50 research outputs found

    Targeting MAIT cells as a cellular adjuvant for humoral immunity: a new player in a very old game

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    In this article, I discuss recent work by Pankhurst et al. They found that MAIT cells can serve as a cellular adjuvant to boost immunity to a protein adjuvant. Intranasal co-administration of protein antigen with a strong MAIT cell ligand results in the the production of mucosal IgA and IgG antibody responses. This process is driven by MAIT cell-mediated maturation of migratory dendritic cells

    Insights Into Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cell Biology From Studies of Invariant Natural Killer T Cells

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    Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells and invariant natural killer T (iNKT) cells are innate-like T cells that function at the interface between innate and adaptive immunity. They express semi-invariant T cell receptors (TCRs) and recognize unconventional non-peptide ligands bound to the MHC Class I-like molecules MR1 and CD1d, respectively. MAIT cells and iNKT cells exhibit an effector-memory phenotype and are enriched within the liver and at mucosal sites. In humans, MAIT cell frequencies dwarf those of iNKT cells, while in laboratory mouse strains the opposite is true. Upon activation via TCR- or cytokine-dependent pathways, MAIT cells and iNKT cells rapidly produce cytokines and show direct cytotoxic activity. Consequently, they are essential for effective immunity, and alterations in their frequency and function are associated with numerous infectious, inflammatory, and malignant diseases. Due to their abundance in mice and the earlier development of reagents, iNKT cells have been more extensively studied than MAIT cells. This has led to the routine use of iNKT cells as a reference population for the study of MAIT cells, and such an approach has proven very fruitful. However, MAIT cells and iNKT cells show important phenotypic, functional, and developmental differences that are often overlooked. With the recent availability of new tools, most importantly MR1 tetramers, it is now possible to directly study MAIT cells to understand their biology. Therefore, it is timely to compare the phenotype, development, and function of MAIT cells and iNKT cells. In this review, we highlight key areas where MAIT cells show similarity or difference to iNKT cells. In addition, we discuss important avenues for future research within the MAIT cell field, especially where comparison to iNKT cells has proven less informative

    Single-cell analysis of human MAIT cell transcriptional, functional and clonal diversity

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    Mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells are innate-like T cells that recognize microbial metabolites through a semi-invariant T cell receptor (TCR). Major questions remain regarding the extent of human MAIT cell functional and clonal diversity. To address these, we analyzed the single-cell transcriptome and TCR repertoire of blood and liver MAIT cells and developed functional RNA-sequencing, a method to integrate function and TCR clonotype at single-cell resolution. MAIT cell clonal diversity was comparable to conventional memory T cells, with private TCR repertoires shared across matched tissues. Baseline functional diversity was low and largely related to tissue site. MAIT cells showed stimulus-specific transcriptional responses in vitro, with cells positioned along gradients of activation. Clonal identity influenced resting and activated transcriptional profiles but intriguingly was not associated with the capacity to produce IL-17. Overall, MAIT cells show phenotypic and functional diversity according to tissue localization, stimulation environment and clonotype

    Inhibitory receptor expression on memory CD8 T cells following Ad vector immunization

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    T cells are an important component of immune responses, and their function is influenced by their expression of inhibitory receptors. Immunization with alternative serotype adenovirus (Ad) vectors induces highly functional T cell responses with lower programmed cell death 1 (PD-1) expression and increased boostability relative to Ad5 vectors. However, a detailed phenotypic characterization of other inhibitory receptors is lacking, and it is unknown whether Ad5-induced CD8 T cells eventually recover function with time. In this report, we measure the expression of various inhibitory receptors and memory markers during early and late time points following vaccination with Ad5 and alternative serotype Ad vectors. CD8 T cells induced by Ad5 exhibited increased expression of the inhibitory receptor Tim-3 and showed decreased central memory differentiation as compared with alternative serotype Ad vectors, even a year following immunization. Moreover, relative to Ad5-primed mice, Ad26-primed mice exhibited substantially improved recall of SIV Gag-specific CD8 T cell responses following heterologous boosting with MVA or Ad35 vectors. We also demonstrate that low doses of Ad5 priming resulted in more boostable immune responses with lower PD-1 expression as compared to high Ad5 doses, suggesting a role for vector dose in influencing immune dysfunction following Ad5 vaccination. These data suggest that Ad5 vectors induce a long-term pattern of immune exhaustion that can be partly overcome by lowering vector dose and modulating inhibitory signals

    A conserved population of MHC II-restricted, innate-like, commensal-reactive T cells in the gut of humans and mice

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    Interactions with commensal microbes shape host immunity on multiple levels and play a pivotal role in human health and disease. Tissue-dwelling, antigen-specific T cells are poised to respond to local insults, making their phenotype important in the relationship between host and microbes. Here we show that MHC-II restricted, commensal-reactive T cells in the colon of both humans and mice acquire transcriptional and functional characteristics associated with innate-like T cells. This cell population is abundant and conserved in the human and murine colon and endowed with polyfunctional effector properties spanning classic Th1- and Th17-cytokines, cytotoxic molecules, and regulators of epithelial homeostasis. T cells with this phenotype are increased in ulcerative colitis patients, and their presence aggravates pathology in dextran sodium sulphate-treated mice, pointing towards a pathogenic role in colitis. Our findings add to the expanding spectrum of innate-like immune cells positioned at the frontline of intestinal immune surveillance, capable of acting as sentinels of microbes and the local cytokine milieu

    Immune responses and clinical outcomes after COVID-19 vaccination in patients with liver disease and liver transplant recipients

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    Background &amp; Aims: Comparative assessments of immunogenicity following different COVID-19 vaccines in patients with distinct liver diseases are lacking. SARS-CoV-2-specific T-cell and antibody responses were evaluated longitudinally after one to three vaccine doses, with long-term follow-up for COVID-19-related clinical outcomes. Methods: A total of 849 participants (355 with cirrhosis, 74 with autoimmune hepatitis [AIH], 36 with vascular liver disease [VLD], 257 liver transplant recipients [LTRs] and 127 healthy controls [HCs]) were recruited from four countries. Standardised immune assays were performed pre and post three vaccine doses (V1-3). Results: In the total cohort, there were incremental increases in antibody titres after each vaccine dose (p &lt;0.0001). Factors associated with reduced antibody responses were age and LT, whereas heterologous vaccination, prior COVID-19 and mRNA platforms were associated with greater responses. Although antibody titres decreased between post-V2 and pre-V3 (p = 0.012), patients with AIH, VLD, and cirrhosis had equivalent antibody responses to HCs post-V3. LTRs had lower and more heterogenous antibody titres than other groups, including post-V3 where 9% had no detectable antibodies; this was heavily influenced by intensity of immunosuppression. Vaccination increased T-cell IFNÎł responses in all groups except LTRs. Patients with liver disease had lower functional antibody responses against nine Omicron subvariants and reduced T-cell responses to Omicron BA.1-specific peptides compared to wild-type. 122 cases of breakthrough COVID-19 were reported of which 5/122 (4%) were severe. Of the severe cases, 4/5 (80%) occurred in LTRs and 2/5 (40%) had no serological response post-V2. Conclusion: After three COVID-19 vaccines, patients with liver disease generally develop robust antibody and T-cell responses to vaccination and have mild COVID-19. However, LTRs have sustained no/low antibody titres and appear most vulnerable to severe disease. Impact and implications: Standardised assessments of the immune response to different COVID-19 vaccines in patients with liver disease are lacking. We performed antibody and T-cell assays at multiple timepoints following up to three vaccine doses in a large cohort of patients with a range of liver conditions. Overall, the three most widely available vaccine platforms were immunogenic and appeared to protect against severe breakthrough COVID-19. This will provide reassurance to patients with chronic liver disease who were deemed at high risk of severe COVID-19 during the pre-vaccination era, however, liver transplant recipients had the lowest antibody titres and remained vulnerable to severe breakthrough infection. We also characterise the immune response to multiple SARS-CoV-2 variants and describe the interaction between disease type, severity, and vaccine platform. These insights may prove useful in the event of future viral infections which also require rapid vaccine development and delivery to patients with liver disease.</p

    “Sexual” Population Structure and Genetics of the Malaria Agent P. falciparum

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    The population genetics and structure of P. falciparum determine the rate at which malaria evolves in response to interventions such as drugs and vaccines. This has been the source of considerable recent controversy, but here we demonstrate the organism to be essentially sexual, in an area of moderately high transmission in the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi. Seven thousand mosquitoes were collected and dissected, and genetic data were obtained on 190 oocysts from 56 infected midguts. The oocysts were genotyped at three microsatellite loci and the MSP1 locus. Selfing rate was estimated as 50% and there was significant genotypic linkage disequilibrium (LD) in the pooled oocysts. A more appropriate analysis searching for genotypic LD in outcrossed oocysts and/or haplotypic LD in the selfed oocysts found no evidence for LD, indicating that the population was effectively sexual. Inbreeding estimates at MSP1 were higher than at the microsatellites, possibly indicative of immune action against MSP1, but the effect was confounded by the probable presence of null mutations. Mating appeared to occur at random in mosquitoes and evidence regarding whether malaria clones in the same host were related (presumably through simultaneous inoculation in the same mosquito bite) was ambiguous. This is the most detailed genetic analysis yet of P. falciparum sexual stages, and shows P. falciparum to be a sexual organism whose genomes are in linkage equilibrium, which acts to slow the emergence of drug resistance and vaccine insensitivity, extending the likely useful therapeutic lifespan of drugs and vaccines

    Who’s funny: Gender stereotypes, humor production, and memory bias

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    It has often been asserted, by both men and women, that men are funnier. We explored two possible explanations for such a view, first testing whether men, when instructed to be as funny as possible, write funnier cartoon captions than do women, and second examining whether there is a tendency to falsely remember funny things as having been produced by men. A total of 32 participants, half from each gender, wrote captions for 20 cartoons. Raters then indicated the humor success of these captions. Raters of both genders found the captions written by males funnier, though this preference was significantly stronger among the male raters. In the second experiment, male and female participants were presented with the funniest and least funny captions from the first experiment, along with the caption author's gender. On a memory test, both females and males disproportionately misattributed the humorous captions to males and the nonhumorous captions to females. Men might think men are funnier because they actually find them so, but though women rated the captions written by males slightly higher, our data suggest that they may regard men as funnier more because they falsely attribute funny things to them.</p

    Humour processing in frontotemporal lobar degeneration: A behavioural and neuroanatomical analysis.

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    Humour is a complex cognitive and emotional construct that is vulnerable in neurodegenerative diseases, notably the frontotemporal lobar degenerations. However, humour processing in these diseases has been little studied. Here we assessed humour processing in patients with behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (n = 22, mean age 67 years, four female) and semantic dementia (n = 11, mean age 67 years, five female) relative to healthy individuals (n = 21, mean age 66 years, 11 female), using a joint cognitive and neuroanatomical approach. We created a novel neuropsychological test requiring a decision about the humorous intent of nonverbal cartoons, in which we manipulated orthogonally humour content and familiarity of depicted scenarios. Structural neuroanatomical correlates of humour detection were assessed using voxel-based morphometry. Assessing performance in a signal detection framework and after adjusting for standard measures of cognitive function, both patient groups showed impaired accuracy of humour detection in familiar and novel scenarios relative to healthy older controls (p < .001). Patient groups showed similar overall performance profiles; however the behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia group alone showed a significant advantage for detection of humour in familiar relative to novel scenarios (p = .045), suggesting that the behavioural variant syndrome may lead to particular difficulty decoding novel situations for humour, while semantic dementia produces a more general deficit of humour detection that extends to stock comedic situations. Humour detection accuracy was associated with grey matter volume in a distributed network including temporo-parietal junctional and anterior superior temporal cortices, with predominantly left-sided correlates of processing humour in familiar scenarios and right-sided correlates of processing novel humour. The findings quantify deficits of core cognitive operations underpinning humour processing in frontotemporal lobar degenerations and suggest a candidate brain substrate in cortical hub regions processing incongruity and semantic associations. Humour is a promising candidate tool with which to assess complex social signal processing in neurodegenerative disease