49 research outputs found

    Zmiany poziomu życia w Wałbrzychu na tle większych miast Dolnego Śląska

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    The article involves an analysis of the changes in the standard of living in Wałbrzych in comparison to the larger cities in Lower Silesia: Jelenia Gora, Legnica, Wrocław. This included the establishing of taxonomic growth measures based on a set of features characteristic ozf the selected cities with regard to the standard of living of their inhabitants (including residential conditions, status of the natural environment, labour market determinants, the safety of the residents). Temporal and spatial data sets have been collected for the purpose of research. The study is important for the determining of the distance between the studied cities with regard to the selected aspect of social development and also allows to distinguish cities with a similar standard of living. It will allow to determine whether the utilised pro-developmental instruments have made it possible for Wałbrzych to limit this distance.W artykule dokonana została analiza zmian poziomu życia w Wałbrzychu na tle dużych miastach Dolnego Śląska: Jeleniej Góry, Legnicy, Wrocławia. W oparciu o zestaw cech charakteryzujących wybrane miasta w zakresie poziomu życia mieszkańców (m.in.: sytuacja mieszkaniowa, stan środowiska naturalnego, uwarunkowania na rynku pracy, bezpieczeństwo mieszkańców) skonstruowane zostały syntetyczne mierniki rozwoju. Do badania zgromadzone zostały czasowe i przestrzenne szeregi danych. Badanie jest istotne dla określenia dystansu dzielącego badane miasta pod względem wybranego aspektu rozwoju społecznego, umożliwia też wyodrębnienie miast o zbliżonym poziomie życia ich mieszkańców. Badanie pozwoli stwierdzić, czy zastosowane instrumenty prorozwojowe umożliwiły Wałbrzychowi ograniczenie tegoż dystansu

    Przekształcenia funkcji turystycznej Jeleniej Góry i miast powiatu jeleniogórskiego

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    Jelenia Góra city and the cities located in Jelenia Góra county Szklarska Poręba, Karpacz, Kowary and Piechowice are situated in an attractive, in terms of tourism, south-western part of Lower Silesia region. The article presents the analysis of transformations in functional structures of these cities, with particular emphasis on the changes occurring in the tourist functions they perform. The conducted research covered employment size, structure and changes. The research was carried out on the background of the theory of economic base using two indicators – surplus employee ratio (SER) and Florence’s coefficient of specialization (FCS). The study can be useful in development planning and in city management.Miasto Jelenia Góra oraz leżące w powiecie jeleniogórskim Szklarska Poręba, Karpacz, Kowary i Piechowice ulokowane są w atrakcyjnej turystycznie, południowo-zachodniej części województwa dolnośląskiego. W artykule dokonana została analiza przekształceń w strukturach funkcjonalnych tych miast, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem zmian zachodzących w zakresie pełnionych przez nie funkcji turystycznych. Przeprowadzone zostały badania nad wielkością, strukturą i zmianami zatrudnienia. Badanie wykonane zostało na gruncie teorii bazy ekonomicznej, przy wykorzystaniu dwóch mierników – wskaźnika nadwyżki pracowników (WNP) i współczynnika specjalizacji Florence’a (WSF). Badanie może być przydatne w planowaniu rozwoju i w zarządzaniu miastem

    The Transformation of the Tourism Function of the Selected Jelenia Góra County Areas

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    The Jelenia Góra county is located in the attractive tourist south-western part of Lower Silesia. The area includes four municipalities which can be classified as small towns, they are: Karpacz, Kowary, Piechowice and Szklarska Poręba. The paper focuses on the analysis of the functional structures transformation of these towns, with particular emphasis on the changes in the scope of their tourism functions. The research includes the size, structure and changes in the employment. The study has been made on the basis of the theory of economic base, using two indicators – the Indicator of Labor Surplus (ILS) and the Florence’s Coefficient of Specialization (FCS). The research may be useful in planning the development and management of the town

    Jakość prowadzenia zajęć przez nauczycieli akademickich w ocenie studentów Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego oraz Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach = The quality of teaching by lecturers in the evaluation of students of the Academy of Physical Education and University of Economics in Katowice

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    Socha Paulina, Przybyła Katarzyna. Jakość prowadzenia zajęć przez nauczycieli akademickich w ocenie studentów Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego oraz Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach = The quality of teaching by lecturers in the evaluation of students of the Academy of Physical Education and University of Economics in Katowice. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2015;5(11):669-677. eISSN 2391-8306. DOIhttp://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.35717http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/2015%3B5%2811%29%3A669-677http://pbn.nauka.gov.pl/works/684990Formerly Journal of Health Sciences. ISSN 1429-9623 / 2300-665X. Archives 2011–2014http://journal.rsw.edu.pl/index.php/JHS/issue/archive Original Text published © The Author (s) 2015. Socha Paulina, Przybyła Katarzyna. Jakość prowadzenia zajęć przez nauczycieli akademickich w ocenie studentów Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego oraz Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach. Quality in Sport. 2015;1(2):60-67. eISSN 2450-3118. The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport (null) 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2015;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland.Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 15.11.2015. Revised 20.11.2015. Accepted: 30.11.2015. Paulina Socha[1], Katarzyna PrzybyłaAkademia Wychowania Fizycznego w Katowicach Jakość prowadzenia zajęć przez nauczycieli akademickichw ocenie studentów Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego oraz Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w KatowicachThe quality of teaching by lecturers in the evaluation of students of the Academy of Physical Education and University of Economics in Katowice  Streszczenie                Cel. Celem pracy było przedstawienie oczekiwań studentów względem swoich wykładowców w procesie dydaktycznym. Materiał i metody Badanie przeprowadzono metodą kwestionariuszową wśród studentów AWF oraz UE w Katowicach. Oceniano jakość kształcenia przy zastosowaniu 5-stopniowej skali Likerta. Podstawowe wyniki. Najwyżej cenionymi aspektami pracy wykładowców były posiadanie wiedzy praktycznej, umiejętność jej przekazywania oraz kompetencja. Wnioski. Badanie może przysłużyć się nauczycielom akademickim w celu wyrównania standardów i poziomu nauczania względem wymagań studentów. Słowa kluczowe: cechy nauczyciela akademickiego, oczekiwania studenta, pedagogika, Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, Katowice. Abstract                The aim of the study was to present the expectations of students towards their teachers in the teaching process . Material and methods. The study was conducted using the questionnaire method among students of Physical Education and the University of Economics in Katowice. Assessed the quality of education by using 5-points Likerts scale . Basic results. The most highly valued aspects of the work of lecturers were having practical knowledge, skill and competence of its transmission. Conclusions. The study may serve scholars to align standards and level of education relative to the requirements of the students. Key words: characteristics of the university teacher, student expectations, pedagogics, Academy of Physical Education, University of Economics, Katowice.[1] e-mail: [email protected]

    The impact of changes in administrative status on the tourist functions of cities: a case study from Poland

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    This article analyses transformations in the tourist functions of Polish cities in the years 2005–2016. The trajectory of these changes is assessed according to the status of a city resulting from administrative reforms. The first stage of the research is based on the theory of the economic base of a city using two measures–the index of surplus workers (ISW) and Florence’s index of specialisation (FIS). Changes in the level and structure of employment are analysed, with particular emphasis on employment in tourism. In the second stage of the study, based on a group of diagnostic features characterising the tourist functions carried out by cities, taxonomic synthetic measures were con- structed, which reflect the level of development of these functions. This information is summarised in the form of an analysis of divergence in the level of tourist functions using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test and the Student’st-test. This analysis confirmed the hypothesis about the positive impact of the status of voivodship capital on the dynamics of changes in tourist functions

    Exit probability in a one-dimensional nonlinear q-voter model

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    We formulate and investigate the nonlinear qq-voter model (which as special cases includes the linear voter and the Sznajd model) on a one dimensional lattice. We derive analytical formula for the exit probability and show that it agrees perfectly with Monte Carlo simulations. The puzzle, that we deal with here, may be contained in a simple question: "Why the mean field approach gives the exact formula for the exit probability in the one-dimensional nonlinear qq-voter model?". To answer this question we test several hypothesis proposed recently for the Sznajd model, including the finite size effects, the influence of the range of interactions and the importance of the initial step of the evolution. On the one hand, our work is part of a trend of the current debate on the form of the exit probability in the one-dimensional Sznajd model but on the other hand, it concerns the much broader problem of nonlinear qq-voter model

    Long-distance Running and its Effects on Cardiorespiratory Adaptation and Physiological Strain in Marathon Runners

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    Popularity of long-distance running has increased as well as number of female and male marathon runners. Whilst research into physiological characteristics of endurance trained athletes has significantly increased there are only few studies on the risk factors for respiratory failure in marathon runners. Therefore, the aim of the study was to evaluate the differences in respiratory function and the physiological strain in the response to exercise stress in marathon runners. Twenty three subjects (aged 36.1 ±11.6 years) participated in a marathon running. Prior to the run and after its completion, body mass and composition, spirometry and body temperature were measured. Based on pre- and post-run temperature and changes in heart rate, the physiological strain index (PSI) was calculated. Long-distance running significantly decreased the temperature of body surfaces (p < 0.05); no significant effects were observed regarding aural canal temperature and physiological strain index (PSI). Compared to resting values, post-marathon spirometry revealed a significant decrease in post-marathon forced expiratory volume (p < 0.05), peak expiratory flow (p < 0.05) and maximal expiratory flow values (p < 0.05). In conclusion, the long-distance running results in functional changes within the respiratory system which may limit the adaptive potential and decrease exercise tolerance

    The investment activity of the town communes of the West Pomeranian voivodeship

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    W artykule dokonano próby określenia i oceny aktywności inwestycyjnej gmin miejskich woj. zachodniopomorskiego. Na podstawie grupy cech diagnostycznych (wydatki inwestycyjne gmin w przeliczeniu na mieszkańca, wydatki inwestycyjne gmin w relacji do gminnych wydatków ogółem, wydatki inwestycyjne gmin w relacji do dochodów własnych) skonstruowano taksonomiczne miary syntetyczne dla badanych miast. Badaniem objęto lata 2004–2014, będące czasem szczególnego nasilenia inwestycji, wywołanego napływem środków unijnych. Badanie to jest istotne dla określenia dystansu dzielącego miasta pod względem wybranego aspektu rozwoju, umożliwia też wyodrębnienie grup miast o zbliżonym poziomie aktywności inwestycyjnej.The article describes the attempt of determining and evaluating of the investment activity of town communes in the West Pomeranian voivodeship. Based on a group of diagnostic features (investment expenditures of the communes per capita, investment expenditures of the communes in relation to their total expenditures, investment expenditures of the communes in relation to their own revenue), taxonomic measures synthetic for the towns involved in the research were constructed. The scope of the research were the years 2004–2014, a period of particular intensity of investments, caused by the influx of resources from the European Union. The research is significant for the specifying of the distance between the towns involved in the context of a chosen aspect of development; it also allows for a distinction of a group of towns of a similar level of investment activity


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    The purpose of the article is to identify the specialized (exogenous) functions of Polish capital – Warsaw – and to analyze this town functional structure in the period 2004- -2014. The discussed period is characterized by the development of country economy, which coincided with the Polish accession to the European Union structures. The conducted research covered the size, structure and changes of employment. The research was conducted at the background of economic base theory with regard to a city using two measures – surplus employee index (SEI) and Florence’s index of specialization (FIS). The research can turn out useful in urban development planning and in city management