23 research outputs found

    Análise dos Desafios da Transformação Digital nos Pequenos Negócios Durante a Pandemia da Covid–19 no Município de Boa Vista – RR

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    As well as the speed with which information is disseminated in the digital world, digital transformation is necessary in business to keep up with customer expectations and competitiveness in the market. Accordingly, the Covid-19 pandemic, which began in 2020, brought economic and behavioral impacts that required organizations to quickly adapt to this new scenario. This research aims to analyze the challenges of digital transformation in small businesses in Boa Vista - RR during the Covid-19 pandemic and propose guidelines to facilitate its implementation. As for the research methodology, it is characterized as exploratory and descriptive, with a qualitative and quantitative approach, which analyzed and mapped, using questionnaires, a sample of 244 small businesses. The results showed a 41% increase in adherence to online sales during the pandemic, as well as, it was observed that 50% of entrepreneurs already use digital tools to manage their business.Assim como a velocidade com que as informações são disseminadas no mundo digital, a transformação digital é necessária nos negócios para acompanhar as expectativas dos clientes e competitividade diante do mercado. Em consonância, a pandemia da Covid-19, iniciada em 2020, trouxe impactos econômicos e comportamentais que exigiram das organizações uma rápida adaptação a esse novo cenário. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar os desafios da transformação digital nos pequenos negócios de Boa Vista – RR durante a pandemia de Covid-19 e propor orientações para facilitar sua implementação. Quanto à metodologia da pesquisa, caracteriza-se como exploratória e descritiva, com uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, a qual analisou e mapeou, utilizando a aplicação de questionários, uma amostra de 244 pequenos negócios. Os resultados demonstraram o aumento de 41% na adesão a vendas on-line durante a pandemia, bem como foi observado que 50% dos empresários já utilizam ferramentas digitais para gerir seus negócios

    Therapeutic monoclonal antibodies: scFv patents as a marker of a new class of potential biopharmaceuticals

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    Monoclonal antibodies represent the fastest growing class of biopharmaceutical products and have a host of applications in medical research, diagnosis, therapy, and basic science. The production of recombinant monoclonal antibodies has revolutionized the generation of immunoglobulins, and their use represents a strategic breakthrough, affecting the global pharmaceutical market for therapeutic proteins. In the present work, a review of scFv, and the number of related patents, has been carried out. The results show that several countries have scFv patents, most notably the United States, China and United Kingdom. The target of these scFv antibodies was also assessed and the results demonstrate that most are directed toward cancer therapy.Anticorpos monoclonais representam a classe de maior crescimento em produtos de biofármacos e possuem várias aplicações em pesquisa médica, diagnóstico, terapias e ciência básica. A produção de anticorpos monoclonais recombinantes revolucionou a geração de imunoglobulinas e sua utilização implica em avanço estratégico, afetando o mercado farmacêutico global de proteínas terapêuticas. No presente trabalho, uma revisão sobre scFv e a relação do seu número de patentes foi analisada. Os resultados mostram que vários países apresentam patentes de scFv com destaque para os Estados Unidos, China e Reino Unido. Os alvos desses anticorpos também foram avaliados e as análises revelaram que a maioria é destinado a terapias contra o câncer.National Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq)FAPESPINCTTo

    Epidemiological profile of accidents caused by venomous animals in Amazonas state

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    Introduction: The Amazonas is the largest state of Brazil, being located in the northwestern of the country. Nevertheless, the Amazonas is not so populous; its population corresponds only to 1.9% (4,063,614 habitants) from the population of Brazil. On the other hand, the state is famous for its rich flora and fauna including venomous animals such as snakes, spiders and scorpions. Therefore, epidemiological studies of venomous animal accidents in the region becomes essential for the development of better therapeutical strategies and preventing actions to reduce the occurrence of these accidents. Objective: The present study aimed to perform an epidemiological analysis of accidents caused by venomous animals in the Amazonas state from 2012 to 2015. Methods: The data were obtained by consulting the Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação (SINAN, Information System for Notifiable Diseases) and Sistema Nacional de Informações Tóxico-Farmacológicas (SINITOX, National System of Toxic-Pharmacological Information) databases. Data of accidents caused by venomous animals between 2012 and 2015 were collected from the Amazonas 60 municipalities. The variables analyzed were: year of highest incidence, municipality with the highest incidence, age of the victims, sex of the victim, animal responsible for the accident, time interval between the accident and therapeutics and deaths. Results: During the years 2012 to 2015, a total of 9,349 cases of accidents involving venomous animals were reported in Amazonas state, with most victims registered in Manaus (1,331 cases). Most of the victims present 20 to 39 years-old and were male. The snakes were responsible for the most accidents, followed by scorpions. Most of the victims reach the hospital and start the therapy between 1 to 3 hours after the accident. The deaths in the state present less than 20 cases per year. Conclusion: This study expands the knowledge about the epidemiological profile of venomous animal accidents in Amazonas state, which is crucial for quantifying the disease burden, contributing to evidence-based healthcare planning, and evaluating effectiveness and relative contribution of primary, secondary and tertiary preventative measures for reducing these accidents and their complications in the region

    Perfil da Mulher Microempreendedora de Roraima – Confrontando a Desigualdade de Gênero

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    In view of the great influence of gender in the context of Brazilian entrepreneurship, most of women entrepreneurs’ experience discrimination, not to mention the great challenge of seeking a balance between their professional career and personal demands (family). Encouraging entrepreneurship, the generation of jobs and income, must be goals for the achievement of social and economic development and establishment of democratic rule of law. Within the above, it is urgent to carry out studies on the subject, especially in a country with the continental dimensions of Brazil. Thus, this work deals with women entrepreneurs in Boa Vista - RR, aiming to carry out an explanatory and descriptive cross-sectional study of individual micro-entrepreneurs (MEIs) from Boa Vista - RR. Data collection through quantitative and qualitative research aims to contribute to the analysis and verification of conflicting situations such as conflicts between family and professional demands, and conflicts between work and personal demands. Finally, this study shows the microentrepreneur profile of women from the Northernmost state of Brazil.Tendo em vista a grande influência do gênero no contexto do empreendedorismo brasileiro, a maioria das mulheres empreendedoras ainda vivência discriminação, sem contar o grande desafio de buscar o equilíbrio entre suas escolhas profissionais e as demandas pessoais (família). Incentivar o empreendedorismo e a geração de renda deve ser meta para o alcance do desenvolvimento social e econômico e para o estabelecimento do Estado democrático de direito. Diante do exposto, é premente realizar estudos acerca do assunto, especialmente em um país com as dimensões continentais do Brasil. Assim, este estudo versa sobre mulheres microempreendedoras em Boa Vista – RR, tendo como objetivo realizar um estudo transversal explanatório e descritivo de mulheres microempreendedoras individuais (MEIs) de Boa Vista – RR. O levantamento de dados realizado por meio de pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa visa a contribuir para a análise e a verificação de situações conflituosas, como conflitos entre demandas familiares e profissionais e conflitos entre demandas do trabalho e pessoais. Por fim, este estudo traçou o perfil da mulher microempreendedora do Estado do Extremo Norte do Brasil – RR.

    Antivenomic approach of different Crotalus durissus collilineatus venoms

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    Abstract Background Our group has previously performed a proteomic study verifying that individual variations can occur among Crotalus durissus collilineatus venoms. These variations may lead to differences in venom toxicity and may result in lack of neutralization of some components by antivenom. In this way, this study aimed to evaluate the Brazilian anticrotalic serum capacity in recognizing twenty-two Crotalus durissus collilineatus venoms, as well as their fractions. Methods The indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was chosen to evaluate the efficacy of heterologous anticrotalic serum produced by Instituto Butantan (Brazil) in recognizing the twenty-two Crotalus durissus collilineatus venoms and the pool of them. Moreover, the venom pool was fractionated using reversed-phase fast protein liquid chromatography (RP-FPLC) and the obtained fractions were analyzed concerning antivenom recognition. Results Evaluation of venom variability by ELISA showed that all venom samples were recognized by the Brazilian anticrotalic antivenom. However, some particular venom fractions were poorly recognized. Conclusion This study demonstrated that the Brazilian anticrotalic serum recognizes all the different twenty-two venoms of C. d. collilineatus and their fractions, although in a quantitatively different way, which may impact the effectiveness of the antivenom therapy. These results confirm the need to use a pool of venoms with the greatest possible variability in the preparation of antivenoms, in order to improve their effectiveness

    Tityus serrulatus envenoming in non-obese diabetic mice: a risk factor for severity

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    Abstract Background In Brazil, accidents with venomous animals are considered a public health problem. Tityus serrulatus (Ts), popularly known as the yellow scorpion, is most frequently responsible for the severe accidents in the country. Ts envenoming can cause several signs and symptoms classified according to their clinical manifestations as mild, moderate or severe. Furthermore, the victims usually present biochemical alterations, including hyperglycemia. Nevertheless, Ts envenoming and its induced hyperglycemia were never studied or documented in a patient with diabetes mellitus (DM). Therefore, this is the first study to evaluate the glycemia during Ts envenoming using a diabetic animal model (NOD, non-obese diabetic). Methods Female mice (BALB/c or NOD) were challenged with a non-lethal dose of Ts venom. Blood glucose level was measured (tail blood using a glucose meter) over a 24-h period. The total glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels were measured 30 days after Ts venom injection. Moreover, the insulin levels were analyzed at the glycemia peak. Results The results demonstrated that the envenomed NOD animals presented a significant increase of glycemia, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and insulin levels compared to the envenomed BALB/c control group, corroborating that DM victims present great risk of developing severe envenoming. Moreover, the envenomed NOD animals presented highest risk of death and sequelae. Conclusions This study demonstrated that the diabetic victims stung by Ts scorpion should be always considered a risk group for scorpion envenoming severity


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    O ofidismo é considerado um importante problema de saúde pública, sendo classificado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde como uma Doenças Tropical Negligenciada (NTD) de Categoria A. No Brasil, os casos se concentram na região Norte, tendo Roraima e Amazonas como as maiores incidências de envenenamentos ofídicos. Ainda, este agravo tem gerado altos custos para a saúde pública do país, uma vez que muitos apresentam alta gravidade, necessitando de procedimentos e tratamentos prolongados que culminam em muitos dias de internação. Este estudo relata um caso de vítima de acidente ofídico em indivíduo de 28 anos do sexo masculino, cujo acidente botrópico ocorreu no dia 26/04/2023 (dia 0) às 18h em membro inferior direito (pé). O paciente foi admitido no Hospital geral de Roraima Rubens de Souza em Boa Vista (RR) às 23h do mesmo dia, com queixa de dor de intensidade 10/10, edema extenso e gengivorragia, classificando o acidente como grave. Logo após a avaliação, o paciente recebeu 12 ampolas de soro antibotrópico (SAB). Nos 5 primeiros dias de internação, o paciente evolui com dor, equimose e febre, mesmo em uso de Amicacina e Piperacilina + Tazobactam, sem sucesso terapêutico, apresentando edema com sinais de piora com rubor significativo. Aos exames laboratoriais, apresentou-se com leucocitose, PCR elevado e incoagubilidade. A partir desses dados, o paciente foi encaminhado no dia 02/05/2023 (dia 7) para cirurgia de fasciotomia e desbridamento extenso, na qual ocorreu instabilidade hemodinâmica (choque hipovolêmico) com internação na UTI por 3 dias. No dia 08/05/2023 (dia 13) foi instalada a terapia inovadora com curativo à vácuo, buscando redução do tempo de internação, aceleração da cicatrização, angiogênese e redução de infecção. O tratamento com o curativo também é capaz de drenar o excesso de exsudato e reduzir o líquido intersticial, com trocas semanais. O paciente manteve-se com curativo a vácuo até o dia 23/05/2023 (15 dias de uso), demostrando rápida granulação tecidual e evolução satisfatória. Posteriormente, passou a utilizar curativo diário com colagenase a cada 12 horas. No dia 12/06/2023 (dia 44) realizou enxertia. O paciente evoluiu bem, sendo realizados apenas curativos simples após enxertia. No dia 26/06/2023 (60 dias após o acidente), o paciente teve alta com orientações de acompanhamento ambulatorial e de cuidados da ferida

    Isolation and characterization of Ts19 Fragment II, a new long-chainpotassium channel toxin from Tityus serrulatus venom

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    Ts19 Fragment II (Ts19 Frag-II) was first isolated from the venom of the scorpion Tityus serrulatus (Ts). It is aprotein presenting 49 amino acid residues, three disulfide bridges, Mr5534 Da and was classified as a newmember of class (subfamily) 2 of the -KTxs, the second one described for Ts scorpion. The -KTx familyis composed by two-domain peptides: N-terminal helical domain (NHD), with cytolytic activity, and aC-terminal CS domain (CCD), with Kv blocking activity. The extensive electrophysiological screening(16 Kv channels and 5 Nav channels) showed that Ts19 Frag-II presents a specific and significant blockingeffect on Kv1.2 (IC50value of 544 ± 32 nM). However, no cytolytic activity was observed with this toxin.We conclude that the absence of 9 amino acid residues from the N-terminal sequence (compared to Ts19Frag-I) is responsible for the absence of cytolytic activity. In order to prove this hypothesis, we synthesizedthe peptide with these 9 amino acid residues, called Ts19 Frag-III. As expected, Ts19 Frag-III showed tobe cytolytic and did not block the Kv1.2 channel. The post-translational modifications of Ts19 and itsfragments (I–III) are also discussed here. A mechanism of post-translational processing (post-splitting) issuggested to explain Ts19 fragments production. In addition to the discovery of this new toxin, this reportprovides further evidence for the existence of several compounds in the scorpion venom contributing tothe diversity of the venom arsenal