2 research outputs found

    Approach to design space from retrospective quality data

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    Context: Nowadays, the entire manufacturing process is based on the current GMPs, which emphasize the reproducibility of the process, and companies have a lot of recorded data about their processes. Objective: The establishment of the design space (DS) from retrospective data for a wet compression process. Materials and methods: A design of experiments (DoE) with historical data from 4 years of industrial production has been carried out using the experimental factors as the results of the previous risk analysis and eight key parameters (quality specifications) that encompassed process and quality control data. Results: Software Statgraphics 5.0 was applied, and data were processed to obtain eight DS as well as their safe and working ranges. Discussion and conclusion: Experience shows that it is possible to determine DS retrospectively, being the greatest difficulty in handling and processing of high amounts of data; however, the practicality of this study is very interesting as it let have the DS with minimal investment in experiments since actual production batch data are processed statistically

    Aplicaci贸n del sistema experto SeDeM a la optimizaci贸n de la fabricaci贸n de medicamentos seg煤n ICH Q8, Q9 y Q10

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    [spa] Se ha seleccionado una formulaci贸n comercial existente en el cat谩logo terap茅utico actual, que actualmente estuviera elaborada siguiendo la forma m谩s popular y com煤n de fabricaci贸n de comprimidos: granulaci贸n por v铆a h煤meda. El producto seleccionado es un producto de uso en la terapia antimigra帽osa como agonista de serotonina. Primeramente se ha estudiado a fondo el proceso actual de fabricaci贸n, evaluando los par谩metros del proceso actual y relacion谩ndolos con los atributos de calidad y sus tendencias, a fin de poder elaborar un espacio de dise帽o para el proceso de fabricaci贸n actual (acorde a las indicaciones de la gu铆a ICH Q8: Desarrollo Farmac茅utico). Posteriormente, mediante el sistema de experto en preformulaci贸n de comprimidos SeDeM, se han caracterizado una serie de par谩metros concretos del principio activo almotript谩n, a fin de evaluar su idoneidad o no para ser elaborado mediante compresi贸n directa. A trav茅s de dicha evaluaci贸n se van a elaborar una serie de factores de incidencia e 铆ndices de aceptaci贸n, que servir谩n para realizar un c谩lculo final: el 脥ndice de Buena Compresibilidad (IGC), a trav茅s del cual podemos evaluar y cuantificar la idoneidad o no del principio activo (API) para ser elaborado mediante compresi贸n directa. Tras dicha evaluaci贸n, se ha conseguido evaluar los puntos fuertes y d茅biles del producto desde un punto de vista de capacidad para ser comprimido. Paralelamente se ha realizado un estudio exhaustivo de diferentes excipientes existentes en el mercado usando la misma metodolog铆a que la empleada en la caracterizaci贸n del API. Se han caracterizado los mismos par谩metros que componen el diagrama SeDeM y posteriormente se han elaborado los mismos factores, 铆ndices e IGC. A continuaci贸n, se pasa a una fase cuyo objetivo es desarrollar una f贸rmula (una por cada excipiente que potencialmente puede ser empleado como excipiente 煤nico de compresi贸n directa). Mediante los c谩lculos descritos en el diagrama SeDeM y usando la informaci贸n obtenida del principio activo objeto y de los excipientes incluidos en el estudio, se dise帽an las f贸rmulas te贸ricas que tendr铆an que elaborarse. De forma te贸rica, empleando tambi茅n el sistema SeDeM, se eval煤a el IGC que tendr铆a esa mezcla de excipiente y principio activo para establecer a priori cu谩l de las posibles combinaciones y f贸rmulas te贸ricas propuestas son viables de fabricar y cu谩les no. Con las tres f贸rmulas consideradas como viables se han fabricado lotes piloto. Durante la fabricaci贸n de los lotes, se ha seguido un programa de control de proceso de dureza y peso. Posteriormente, se ha sometido a todos los lotes fabricados a una parte de los ensayos de producto final verificar si los nuevos comprimidos obtenidos son equivalentes a los comprimidos del producto original. Tras la revisi贸n de los controles en proceso y de los resultados de los ensayos de producto final, se concluye que las nuevas f贸rmulas obtenidas con la herramienta SeDeM son equivalentes al medicamento original y que por tanto el sistema de experto SeDeM es adecuado para la reformulaci贸n de comprimidos para poder ser elaborados por compresi贸n directa.[eng] t has been selected an existing commercial formulation in the current therapeutic catalog, which currently it鈥檚 manufactured by compression after wet granulation. First of all, it has been studied the actual manufacturing process, evaluating the current process parameters and relating them to quality attributes and trends, in order to develop a design space for the current manufacturing process (according to ICH Q8 guidance: Pharmaceutical Development). With the expert system SeDeM for preformulation, it has been characterized a number of specific parameters of the active ingredient (API) almotriptan, to assess their suitability or not to be prepared by direct compression. With these results, it has been calculated some impact factors and acceptance rates, which will serve to make a final calculation: Index of Good Compression (IGC). With this evaluation, it has been possible to assess the strengths and weaknesses points of the product from the point of view of ability to be compressed. At the same time, it has been performed an exhaustive study of different excipients using the same methodology as that used in the characterization of the API. It has been characterized the same parameters of the SeDeM diagram and it has been calculated the same factors, index and IGC. Then it proceeds to develop a formula (one for each excipient which potentially can be used as direct compression excipient). With the calculations described in the SeDeM diagram and using the information obtained from the API and the excipients included in the study, it has been developed the theoretical formulas for the manufacturing. Using the SeDeM system, the IGC of the blends have been calculated to establish a priori which formulas are viable to manufacture and which not. Only three formulas were considered viable for manufacturing pilot batch. During manufacture of batches, it has followed a program of in process control of tablet hardness and weight. Then, all the manufactured batches have been analyzed following some of the final product test to verify if the new tablets obtained are equivalent to the original product or not. After reviewing all the in process controls and the results of final product tests, it is concluded that the new formulas obtained with the SeDeM tool are equivalent to the original drug and therefore SeDeM expert system is suitable to reformulate tablets to be prepared by direct compression