33 research outputs found

    Czy jesteśmy „społeczeństwem honoru”? Rekonstrukcja pojęcia honoru w wybranych orzeczeniach polskich sądów

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    The existence of honour as a particular value is not unique, restricted to the boundaries of certain states, nationalities or ethnicities only. Yet, a distinction can be found in the literature between so-called ‘societies of honour’ and ‘modernised societies’. It is believed that in ‘societies of honour’ honour plays a central role in regulating social relations, and in ‘modernised societies’ based on the rule of law its importance is marginalised. This article is a contribution to the discussion on the adequacy of the discussed division based on the example of Polish society. Due to the fact that an important feature of this distinction is the juxtaposition of law and honour as tools for regulating social relations, the starting point of the analysis of this issue is to answer the question whether the concept of ‘honour’ exists in Polish law, and if so, how it is defined and in what contexts it appears. Due to the complexity of this issue, the subject of the article was limited to a specific problem – the analysis of selected judgments of Polish courts and the reasons underlying these judgments. The research allowed to identify the provisions of Polish law which refer (or could refer) to honour. Based on the analysis made, it may be stated that both, judges as well as parties to court proceedings, consider honour as a protected, legally accepted value.Występowanie honoru jako pewnej szczególnej wartości nie jest czymś wyjątkowym, ograniczonym do granic określonych państw, narodowości czy etniczności. Mimo to w literaturze można odnaleźć rozróżnienie między tzw. społeczeństwami honoru i społeczeństwami zmodernizowanymi. Uważa się, że w „społeczeństwach honoru” honor pełni rolę głównego narzędzia regulacji stosunków społecznych, a w „społeczeństwach zmodernizowanych”, opartych na prawie, jego znaczenie jest zmarginalizowane. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi przyczynek do dyskusji nad adekwatnością omówionego podziału na przykładzie polskiego społeczeństwa. Z racji tego, że istotną cechą wskazanego rozróżnienia jest przeciwstawianie prawa i honoru jako narzędzi regulacji stosunków społecznych, punktem wyjścia analizy problemu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy w polskim prawie występuje pojęcie „honoru”, a jeżeli tak, jak jest definiowane i w jakim kontekście się pojawia. Ze względu na złożoność tej problematyki, temat artykułu został ograniczony do konkretnego problemu – analizy wybranych wyroków polskich sądów wraz z uzasadnieniami. Przeprowadzone badania pozwoliły na wskazanie przepisów polskiego prawa, które odnoszą się (albo mogą się odnosić) do honoru, a także na stwierdzenie, że zarówno przez sędziów, jak i przez strony postępowań sądowych honor jest uznawany za chronioną prawnie, powszechnie akceptowaną wartość

    Social network analysis, crime prevention and human rights

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    Use of Social Network Analysis (hereinafter as SNA) in crime prevention and law enforcement is widely discussed from either practical or theoretical point of view. Although its advantages are commonly acknowledged, incorporation of SNA into strategies of combating crime raises various controversies. The main aim of this paper is to present risks connected with application of SNA in practice, as a part of policing, from the point of view of the human rights system. The assumption is that all of legal responses to violence have to be in accordance with the human rights law requirements. As this subject matter is exceptionally complex, two main aspects of this issue have been chosen on the base of their significance - risk of infringement of the right to privacy and of politicization of the use of SNA, especially in the context of so-called "suspect communities." The possibility of indication of prompt solutions to presented matters has been discussed. As such, this paper is an introduction to presented subject area and provides a basis for further research

    Effect of acute sprint exercise on myokines and food intake hormones in young healthy men

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    Physical exercise is known to influence hormonal mediators of appetite, but the effect of short-term maximal intensity exercise on plasma levels of appetite hormones and cytokines has been little studied. We investigated the effect of a 30 s Wingate Test, followed by a postprandial period, on appetite sensations, food intake, and appetite hormones. Twenty-six physically active young males rated their subjective feelings of hunger, prospective food consumption, and fatigue on visual analogue scales at baseline, after exercise was completed, and during the postprandial period. Blood samples were obtained for the measurement of nesfatin-1, ghrelin, leptin, insulin, pancreatic polypeptide (PP), human growth factor (hGH) and cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6), irisin and plasma lactate concentrations, at 30 min before exercise, immediately (210 s) after exercise, and 30 min following a meal and at corresponding times in control sedentary males without ad libitum meal intake, respectively. Appetite perceptions and food intake were decreased in response to exercise. Plasma levels of irisin, IL-6, lactate, nesfatin-1 and ghrelin was increased after exercise and then it was returned to postprandial/control period in both groups. A significant rise in plasma insulin, hGH and PP levels after exercise was observed while meal intake potentiated this response. In conclusion, an acute short-term fatiguing exercise can transiently suppress hunger sensations and food intake in humans. We postulate that this physiological response involves exercise-induced alterations in plasma hormones and the release of myokines such as irisin and IL-6, and supports the notion of existence of the skeletal muscle-brain-gut axis. Nevertheless, the detailed relationship between acute exercise releasing myokines, appetite sensations and impairment of this axis leading to several diseases should be further examined

    The Spectral Energy Distributions of Red 2MASS AGN

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    We present infrared (IR) to X-ray spectral energy distributions (SEDs) for 44 red AGN selected from the 2MASS survey on the basis of their red J-KS_S color (>2 mag) and later observed by Chandra. In comparison with optically-, radio-, and X-ray selected AGN, their median SEDs are red in the optical and near-IR with little/no blue bump. It thus seems that near-IR color selection isolates the reddest subset of AGN that can be classified optically. The shape of the SEDs is generally consistent with modest absorption by gas (in the X-ray) and dust (in the optical-IR). The levels of obscuration, estimated from X-rays, far-IR and our detailed optical/near-IR color modeling are all consistent implying N_H < few*10^{22} cm^{-2}. We present SED models that show how the AGN optical/near-IR colors change due to differing amounts of reddening, AGN to host galaxy ratio, redshift and scattered light emission and apply them to the sources in the sample. We find that the 2MASS AGN optical color, B-R, and to a lesser extent the near-IR color, J-KS_S, are strongly affected by reddening, host galaxy emission, redshift, and in few, highly polarized objects, also by scattered AGN light. The obscuration/inclination of the AGN allows us to see weaker emission components which are generally swamped by the AGN.Comment: 52 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Ap