65 research outputs found

    Čujemo li još Kromanjonca?

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    This paper is an essay to connect with the stone Age coastal hunters who sheltered 28,000 years ago in the caves of today’s italian Mediterranean sea shore cliffs. We have focused on the archaeological Gravettian layer in the Cavillon cave from Grimaldi occupied by Cro Magnons (informal name for Anatomically Modern Humans of the European Upper Paleolithic), which demonstrates the technical skills of the phase. Cro Magnons, like Neanderthals, were seasonally nomadic; however, the diversity of the resources exploited within the territory along the Grimaldi sea coast suggests a longer term site within which a complex symbolic culture developed.Ovaj nas esej vraća u kameno doba prije 28.000 godina, kada su se lovci sklanjali u pećine na obalnim klisurama Mediterana u italiji. U središtu je pažnje arheološki gravetijenski sloj u špilji Cavillon na nalazištu Grimaldi, koju su nastanili upravo kromanjonci (neslužbeno ime za anatomski moderne ljude iz europ¬skoga gornjeg paleolitika), a koji zorno svjedoči o tehničkim sposobnostima toga razdoblja. Kromanjonci su, baš poput neandertalaca, bili sezonski nomadi, ali se zahvaljujući razno¬likim resursima koje su rabili duž obale nalazišta Grimaldi može zaključiti da su se ondje zadržali duže i razvili složenu simboličku kulturu

    Microwear Studies of Early African Hominid Teeth

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    Studies of microwear on fossil hominid teeth have become an important approach in paleoanthropology. Since there are very few samples of early hominids from East Africa with suitable teeth, this paper presents a review of the occurrence of some dental wear characteristics to provide a data base for reconstructing the diet of the early hominids. Distinctive microwear features such as furrows, crenulations, stress lines and deep grooves, are interpretive tools that can be used in a biomechanical approach. Occurrence of the same dental microwear patterns in extant species with known dietary differences is indicative of foods that have probably been exploited in fossils

    Čujemo li još Kromanjonca?

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    This paper is an essay to connect with the stone Age coastal hunters who sheltered 28,000 years ago in the caves of today’s italian Mediterranean sea shore cliffs. We have focused on the archaeological Gravettian layer in the Cavillon cave from Grimaldi occupied by Cro Magnons (informal name for Anatomically Modern Humans of the European Upper Paleolithic), which demonstrates the technical skills of the phase. Cro Magnons, like Neanderthals, were seasonally nomadic; however, the diversity of the resources exploited within the territory along the Grimaldi sea coast suggests a longer term site within which a complex symbolic culture developed.Ovaj nas esej vraća u kameno doba prije 28.000 godina, kada su se lovci sklanjali u pećine na obalnim klisurama Mediterana u italiji. U središtu je pažnje arheološki gravetijenski sloj u špilji Cavillon na nalazištu Grimaldi, koju su nastanili upravo kromanjonci (neslužbeno ime za anatomski moderne ljude iz europ¬skoga gornjeg paleolitika), a koji zorno svjedoči o tehničkim sposobnostima toga razdoblja. Kromanjonci su, baš poput neandertalaca, bili sezonski nomadi, ali se zahvaljujući razno¬likim resursima koje su rabili duž obale nalazišta Grimaldi može zaključiti da su se ondje zadržali duže i razvili složenu simboličku kulturu

    Visualization in cryogenic environment: Application to two-phase studies

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    11 pagesInternational audienceThis paper reviews recent technical developments devoted to the study of cryogenic two-phase fluids. These techniques span from simple flow visualization to quantitative measurements of light scattering. It is shown that simple flow pattern configurations are obtained using classical optical tools (CCD cam- eras, endoscopes), even in most severe environments (high vacuum, high magnetic field). Quantitative measurements include laser velocimetry, particle sizing, and light scattering analysis. In the case of mag- netically compensated gravity boiling oxygen, optical access is used to control the poistioning of a bubble subject to buoyancy forces in an experimental cell. Flow visualization on a two-phase superfluid helium pipe-flow, performed as a support of LHC cooldown studies, leads to flow pattern characterization. Visu- alization includes stratified and atomized flows. Thanks to the low refractive index contrast between the liquid and its vapor, quantitative results on droplet densities can be obtained even in a multiple scatter- ing regime

    The “As de Nîmes”, a Roman Coin and the Myth of Antony and Cleopatra: Octavian and Agrippa victorious over Antony

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    Establishment of Augustus authority in partnership with Agrippa, when Rome was evolving from a “republic” into an empire, led to a political propaganda. The four series of the “Asde Nîmes”, bronze coins struck under Augustus and Agrippa, commemorate the capture of Egyptand the establishment of veterans in Nemausus (Nîmes, France). The iconography of this Roman coin is related to the specific history between 28 BC and 14 AD of Octavian and his general Agrippa, who defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra at Actium, asexpressed on the reverse, where a crocodile chained to a palm is depicted. Both palm and crocodile symbolize not only the capture of Egypt, but also the defeat of Mark Antony. The palm representsalso the “victory” in a grotesque scene in which his love for Cleopatra converted Antony into aloser. It is then concluded that these coins preserve the memory of Octavian’s victory over theiconic figure of Antony

    : collaborateur F. Filce LEEK

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    Collection de tirés-à-part de la bibliothèque de l'I.P.H.International audienceDental aspects of Ancient Egyptians based on the Marro collection (Institute of Anthropology, Turin, Italy), presented at the symposia held at Manchester in1984, establish the causes of considerable tooth occlusal wear. Since the selected Egyptian dentitions showed a high degree of similarity, micro wear was compared to the wear observed in humans of known diet. The character of wear of the pre-dynastic and dynastic Egyptians was attributed to the abrasives of vegetables used both in the diet and as masticators

    Anthropologie appliquée à la biographie de Mozart.

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    Anthropologie appliquée à la biographie de Mozart.

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    Dental Microwear and Diet: the Role of Geographic and Cultural Contexts in Human Evolution

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    International audienceA two-day symposium explored new research and evidence which suggests that at some stage during the last few million years, our human ancestors were exposed to periods of semiaquatic evolution which led to the acquisition of unique and primordial human characteristics. This specific anthropological research identifies the functions of teeth by closely examining their surface damage characteristics. We have observed the dental micro wear striation on a variety of populations, that range from being almost carnivorous to largely vegetarian, to improve our knowledge of Prehistoric man diet. The method interprets the food movements in mouth by the form of striae present on the buccal enamel of the back teeth

    Etude de la surface des couronnes dentaires en anthropologie.: Apport de la technique des répliques

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    The technique of "replicas" is a process available to paleontological research. Method of interpretation of human remains, it studies the stability or the changes of the structure of the dental crowns and the impression left by the use of the teeth. This new method has enabled us to bring information about prehistoric man and his mode of food.La technique des "répliques" est un procédé mis à la disposition des recherches paléontologiques. Méthode d'interprétation des restes humains, elle étudie la stabilité ou les changements de la structure des couronnes dentaires ainsi que l'empreinte laissée par l'usage des dents. Ce nouveau moyen nous a en effet permis d'apporter des éléments d'information sur l'homme préhistorique et son mode alimentaires