702 research outputs found

    The scourge of the land and sea : an awful outlaw or a romantic hero?

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    The article concentrates on the issue of piracy. The author explains various terms connected with the sea roving phenomena and, in short, describes the Western tradition of piracy and privateering. The later part of the text is devoted to the presentation of the reality of the daily existence of sailors serving on board the ships during the golden age of sail and piracy in the 17th and 18th centuries. The last part of the article mentions the romantic aspect of being a mariner and the influence it had on popular culture

    The Mother and The Child Clinical Psychologist: a Discursive Analysis of Professional Conversations

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    Aim Motherhood is placed under a lens by society: mothers are expected to fit within narrowly defined characteristics which dictate who mothers should be and how they should act. Although there are numbers of articles that explore this issue, little attention has been paid to how health professionals, and clinical psychologists in particular, position themselves in relation to societal ideas about motherhood. The research aims to define the discursive resources used by Clinical Psychologists (CPs) to construct the shapes and identities of motherhood, and to explore how these resources were deployed. Method A discourse analysis approach is employed. Data came from 3 focus group interviews (N=9), which were set up in order to explore motherhood and mothers. Participants were all qualified CPs working within Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) in the UK. The research is positioned within a social constructionist frame and takes a critical realist position. The analysis includes elements of both discursive psychology and critical discourse analysis, filtered through a postmodern feminist lens. Findings A number of discursive practices and identity positions around womanhood and motherhood were highlighted and a set of interlinked dilemmas emerged for women around how to be a woman and how to be a mother. A further dilemma emerged for CPs which encompassed how they worked with women, and what positions they took when doing so. Womanhood and motherhood appeared to be troubled, which had the potential to oppress mothers attending CAMHS. Female CPs were included within this trouble, however, which created interesting juxtapositions within the deployment of discursive resources. Finally, some positive discursive practices were identified which highlighted acceptance and tolerance of pluralities of being a woman and being a mother. Implications Reflection, deconstruction and an opening up of the debate were seen to be useful devices in helping psychologists to expose potentially oppressive practices. Politicisation of psychology was also explored

    The category of comparison in literary criticism

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    Celem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na kilka pytań związanych z zastosowaniem porównania w tej szczególnej dziedzinie literaturoznawstwa, jaką stanowi krytyka literacka. Jak przedstawia się w niej funkcjonalność procedur porównawczych (w rozumieniu komparatystycznym), jak chętnie i w jakim celu krytycy się nimi posługują? Jakim modyfikacjom ulegają mechanizmy komparatystyczne wykorzystane dla potrzeb wartościowania i sytuowania nowych zjawisk w synchronicznej i diachronicznej perspektywie uniwersum literackiego? Ze względu na rozległość i złożoność problematyki artykuł ma charakter raczej rekonesansowy niż diagnostyczny, z odwołaniem do symptomatycznych przykładów zaczerpniętych z polskiej praktyki krytycznej, odnoszących się do twórczości Olgi Tokarczuk.The paper’s aim is to answer some questions connected with the use of comparison in the specific domain of literary criticism - the literary review. Are the methods of comparative literature applicable to it? How can they be used for evaluating and positioning new literary phenomena in the synchronic and diachronic perspective of the literary universe? How willingly and how often do the critics use them Considering the complexity of these issues, the paper is not intended as an assessment, but merely as a draft, with some symptomatic examples of the reviews of Olga Tokarczuk’s work

    Poetic musicology among musical discourses : the poet as a listener

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    This paper analyses selected examples of Polish poetry from the 20th century devoted to music (poems by Adam Zagajewski and Julia Hartwig), placing them in the context of the musicological discourses that exist today, particularly the auditive discourse. Poems devoted to music are treated as cultural statements - evidence of the reception of music. The concept of "poetic musicology" elaborated by Anna Barańczak in the 1970s, still one of the most valid and important strategies for speaking about music, has been updated and revitalised, placed in the space of culture, particularly in the area of Polish human sciences, where there is an exceptionally rich and diverse poetic output related to music

    "Suspicious Cosmopolitanism of Music", or the art of sounds as a point of reference for world literature

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    From the point of view of the world literature studies music-as the most "abstract" art-turns out to be also in this respect very different from literature, which is strongly connected with the locality. The article discusses the universalising potency of musical themes and motives in literature

    Induced Anisotropies in NiCo Obliquely Deposited Films and Their effect on Magnetic Domains

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    English Article: Oblique and in-plane anisotropies in obliquely evaporated NiCo thin films were investigated in order to understand their origin. All the compositions studied clearly show the effect of columnar grain morphology coupled with some intrinsic factors such as magnetostriction and crystallinity. Energy calculations are undertaken to explain the effect of

    Examples from the lives of saints in Bl. Bolesława Lament’s Supplement to her rule

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    The aim of the article is to present and analyse examples (exempla) in Bl. Boleslawa Lament’s Supplement to her rule and constitutions of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Family. The genre under discussion was particularly popular in the Middle Ages, however it is still used in sermons and didactic literature. The examples are taken mainly from the lives of the saints particularly associated with the spirituality of the Congregation and are inserted in the main text to illustrate the virtues to be practised by the sisters.Uniwersytet w Białymstok

    Rente ab 63 betrifft Mehrzahl der Unternehmen

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    Das ifo Institut befragt im Auftrag und in Kooperation von Randstad vierteljährlich Personalleiter in mehr als 1 000 Unternehmen nach der Bedeutung von verschiedenen Flexibilisierungsinstrumenten. Zudem werden in jedem Quartal Sonderfragen zu aktuellen personalpolitischen Themen gestellt. Im vierten Quartal 2016 wurde untersucht, in wie vielen Unternehmen bereits Mitarbeiter über die Rente ab 63 vorzeitig in den Ruhestand gegangen sind. 52% der befragten Unternehmen gaben an, dass bei ihnen bereits Mitarbeiter diese Regelung nutzen

    “The Life of The Servant of God Regina Protmann” As an Example of Post-Trent Hagiography

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    The aim of the article is to present "The Life of the Servant of God Regina Protmann" (1623) as an example of Post-Trent hagiography. Its main heroine is the foundress of the Congregation of Saint Catherine, Virgin and Martyr (died 1613). The author’s goal is to construct a role model acceptable to contemporary readers. He relies on the authority of the Scripture, personal accounts of the meetings with the Blessed and her own writings. Following the principles of the new hagiography, he does not insert miracles or other fantastic motives to make his work more credible. They are replaced by detailed descriptions of Regina’s actual deeds and virtues.Dr hab. BERNADETTA PUCHALSKA-DĄBROWSKA, prof UwB – kierownik Zakładu Literatury Antycznej i Staropolskiej Instytutu Filologii Polskiej Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku. Absolwentka filologii polskiej i angielskiej. Publikuje z zakresu piśmiennictwa religijnego (hagiografia dawna i współczesna, teksty normatywne, duchowość), pamiętnikarstwa, prowadzi działalność translatorską.Uniwersytet w Białymstoku13/222123