346 research outputs found

    Experimental Characterization of Real Driving Cycles in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine under Different Dynamic Conditions

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    [EN] This paper studies the behavior of a Euro 6 diesel engine tested under dynamic conditions corresponding to different real driving emissions (RDE) scenarios. RDE cycles have been performed in an engine test bench by simulating its operation in a long van application. A computer tool has been designed to define the cycle accounting for different dynamic characteristics and driver behaviors to study their influence on CO2 and pollutant emissions, particularly CO, THC, and NOX. Different dynamic parameters have been established in terms of power, torque, engine speed, or vehicle speed. Additionally, a tool to estimate the emission of an RDE cycle from steady-state maps has been developed, helping to identify emission trends in a clearer way. Finally, the conclusions suggest that driving patterns characterized by lower engine speeds lead to fewer emissions. In addition, the analysis of RDE cycles from stationary maps helps to estimate the final tailpipe emissions of CO2 and NOX, offering the possibility to rely on tests carried out on engine test bench, dynamometer, or on the road.FundingThis research has been supported by Grant PID2020-114289RB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.Luján, JM.; Piqueras, P.; De La Morena, J.; Redondo-Puelles, F. (2022). Experimental Characterization of Real Driving Cycles in a Light-Duty Diesel Engine under Different Dynamic Conditions. Applied Sciences. 12(5):1-20. https://doi.org/10.3390/app1205247212012

    Attitude of the teaching of the Catholic University Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo to acceptance of E-commerce and shopping tool 2013-2014

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    La investigación describe la actitud del profesorado de la Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT) ante la aceptac ión del e- commer ce como herramienta de compra bajo tres componentes: Cognitivo, afectivo y conativo que definen la actitud de las personas al valorar la utilidad y facilidad del uso de la compra online. Se utilizó herramientas de investigación cualitativa como el Focus Group y las entrevistas a un grupo selecto de profesores que concuerdan con el perfil de segmentación basada en el consumo vía canales electrónicos, recopilándose información relevante. Se muestra cierto conocimiento y gran aceptación por este medio de compra en los profesores, quienes describieron los beneficios que brinda este sistema de compra. A pesar de esta actitud favorable, son conscientes de que en la legislación peruana existen vacíos legales que no garantizan la protección de las transacciones electrónicas.Abstract : The research describes the attitude of the teaching of the Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo (USAT) before the acceptance of e-commerce as a tool for purchase under three components: cognitive, affective and conative that define the attitude of people to assess the utility and ease of use of the online purchase. Qualitative research tools such as focus groups and interviews with a select group of teachers who fit the profile of consumption-based segmentation via electronic channels used, relevant information currently collected. Certain knowledge and wide acceptance shown by this means purchasing teachers who described the benefits offered by this system purchase. Despite this favorable attitude, they are aware that under Peruvian law there are loopholes that do not guarantee the protection of electronic transactions


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    Una “Farmacia Virtual” en Internet

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    The Purpose of this study has been to create and implement a Web page for teaching purposes and pharmaceutical service taking advantage of use of Internet’s potentialities. The created Web page is called “Virtual Pharmacy” and includes several interesting issues: customer’s attention, search (in Internet) and teaching topis from the subject Private Pharmacy. This page has become part of regular teaching and has been favourably accepted by undergraduate students, health professionals, and user in general.El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido la creación, elaboración e instalación de una página Web de información farmacéutica de uso docente y servicio farmacéutico utilizando y aprovechando las capacidades de Internert. La página creada se llama “Farmacia Virtual” y contiene diversos temas de interés: atención al público, búsquedas (en Internet) y algunas clases de la asignatura de Farmacia Privada. Esta página se incorporó a la docencia siendo evaluada con muy buena aceptación de parte de los estudiantes de pregrado, profesionales de la salud y público en general

    Radial and tangential migration of telencephalic somatostatin neurons originated from the mouse diagonal area

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    The telencephalic subpallium is the source of various GABAergic interneuron cohorts that invade the pallium via tangential migration. Based on genoarchitectonic studies, the subpallium has been subdivided into four major domains: striatum, pallidum, diagonal area and preoptic area (Puelles et al. 2013; Allen Developing Mouse Brain Atlas), and a larger set of molecularly distinct progenitor areas (Flames et al. 2007). Fate mapping, genetic lineage-tracing studies, and other approaches have suggested that each subpallial subdivision produces specific sorts of inhibitory interneurons, distinguished by differential peptidic content, which are distributed tangentially to pallial and subpallial target territories (e.g., olfactory bulb, isocortex, hippocampus, pallial and subpallial amygdala, striatum, pallidum, septum). In this report, we map descriptively the early differentiation and apparent migratory dispersion of mouse subpallial somatostatin-expressing (Sst) cells from E10.5 onward, comparing their topography with the expression patterns of the genes Dlx5, Gbx2, Lhx7-8, Nkx2.1, Nkx5.1 (Hmx3), and Shh, which variously label parts of the subpallium. Whereas some experimental results suggest that Sst cells are pallidal, our data reveal that many, if not most, telencephalic Sst cells derive from de diagonal area (Dg). Sst-positive cells initially only present at the embryonic Dg selectively populate radially the medial part of the bed nucleus striae terminalis (from paraseptal to amygdaloid regions) and part of the central amygdala; they also invade tangentially the striatum, while eschewing the globus pallidum and the preoptic area, and integrate within most cortical and nuclear pallial areas between E10.5 and E16.5.This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant BFU2008-04156, and SENECA Foundation contract 0458/GERM/06-10891 to L.P.; and the Local Government of Castilla-La Mancha grant PII1I09-0065-8194 to C.D. Infrastructure support provided by the University of Murcia and Castilla-La Mancha is also acknowledged

    Characterizing unmet medical need and the potential role of new biologic treatment options in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease: a systematic review and clinician surveys

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    Objectives, Comparative outcomes of patients with ulcerative colitis, UC, and Crohn, s disease, CD, prescribed a biologic therapy are inconclusive. The aim of this research was to characterize the degree of unmet medical need in patients with UC or CD and to identify the potential role for new therapies. Methods, A systematic literature review was undertaken of studies reporting outcomes associated with the use of existing biologic therapies in patients with UC or CD, focusing on the nature and rate of treatment failure. To complement the systematic review, contemporaneous data were obtained from a survey of practising gastroenterologists in the UK and France. Data were qualitatively combined in a narrative framework to evaluate the degree of unmet medical need among patients with UC or CD. Results, Studies identified in the systematic review, n, were heterogeneous, particularly with respect to the definitions of treatment failure, estimates of treatment failure were high but uncertain. On the basis of standardized definitions, estimates of treatment failure provided by clinicians, n, were high, and they were higher for second-line treatment failure, primary, secondary, compared with first-line treatment failure, primary, secondary, . The majority of the systematic review and survey data were reflective of outcomes with infliximab and adalimumab. Conclusion, High treatment failure rates associated with existing biologics, identified by the review and clinician surveys, indicate a need for other biologic treatment options to improve the management and outcomes for people with UC and CD. Outcomes associated with existing and new biologic treatments should be investigated in head-to-head randomized trials in the context of their likely uses in clinical practice.Gordon, Jason P.a, e, McEwan, Phil C.a, b, Maguire, Andyc, Sugrue, Daniel M.a, Puelles, Jorge

    Development of the Human Fetal Kidney from Mid to Late Gestation in Male and Female Infants

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    BACKGROUND During normal human kidney development, nephrogenesis (the formation of nephrons) is complete by term birth, with the majority of nephrons formed late in gestation. The aim of this study was to morphologically examine nephrogenesis in fetal human kidneys from 20 to 41weeks of gestation. METHODS Kidney samples were obtained at autopsy from 71 infants that died acutely in utero or within 24h after birth. Using image analysis, nephrogenic zone width, the number of glomerular generations, renal corpuscle cross-sectional area and the cellular composition of glomeruli were examined. Kidneys from female and male infants were analysed separately. FINDINGS The number of glomerular generations formed within the fetal kidneys was directly proportional to gestational age, body weight and kidney weight, with variability between individuals in the ultimate number of generations (8 to 12) and in the timing of the cessation of nephrogenesis (still ongoing at 37weeks gestation in one infant). There was a slight but significant (r2=0.30, P=0.001) increase in renal corpuscle cross-sectional area from mid gestation to term in females, but this was not evident in males. The proportions of podocytes, endothelial and non-epithelial cells within mature glomeruli were stable throughout gestation. INTERPRETATION These findings highlight spatial and temporal variability in nephrogenesis in the developing human kidney, whereas the relative cellular composition of glomeruli does not appear to be influenced by gestational age.This study was supported by funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) (1011136) of Australia and National Institutes of Health (NIH) USA grant 3U01DK094526-04S1 (PI A P McMahon). Author Danica Ryan was the recipient of the Biomedicine Discovery Scholarship from Monash University and author Megan R. Sutherland was supported by a NHMRC CJ Martin Fellowship

    Diel vertical migrants and the ocean carbon pump: is there a ladder of migration?

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    Active flux performed by migrant biota is still a gap in the knowledge of the biological pump in the ocean. These organisms mainly feed upon epipelagic zooplankton and transport this carbon due to their feeding at the shallower layers and their defecation, respiration, excretion and mortality at depth. The recent finding that mesopelagic fish biomass in the ocean is one order of magnitude higher indicates that the active flux should be thoroughly evaluated. Here, we show enhanced plankton biomass, ranging from bacteria to zooplankton, reaching down to 4,000 m depth below the Atlantic and Pacific equatorial upwelling systems. We also found a striking close relationship between the zooplankton backscatter enhancement in the epi-, meso- and bathypelagic zones. Backscatter increased in a similar proportion along the subtropical, tropical, and equatorial areas in the three zones. Literature, recent data in subtropical waters, and these results suggest an intense active carbon transport from the epipelagic layer to the deep sea driven by zooplankton and micronekton, enhancing the efficiency of the biological pump and promoting true carbon sequestration beyond 1000 m depth.MALASPINA (CSD2008 00077) MAFIA (CTM2012-39587-C04

    Response of the Calanoid Copepod Clausocalanus furcatus, to Atmospheric Deposition Events: Outcomes from a Mesocosm Study

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    Atmospheric deposition is assumed to stimulate heterotrophic processes in highly oligotrophic marine systems, controlling the dynamics and trophic efficiency of planktonic food webs, and is expected to be influenced by climate change. In the course of an 8-day mesocosm experiment, we examined the channeling, of the Saharan dust (SD) and mixed aerosols (A) effects on microplankton up to the copepod trophic level, in the highly oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean Sea. Based on mesocosms with SD and A treatments, we evaluated the feeding response of the dominant copepod Clausocalanus furcatus every other day. We hypothesized that increased food availability under atmospheric deposition would result in increased copepod ingestion rates, selectivity and production. Overall, no robust pattern of food selection was documented, and daily rations on the prey assemblage of all mesocosms were very low indicating severe food limitation of C. furcatus. Although increased food availability was not true, after few days ingestion of ciliates was maximized, followed by egg production, in both the SD and A treatments, indicating their importance in the diet of this copepod as well as a response of C. furcatus feeding performance. Our results help in understanding the trophic efficiency of marine food webs in ultra-oligotrophic environments under atmospheric deposition. We suggest that future mesocosm research in oligotrophic waters should consider more than one copepod speciesVersión del edito