132 research outputs found

    Identification of staff remuneration risks in a production company

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    The aim of this article is the identification of staff remuneration risk in a big production company as perceived from the management's point of view. To achieve this objective, a case-study was carried on a case of a big production company. A defensive approach to the risk was assumed - treating it as a possibility of occurrence of events or effects negative for the organization. Due to a complex subject matter of the undertaken meditations, it was decided to take in consideration mainly the management's perspective, and not the employee's. The identification of the remuneration risk was carried out at all organizational levels: strategic, tactic and operational, together with their division as to the risk determinants localization - from the company external environment (exogenous determinants) and the ones resulting from the processes of human resources management (endogenous determinants). It required a three-phase procedure: [1] preliminary identification of the list of risks, based on literature and the organization documents, [2] verification of the prepared list, [3] the proper identification of the risk from the management point of view, using semi-structured interview. As a result of the conducted research, a list of 25 risks was obtained related to the employee remuneration in the production company assigned by the management to the strategic and operational level, considering the determinants' localization and their importance


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    Buckwheat honey is widely consumed by consumers due to its numerous health-promoting properties. Characteristically it is dark, tea-like in colour, sharp, tickly, and sweet in flavour, and has smelled of buckwheat flowers. In the current study, various commercial honey samples were examined to test the quality of buckwheat honey samples available in the market. The research materials were comprised of 15 samples of honeys from 4 voivodships, among these, 5 samples were collected from the Świętokrzyskie Voivodship, 4 from the Lesser Poland Voivodeship, 4 from the Lubelskie Voivodship, and reset 2 samples from the Podkarpackie Voivodship. Melissopalynological analyses of investigated honeys’ samples revealed that all samples had at least 45% of Fagopyrym pollen content, which means that researched honeys complied with the standards of the International Commission for Bee Botany (ICBB) for buckwheat honey. Honeys’ samples had an average water content of 15.3% (σ= 1.24), and electrical conductivity at 0.37 mS*cm-1. Therefore, all beekeepers correctly marked their honey type as buckwheat honey simply using the organoleptic properties of their honeys and observing their bees collecting pollen and honeydew

    Anthropometric and physiologic assessment in sleep apnoea patients regarding body fat distribution

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    Background: Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) is characterised by repeated episodes of pauses in breathing during sleep due to obstruction of the upper airway that result in transient hypoxaemia, sleep fragmentation and long-term cardiovascular disease. The most common risk factors for OSA include: obesity, age over 50 and neck circumference of more than 41 cm for females and more than 43 cm in males. Sleep apnoea is more common in men than in women. The aim of the conducted research was to evaluate relations between the anthropometric features connected with adipose tissue distribution and the severity of OSA. Materials and methods: The study was carried out on 180 patients (144 males and 36 females) diagnosed with OSA syndrome. The standard sleep parameters obtained from night polysomnography as well as skin-fat fold thickness and neck circumference and waist-to-hip ratio were analysed. Statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA 10. Results: It was stated that anthropometric parameters connected with the accu­mulation of adipose tissue in upper body were significantly related to severity of OSA in males (p ≤ 0.05). Body mass index (BMI) was significantly correlated with severity of OSA in females (p ≤ 0.05). Conclusions: In males, there is a connection between the severity of OSA, BMI and a higher accumulation of adipose tissue in upper part of the body measured by neck circumference and shoulder thickness of skin-fat folds, whereas in females only by BMI

    Fascinating fructophilic lactic acid bacteria associated with various fructose-rich niches

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    Fructophilic lactic acid bacteria (FLAB) are recently described group of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that prefer fructose instead of glucose as a carbon source. FLAB have been isolated from fructose-rich niches such as flowers, fruits, fermented fruits, and gastrointestinal tracts of insects whose diet is based on fructose. These bacteria are divided into obligate and facultative fructophilc lactobacilli based on biochemical features. All FLAB are heterofermentative microorganisms, which during fermentation of carbohydrates, in addition to lactic acid, produce also acetic acid, and alcohol as end-products. The fructophilic bacteria, inhabiting the honeybee guts positively impact the health of their hosts, improve their longevity, and are promising probiotic candidates. These symbionts of honeybees play a key role in the production of honey by bees and are present in a large number in fresh honey. The combination of osmolarity with antibacterial, and therapeutic properties of these bacteria make fresh honey optimal alternative for future wound healing

    Estimation of age at death: examination of variation in cortical bone histology within the human clavicle

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    Background: Continuously, numerous human remains of unknown identity are revealed all over the world. One of the elements of the identification process may be a proper assessment of a histological section of bone fragments in order to answer questions related to the age of the subject. The aim of the study was to define an optimum bone fragment to obtain samples for histological examination. Materials and methods: The study material consisted of fragments of shafts of left clavicles taken from 39 males and 25 females (aged 22–86). The clavicles came from autopsies conducted between 2005 and 2011 at the Department of Forensic Medicine of Poznan and the Bialystok Medical University. The following were taken into account while estimating the age of the bone remains: clavicle length (CL), clavicle width (CW), clavicle thickness (CT), number of osteons in the field of vision (ON), number of osteons with the Haversian canal of more than 70 μm (HC > 70 μm), average diameter of the Haversian canals (avg. ØHC), area occupied by interstitial lamellae (ILA %), area occupied by osteons (OA %), area occupied by fragments-remnants of osteons remain as irregular arcs of lamellar fragments (OFA %), average thickness of outer circumferential lamellae (avg. OCL, μm), the relation of osteons with the Haversian canal of more than 70 μm in diameter to the total number of osteons (HC > 70 μm, %), at p < 0.00001. The age of the bone remains was estimated using univariate linear regression function. Results: It was determined that the best place for sampling the osseous tissue for the analysis was the shaft of the clavicle. It was stated than the number of osteons with a large diameter increased with age. The relation of osteons with the Haversian canal of more than 70 μm in diameter to the total number of osteons (HC > 70 μm, %). The level of statistical significant was p < 0.00001. All analysed microscopic features of the osseous tissue showed significant statistical changes occurring with age. Conclusions: The exact method for preparing osseous tissue for a microscopic analysis to determine the age of the remains is the preparation of histological sections, as the structure of the osseous tissue does not change while processing the material and the time of preparations is relatively short (7–8 days). The best predictors of age with the use of the function of univariate linear regression were: the diameter of Haversian canal, the number of osteons with Haversian canal of more than 70 μm in diameter, the relation of osteons with Haversian canal bigger than 70 μm in diameter to the total number of osteons as well as fragments of secondary osteons

    Związek zmian regionalnego odkształcenia podłużnego miokardium z odpowiedzią na terapię resynchronizującą serca u pacjentów z dysfunkcją skurczową lewej komory i blokiem lewej odnogi pęczka Hisa

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    Introduction. Strain and strain rate (SR) are techniques, which provide local information on myocardial deformation. The aim of the study was to assess the usefulness of strain and SR measurement in cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) response in chronic heart failure (CHF) patients. Materials and methods. The study included 35 CHF patients with QRS complex duration ≥ 120ms with LBBB morphology. Biochemical and clinical parameters were assessed before and after six months of CRT. TTE classical and tissue Doppler echocardiography parameters (longitudinal peak systolic strain — LPS and SR for basal segment of intraventricular septum and lateral wall) were evaluated. Results. Twenty-two patients (62.8%) benefited from CRT (the responders) and revealed improvement in septal and lateral LPS in the 6-month observation [-7.1 (-5.2– -11.1) vs -12.1 (-8.7– -14)%, p = 0.002; - 10.4 (-6.1– -17.6) vs - 13.8 (-8.9 – -17.8)%, p = 0.03; respectively]. Six months after CRT, the responders were characterised by higher increase in septal LPS comparing to the nonresponders (-4.6 ± 6.1 vs -2.4 ± 3.9%, p = 0.045). Septal LPS changes correlated positively with baseline cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) parameters: peak oxygen uptake (r = 0.6, p = 0.004), peak carbon dioxide excretion (r = 0.62, p = 0.002) and negatively with VE/VCO2 slope (r = -0.5, p = 0.037). Conclusions. LV regional LPS appears to be a good parameter reflecting the improvement of clinical status in patients treated with CRT. The responders had better improvement of septal LPS, therefore positive response to this therapy may be related to the improvement of septal contractility.Streszczenie Wstęp Odkształcenie miokardium i tempo tego odkształcania (strain i strain rate - SR) to metody w tkankowej echokardiografii doplerowskiej wnoszące informacje o regionalnej kurczliwości mieśnia. Celem badania była ocena przydatności pomiarów strain i SR w ocenie odpowiedzi na terapię resynchronizującą (CRT) u chorych z przewlekłą niewydolnością serca (CHF). Materiały i Metody Do badania wlączono 35 pacjentów z CHF i czasem trwania zespołów QRS ≥120ms i morfologią LBBB. Parametry biochemiczne i kliniczne były oceniane przed implantacją i 6 miesięcy po wszczepieniu CRT. Analizie poddano wybrane parametry z badania echokardiograficznego przezklatkowego i metodą Dopplera tkankowego – odkształcenie podłużne miokardium na szczycie skurczu – (longitudinal peak systolic strain – LPS) i tempo odkształcania (strain rate – SR) mierzone dla segmentu przypodstawnego przegrody międzykomorowej i ściany bocznej lewej komory. Wyniki 22 pacjentów (62.8%) odniosło korzyść z CRT i wykazało poprawę w zakresie wartości przegrodowego i bocznego LPS w obserwacji 6-miesięcznej [odpowiednio: - 7,1 (-5,2 - - 11,1) vs – 12,1 (-8,7 - -14)%, p=0,002; - 10,4 (-6,1 - -17,6) vs – 13,8 (-8,9 – -17,8)%, p=0,03]. Osoby odnoszące korzyść z CRT po 6 miesiącach wykazywały większy wzrost przegrodowego LPS w stosunku do nonresponderów (-4.6±6.1 vs -2.4±3.9%, p= 0.045). Zmiany LPS w obrębie przegrody pozytywnie korelowały z wyjściowymi parametrami uzyskanymi w badaniu ergospirometrycznym: szczytowym pochłanianiem tlenu (r=0.6, p=0.004), szczytowym wydalaniem dwutlenku węgla (r=0.62, p= 0.002) oraz negatywnie z VE/VCO2 slope (r= -0.5, p=0.037). Wnioski Regionalne odkształcenie podłużne wybranych segmentów lewej komory jest parametrem odzwierciedlającym poprawę stanu klinicznego pacjentów leczonych terapią resynchronizującą. Chorzy odnoszący korzyść z terapii resynchronizującej wykazują lepszą poprawę przegrodowego LPS, w związku z tym pozytywna odpowiedź na terapię może mieć związek z poprawą kurczliwości w obrębie przegrody międzykomorowej

    The many faces of infective endocarditis

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    Opisany przypadek dotyczy 55-letniego mężczyzny z tętniakiem aorty wstępującej z towarzyszącą niedomykalnością zastawki aortalnej w wywiadzie. Pacjent był poddany operacji Davida z następczą implantacją stymulatora serca typu DDD. Cztery lata później rozpoznano u niego infekcyjne zapalenie wsierdzia (IZW) w obrębie wszczepionej protezy aortalnej oraz na natywnej zastawce aortalnej. Leczenie było powikłane udarem niedokrwiennym mózgu oraz epizodem zatorowo-zakrzepowym. Po stabilizacji stanu chorego, przeszedł on kolejną operację kardiochirurgiczną. Kilka miesięcy później został ponownie przyjęty do szpitala z objawami sepsy — stwierdzono obecność wegetacji na elektrodach stymulatora i rozpoznano odelektrodowe zapalenie wsierdzia. Ostatecznie podjęto decyzję o usunięciu całego układu stymulującego.This case report presents a history of a 55 year old male with a history of an ascending aorta aneurysm and aortic regurgitation who underwent David procedure, followed by an implantation of a DDD pacemaker. The patient remained stable, until four years later he was admitted to the hospital with the suspicion of sepsis which spread to the bio-conduit and native aortic valve causing infective endocarditis. The treatment was complicated by hemorrhagic stroke and thromboembolic event. Once his condition was stabilized, he underwent yet another cardiac surgery. A few months later, he was hospitalized again and echo revealed vegetations on the pacemaker’s electrode. Ultimately the decision was made for the complete hardware removal

    Post-mortem detection of six human herpesviruses (HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, EBV, CMV, HHV-6) in trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia by PCR

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    Background Among over 100 types of Herpesviridae viruses, eight can infect humans: herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1, HSV-2), varicella zoster virus (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), and human herpesviruses 6, 7, and 8 (HHV-6, HHV-7, HHV-8). After initial infection, the viruses remain latent for the lifetime of the host. The aim of this study was to determine the distribution of six different herpesviruses: HSV-1, HSV-2, VZV, EBV, CMV, and HHV-6 in trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia among a random group of Polish population. Methods The studied group consisted of 47 individuals (40 male, seven female); mean age of 47.4 ± 16.5 years) who died of independent causes (suicide, traffic accident, and poisoning, among others). Bilateral trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia of each cadaver were collected during the autopsy. Herpesviruses were detected using multiplex polymerase chain reaction technique. Results Herpesviruses were found in trigeminal and/or facial ganglia in 30/47 (63.8%) of cadavers. HHV-6 was the most prevalent of the herpesviruses and was found in nearly half of cadavers (n = 22; 46.8%), followed by HSV-1 (n = 7; 14.9%), VZV (n = 4; 8.5%), EBV (n = 4; 8.5%), HSV-2 (n = 2; 4.3%), and CMV (n = 1; 2.1%). Facial nerve ganglia (n = 23; 48.9%) were more often infected than trigeminal ganglia (n = 13; 27.7%). Discussion The results of this study have revealed a common presence of the herpesviruses in trigeminal and facial nerve ganglia among a random group of Polish population. Furthermore, the data also demonstrate simultaneous infection of the ganglia with different herpesviruses. This study has contributed to the knowledge of prevalence and localization of herpesviruses in different structures of the nervous system

    Characterization of patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension : data from the polish registry of pulmonary hypertension (BNP-PL)

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    Current knowledge of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) epidemiology is based mainly on data from Western populations, and therefore we aimed to characterize a large group of Caucasian PAH adults of Central-Eastern European origin. We analyzed data of incident and prevalent PAH adults enrolled in a prospective national registry involving all Polish PAH centers. The estimated prevalence and annual incidence of PAH were 30.8/mln adults and 5.2/mln adults, respectively and they were the highest in females ≥65 years old. The most frequent type of PAH was idiopathic (n = 444; 46%) followed by PAH associated with congenital heart diseases (CHD-PAH, n = 356; 36.7%), and PAH associated with connective tissue disease (CTD-PAH, n = 132; 13.6%). At enrollment, most incident cases (71.9%) were at intermediate mortality risk and the prevalent cases had most of their risk factors in the intermediate or high risk range. The use of triple combination therapy was rare (4.7%). A high prevalence of PAH among older population confirms the changing demographics of PAH found in the Western countries. In contrast, we found: a female predominance across all age groups, a high proportion of patients with CHD-PAH as compared to patients with CTD-PAH and a low use of triple combination therapy