61 research outputs found

    Development of magnetic order in the TbNi(Al,In) series and magnetocrystalline anisotropy in TbTX compounds

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    9 páginas, 9 figuras, 4 tablas.-- PACS number(s): 71.20.Lp, 75.25.−j, 75.30.GwWe report on the magnetic structures in the TbNiAl1−xInx compounds as determined by powder neutron diffraction. These compounds belong to a large family of ternary rare-earth intermetallics crystallizing in the ZrNiAl-type hexagonal structure. All studied compounds order magnetically with magnetic structures characterized by k1=(0,0,0) and k2=(1/2,0,1/2) propagation vectors and magnetic moments aligned along or perpendicular to the hexagonal c axis. The magnetocrystalline anisotropy changes from uniaxial in the In-poor compounds (x≤0.4) to planar in the In-rich compounds (x≥0.5). The change of magnetocrystalline anisotropy type is a consequence of the development of structural parameters in the studied series. The Tb moments are oriented along the c axis when the nearest Tb-Tb distances between the planes are large compared to those within the planes, whereas Tb moments lie within the basal planes in the opposite case. This picture relating the structural parameters and anisotropy type can be generalized to the whole group of Tb-based compounds with the ZrNiAl type of structure.This work is a part of Research Project No. LG11024 financed by the Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic. The work was also supported by the Czech Science Foundation under Grant No. 202/09/1027. The work of M.K. was supported by Grant No. SVV-2011-263303.Peer reviewe

    Macroscopic and microscopic study of a CePdIn compound

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    The magnetization and electrical resistivity measurements on a CePdIn single crystal as well as its preparation and structural characterization are presented. The negative paramagnetic Curie temperatures indicate antiferromagnetic ground state, the anisotropy of the paramagnetic Curie temperature amounts 22.7 K. No ferromagnetic correlations were indicated. Powder neutron diffraction experiment performed at temperatures down to 0.4 K did not lead to observation of any magnetic peak in diffraction patterns. We estimate the magnetic moment on Ce atoms to be significantly lower than 0.5-B. The temperature development of lattice parameters documents the standard thermal expansion of the unit cell; no signs of structural phase transition were observed

    Neutron scattering at high temperature and levitation techniques

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    Studies of the liquid state present an obvious fundamental interest and are also important for technological applications since the molten state is an essential stage in various industrial processes (e.g. glass making, single crystal growing, iron and steel making). Most of the physical properties of a high-temperature liquid are related to its atomic structure. Thus it is important to develop devices to probe the local environment of the atoms in the sample. At very high temperature, it is difficult to use conventional furnaces, which present several problems. In particular, physical contact with the container can contaminate the sample and/or modify its structural properties. Such problems encouraged the development of containerless techniques, which are powerful tools to study high-temperature melts. By eliminating completely any contact between sample and container, it is possible to study the sample with a very high degree of control and to access very high temperatures. An additional advantage of levitation methods is that it is possible to supercool hot liquids down to several hundred of degrees below their equilibrium freezing point, since heterogeneous nucleation processes are suppressed

    Magnetic structure of the swedenborgite compound CaBaMn2 Fe 2 O7 derived by powder neutron diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy

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    We present a study combining neutron diffraction and 57 Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy on a powder sample ofCaBaMn 2 Fe 2 O7 belonging to the large family of swedenborgite compounds. The undistorted hexagonal crystal structure (space group P63mc) is preserved down to low temperatures, and all employed techniques reveal a transition into a magnetically long-range ordered phase at TN = 205 K. The magnetic Bragg peak intensities from the powder diffraction patterns together with a symmetry analysis of the employed models unambiguously reveal the classical √3 × √3 magnetic structure on a hexagonal lattice with propagation vector q = ( 1/3 1/3 0). The nuclear Bragg peak intensities allowed the statistical distribution of Fe and Mn ions on both trigonal and kagome sites of the complex swedenborgite structure to be analyzed which was considered to explain the complex shape of the Mössbauer spectra

    Neutron scattering study of the Tm2 Ir2 O7 pyrochlore iridate

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    The newly synthesized Tm2 Ir2 O7 iridate is investigated using neutron scattering techniques. Powder neutron diffraction patterns confirm that Tm2 Ir2 O7 crystallizes in a cubic structure of pyrochlore type, consistent with the rest of the rare-earth A2 Ir2 O7 series, and the crystal structure is preserved down to 0.2 K. The thermal expansion of the crystal lattice is well described by a Debye model of lattice vibrations. A weak magnetic signal consistent with the so-called all-in-all-out magnetic order (AIAO) is traced at low temperature; however, it cannot serve as unambiguous evidence of the AIAO structure in the compound. Nondispersive magnetic excitations in energy-momentum space are observed in inelastic neutron scattering spectra of Tm2 Ir2 O7. The crystal-field scheme and parameters of the thulium iridate are refined and discussed with respect to the specific heat and magnetization data. The results are supported by mean-field calculations

    Denitrogenation process in ThMn12 nitride by in situ neutron powder diffraction

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    ThMn12 nitrides are good candidates for high performance permanent magnets. However, one of the remaining challenges is to transfer the good properties of the powder into a useful bulk magnet. Thus, understanding the denitrogenation process of this phase is of key importance. In this study, we investigate the magnetic and structural stability of the (Nd0.75, Pr0.25)1.2Fe10.5Mo1.5Nx compound (x=0 and 0.85) as function of temperature by means of neutron powder diffraction. Thermal dependence of the lattice parameters, formation of a-(Fe, Mo), as well as the nitrogen content in the nitrides are investigated by heating the compounds up to 1010 K. The decomposition takes place mainly via the formation of the a-(Fe, Mo) phase, which starts at around 900 K, whereas the nitrogen remains stable in the lattice. Additionally, we show that the magnetic properties of the nitrides [M(4T)=90 Am2/kg and Hc=0.55 T] are maintained after the thermal treatments up to 900 K. This study demonstrates that the ThMn12 nitrides with the Mo stabilizing element offer good prospects for a bulk magnet provided an adequate processing route is found

    Size effects on the Neél temperature of antiferromagnetic NiO nanoparticles

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    Among all antiferromagnetic transition metal monoxides, NiO presents the highest Neél temperature (TN ~ 525 K). In this work, the size-dependent reduction of TN in NiO nanoparticles with average diameters (D) ranging from 4 to 9 nm is investigated by neutron diffraction. The scaling law followed by TN(D) is in agreement with the Binder theory of critical phenomena in low-dimensional systems. X-ray absorption fine structure measurements link the decrease of TN to the occurrence of size effects (average undercoordination, bond relaxation and static disorder) in the nearest and next-nearest Ni coordination shells that hold the key for the maintenance of the antiferromagnetic order

    Coexistence of antiferro- and ferrimagnetism in the spinel ZnFe2O4 with an inversion degree d lower than 0.3

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    Samples with inversion parameter values (d) ranging from 0.27 to 0.14 while maintaining the crystallite size value have been successfully fabricated from commercially available powders by mechanical grinding and thermal annealing treatments at temperatures ranging between 400 and 600 °C. Detailed characterization studies of these samples using X-ray, neutron diffraction and magnetic measurements have confirmed for the first time the simultaneous coexistence at 2 K of short range antiferromagnetic and ferrimagnetic ordering for a wide range of the inversion parameter. The magnetic phase diagram obtained is different from the one previously reported, which shows at 2 K the coexistence of long range antiferromagnetic order and short range order for values of inversion parameters less than 0.1 and the presence of a ferrimagnetic order only for values of d > 0.2. At room temperature, the Rietveld analysis of NPD patterns and the magnetization curves showed a paramagnetic behavior in the samples with d = 0.1. For the samples with higher cationic inversion, typical hysteresis curves of ferrimagnetic materials were observed and the saturation magnetization values obtained agree quite well with the net magnetic moment obtained from the Rietveld refinement of the neutron diffraction patterns. © 202

    Confined dynamics in poly(ethylene terephthalate): A coherent and incoherent neutron scattering study

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    We show that the combination of dielectric relaxation with neutron spin echo and incoherent neutron backscattering measurements performed in deuterated and protonated poly(ethylene terephthalate) suggests that the intrinsic dynamics of semicrystalline polymers occurs in an homogeneous scenario, similar to that valid to describe the dynamics of totally amorphous polymers. The quasielastic neutron scattering data are satisfactorily described by a theoretical model that considers that the proton mobility follows a random jump-diffusion in a restricted environment