceived as a place for the exchange of experiences related to the knowledge and conservation of the biodiversity of lentic ecosystems, with particular emphasis on urban natural reserves. The event was organized by the National University of La Pampa, the Municipality of General Pico and the Natural Sciences Professional Council of La Pampa. The program included conferences related to water resources and the protected areas of La Pampa, the characterization of the Benicio Delfín Pérez Urban Natural Reserve and its role as a recreational and environmental education space, and the use of bioindicators and contributions from Citizen Science to monitoring aquatic ecosystems and their environment. Additionally, three round tables were carried out on topics related to flora, bioaquatic resources and fauna, and there were presentations of digital poster in topics ranging from education to extension, and biological and environmental sciences. These meeting served as a starting point for the proposal of research projects, management strategies and tools aimed at recovering, conserving and protecting the ecosystems of the Benicio Delfín Pérez Urban Natural Reserve.Las “Primeras Jornadas Pampeanas sobre Ecosistemas Lénticos y la Conservación de su Biodiversidad” tuvieron lugar el 30 y 31 de marzo de 2023 en la Reserva Natural Urbana Benicio Delfín Pérez de la localidad de General Pico, La Pampa. Esta reunión fue pensada como un espacio de encuentro para el intercambio de experiencias relacionadas con el conocimiento y la conservación de la biodiversidad de los ecosistemas lénticos, poniendo particular énfasis en las reservas naturales urbanas. El evento fue organizado por la Universidad Nacional de La Pampa, la Municipalidad de General Pico y el Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Naturales de La Pampa. El programa incluyó conferencias relacionadas con los recursos hídricos y las áreas protegidas de La Pampa, la caracterización de la Reserva Natural Urbana Benicio Delfín Pérez y su rol como espacio de esparcimiento y educación ambiental, y la utilización de bioindicadores y de aportes de Ciencia Ciudadana para el monitoreo de los ecosistemas acuáticos y su entorno. Además, se presentaron tres mesas redondas sobre flora, recursos bioacuáticos y fauna, y trabajos en formato de posters digitales organizados dentro de las temáticas de educación y extensión, así como de ciencias biológicas y ambientales. Estas Jornadas sirvieron de punto de partida para la propuesta de proyectos de investigación, estrategias de manejo y herramientas tendientes a recuperar, conservar y proteger los ecosistemas de la Reserva Natural Urbana Benicio Delfín Pérez

    Histology‐Based Morphology of the Neurocentral Synchondrosis in Alligator Mississippiensis (Archosauria, Crocodylia)

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    Morphology of the neurocentral synchondroses—thin cartilaginous layers between centra and neural arches—are documented in the extant crocodilian, Alligator mississippiensis (Archosauria, Crocodylia). Examination of dry skeletons demonstrates that neurocentral suture closure occurs in very late postnatal ontogeny (after reaching sexual maturity and/or body size ca. 40% from the upper range). Before sexual maturity (body length (BL) ≥ ca. 1.80 m), completely fused centra and neural arches are restricted to the caudal vertebral series. In contrast, the presacral vertebrae often remain unfused throughout postnatal ontogeny, retaining open sutures in very mature individuals (BL ≥ 2.80 m). These unfused centra and neural arches are structurally supported by the relatively large surface area of the neurocentral junctions, which results from primarily horizontal (mediolateral) increases with strong positive allometry. Cleared and stained specimens show that the cartilaginous neurocentral synchondrosis starts to form after approximately 40 embryonic days. Histological examination of the neurocentral junction in dorsal and anterior caudal vertebrae of six individuals (BL = 0.28–3.12 m) shows : (1) neurocentral fusion is the result of endochondral ossification of the neurocentral synchondrosis, (2) the neurocentral synchondrosis exhibits bipolar organization of three types of cartilaginous cells, and (3) complex neurocentral sutures (i.e., curved, zigzagged, and/or interdigitated boundaries) come from clumping of bone cells of the neural arches and centra into the neurocentral synchondrosis. The last two morphological features can be advantageous for delaying neurocentral fusion, which seems to be unique in crocodilians and possibly their close relatives, including nonavian dinosaurs and other Mesozoic archosaurs. Anat Rec, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/89542/1/21495_ftp.pd

    Hypermediasovelluksen käyttöliittymän ominaisuudet ja arviointi

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    Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, minkälaista tietoa kognitiotiede tarjoaa käytettävyys- ja käyttöliittymäsuunnittelulle. Tarkoituksena on myös tarkastella sitä, minkälaisia ominaisuuksia hypermediasovelluksen käyttöliittymällä on ja miten kyseisiä käyttöliittymiä voidaan arvioida. Luonteeltaan tutkielma on teoreettis-empiirinen. Teoriaosassa pyritään luomaan kognitiotieteen tutkimustulosten ja tietotekniikan välille yhteys, ja empiirisessä osassa pyritään teoriaa soveltamalla selvittämään heuristisen arvioinnin soveltuvuutta hypermediaan sekä arvioimaan sovellusten käytettävyyttä. Tutkimusmateriaalina käytettiin kolmea kulttuuriaiheista, Suomessa valmistettua hypermediasovellusta. Sovellukset ovat tulleet markkinoille vuosien 1996 ja 1998 välisenä aikana. Tutkittavat sovellukset olivat Tuomas Hongan Poika, Peter Von Baghin Kinopalatsi ja Saamelaisten tuen Govadas. Tutkimusmateriaaliksi pyrittiin valitsemaan sovelluksia, joilla on varsin heterogeeninen käyttäjäkunta, minkä vuoksi niiden käyttöliittymiltä vaaditaan paljon. Heuristisen arvioinnin suoritti kuusi tietotekniikkaan sekä käytettävyyteen perehtynyttä henkilöä. Tapaustutkimus on kvalitatiivinen saadun informaation luonteen ja arvioitujen sovellusten määrän vuoksi. Tapaustutkimuksen tutkimustulosten ja aiheen teoreettisen läpikäynnin perusteella tultiin siihen johtopäätökseen, että heuristinen arviointi sopii varsin hyvin hypermediasovellusten arviointiin. Se on helppokäyttöinen, halpa ja nopea käytettävyyden arviointimenetelmä, jota voidaan käyttää useissa eri sovelluskehityksen vaiheissa. Hinta onkin varsin ratkaiseva tekijä hypermediasovelluksien testaamisessa, koska lopputuotteet ovat usein varsin pienikatteellisia tai jopa loppukäyttäjälle ilmaisia. Yleisimmät tapaustutkimuksissa löydetyt käytettävyysongelmat koskivat sovellusten johdonmukaisuutta, navigointia sekä ohjeita ja avustajia. Parempaan käytettävyyteen pyrittäessä vastaantulevat ongelmat ovat poikkitieteellisiä ja vaativat varsin laajaa koulutuspohjaa. Käytettävyyteen liittyvän koulutuksen tarve kasvanee lähitulevaisuudessa siirryttäessä kohti kaikille avointa informaatioyhteiskuntaa.fi=Kokotekstiversiota ei ole saatavissa.|en=Fulltext not available.|sv=Fulltext ej tillgänglig

    Skeletal Morphology and Postmetamorphic Ontogeny of Acris Crepitans (Anura: Hylidae): A Case of Miniaturization in Frogs

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    Acris crepitans is a small, semiaquatic member of the treefrog family Hylidae. Much recent attention has been paid to this species because of reports of population declines and malformations, yet few works have considered the skeletal anatomy of this common North American frog. Herein, we provide a detailed description of the morphology and adult ontogeny of the skeleton of A. crepitans, and discuss novel morphologies, interesting postmetamorphic developmental patterns, and intraspecific skeletal variation. The reduced amount of adult ossification, as well as several novel morphologies present in this species, are consistent with patterns of miniaturization seen in other anurans. For example, the skull is poorly ossified, but most of the cranial cartilages are heavily mineralized, the nasal bones are fused to endochondral ossification of the tectum nasi, the palatines are reduced, and the prootics and exoccipitals are not fused to one another (although the prootics are well-developed and ornamented). In addition, several specimens exhibit abnormalities, which might indicate that: (1) the population was under an acute malformation outbreak, (2) a high incidence of small skeletal malformations is normal in this species, (3) the population is under stress because of habitat fragmentation, (4) there is environmental deterioration in the region where the specimens were collected, and/or (5) the species is now showing signs of decline in southern Missouri. Regardless of the cause, it is clear that further examination of skeletal variability in A. crepitans, including ossification patterns and the frequency of abnormalities, is warranted

    An Anatomical Ontology for Amphibians

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    Herein, we describe our ongoing efforts to develop a robust ontology for amphibian anatomy that accommodates the diversity of anatomical structures present in the group. We discuss the design and implementation of the project, current resolutions to issues we have encountered, and future enhancements to the ontology. We also comment on future efforts to integrate other data sets via this amphibian anatomical ontology


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    Herein, we describe our ongoing efforts to develop a robust ontology for amphibian anatomy that accommodates the diversity of anatomical structures present in the group. We discuss the design and implementation of the project, current resolutions to issues we have encountered, and future enhancements to the ontology. We also comment on future efforts to integrate other data sets via this amphibian anatomical ontology

    A simplified table for staging embryos of the pipid frog Pipa arrabali

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    ABSTRACT Pipa is a Neotropical genus of frogs that dwell in freshwater environments. It includes four species that lack free-swimming larvae (P. aspera, P. arrabali, P. pipa, and P. snethlageae) and three with tadpoles (P. carvalhoi, P. myersi, and P. parva). Developmental tables such as the one proposed by Nieuwkoop and Faber might be useful for Pipa species with tadpoles. However, for the other Pipa species, to determine stages by this table or by any of the tables already prepared for frogs without tadpoles (e.g., Crinia nimbus, Eleutherodactylus coqui, and Oreobates barituensis) is impossible. By using embryonic, juvenile, and subadult specimens, we generated a staging table for P. arrabali, from the moment limb buds were first observed until birth, based on diagnostic features such as snout-vent length; growth, morphology, and reabsorption of the external tail; growth and differentiation of fore and hind limbs; development of intestine and vent tube; position of the angle of the mouth relative to nostrils and eyes; and color of preserved individuals. Based on these observations, we discuss some noteworthy traits (e.g., posture of hands and feet). We also compare the pattern of development of P. arrabali with that of other anuran species (with and without tadpoles)