40 research outputs found

    Design and development of a new approach to wrist rehabilitation

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    Wrist injuries are a very common type of pathology that can compromise most daily tasks. Conventional therapy is dependent on the availability of physiotherapists as well as devices designed for this purpose. Conventional devices do not accompany the patient throughout their rehabilitation process, requiring their constant replacement. Vibratory therapies emerged in recent years and have demonstrated several benefits in this area. However, there are few vibratory devices designed for wrist rehabilitation. In this paper, we propose two different portable and active models for wrist rehabilitation based on vibratory therapy for wrist rehabilitation. The first model has a cylindrical shape and the second model has a dumbbell shape. The results obtained showed that vibratory therapy can assist the wrist rehabilitation because it promoted improvements in joint amplitude gain in all wrist movements. Furthermore, the second device demonstrated higher joint gains than the first device. In addition, the results obtained from the measurement of accelerations demonstrate that the natural frequencies of both devices are adequate for wrist and forearm rehabilitation as well as the mode of vibration. There are differences between what the simulations predicted and what was obtained in practice in terms of natural frequency values.- (undefined

    Implementação de um dispositivo multivibracional para auxiliar à remoção de dentes e raízes

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    A corrente prática de extração dentária é realizada recorrendo a instrumentos rígidos num processo que implica elevadas forças mecânicas e, consequentemente, um pósoperatório doloroso para os pacientes. O presente trabalho apresenta as fases de conceção e desenvolvimento de um instrumento capaz de atuar na fase mais crítica do processo, com a indução de vibração a altas frequências, prevendo-se a diminuição da força necessária para efetuar a extração, bem como os danos provocados pelo procedimento atualmente realizado.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Implementation of a multivibrational medical device to assist the removal of teeth and roots

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    The current practice of tooth extraction is performed using rigid instruments in a process involving high mechanical strength and thus a painful postoperative for patients. In this sense, this work presents the stages of design and development of an instrument capable of acting in the most critical stage of tooth extraction process, the luxation phase, with the induction of vibration at high frequencies, so it is expected to decrease the force required to perform the extraction as well as the damage caused by the currently used procedure. The instrument used by the professional dentist in luxation phase is the dental elevator. So, it was selected and purchased a standard straight elevator to perform the operations necessary for the development of the vibrating elevator. Vibration induction was performed by a system with a piezoelectric actuator. The placement of the whole vibration system was designed to reduce the number of operations to perform to the original instrument as well as maintain the most of his ergonomic shape. Thus, the system was placed inside of the instrument handle to fulfill the aims above. The vibration system behavior was also study through simulation in COMSOL Multiphysics and a theoretical simulation. Through tests it was intended to provide an environment similar to a tooth extraction procedure, using a pig's head as model to which was perform the process of luxation and extraction of teeth of his jaw with the device developed and with or without its vibration system. During the tests, it was difficult to understand the influence of the vibration system in the process. However, tests had great difficulty once the model has significant anatomical differences comparing to Human teeth and roots. However, it is estimated that this vibration can assist the depth penetration of the device between the tooth and the alveolar bone allowing the easier placement of the instrument and an easier lifting of the tooth. The oscillation in this region may also lead to its elevation. These facts indicate that the process is being facilitated, reducing the force applied and the duration of the process when using vibration.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cardiovascular Risk Assessment after COVID-19 Infection before Resuming Sports Activities-Practical Flowchart and Meta-Analysis

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, Arquivos Brasileiros de Cardiologia. All rights reserved.Background: The risk of sports-related sudden cardiac arrest after COVID-19 infection can be a serious problem. There is an urgent need for evidence-based criteria to ensure patient safety before resuming exercise. Objective: To estimate the pooled prevalence of acute myocardial injury caused by COVID-19 and to provide an easy-to-use cardiovascular risk assessment toolkit prior to resuming sports activities after COVID-19 infection. Methods: We searched the Medline and Cochrane databases for articles on the prevalence of acute myocardial injury associated with COVID-19 infection. The pooled prevalence of acute myocardial injury was calculated for hospitalized patients treated in different settings (non-intensive care unit [ICU], ICU, overall hospitalization, and non-survivors). Statistical significance was accepted for p values <0.05. We propose a practical flowchart to assess the cardiovascular risk of individuals who recovered from COVID-19 before resuming sports activities. Results: A total of 20 studies (6,573 patients) were included. The overall pooled prevalence of acute myocardial injury in hospitalized patients was 21.7% (95% CI 17.3-26.5%). The non-ICU setting had the lowest prevalence (9.5%, 95% CI 1.5-23.4%), followed by the ICU setting (44.9%, 95% CI 27.7-62.8%), and the cohort of non-survivors (57.7% with 95% CI 38.5-75.7%). We provide an approach to assess cardiovascular risk based on the prevalence of acute myocardial injury in each setting. Conclusions: Acute myocardial injury is frequent and associated with more severe disease and hospital admissions. Cardiac involvement could be a potential trigger for exercise-induced clinical complications after COVID-19 infection. We created a toolkit to assist with clinical decision-making prior to resuming sports activities after COVID-19 infection.publishersversionpublishe

    Manufacturing methodology on casting-based aluminium matrix composites: systematic review

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    Ongoing industrial demand for lightweight materials has spiked the research interest in aluminium-based metal matrix composites for its specific properties. The amount of scientific publication available on the matter has led to the vast production of knowledge, which highlights the need for a systematic assessment if further progress is expected. In this paper, a systematic review of the published literature is conducted, according to the guidelines of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, on the Scopus and Web of Science databases were used in the literature search, which was completed on the 29 August 2020. The data of the research work is structured in the particle pre-processing stage and the melt processing stage. The present review clarifies the combined pair-wise effect of particles and the melt treatment performed on their wettability or dispersive or de-agglomerative capability, which allows to achieve their final mechanical properties.This work was supported by PTDC/EMEEME/30967/2017 and NORTE-0145-FEDER030967, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (COMPETE 2020), under Portugal 2020, and by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia—FCT I.P. national funds. Also, this work was supported by Portuguese FCT, under the reference project UIDB/04436/2020, Stimulus of Scientific Employment Application CEECIND/03991/2017, research doctoral Grant 2020.08564.BD

    Salvamento de Bracara Augusta: projeto de remodelação e ampliação de edifício na Rua do Souto nº 18-22 (União de Freguesias de Maximinos, Sé e Cividade, Braga): relatório final

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    O projeto de remodelação e ampliação do edifício nº 18 a 22 na Rua do Souto, União de Freguesias de Maximinos, Sé e Cividade, Braga, situa-se numa zona com condicionante arqueológica, por se localizar na periferia imediata da cidade de Braga em época romana e medieval, e por se encontrar nas proximidades de onde já foram identificados vestígios relacionados com sepulturas de incineração associadas à Via Romana XVIII. Essa circunstância justificou a realização de trabalhos arqueológicos para avaliação dos possíveis impactos da obra sobre eventuais vestígios arqueológicos, em conformidade com a legislação em vigor, Lei 107/01, D.R. – Série I-A, N.º 209, de 8 de Setembro de 2001, Decreto-Lei n.º 270/99, de 15 de Julho e Carta de Condicionantes do PDM de Braga em vigor - cf. Ofício n.º S/855/DMUOPSA-GU/2015 (Ref.15363/2014), de 15/06/2015, no qual se estabelece a necessidade de realizar trabalhos arqueológicos de acompanhamento da obra

    Cross-Fire : a grid platform to integrate geo-referenced web services for real-time risk management

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    Fire propagation simulation tools are useful at different levels of forest fire management. From prescribed fire planning to fuel hazard assessment or to the development of fire suppression strategies on wildfires or even training activities. Nevertheless, real time use of such tools is still very limited among the operational authorities for several reasons: lack of good real time data, lack of training or even lack of confidence on the capabilities of actual systems, among others. Wildfire management is a relevant Civil Protection (CP) activity that involves many different and autonomous actors, from public bodies to research centres and should some how reach the general public as an information and alert system. It requires a fast and reliable risk management support system, with real-time or near real-time availability of critical geo-referenced data and settings-based forecasts for fire spreading. CP applications require a strict integration of human and physical resources that must be shared in a coordinated and effective way and be available for the whole emergency procedure. The GRID and Virtual Organizations (VO) enable such integration by providing the coordination and the sharing of the available interconnected resources (computing, storage, communication, sensors and actuators) geographically scattered across national borders. On the another hand, OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) based geo-web services are being adopted worldwide, as the technology to support the development of complex distributed applications over grid platforms, to deal with data from many different sources, including meteorological stations and satellites. Recent work clearly showed the advantage of the OGC proposals for open standards for geospatial interchange formats, over past legacy formats and applications.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Salvamento de Bracara Augusta: reconstrução e ampliação de edifício na Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 98, Braga: relatório final

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    O projeto de remodelação e ampliação do edifício localizado na Rua Eça de Queirós, nº 98, na Freguesia de São João do Souto, promovido por Calheno, Pinto & Gonçalves – Investimentos Turísticos, Lda, localiza-se numa zona da cidade condicionada do ponto de vista arqueológico e patrimonial, pelo que foi abrangida pelas disposições conjugadas da legislação em vigor, designadamente, Lei nº 107/2001, de 8 de Setembro de 2001, Decreto-Lei n.º 555/99, de 16 de dezembro e Carta de Condicionantes do PDM de Braga em vigor - cf. Pareceres DRCN-DSBC (ofício nº S- 2016/402816 (C.S:1113697), de 11/07/2016), nos quais se estabelece a necessidade de acompanhamento arqueológico durante a execução da obra. Efetivamente, a área intervencionada possui sensibilidade arqueológica por se situar dentro do aro da cidade medieval e por se encontrar próxima da área da muralha medieval e do antigo Paço Arquiepiscopal de Braga (Ribeiro, 2008)

    Salvamento de Bracara Augusta. Projeto de Reconstrução e Ampliação de Edifício. Largo da Senhora-a-Beranca, nº 126/128, Braga

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    Salvamento de Bracara Augusta. Projeto de Reconstrução e Ampliação de Edifício.Largo da Senhora-a-Beranca, nº 126/128, Braga PARA Salvamento de Bracara Augusta. Projeto de Reconstrução e Ampliação de Edifício. Largo da Senhora-a-Branca, nº 126/128, BragaO edifício sito no Largo da Senhora-a-Branca nºs 126/128, freguesia de S. José de S. Lázaro, Braga, localiza-se numa zona com condicionantes arqueológicas, devido à proximidade com o presumível traçado da Via XVII, que ligava Bracara Augusta a Asturica Augusta, pela vicinalidade com a cidade de Braga em época romana, medieval e moderna e à reconhecida existência de necrópoles antigas na envolvente. Essa circunstância justificou a realização de trabalhos arqueológicos para avaliação dos possíveis impactes da obra sobre eventuais vestígios arqueológicos, em conformidade com a legislação em vigor, Lei 107/01, D.R. – Série I-A, N.º 209, de 8 de Setembro de 2001, Decreto-Lei n.º 270/99, de 15 de Julho e Carta de Condicionantes do PDM de Braga em vigor - cf. Ofício n.º S/427/DMUOPSA/2015 (Ref.10983/2015), de 19/06/2015, no qual se estabelece a necessidade de realizar trabalhos arqueológicos de acompanhamento da obra