181 research outputs found


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    "Quality of life" represents one of the most important parameters of individual coping the problems of social adaptation in case of persisting manifestations of the basic disease. A total of 46 type I diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic vegetopathy were examined. Diagnosis was anamnestically and instrumentally verified. Patients' quality of life was investigated using MMP1 in a Kincannon's variant, Zungs depression scale, and Spitcer's quality-of-life scale. The following code was established: schizoidia - psychasthenia - hypochondria - paranoia. According to the depression scale, there was a slight depression in 51,7 per cent of the patients, a moderate - in 36,5 per cent but a severe - in 13,7 per cent. According to the quality-of-life scale, the parameter of self-confidence was characterized as poor in 17,3 per cent of the cases, moderately good - in 31 per cent but good - in 51,7 per cent. Social adaptation was poor in 6,8 per cent of the patients, moderately good - in 31 per cent but good - in 62,2 per cent. The correlation between the expression of vegetopathy, the severity of diabetes mellitus, the self-confidence, social adaptation and "social inertia" was discussed


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    The necessity of controlling the lipid state of the organism originates from the association of dyslipidemia with atherosclerosis, heart diseases, diabetes mellitus, etc. In the clinical practice, the determination of the exact type of dyslipidemia is not straightforward due to certain problems: daily biological fluctuations, dietary effects, strong overlapping in characteristic plasma lipid levels in some classes of type llb, III and IV, frequent inavailability of a complete set of diagnostic measurements, as well as certain overlapping in the borderline values. These provide the objective to create a computer program for diagnostics* of dyslipidemia in 16 classes. The apparatus of Bayes classification has been applied using 13 discrete and 7 pseudo-discrete features. The proposed system is suitable for monitoring the treatment of dyslipidemia as well as for the purposes of students' education and post doctoral training

    Tendências atuais no estado e regulação legal do componente religioso na educação

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    The article presents the results of modern model comparative legal analysis concerning state and legal regulation of the religious component in education within the context of state and municipal educational organization profile activity. The conceptual features of such regulation optimal model are determined, claiming the status of universal ones; their uniform consolidation in the special educational legislation of modern secular states is justified.El artículo presenta los resultados del análisis jurídico comparativo del modelo moderno sobre la regulación estatal y legal del componente religioso en la educación dentro del contexto de la actividad de perfil de la organización educativa estatal y municipal. Se determinan las características conceptuales de dicho modelo de regulación óptima, reclamando el estado de los universales; su consolidación uniforme en la legislación educativa especial de los estados seculares modernos está justificada.O artigo apresenta os resultados do modelo moderno de análise comparativa da legislação estadual e jurídica sobre o componente religioso na educação no contexto da atividade de perfil das organizações educacionais estaduais e municipais. As características conceituais desse modelo ótimo de regulação são determinadas, reivindicando o status das universais; sua consolidação uniforme na legislação educacional especial dos estados seculares modernos é justificada

    Interpretation of the value of human rights in the context of modern forms of legal understanding

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    A long-term discussion about legal understanding has identified some main approaches to defining its concept, in particular among them: natural law and positive law. In this context, the question of the value of human rights in the context of these types of legal understanding is fundamental to legal science. Considering the above, inter alia, it is also important to find out whether human rights are natural or whether they require formal recognition and consolidation, being positive. The aim of the study is to consider the main features of the interpretation of the value of human rights in the context of natural and positive types of legal understanding, as well as to compare them. Consideration of the subject of research was carried out within the framework of an integrated approach, which involves a combination of such special methods as structural-functional, comparative-legal and formal-legal analysis methods. The article examines the two most popular types of legal understanding, in particular, natural law and legal positivism. According to positive law, human rights should be enshrined in laws, regulations and sources of legal norms. It should be noted that in the modern world, law, which includes human rights, is understood as a system of legal norms that are issued and protected by the state, which to a greater extent reflects a positive legal understanding. The essence of the theory of natural law is that in addition to positive law, which is created by the state, there is a common natural law for all people, standing above positive law. That is why natural law is realized in positive law and becomes its content. Thus, human rights and freedoms enshrined in the generally recognized principles and norms of international law have become the criterion of the legal basis for national systems of positive law

    The effects of alcohol on the fetus, and pregnancy outcome. Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

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    In a review of the scientific literature describes the current understanding of the problem of the teratogenic effects of alcohol on the fetus, and pregnancy outcome. Attention is paid to the occurrence, clinical manifestations of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. It is shown that in Russia accurate epidemiological data on the incidence of fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are not available. It is noted that the use of alcohol by women is associated with adverse pregnancy outcome. May manifest clinically delayed fetal development, risk of miscarriage and low birth weight. In reviewing the domestic and foreign literature revealed that in Russia the problem is insufficiently known, relevant. Therefore, the study of this problem will be of great theoretical and practical significance


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    The article reviews problem, of changes of gastric and esophageal motor activity at the pathologies of gastrointestinal tract. Obtained data allow to estimate value of gastric motor activity in the pathogenesis of such diseases as chronic gastritis, ulcerous disease and. others, to give more definite recommendations for the diagnostics and. treatment of patients with diseases of gastrointestinal tract