76 research outputs found

    Social work education in the shadow of confederate statues and the specter of white supremacy

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    Driven by our code of ethics and our call to reckon with our embeddedness within a white supremacist institution in the US South, the UNC-Chapel Hill School of Social Work re-visioned our approach to the MSW curriculum. Using case study methods, we trace our history and on-going work through interviews, document review, and community conversations, centering student voices. Students interviewed spoke about activism prompted by racist events on campus and nationally, and the inadequate response from the administration. Their efforts led to school-wide initiatives including curriculum shifts and accountability and action. The first-year generalist course, Confronting Oppression and Institutional Discrimination was restructured and resituated. Critical Race Theory was infused across the coursework. Two new working groups were created: The Anti-Racism Task Force and Reconciliation Standing Committee. Efforts to address racism and white supremacy in academic spaces require sustained activism to expose how racism is embedded within our institutions. While much work remains in the practice of becoming an antiracist institution, this model can serve as a prototype for others as they work to create programs that are site-specific and universally reflective of the institutional changes we need

    Фазовый состав и магнитная структура нанокомпозитов FeCoZr—(PbSrNaBi)(ZrTi)O₃

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    Изучены фазовый состав и магнитные свойства гранулированных нанокомпозитов FeCoZr—(PbSrNaBi)(ZrTi)O₃, синтезированных в кислородсодержащей среде с различным давлением кислорода. Анализ фазового состава выполнялся методами рамановской и ЯГР-спектроскопии, а магнитных свойств – методом вибрационной магнитометрии. Установлена взаимосвязь между условиями синтеза композитов, а также окислением металлических гранул, с одной стороны, и магнитными свойствами нанокомпозитов, с другой. Обнаружена возможность изменения положения порога перколяции и величины магниторезистивного эффекта в материале путём вариации давления кислорода при синтезе.Вивчено фазовий склад та магнетні властивості ґранульованих нанокомпозитів FeCoZr—(PbSrNaBi)(ZrTi)O₃, синтезованих у кисневмісному середовищі з різним тиском кисню. Аналіза фазового складу виконувалася методою Раманової та ЯГР-спектроскопії, а магнетних властивостей – методою вібраційної магнетометрії. Встановлено взаємозв’язок між умовами синтези композитів, а також окисненням металевих ґрануль, з одного боку, та магнетними властивостями нанокомпозитів, з іншого. Виявлено можливість зміни положення порогу перколяції та величини магнеторезистивного ефекту в матеріялі шляхом варіяції тиску кисню при синтезі.Phase composition and magnetic properties of FeCoZr—(PbSrNaBi)(ZrTi)O₃ granular nanocomposites synthesized in oxygen-containing ambient with different values of oxygen pressure are studied by Mössbauer spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and vibrating sample magnetometry. Correlations between the synthesis conditions and oxidation of metallic granules and the magnetic properties of nanocomposites are determined. Possibility to tailor percolation threshold and modify magnetoresistive effect value in a material by varying oxygen pressure in a chamber during synthesis is revealed

    Lattice anisotropy in uranium ternary compounds: UTX

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    Several U-based intermetallic compounds (UCoGe, UNiGe with the TiNiSi structure type and UNiAl with the ZrNiAl structure type) and their hydrides were studied from the point of view of compressibility and thermal expansion. Confronted with existing data for the compounds with the ZrNiAl structure type a common pattern emerges. The direction of the U-U bonds with participation of the 5f states is distinctly the "soft" crystallographic direction, exhibiting also the highest coefficient of linear thermal expansion. The finding leads to an apparent paradox: the closer the U atoms are together in a particular direction the better they can be additionally compressed together by applied hydrostatic pressure. (C) 2012 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved