31 research outputs found

    Dermatomycosis: A potential source of zoonotic infection in cities

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    Skin infections in animals and humans represent a complex syndrome that is, from etiological point of view, often hard to solve. Skin is one of the largest organs and plays an important role in the organism of mammals. Depending on the age, it presents 5-8% of total body mass in humans, 12% of adult animals, and even up to 24% in newly born animals. The population of pets and stray dogs in cities provides a possibility for contacts between animals and/or humans, which is a mode of transmission for some diseases. Fungal diseases in dogs caused by dermatophyte are zoonosis, contagious infections that affect dogs and cats, but also other animals, as well as humans. There has been an overall increase in the number of the cases caused by anthropophilic fungi from the strain of Microsporum spp. and Trichophyton spp. Our research was related to animals with different changes on skin manifested by hairless surfaces, dandruff, red skin and extensive pruritus. The objective of our examination was the analyses of scarified samples and swob from canine skin with the aim to determine whether the changes were caused by dermatophytosis. Our aim was to point out the possibility of transmission of mycotic infections from animals to humans in households. For this mycological examination swobs and skin scarifications from dogs, were used. The samples were streaked on Sabo and dextrose agar and incubated at 25°C for at least 21 days. In one year period 81 samples were collected out of which 11 (13.58%) were positive for dermatophyte. In all samples Microsporum canis was isolated. The findings of Microsporum canis in 13.58% of the examined samples indicate the importance of mycological skin disorder in pets. Having in mind that this is a zoonosis, the findings point to a possibility of exposing the humans to fungal infection, affecting almost all pet owners, especially in urban environment

    Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of causative agent of bovine tuberculosis in Vojvodina region

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    Cilј istraživanja bio je da se izvrši izolacija, identifikacija i molekularna karakterizacija, uzročnika tuberkuloze goveda u Vojvodini, kao i ispitivanje osetlјivosti izolovanih sojeva na odabrane antituberkulozne antibiotike koji se koriste za terapiju tuberkuloze lјudi u našoj zemlјi. Pored toga cilj istraživanja bilo je i uporedno ispitivanje osetlјivosti i specifičnosti γ-IFN testa u dijagnostici tuberkuloze sa klasičnim mikrobiološkim metodama izolacije i identifikacije uzročnika. Konačno, na osnovu ispitivanja raširenosti, incidencije i prevalencije oboljenja u zapatima cilj je bila i izrada aktuelne epizootiološke karte raširenosti tuberkuloze goveda u Vojvodini. Za izolaciju bakterija MTB-kompleksa korišćeni su uzorci tkiva (pluća i limfni čvorovi) 49 goveda koja su prilikom izvođenja komparativnog tuberkulinskog ili γ-IFN testa imala pozitivnu reakciju. Kod 40 od ovih grla prilikom patomorfološkog pregleda na liniji klanja, bile su ustanovljene promene koje mogu ukazivati na tuberkulozu. Bakterije MTB-kompleksa uspešno su izolovane iz uzoraka tkiva 19 goveda, dok je nalaz acidorezistentnih bakterija ustanovljen direktnom mikroskopijom u uzorcima limfnih čvorova kod još 3 grla, ali izolacija nije uspela usled kontaminacije. Na osnovu klasičnih bakterioloških metoda, izgleda i rasta kolonija, kao i primenom standardnih biohemijskih testova identifikacije, svi izolati su tipizovani u vrstu M. bovis. Na osetljivost prema izoniazidu, streptomicinu, etambutolu i rifampicinu, antituberkuloticima prve linije koji se u našoj zemlji koriste za lečenje ljudi obolelih od tuberkuloze, standardnom metodom proporcija, ispitano je 5 reprezentativnih izolata. Izolati su bili poreklom od goveda iz pet različitih zapata lociranih u naseljima na teritoriji 5 opština, od kojih su 4 u Južnobačkom i 1 u Sremskom okrugu. Ustanovljena je osetljivost izolata na sve ispitivane antituberkulotike, odnosno ni u jednom slučaju nije utvrđena pojava rezistencije. Metodom PCR spoligotipizacije u cilju molekularne karakterizacije i genotipizacije bakterija M.tuberculosis kompleksa ispitano je 18 izolata mikobakterija kod kojih je proces ekstrakcije DNK bio uspešan. Rezultati molekularne karakterizacije odnosno spoligotipizacije izolovanih mikobakterija pokazuju odsustvo spejsera 1 i niza spejsera od 3 sve do 16, kao i spejsera 28 što je karakteristično za Mycobacterium caprae...The aim of this research was isolation, genotyping and molecular characterization of the causative agent of cattle tuberculosis in the province of Vojvodina, as well as evaluation of susceptibility for isolated zoonotic MTB-complex bacteria towards a panel of selected anti-tuberculosis drugs used in tuberculosis treatment for humans in our country. Additionally, the goal of the research was to estimate sensitivity of γ-IFN test for tuberculosis diagnosis in cattle compared to standard microbiological methods of the isolation or histopathological identification of lesions. Finally, based on the animal incidence and herd prevalence per year, the objective was to create the actual epizootiological map of disease occurrence in Vojvodina province. For the isolation of MTB-complex bacteria tissue samples (lung and lymph nodes) from 49 test positive cattle on single comparative tuberculin test were used. During the post mortem examination at the abattoir, visible lesions were present in 40 animals. MTB-complex bacteria were successfully isolated from the pathological material of 19 bovines, while direct microscopic examination of lymph node smears yielded positive result for acid fast bacteria, in additional three animals, but the isolation failed due to contamination or other reasons. Based on the classic bacteriological methods, growth characteristics, colony morphology and biochemical tests all isolates were designated as M. bovis species. PCR-based spoligotyping, was performed on 18 MTB-complex isolates following successful DNA extraction, and a single spoligotype pattern was identified. The results of the molecular characterization, revealed the absence of spacer 1, spacer region 3-16, as well as spacer 28, in all isolates, a characteristic pattern for Mycobacterium caprae. The absence of spacer 28 and spacer region 39-43 suggests that all isolates belong to single cluster. Automated analysis of the binary code of the submitted spoligotype patterns in two largest online databases came out with identifier number SB 0418 and ST 647 respectively, which represents the predominant Mycobacterium caprae cluster in Central-European countries..

    Uticaj proizvodnih osobina u direktnom testu nazimica na varijabilnost njihovih reproduktivnih osobina kao prvopraskinja

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    Objective of this paper was to establish genetic and environmental factors which influence the variation of reproductive parameters in primiparous sows with special focus on how selection on growth traits and lean meat content can influence the fertility in gilts as primiparous sows. Investigation included 1092 primiparous sows of Swedish Landrace breed. Production traits of gilts in direct test were previously adjusted to body weight of 100 kg, and subsequently they were grouped in 4 classes based on standard deviations for each of adjusted production trait. For analysis of data several models of the Least Squares Method were used (Harvey, 1990). Sires influenced the variation of age at first conception, litter size at birth and weaning and period weaning-conception of their daughters (P (lt) 0.001 to P (lt) 0.05). Age at first conception, number of live born piglets and total born piglets varied statistically significantly (P (lt) 0.001 to P (lt) 0.05) by the influence of adjusted lifetime average daily gain, but not under the influence of adjusted back fat thickness and lean meat content.Očevi su uticali na variranje uzrasta pri prvoj oplodnji, veličinu legla pri rođenju i zalučenju i perioda zalučenje-oplodnja svojih kćeri (P (lt) 0.001 do P (lt) 0.05). Uzrast pri prvoj oplodnji, broj živorođene i ukupno rođene prasadi su statistički značajno varirali (P (lt) 0.001 do P (lt) 0.05) pod uticajem korigovanog prosečnog životnog dnevnog prirasta ali ne i korigovane debljine leđne slanine i mesnatosti

    Uticaj različitih mikotoksina na zdravlje svinja - zapažanja s terena

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    Mycotoxins are structurally diverse fungal metabolites that can contaminate a variety of dietary components consumed by animals and humans. The aim of this paper was to present the field observations of clinical and pathological consequences on swine health in the cases when Fusarium mycotoxins were detected in swine feed. The material for research included the samples from swine farms located in the region of Vojvodina, where health disorders resembling intestinal problems in different swine categories were detected. The applied research methods included: epidemiological and clinical evaluation, gross pathology examination, bacteriological tissue testing originating from diseased dead animals. The presence of deoxynivalenol (DON), T-2 toxin and zearalenone (ZEA) in thirteen complete swine feed mixtures were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay methods, using Ridascreen®FAST DON, Ridascreen®FAST T2, and Ridascreen®FAST Zearalenon test kits (R-Biopharm, Germany). By clinical and pathological examination, the lesions predominantly located in digestive tract were observed in different swine categories. The problem of persistent enteric infections in suckling piglets and alteration of growth performance were notified in weaners and fatteners. In adult categories, reduced feed consumption, sometimes distinct feed refusal and vomiting were observed. In all examined samples of complete feed mixtures for different swine categories the concentration of DON exceeded the maximum permitted levels, but also the presence of other Fusarium mycotoxins was detected. The obtained results indicate the existence of feed mixtures contamination with low levels of Fusarium mycotoxins and their possible positive interaction with etiological agents present in swine farms.Mikotoksini su strukturno različiti metaboliti plesni koji mogu da kontaminiraju komponente koje se koriste u ishrani životinja i ljudi. Cilj rada bio je da se prikažu terenska zapažanja kliničkih i patoloških posledica po zdravlje svinja u slučajevima kada su Fusarium mikotoksini utvrđeni u hrani za ovu vrstu. Materijal za ispitivanje je obuhvatao uzorke poreklom s farmi svinja u Vojvodini, na kojima su registrovani zdravstveni problemi intestinalnog trakta kod različitih kategorija. Primenjene metode ispitivanja su obuhvatale: epizootiološka i klinička ispitivanja, makropatomorfološki pregled uginulih jedinki, bakteriološko i molekularno ispitivanje uzoraka organa i tkiva poreklom od obolelih, uginulih jedinki i mikrobiološko ispitivanje hrane u cilju kontrole prisustva plesni. Prisustvo deoksinivalenola, T-2 toksina i zearalenona je ispitivano u 14 uzoraka različitih kompletnih smeša za svinje primenom imunoenzimske tehnike (Ridascreen®FAST DON, Rida­ screen®FAST T2, Ridascreen®FAST Zearalenon, R-Biopharm, Germany). Kliničkim i patološkim pregledom, kod različitih kategorija svinja, utvrđene su lezije dominantno u digestivnom traktu. Problem upornih enteralnih infekcija kod prasadi na sisi i promene u porastu su zabeležene kod zalučene prasadi i tovljenika. Kod odraslih kategorija svinja, utvrđena je umanjena konzumacija hrane, ponekad izraženo odbijanje hrane i povraćanje. U svim ispitanim uzorcima kompletnih smeša za različite kategorije svinja koncentracija mikotoksina DON bila je veća od maksimalno dozvoljenih vrednosti. U ispitanim uzorcima hrane utvrđeno je i prisustvo drugih Fusarium mikotoksina. Postignuti rezultati ukazuju na kontaminaciju hraniva s niskim vrednostima Fusarium mikotoksina i na njihovu moguću pozitivnu interreakciju s uzročnicima bolesti prisutnim na farmama svinja

    Varijabilnost volumena ejakulata i pokretljivosti spermatozoida u zavisnosti od starosti i intenziteta korišćenja nerasta

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    The main objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of age (A) and the intensity of the boars' utilization (s) on the phenotypic variability of ejaculate volume (VOL) and sperm motility (MO). The study included 274 ejaculates of Large White boars (LW). Boars were divided into six classes according the age when the ejaculate was taken (10-13, 14-17, 18-21, 22-25, 26-29 and ≥30 months). Semen samples were analyzed during four seasons (spring, summer, autumn, winter). The intensity of the use of boars was seen as the impact of the group (class) of intervals between two successful collections (I; ≤ 5 , 6, 7 , 8, 9-10, 11-13, 14-21 days). Data processing was performed using the GLM procedure using the statistical package SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst. Inc., 2002-2003). Average values of VOL, MO, I, A, were: 178.94 ml, 90.35%, 9.37 days and 655.93 days. The effect of boars on both studied sperm traits was highly significant (p (lt) 0.001). The volume of ejaculate varied under the influence of boar age (p (lt) 0.001) and season (p (lt) 0.01). The effect of I on VOL and MO was not significant (p>0.05). Traits VOL and MO varied (p (lt) 0.001) between boars which indicated the need for individual control of each of boars used for artificial insemination. The highest VOL was determined in boars at the age of 26 to 29 months, and the difference to the boars aged 10-13 months was 62.70 ml (p (lt) 0.001). No statistically significant differences in regard toVOL between boars older than 17 months (from class 3 to 6) were recorded. The highest differences between winter and spring period were determined in mean values of VOL (32.15 ml; p (lt) 0.01). In the winter period, boar ejaculate volume was lower than in the autumn (-26.57 ml) and the difference determined was statistically significant (p (lt) 0.05).Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je da se oceni uticaj starosti (A) i intenziteta korišćenja nerasta (I) na fenotipsku varijabilnost volumena ejakulata (VOL) i pokretljivosti spermatozoida (MO). Istraživanjem je bilo obuhvaćeno 274 ejakulata nerasta rase veliki jorkšir (LW). Nerasti su prema starosti kada je uzet ejakulat podeljeni u šest klasa (10-13, 14-17, 18-21, 22-25, 26-29 i ≥30 meseci). Ejakulati su analizirani tokom četiri godišnje sezone (proleće, leto, jesen, zima). Intenzitet korišćenja nerasta posmatran je kao uticaj grupe (klase) intervala između dva uspešna skoka (I; ≤5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10, 11-13, 14-21 dan). Obrada podataka izvršena primenom GLM procedure uz pomoć statističkog paketa SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst. Inc., 2002-2003). Prosečne vrednosti VOL, MO, I, A bile su: 178,94 ml, 90,35%, 9,37 dana i 655,93 dana. Uticaj nerasta na obe ispitivane osobine sperme bio je vrlo visoko značajan (p (lt) 0,001). Volumen ejakulata varirao je pod uticajem starosti nerasta (p (lt) 0,001) i sezone (p (lt) 0,01). Uticaj I na VOL i MO nije bio značajan (p>0,05). Osobine VOL i MO varirale su (p (lt) 0,001) između nerasta što ukazuju na potrebu individualne kontrole svakog nerasta koji se koristi za veštačko osemenjavanje. Najveći VOL utvrđen je kod nerasta pri uzrastu od 26 do 29 meseci, a razlika u odnosu na neraste uzrasta 10-13 meseci bila je 62,70 ml (p (lt) 0,001). Nisu ustanovljene statistički značajne razlike VOL izmedju nerasta starijih od 17 meseci (od klase 3 do 6). Izmedju zimskog i letnjeg perioda godine utvrdjena je najveća razlika srednjih vrednosti VOL (32,15 ml; p (lt) 0,01). U zimskom periodu volumen ejakulata nerasta bio je manji nego u toku jeseni (-26,57 ml) i utvrdjena razlika je bila statistički značajna (p (lt) 0,05)


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    At least during last two decades it has been clear that Serbia is on a path of antimodernization.Absence of a clear social concept which would lead to a modern, democraticand civil country can be documented and traced at several different levels. This paperdiscusses causes and consequences of some anti-urban processes, which represent the practiceof country’s latter transitional path: urbanization is at first place. The creative possibilitiesand the dichotomy urban-rural are also being discussed, as union of two cultural models. Thetheoretical and practical platform, on which the paper stands, is based on the attitude thatculture of antiurbanity appears in Serbia as the practice of transitional processes

    Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of causative agent of bovine tuberculosis in Vojvodina region

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    Cilј istraživanja bio je da se izvrši izolacija, identifikacija i molekularna karakterizacija, uzročnika tuberkuloze goveda u Vojvodini, kao i ispitivanje osetlјivosti izolovanih sojeva na odabrane antituberkulozne antibiotike koji se koriste za terapiju tuberkuloze lјudi u našoj zemlјi. Pored toga cilj istraživanja bilo je i uporedno ispitivanje osetlјivosti i specifičnosti γ-IFN testa u dijagnostici tuberkuloze sa klasičnim mikrobiološkim metodama izolacije i identifikacije uzročnika. Konačno, na osnovu ispitivanja raširenosti, incidencije i prevalencije oboljenja u zapatima cilj je bila i izrada aktuelne epizootiološke karte raširenosti tuberkuloze goveda u Vojvodini. Za izolaciju bakterija MTB-kompleksa korišćeni su uzorci tkiva (pluća i limfni čvorovi) 49 goveda koja su prilikom izvođenja komparativnog tuberkulinskog ili γ-IFN testa imala pozitivnu reakciju. Kod 40 od ovih grla prilikom patomorfološkog pregleda na liniji klanja, bile su ustanovljene promene koje mogu ukazivati na tuberkulozu. Bakterije MTB-kompleksa uspešno su izolovane iz uzoraka tkiva 19 goveda, dok je nalaz acidorezistentnih bakterija ustanovljen direktnom mikroskopijom u uzorcima limfnih čvorova kod još 3 grla, ali izolacija nije uspela usled kontaminacije. Na osnovu klasičnih bakterioloških metoda, izgleda i rasta kolonija, kao i primenom standardnih biohemijskih testova identifikacije, svi izolati su tipizovani u vrstu M. bovis. Na osetljivost prema izoniazidu, streptomicinu, etambutolu i rifampicinu, antituberkuloticima prve linije koji se u našoj zemlji koriste za lečenje ljudi obolelih od tuberkuloze, standardnom metodom proporcija, ispitano je 5 reprezentativnih izolata. Izolati su bili poreklom od goveda iz pet različitih zapata lociranih u naseljima na teritoriji 5 opština, od kojih su 4 u Južnobačkom i 1 u Sremskom okrugu. Ustanovljena je osetljivost izolata na sve ispitivane antituberkulotike, odnosno ni u jednom slučaju nije utvrđena pojava rezistencije. Metodom PCR spoligotipizacije u cilju molekularne karakterizacije i genotipizacije bakterija M.tuberculosis kompleksa ispitano je 18 izolata mikobakterija kod kojih je proces ekstrakcije DNK bio uspešan. Rezultati molekularne karakterizacije odnosno spoligotipizacije izolovanih mikobakterija pokazuju odsustvo spejsera 1 i niza spejsera od 3 sve do 16, kao i spejsera 28 što je karakteristično za Mycobacterium caprae...The aim of this research was isolation, genotyping and molecular characterization of the causative agent of cattle tuberculosis in the province of Vojvodina, as well as evaluation of susceptibility for isolated zoonotic MTB-complex bacteria towards a panel of selected anti-tuberculosis drugs used in tuberculosis treatment for humans in our country. Additionally, the goal of the research was to estimate sensitivity of γ-IFN test for tuberculosis diagnosis in cattle compared to standard microbiological methods of the isolation or histopathological identification of lesions. Finally, based on the animal incidence and herd prevalence per year, the objective was to create the actual epizootiological map of disease occurrence in Vojvodina province. For the isolation of MTB-complex bacteria tissue samples (lung and lymph nodes) from 49 test positive cattle on single comparative tuberculin test were used. During the post mortem examination at the abattoir, visible lesions were present in 40 animals. MTB-complex bacteria were successfully isolated from the pathological material of 19 bovines, while direct microscopic examination of lymph node smears yielded positive result for acid fast bacteria, in additional three animals, but the isolation failed due to contamination or other reasons. Based on the classic bacteriological methods, growth characteristics, colony morphology and biochemical tests all isolates were designated as M. bovis species. PCR-based spoligotyping, was performed on 18 MTB-complex isolates following successful DNA extraction, and a single spoligotype pattern was identified. The results of the molecular characterization, revealed the absence of spacer 1, spacer region 3-16, as well as spacer 28, in all isolates, a characteristic pattern for Mycobacterium caprae. The absence of spacer 28 and spacer region 39-43 suggests that all isolates belong to single cluster. Automated analysis of the binary code of the submitted spoligotype patterns in two largest online databases came out with identifier number SB 0418 and ST 647 respectively, which represents the predominant Mycobacterium caprae cluster in Central-European countries..

    Isolation, identification and molecular characterization of causative agent of bovine tuberculosis in Vojvodina region

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    Cilј istraživanja bio je da se izvrši izolacija, identifikacija i molekularna karakterizacija, uzročnika tuberkuloze goveda u Vojvodini, kao i ispitivanje osetlјivosti izolovanih sojeva na odabrane antituberkulozne antibiotike koji se koriste za terapiju tuberkuloze lјudi u našoj zemlјi. Pored toga cilj istraživanja bilo je i uporedno ispitivanje osetlјivosti i specifičnosti γ-IFN testa u dijagnostici tuberkuloze sa klasičnim mikrobiološkim metodama izolacije i identifikacije uzročnika. Konačno, na osnovu ispitivanja raširenosti, incidencije i prevalencije oboljenja u zapatima cilj je bila i izrada aktuelne epizootiološke karte raširenosti tuberkuloze goveda u Vojvodini. Za izolaciju bakterija MTB-kompleksa korišćeni su uzorci tkiva (pluća i limfni čvorovi) 49 goveda koja su prilikom izvođenja komparativnog tuberkulinskog ili γ-IFN testa imala pozitivnu reakciju. Kod 40 od ovih grla prilikom patomorfološkog pregleda na liniji klanja, bile su ustanovljene promene koje mogu ukazivati na tuberkulozu. Bakterije MTB-kompleksa uspešno su izolovane iz uzoraka tkiva 19 goveda, dok je nalaz acidorezistentnih bakterija ustanovljen direktnom mikroskopijom u uzorcima limfnih čvorova kod još 3 grla, ali izolacija nije uspela usled kontaminacije. Na osnovu klasičnih bakterioloških metoda, izgleda i rasta kolonija, kao i primenom standardnih biohemijskih testova identifikacije, svi izolati su tipizovani u vrstu M. bovis. Na osetljivost prema izoniazidu, streptomicinu, etambutolu i rifampicinu, antituberkuloticima prve linije koji se u našoj zemlji koriste za lečenje ljudi obolelih od tuberkuloze, standardnom metodom proporcija, ispitano je 5 reprezentativnih izolata. Izolati su bili poreklom od goveda iz pet različitih zapata lociranih u naseljima na teritoriji 5 opština, od kojih su 4 u Južnobačkom i 1 u Sremskom okrugu. Ustanovljena je osetljivost izolata na sve ispitivane antituberkulotike, odnosno ni u jednom slučaju nije utvrđena pojava rezistencije. Metodom PCR spoligotipizacije u cilju molekularne karakterizacije i genotipizacije bakterija M.tuberculosis kompleksa ispitano je 18 izolata mikobakterija kod kojih je proces ekstrakcije DNK bio uspešan. Rezultati molekularne karakterizacije odnosno spoligotipizacije izolovanih mikobakterija pokazuju odsustvo spejsera 1 i niza spejsera od 3 sve do 16, kao i spejsera 28 što je karakteristično za Mycobacterium caprae...The aim of this research was isolation, genotyping and molecular characterization of the causative agent of cattle tuberculosis in the province of Vojvodina, as well as evaluation of susceptibility for isolated zoonotic MTB-complex bacteria towards a panel of selected anti-tuberculosis drugs used in tuberculosis treatment for humans in our country. Additionally, the goal of the research was to estimate sensitivity of γ-IFN test for tuberculosis diagnosis in cattle compared to standard microbiological methods of the isolation or histopathological identification of lesions. Finally, based on the animal incidence and herd prevalence per year, the objective was to create the actual epizootiological map of disease occurrence in Vojvodina province. For the isolation of MTB-complex bacteria tissue samples (lung and lymph nodes) from 49 test positive cattle on single comparative tuberculin test were used. During the post mortem examination at the abattoir, visible lesions were present in 40 animals. MTB-complex bacteria were successfully isolated from the pathological material of 19 bovines, while direct microscopic examination of lymph node smears yielded positive result for acid fast bacteria, in additional three animals, but the isolation failed due to contamination or other reasons. Based on the classic bacteriological methods, growth characteristics, colony morphology and biochemical tests all isolates were designated as M. bovis species. PCR-based spoligotyping, was performed on 18 MTB-complex isolates following successful DNA extraction, and a single spoligotype pattern was identified. The results of the molecular characterization, revealed the absence of spacer 1, spacer region 3-16, as well as spacer 28, in all isolates, a characteristic pattern for Mycobacterium caprae. The absence of spacer 28 and spacer region 39-43 suggests that all isolates belong to single cluster. Automated analysis of the binary code of the submitted spoligotype patterns in two largest online databases came out with identifier number SB 0418 and ST 647 respectively, which represents the predominant Mycobacterium caprae cluster in Central-European countries..

    Entrepreneurs and the processes of urban development of the city

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    This paper presents the abridged and focused results of the research project under name 'Processes of a transition and modernization: A role of entrepreneurs in the urban development of Novi Sad'. In order to clarify those segments of enterprising which have the urban origins, the global and particular social limits in Yugoslav/Serbian society are previously indicated, with focus on the transitive processes. There are especially shown some results of the empiric research, which refer to: (a) the role of entrepreneurs in the urban development of the city, seen through the attitude of entrepreneurs themselves and (b) the role of entrepreneurs in the urban development of the city, seen through the attitude of citizens The results of researches show that a transitive processes, which have in focus small and medium entrepreneurs in urban environments, still are at the undeveloped qualitative stage

    Urban culture: The basis for sustainable multiculturalism

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    In the intricate network of cultural meanings - a network that spreads over society, an inevitable fact is that cities in Vojvodina bear numerous characteristics of urban life, with very specific qualities of regional cultural-genetic meanings. By preserving and developing new forms of urbanity in a highly multicultural environment, the urban centers of Vojvodina can become examples of how urban culture appears as a prerequisite for sustainable urban development. Urban culture comes to existence as a combination of circumstances in which the central figure on the city scene is the citizen. Therefore, it can be concluded that without the existence of civil society, there can be no urban culture either. Furthermore, one of the fundamental characteristics of sustainable urban development and the very essence of urbanity is multiculturalism. This paper has as its aim to discuss the problems which arise with the question of urban culture as the sum of contents formed in the specific conditions of great population density and its greatest possible heterogeneity. In this discussion, the starting point is that the understanding of urban culture as an isolated segment of culture in its broadest sense is not possible. The contextual planes on which each and every urban-cultural phenomenon is to be observed (including the plane which has to do with the towns of Vojvodina, and which this paper especially deals with) include: (a) the images and meanings of 'historical multiculturalism', (b) urban cultures in the context of national cultures, (c) the creation of a cultural environment and, in connection with it, the creation of urbanity, in relation to the ruling and administrative components in the redistribution of socio-spatial meanings, (d) urban culture as the participation of citizens in the public life of the city, (e) mass culture with an urban mark and (f) the urban-cultural identity of a community as a prerequisite for sustainable urban development