22 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to the problem of cross-language interaction in mass media; in particular, the author chooses lexical items that have been linguistically converted from Russian into French forms as a specific object of research. In the focus of attention is the process of foreign word penetration into another language and stating peculiarities in the usage of code converted Russian words in modern French press. The cross-language code converted word items are grouped in accordance with a semantic criterion that is based on V.S. Vinogradov's classification, their contextual environment analysis points to specificity of their functions in media texts. The semantic classification of the cross-language code converted lexical items is viewed as correlating with the variety of semantic functions, including nominative, informative, terminological as well as the functions of text exotization or national culture specification. The author concludes that social and political items are majoring and perform the widest range of the functions, the least numerous is a groups of items that nominate natural world phenomena. It is stated that cross-language item code conversion serves for presenting substantive or specifically cultural content of the message, it is used as an expressive language means with a shade of stylistic potential, which is supported with a set of examples and their stylistic interpretations

    Modern Approach to the Study of Telemedicine Technologies in the Medical Institute

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    Telemedicine is being actively introduced into medical practice, however, in order for it to become an effective tool in their hands, a basic knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of modern telemedicine technologies is needed, as well as practical skills in the preparation and conduct of videoconferencing. This led to the need to include a course on the basics of telemedicine technology in the training of medical personnel. The Department of Medical Informatics created the educational module "Telemedicine", which is implemented by the Telemedicine Centre of the Medical Institute of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. After theoretical lectures, students receive practical skills through business games and conducting videoconferencing. Classes are conducted in accordance with world trends and standards. During the classes we demonstrate to students the technologies of remote interactive learning, in particular television lectures and master classes from the leading clinics of Russia, countries of Europe, India, Brazil and Canada. This practice allows our graduates to maintain contact with their teachers through telemedicine opportunities and participate in videoconferenced postgraduate education with PFUR professors, and international conferences held at PFUR sites. The experience of teaching the senior students of the PFUR Medical Institute is presented

    Regulation of gene expression in restriction-modification system Eco29kI

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    The Eco29kI restriction-modification (R-M) system consists of two partially overlapping genes, eco29kIR, encoding a restriction endonuclease and eco29kIM, encoding methyltransferase. The two genes are thought to form an operon with the eco29kIR gene preceding the eco29kIM gene. Such an organization is expected to complicate establishment of plasmids containing this R-M system in naive hosts, since common logic dictates that methyltransferase should be synthesized first to protect the DNA from cleavage by the endonuclease. Here, we characterize the Eco29kI gene transcription. We show that a separate promoter located within the eco29kIR gene is sufficient to synthesize enough methyltransferase to completely modify host DNA. We further show that transcription from two intragenic antisense promoters strongly decreases the levels of eco29kIR gene transcripts. The antisense transcripts act by preventing translation initiation from the bicistronic eco29kIR–eco29kIM mRNA and causing its degradation. Both eco29kIM and antisense promoters are necessary for Eco29kI genes establishment and/or stable maintenance, indicating that they jointly contribute to coordinated expression of Eco29kI genes

    Research on the antiviral activity of water-soluble melanin from the pharmaceutical chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) against influenza А virus subtypes H5N1, H3N2 and H1N1pdm09 in experiments in vitro

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    Introduction. Influenza A virus is the cause of epidemics and pandemics that severely affect the health and socioeconomic status of the world's population. The need to develop new methods of etiotropic therapy, and the increasing ability of viruses to counteract the antiviral drugs makes extremely relevant the search for new pharmacologically active substances and the subsequent study of their medicinal properties. The aim of the study is to conduct research into the antiviral properties of melanin obtained from the pharmaceutical chaga mushroom in relation to different subtypes of the influenza A virus. Materials and methods. A sample of water-soluble melanin from Inonotus obliquus obtained by alkaline hydrolysis and dried at 40C was tested for toxicity and antiviral activity. The commercial anti-influenza drug Tamiflu was used as a reference drug. Statistical processing of the obtained data was carried out according to the Spearman-Kerber method. Results. Inonotus obliquus melanin (sample 20-24) toxicity markers, such as a maximum tolerable concentration (MTC) of 237.0 g/mL, and a 50% cytotoxic concentration (CC50) of 153,45 g/mL were established for MDCK cell culture. The assessment of antiviral activity of test sample against three subtypes of the influenza A virus (H5N1, H3N2 and H1N1pdm09) demonstrated a decrease in the infectivity of the influenza virus by 2.53.5 lg with 50% virus-inhibiting concentrations (IC50) of 1.559.52 g/mL. Based on the obtained values of CC50 and IC50, the selectivity indices (SI) of the sample were calculated, characterizing its prospects for further research. Conclusions. Melanin obtained from the pharmaceutical chaga mushroom showed the highest activity against the strain of the human pandemic influenza virus A/California/04/2009 (H1N1)pdm09, caused a decrease in its infectivity by 3.5 lg and had an IC50 of 1.6 g/ml. The obtained results indicate the prospects for creating an antiviral drug based on Inonotus obliquus melanins against the influenza virus


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    Статья посвящена проблеме взаимодействия между английским и русским языками на протяжении последних десятилетий. Лингвистический обмен рассматривается как двусторонний канал межкультурной коммуникации. The article is devoted to the problem of Russian-English interactions during the last decades. Linguistic exchange is considered as a two-way channel of intercultural communication

    Associations of stress and stress-related psychiatric disorders with GrimAge acceleration: review and suggestions for future work

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    Abstract The notion of “biological aging” as distinct from chronological aging has been of increasing interest in psychiatry, and many studies have explored associations of stress and psychiatric illness with accelerated biological aging. The “epigenetic clocks” are one avenue of this research, wherein “biological age” is estimated using DNA methylation data from specific CpG dinucleotide sites within the human genome. Many iterations of the epigenetic clocks have been developed, but the GrimAge clock continues to stand out for its ability to predict morbidity and mortality. Several studies have now explored associations of stress, PTSD, and MDD with GrimAge acceleration (GrimAA). While stress, PTSD, and MDD are distinct psychiatric entities, they may share common mechanisms underlying accelerated biological aging. Yet, no one has offered a review of the evidence on associations of stress and stress-related psychopathology with GrimAA. In this review, we identify nine publications on associations of stress, PTSD, and MDD with GrimAA. We find that results are mixed both within and across each of these exposures. However, we also find that analytic methods — and specifically, the choice of covariates — vary widely between studies. To address this, we draw upon popular methods from the field of clinical epidemiology to offer (1) a systematic framework for covariate selection, and (2) an approach to results reporting that facilitates analytic consensus. Although covariate selection will differ by the research question, we encourage researchers to consider adjustment for tobacco, alcohol use, physical activity, race, sex, adult socioeconomic status, medical comorbidity, and blood cell composition