176 research outputs found

    Gr\"obner bases in the mod 22 cohomology of oriented Grassmann manifolds G~2t,3\widetilde G_{2^t,3}

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    For nn a power of two, we give a complete description of the cohomology algebra Hāˆ—(G~n,3;Z2)H^*(\widetilde G_{n,3};\mathbb Z_2) of the Grassmann manifold G~n,3\widetilde G_{n,3} of oriented 33-planes in Rn\mathbb R^n. We do this by finding a reduced Gr\"obner basis for an ideal closely related to this cohomology algebra. Using this Gr\"obner basis we also present an additive basis for Hāˆ—(G~n,3;Z2)H^*(\widetilde G_{n,3};\mathbb Z_2)

    Diagnostic/prognostic value of cytological grading system by Robinson's method and morphometric objectification in determining gradus of invasive breast cancer

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    CILJ: Cilj istraživanja bio je učiniti citoloÅ”ko i morfometrijsko gradiranje citoloÅ”kih uzoraka invazivnog karcinoma dojke i prosuditi mogućnost rutinske primjene citoloÅ”kog gradiranja s ili bez morfometrijske analize, umjesto dosadaÅ”nje procjene gradusa tumora na histoloÅ”kom materijalu; prosuditi reproducibilnost, konzistentnost i varijabilnost tehnike gradiranja među citolozima; te opisati bioloÅ”ku varijabilnost morfometrijskih parametara unutar i između gradusa, u svrhu optimalizacije i utvrđivanja minimalne, trenutno nedefinirane, veličine uzorka potrebite za morfometrijsku analizu. ISPITANICI I METODE: Istraživanjem je obuhvaćeno 45 ispitanica (15 po svakom gradusu) u kojih je dijagnoza karcinoma dojke postavljena na citoloÅ”kim aspiratima dojke u OB ā€žDr. J. Benčevićā€œ tijekom 2012. godine. CitoloÅ”ko gradiranje učinjeno je Robinsonovom metodom gradiranja, a određivanje histoloÅ”kog gradusa koriÅ”tenjem Elstonove modifikacije Bloom-Richardson-ove metode. Morfometrijska analiza provedena je programom SFORM. REZULTATI: Slaganje tri promatrača u određivanju citoloÅ”kog gradusa i njegovoj komparaciji s histoloÅ”kim gradusom procijenjeno je Kendall T-B testom. T vrijednosti iznosile su od 0,64 do 0,82. T vrijednosti između promatrača uzetog kao standard (promatrač s najvećim volumenom pregledanih uzoraka karcinoma dojke) i druga dva promatrača (interobserver varijabilnost) iznosile su od 0,45 do 0,85. Slaganje pojedinog promatrača pri ponovljenom citoloÅ”kom gradiranju (intraobserver varijabilnost) iznosilo je od 0,57 do 0,79. Dijagnostička/prognostička vrijednost citoloÅ”kog sustava gradiranja po Robinsonu i morfometrijska objektivizacija u određivanju gradusa invazivnog karcinoma dojke 81 SAŽETAK S porastom gradusa uočava se pad ekspresije progesteronskih receptora, značajan, stupnjeviti porast ekspresije proliferacijskog biljega Ki-67, viÅ”i pT stadij, te veći udio postmenopauzalnih ispitanica. Analizom razlika u distribuciji morfometrijskih parametara po gradusu izdvaja se značajan, stupnjevit porast mjerenih značajki s porastom gradusa. Gradus je odgovoran za prosječno tek 26, odnosno 35% varijance morfometrijskih obilježja stanice i jezgre. Glavninu varijance obilježja čine interindividualne razlike, odnosno heterogenosti među ispitanicima unutar gradusa, uz minimalne intraindividualne varijacije. Minimalnu, trenutno nedefiniranu, veličinu uzorka potrebitu za morfometrijsku analizu normirali smo na 100 stanica po uzorku, budući da ista jamči usku marginu greÅ”ke. ZAKLJUČAK: CitoloÅ”ko gradiranje aspirata karcinoma dojke reproducibilno je i neovisno o iskustvu morfologa te dobro korelira s histoloÅ”kim gradusom. Posljedično tome predstavlja koristan parametar u predviđanju histoloÅ”kog gradusa, odnosno bioloÅ”kog ponaÅ”anja tumora. Gradiranje morfometrijskom metodom statistički je značajno, ali zbog niskog udjela gradusa u varijanci morfometrijskih obilježja, odnosno Å”irokog raspona preklapanja morfometrijskih parametara među gradusima, morfometrija kao metoda nema diskriminacijsku nego samo indikativnu sposobnost.AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytological and morphometrical grading of breast cancer and to estimate the possibility of routine use of cytologic grading with or without morphometric analysis, instead of estimating the tumor grade only on histologic material; to estimate reproducibility, consistency and variability of grading techniques among cytologists and also to describe the biological variability of morphometric parameters within and between grades and to determine the minimum, currently undefined, of sample size required for morphometric analysis. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Forty five patients with histologically confirmed invasive breast carcinoma, treated in General Hospital Dr. J. Bencevic in 2012, were selected in the present study. Grading of breast carcinoma was done according to the Robinsonā€™s method by three independent observers on two occasions. Histological grading was performed using Elston's modified Bloom Richardsons' scoring. Morphometric analysis was performed by means of the SFORM software. RESULTS: The agreement between observers in determining the cytological grade and it's comparison with histological grade was estimated with Kendall T-B test. T values ranged from 0.64 to 0.82. T values between standard observer (the one with highest volume of examined breast specimens) and the other two observers (interobserver varability) ranged from 0.45 to 0.85 for cytological grading. Agreement between the individual observer at the repeated cytological grading (intraobserver variability) ranged from 0.57 to 0.79. Dijagnostička/prognostička vrijednost citoloÅ”kog sustava gradiranja po Robinsonu i morfometrijska objektivizacija u određivanju gradusa invazivnog karcinoma dojke 83 SUMMARY With increasing tumor grade we observed the decrease of progesterone receptors expression , significant increase in the expression of the proliferation marker Ki-67, higher pT stage, and large proportion of postmenopausal women. By analyzing differences in the distribution of morphometric parameters by grade we observed a significant, gradual increase in the measured characteristics with increasing grade. Gradus is responsible for an average of 26 or 35% of the variance of morphometric characteristics of cells and nuclei. The majority of the variance features make interindividual differences or heterogeneity among respondents within the grade. Minimal sample size which is currently undefined and not standardized and was needed for morphometric analysis, was normalized to 100 cells per sample, since the same guarantees a narrow margin of error. CONCLUSION: Cytological grading of aspirates of breast cancer is reproducible and independent of experience of morphologist and correlates well with established histological grade and as such can be predictor of histologic grade and provide relevant information about the biological behavior of invasive breast cancer. Morphometric grading method is statistically significant but due to low proportion of grade in variance of morphometric features and a wide range of overlapping morphometric parameters among grades differences, morphometry as a method does not have discriminatory but just indicative capacity

    Application of pharmacoinvasive strategy in primary percutaneous coronary intervention network in Western Slavonia

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    Hrvatska mreža primarne perkutane intervencije međunarodno je prepoznati sustav dobre organizacije urgentnog liječenja kardioloÅ”kih bolesnika. U svakodnevnoj kliničkoj praksi svjedoci smo da je vrijeme potrebno za organiziranje primarne perkutane koronarne intervencije (pPCI), koja predstavlja najbolji način reperfuzijske terapije u liječenju bolesnika s akutnim infarktom s elevacijom ST-segmenta, često predugo i povezano s neprihvatljivo dugim kaÅ”njenjima. Farmakoinvazivna strategija obuhvaća selektivnu primjenu fibrinolitičke terapije nakon koje slijedi neodložan transport bolesnika u centar s mogućnoŔću perkutane koronarne intervencije i organiziranje invazivne obrade unutar 3-24 sata. Obzirom na organizacijske teÅ”koće koje uzrokuju nemogućnost pravovremene pPCI, primjenom farmakoinvazivnog pristupa povećao bi se broj bolesnika kojima bi bila omogućena pravilna i pravodobna reperfuzijska terapija. Donosimo praktične preporuke za implementaciju farmakoinvazivne strategije u svakodnevnu kliničku praksu te protokol lokalne organizacije mreže pPCI u Općoj bolnici ā€žDr. Josip Benčevićā€œ u Slavonskom Brodu, Hrvatska.Croatian Primary Percutaneous Intervention Network is an internationally recognized system of good organization of urgent treatment of cardiac patients. In everyday clinical practice, we have witnessed that the time required for the organization of primary percutaneous coronary intervention (pPCI), which represents the best way of reperfusion therapy in the treatment of patients with acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction is often too long and associated with unacceptably long de- lays. Pharmacoinvasive strategy encompasses a selective use of fibrinolytic therapy to be followed by prompt transportation of patients to a center capable of undertaking percutanous coronary intervention and organizing invasive treatment within 3-24 hours. Considering the organizational difficulties caused by the incapability of undertaking prompt pPCI, the application of pharmacoinvasive approach would increase the number of patients that would be provided proper and timely reperfusion therapy. Here are some practical recommendations for implementation of the pharmacoinvasive strategy in everyday clinical practice and protocol of the local organization of the pPCI network in the General Hospital ā€œDr. Josip Benčević ā€œ in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

    Aluminosilicate in Chicken Nutrition: Biochemical Parameters and Antitoxic Effects

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    U ovom radu je ispitivan uticaj Antitoksičnognutritiva(ATN), preparata na bazi prirodnih aluminosilikata,na biohemijske, fizioloÅ”ke, tehnoloÅ”ke i proizvodne parametre uzgoja pilića. ATN je smeÅ”a zeolita klinoptilolita, gline monmorilonita i male količine aktivnog uglja. Dodatak ovog preparata u hranivo za piliće u količini od 5 g/kg nije izazvao promene u normalnoj biohemijskoj i fizioloÅ”koj homeostazi životinja. HematoloÅ”ki parametri, koncentracija metabolita, elektrolita i aktivnost enzima seruma i jetre je bila u granicama referentnih vrednosti. ATN ne utiče na prirast životinja, ni na konverziju hrane, ali dovodi do povećanja relativnih masa pojedinih organa digestivnog trakta. Uočava se da dodatkom ATN-a u hranivo dolazi do smanjenja količine masti a povećanja količine proteina u belom mesu. ATN takođe povećava i sadržaj pepela u belom i crvenom mesu. Akutni ili hronični tronedeljni oralni unos pojedinih toksikanata (mikotoksina aflatoksina B1i ohratoksina A, herbicida parakvata, jona olova ili toksina cijanobakterija-mikrocistisa) dovodi do poremećaja normalne biohemijske i fizioloÅ”ke homeostaze pojedinih organa i tkiva pilića, Å”to je utvrđeno na osnovu rezultata hematoloÅ”kih i biohemijskih analiza, određivanja enzima antioksidativne zaÅ”tite i lipidneĀ  peroksidacije, kao i odredjivanja parametara uzgoja i težine organa. ATN, dodat u hranu u količini od 5 g/kg, mogao da bude dobar protektivni agens za delovanje aflatoksina, parakvata, jona teÅ”kih metala i mikrocistisa, ali ne i ohratoksina.This study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation with hydrated aluminosilicate (Antitoxic Nutrient-ATN), based on zeolitic ore (clinoptilolite), clay bentonite (montmorillonite),and small amounts of activated charcoal, onĀ  performance, hematological, serum, and liver biochemical parameters, as well as organ weights and meat quality in broiler chickens. The dietary addition of ATN hasĀ  no adverse effects on serum and liver biochemical parameters and does not affect the normal physiological homeostasis of animals. However, the results of this study demonstrate that supplementation with 5 g/kg of ATN influenced organ weights, and chemical composition of broiler chicken meat. This study also evaluated the effectiveness of ATN to protect broilers from adverse effects of five different toxic substances (mycotoxins aflatoxin B1, and ochratoxin A, herbicide paraquat, heavy metal ions supplied as lead-acetate, and microcystis, toxin of cyanobacteria). Toxic substances induced oxidative stress and disturb normal biochemical and physiological homeostasis of different tissues and organs in poultry. The results from this study demonstrate that the biochemical variables of serum, liver, kidney, lung and other organs were negatively affected by all five toxic substances. The additionof 5 g/kg of ATN was protective against aflatoxin B1, lead-acetate, paraquat and microcystis, but not against ochratoxin A
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