61 research outputs found

    Le risposte psicofisiche di atleti disabili alla pratica del nuoto agonistico.

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    Dopo un\u2019ampia e dettagliata descrizione del mondo del nuoto paralimpico e dei protocolli di classificazione degli atleti per valutare attraverso test fisici e tecnici il grado di funzionalit\ue0 fisica (Capitolo 1), si indagher\ue0 sul ruolo della pratica sportiva agonistica nel migliorare il benessere psicofisico percepito di atleti disabili (Capitolo 2). Successivamente si svilupper\ue0 un metodo di allenamento per atleti con sindrome del motoneurone superiore per la preparazione fisica di tre eventi internazionali di nuoto paralimpico. Nel corso della strutturazione dell\u2019allenamento si \ue8 studiato e preso in considerazione le risposte fisiopatologiche all\u2019allenamento tipiche di questa sindrome (Capitolo 3). Avendo chiarito nel precedente Capitolo le risposte fisiche indotte dal nuoto agonistico negli atleti affetti da sindrome del motoneurone superiore, si sperimenter\ue0 una strategia terapeutica al fine di migliorare la performance di nuoto in atleti paralimpici riducendo spasticit\ue0 e clono, attraverso l\u2019applicazione del Kinesio Taping che \ue8 una tecnica di taping innovativa basata sull'uso di un sottile nastro elastico incollato sulla pelle (Capitolo 4)

    The role of physical activity against chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy: a narrative review

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    Several studies investigated the side effect of adjuvant cancer treatments, and different types of preventive techniques or treatments have been assessed. Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) is the most common neurological side effect. Exercise training has been widely studied as an adjuvant therapy to prevent CIPN and improve post-chemotherapy functional outcome and quality of life (QoL). This narrative review aims to summarize the data obtained from the latest studies about physical activity (PA) for the prevention and treatment of CIPN and associated QoL measures. Literature research was conducted to obtain studies including PA interventions for patients with CIPN. Ten studies met inclusion criteria and were therefore summarized and discussed, focusing on exercise type and functional outcome. It seems clear that, regardless of the type of exercise, PA plays a positive role in the treatment of CIPN, providing a significant symptom improvement. There has been no standardization of type, quantity, and intensity of PA administered to the subjects in the various studies probably due to a physiological difference between samples, grade of neuropathy, and difference among therapies

    Big Data in Cardiology: State-of-Art and Future Prospects

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    Cardiological disorders contribute to a significant portion of the global burden of disease. Cardiology can benefit from Big Data, which are generated and released by different sources and channels, like epidemiological surveys, national registries, electronic clinical records, claims-based databases (epidemiological Big Data), wet-lab, and next-generation sequencing (molecular Big Data), smartphones, smartwatches, and other mobile devices, sensors and wearable technologies, imaging techniques (computational Big Data), non-conventional data streams such as social networks, and web queries (digital Big Data), among others. Big Data is increasingly having a more and more relevant role, being highly ubiquitous and pervasive in contemporary society and paving the way for new, unprecedented perspectives in biomedicine, including cardiology. Big Data can be a real paradigm shift that revolutionizes cardiological practice and clinical research. However, some methodological issues should be properly addressed (like recording and association biases) and some ethical issues should be considered (such as privacy). Therefore, further research in the field is warranted

    Training methods and analysis of races of a top level Paralympic swimming athlete

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    Training methods for Paralympic swimmers must take into account different pathologies, competitions classes, athlete\u2019s individual circumstances and peculiar physical adaptation mechanisms, hence general guidelines cannot be found in literature. In this study we present a training program, implemented for the physical preparation of a top level Paralympic swimmer. The athlete under study, affected by infantile cerebral palsy within a clinical picture of a spastic tetraparesis, by the end of 2016 was holder of Italian, European, world and Paralympic titles in the 400-m freestyle competition, S6 class. The training macrocycle was structured in a 3-fold periodization (three mesocycles), in view of the preparation to three international competitions. The 4-month training mesocycles prior to each competition differed substantially in terms of mileage load, intensity and recovery times. The first mesocycle was characterized by a sizeable low-intensity mileage load, the second one was shifted to lower mileage load, carried out at middle-to-high intensity levels, the third one entailed increased effort intensity, counterbalanced by lower mileage load. In all cases, recovery times were balanced to obtain optimized performance through physical adaptation to training stimuli, keeping into account the physiopatological response. Tapering phases were adjusted to maximize performance at competition. As an assessment of the effectiveness of the training method, correspondence between chronometric and technical parameters in the three competitions and the respective mesocycle training programs was found. The results of the present study may support the development of training guidelines for athletes affected by upper motor neuron lesions

    The problem-solving method:Efficacy for learning and motivation in the field of physical education

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    Background: In pursuit of quality teaching and learning, teachers seek the best method to provide their students with a positive educational atmosphere and the most appropriate learning conditions. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the problem-solving method vs. the traditional method on motivation and learning during physical education courses. Methods: Fifty-three students (M age 15 ± 0.1 years), in their 1st year of the Tunisian secondary education system, voluntarily participated in this study, and randomly assigned to a control or experimental group. Participants in the control group were taught using the traditional methods, whereas participants in the experimental group were taught using the problem-solving method. Both groups took part in a 10-hour experiment over 5 weeks. To measure students' situational motivation, a questionnaire was used to evaluate intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation, and amotivation during the first (T0) and the last sessions (T2). Additionally, the degree of students' learning was determined via video analyses, recorded at T0, the fifth (T1), and T2. Results: Motivational dimensions, including identified regulation and intrinsic motivation, were significantly greater (all p < 0.001) in the experimental vs. the control group. The students' motor engagement in learning situations, during which the learner, despite a degree of difficulty performs the motor activity with sufficient success, increased only in the experimental group (p < 0.001). The waiting time in the experimental group decreased significantly at T1 and T2 vs. T0 (all p < 0.001), with lower values recorded in the experimental vs. the control group at the three-time points (all p < 0.001). Conclusions: The problem-solving method is an efficient strategy for motor skills and performance enhancement, as well as motivation development during physical education courses.BackgroundIn pursuit of quality teaching and learning, teachers seek the best method to provide their students with a positive educational atmosphere and the most appropriate learning conditions. ObjectivesThe purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the problem-solving method vs. the traditional method on motivation and learning during physical education courses. MethodsFifty-three students (M-age 15 +/- 0.1 years), in their 1st year of the Tunisian secondary education system, voluntarily participated in this study, and randomly assigned to a control or experimental group. Participants in the control group were taught using the traditional methods, whereas participants in the experimental group were taught using the problem-solving method. Both groups took part in a 10-hour experiment over 5 weeks. To measure students' situational motivation, a questionnaire was used to evaluate intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, external regulation, and amotivation during the first (T0) and the last sessions (T2). Additionally, the degree of students' learning was determined via video analyses, recorded at T0, the fifth (T1), and T2. ResultsMotivational dimensions, including identified regulation and intrinsic motivation, were significantly greater (all p < 0.001) in the experimental vs. the control group. The students' motor engagement in learning situations, during which the learner, despite a degree of difficulty performs the motor activity with sufficient success, increased only in the experimental group (p < 0.001). The waiting time in the experimental group decreased significantly at T1 and T2 vs. T0 (all p < 0.001), with lower values recorded in the experimental vs. the control group at the three-time points (all p < 0.001). ConclusionsThe problem-solving method is an efficient strategy for motor skills and performance enhancement, as well as motivation development during physical education courses

    Nabiximols effect on blood pressure and heart rate in post-stroke patients of a randomized controlled study

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    Background: Cannabinoids may be useful to treat pain, epilepsy and spasticity, although they may bear an increased risk of cardiovascular events. This study aims to evaluate the cardiovascular safety of nabiximols, a cannabis-based drug, in patients with spasticity following stroke, thus presenting an increased cardiovascular risk. Methods: This is an ancillary study stemming from the SativexStroke trial: a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study aimed at assessing the effect of nabiximols on post-stroke spasticity. Patients were treated with nabiximols oromucosal spray or placebo and assessed before and after two phases of 1-month duration each. Only the phase with the active treatment was considered for each patient who completed the study. The average values of blood pressure (diastolic, systolic, differential) and heart rate from the first 5 days of the phase (lowest nabiximols dosage) were compared to the average values recorded during the last 5 days at the end of the phase (highest nabiximols dosage). Baseline comparisons between gender, stroke type and affected side and correlation between age and blood pressure and heart rate were performed. The study was registered with the EudraCT number 2016-001034-10. Results: Thirty-four patients completed the study and were included in the analysis. Thirty-one were taking antihypertensive drugs and, among these, 12 were taking beta-blockers. During the study, no arrhythmic events were recorded, blood pressure and heart rate did not show pathological fluctuations, and no cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events occurred. At baseline blood pressure and heart rate were comparable concerning gender, stroke type and affected side. A significant direct correlation emerged between differential blood pressure and age and an inverse correlation between diastolic blood pressure and age. No correlation emerged between systolic blood pressure or heart rate and age. Blood pressure and heart rate did not change during nabiximols treatment compared to the baseline condition. Conclusion: This ancillary study adds evidence that, in patients who already underwent a cerebrovascular accident, nabiximols does not determine significant blood pressure and heart rate variation or cardiovascular complications. These data support the cardiovascular safety of nabiximols, encouraging more extensive studies involving cannabinoids characterized by slow absorption rates

    A soft supernumerary hand for rehabilitation in sub-acute stroke: a pilot study

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    : In patients with subacute stroke, task specific training (TST) has been shown to accelerate functional recovery of the upper limb. However, many patients do not have sufficient active extension of the fingers to perform this treatment. In these patients, here we propose a new rehabilitation technique in which TST is performed through a soft robotic hand (SoftHand-X). In short, the extension of the robotic fingers is controlled by the patient through his residual, albeit minimal, active extension of the fingers or wrist, while the patient was required to relax the muscles to achieve full flexion of the robotic fingers. TST with SoftHand-X was attempted in 27 subacute stroke patients unable to perform TST due to insufficient active extension of the fingers. Four patients (14.8%) were able to perform the proposed treatment (10 daily sessions of 60 min each). They reported an excellent level of participation. After the treatment, both clinical score of spasticity and its electromyographic correlate (stretch reflex) decreased. In subacute stroke patients, TST using SoftHand-X is a well-accepted treatment, resulting in a decrease of spasticity. At present, it can be applied only in a small proportion of the patients who cannot perform conventional TST, though extensions are possible

    Do flexible inter-injection intervals improve the effects of botulinum toxin A treatment in reducing impairment and disability in patients with spasticity?

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    In patients treated with botulinum toxin-A (BoNT-A), toxin-directed antibody formation was related to the dosage and frequency of injections, leading to the empirical adoption of minimum time intervals between injections of 3 months or longer. However, recent data suggest that low immunogenicity of current BoNT-A preparations could allow more frequent injections. Our hypothesis is that a short time interval between injections may be safe and effective in reducing upper limb spasticity and related disability. IncobotulinumtoxinA was injected under ultrasound guidance in spastic muscles of 11 subjects, who were evaluated just before BoNT-A injection (T0), and 1 month (T1), 2 months (T2) and 4 months (T3) after injecting. At T1, in the case of persistent disability related to spasticity interfering with normal activities, patients received an additional toxin dose. Seven subjects received the additional dose at T1 because of persistent disability; 4 of them had a decrease of disability 1 month later (T2). Rethinking the injection scheme for BoNT-A treatment may have a major impact in the management of spasticity and related disability. Future studies with larger sample sizes are warranted to confirm that injection schedules with short time intervals should no longer be discouraged in clinical practice

    Muscle Fatigue and Swimming Efficiency in Behind and Lateral Drafting

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    : Drafting in swimming is a tactic in which an athlete (drafter) swims in the wave of another athlete (leader). Our aim was to compare the effects of this tactic on the drafter, as far as muscle fatigue, muscle activity, and swimming efficiency are concerned. Fifteen drafters performed three 200\u2009m front crawl trials at a controlled submaximal pace in three configurations: Behind Drafting (BD), Lateral Drafting (LD), and Free Swimming (FS). Muscle fatigue, muscle activity, and swimming efficiency were obtained by surface electromyography (EMG) and video analysis from flexor carpi radialis, triceps brachii, latissimus dorsi, and rectus femoris muscles. The outcome measures were: time slope of Mean Frequency (MNF), for muscle fatigue; time slope of Root Mean Square (RMS), for muscle activity; and Stroke Index (SI) for swimming efficiency. Negative variations of MNF were 5.1\u2009\ub1\u20091.7%, 6.6\u2009\ub1\u20094.1%, and 11.1\u2009\ub1\u20092.7% in BD, LD, and FS, respectively. Statistical significance was found for all cases except for the rectus femoris. Positive variations of RMS were 3.4\u2009\ub1\u20091.2%, 4.7\u2009\ub1\u20092.7%, and 7.8\u2009\ub1\u20094.6% in BD, LD, and FS, respectively. Statistical significance was found only for the slopes of latissimus dorsi in FS and LD. The largest mean in SI was measured in the BD (2.01\u2009m2/s), while the smallest was measured in the FS (1.86\u2009m2/s). BD was found to be the best swimming configuration, in terms of lower muscle fatigue and higher swimming efficiency. Also, LD resulted to be advantageous with respect to FS

    Effectiveness of a Preventative Program for Groin Pain Syndrome in Elite Youth Soccer Players: A Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Single-Blind Study

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    : Groin pain syndrome (GPS) is a prevalent issue in soccer. This study assessed the effectiveness of a new preventive protocol on GPS for youth soccer players. The protocol included targeted stretching and strengthening exercises for the adductor and core muscles from preseason to midseason. A questionnaire and two pain provocation tests were used for the evaluation. Mild GPS required positive results in at least two evaluations, while severe GPS was associated with pain incompatible with engagement in any activity confirmed by diagnostic ultrasound. Forty-two elite male athletes (aged 16.9 ± 0.7 years) participated in the study, with half of them assigned to the usual training (control group) and the remaining athletes undergoing the preventive protocol (treatment group) for 24 weeks. GPS rates were 14.3% (three diagnoses: two mild, one severe) in the treatment group and 28.6% (six diagnoses: three mild, three severe) in the control group. Toward the end of the season, three players, one from the treatment group and two from the control group had to stop playing due to severe GPS problems. In addition, one player in the control group stopped midseason. Even though the reduction in the risk of developing GPS was not significant (relative risk of 0.50 ([95%CI 0.14 to 1.74], p = 0.2759), the halved incidence of severe GPS and the increased muscle strength related to the treatment (p = 0.0277) are encouraging data for future studies
