1,117 research outputs found

    Plethysmography system to monitor the jugular venous pulse: A feasibility study

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    Cerebral venous outflow is investigated in the diagnosis of heart failure through the monitoring of jugular venous pulse, an indicator to assess cardiovascular diseases. The jugular venous pulse is a weak signal stemming from the lying internal jugular vein and often invasive methodolo-gies requiring surgery are mandatory to detect it. Jugular venous pulse can also be extrapolated via the ultrasound technique, but it requires a qualified healthcare operator to perform the exami-nation. In this work, a wireless, user-friendly, wearable device for plethysmography is developed to investigate the possibility of monitoring the jugular venous pulse non-invasively. The proposed device can monitor the jugular venous pulse and the electrocardiogram synchronously. To study the feasibility of using the proposed device to detect physiological variables, several measurements were carried out on healthy subjects by considering three different postures: supine, sitting, and upright. Data acquired in the experiment were properly filtered to highlight the cardiac oscillation and remove the breathing contribution, which causes a considerable shift in the amplitude of signals. To evaluate the proper functioning of the wearable device for plethysmography, a comparison with the ultrasound technique was carried out. As a satisfactory result, the acquired signals resemble the typical jugular venous pulse waveforms found in literature

    On the Persistence of Mental Health Deterioration during the COVID-19 Pandemic by Sex and Ethnicity in the UK: Evidence from Understanding Society

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from De Gruyter via the DOI in this recordData and code availability: The research data are distributed by the UK Data Service. Researchers who would like to use Understanding Society need to register with the UK Data Service before being allowed to apply for or download datasets. More information: https://www.understandingsociety.ac.uk/documentation/access-data. The code to replicate the analysis in this letter is publicly available from the Harvard Dataverse repository: https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/YUOWJEWe use longitudinal data from a representative sample of the UK and compare self-reported mental health, as measured by the GHQ-12 score, at three timepoints (2017–2019, April 2020 and March 2021), for the whole sample and by sex and ethnicity. Out of the 14,382 individuals interviewed in 2017–2019 and April 2020, 10,445 were interviewed again in March 2021. The mean GHQ-12 in April 2020 is 12.37 [95% CI: 12.22, 12.52] and in March 2021 is 12.36 [95% CI: 12.21, 12.51], above that of 2017–2019: 11.13 [95% CI: 10.99, 11.26]. We do not find evidence that the level of mental health goes back to pre-pandemic levels. In terms of inequalities, while the gender gap (mean difference between women and men) in mental health deterioration among White British is closing, there is no clear evidence that the ethnic gap (mean difference between ethnic minorities and White British) among men is changing

    Plasma activated water as resistance inducer against bacterial leaf spot of tomato

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    Plant bacterial diseases are routinely managed with scheduled treatments based on heavy metal compounds or on antibiotics; to reduce the negative environmental impact due to the use of such chemical compounds, as pollution or selection of antibiotic resistant pathogens, the integrated control management is required. In the frame of a sustainable agriculture the use of bacterial antagonists, biological agents, plant defence response elicitors or resistant host plant genotypes are the most effective approaches. In this work, cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) was applied to sterile distilled water, inducing the production of a hydrogen peroxide, nitrite and nitrate, and a pH reduction. In particular, an atmospheric pressure dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) has been used to produce plasma activated water (PAW), that was firstly assayed in in vitro experiments and then in planta through application at the root apparatus of tomato plants, against Xanthomonas vesicatoria (Xv), the etiological agent of bacterial leaf spot. Moreover, the transcription abundance of five genes related to the plant defense was investigated in response to PAW treatment. PAW did not show direct antimicrobial activity against Xv in in vitro experiments, but it enhanced the tomato plants defenses. It was effective in reducing the disease severity by giving relative protections of ca. 61, 51 and 38% when applied 1 h, 24 h and 6 days before the experimental inoculation, respectively. In addition, the experiments highlighted the pal gene involvement in response to the PAW treatments and against the pathogen; its transcription levels resulted significantly high from 1 to 48 h until their decrease 192 h after PAW application

    A data-driven energy platform: from energy performance certificates to human-readable knowledge through dynamic high-resolution geospatial maps

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    The energy performance certificate (EPC) is a document that certifies the average annual energy consumption of a building in standard conditions and allows it to be classified within a so-called energy class. In a period such as this, when greenhouse gas emissions are of considerable importance and where the objective is to improve energy security and reduce energy costs in our cities, energy certification has a key role to play. The proposed work aims to model and characterize residential buildings’ energy efficiency by exploring heterogeneous, geo-referenced data with different spatial and temporal granularity. The paper presents TUCANA (TUrin Certificates ANAlysis), an innovative data mining engine able to cover the whole analytics workflow for the analysis of the energy performance certificates, including cluster analysis and a model generalization step based on a novel spatial constrained K-NN, able to automatically characterize a broad set of buildings distributed across a major city and predict different energy-related features for new unseen buildings. The energy certificates analyzed in this work have been issued by the Piedmont Region (a northwest region of Italy) through open data. The results obtained on a large dataset are displayed in novel, dynamic, and interactive geospatial maps that can be consulted on a web application integrated into the system. The visualization tool provides transparent and human-readable knowledge to various stakeholders, thus supporting the decision-making process

    State of the Art and New Trends from the 2022 Gism Annual Meeting

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    The 2022 Italian Mesenchymal Stem Cell Group (Gruppo Italiano Staminali Mesenchimali, GISM) Annual Meeting took place on 20–21 October 2022 in Turin (Italy), with the support of the University of Turin and the City of Health and Science of Turin. The novelty of this year’s meeting was its articulation, reflecting the new structure of GISM based on six sections: (1) Bringing advanced therapies to the clinic: trends and strategies, (2) GISM Next Generation, (3) New technologies for 3D culture systems, (4) Therapeutic applications of MSC-EVs in veterinary and human medicine, (5) Advancing MSC therapies in veterinary medicine: present challenges and future perspectives, (6) MSCs: a double-edged sword: friend or foe in oncology. National and international speakers presented their scientific works with the aim of promoting an interactive discussion and training for all attendees. The atmosphere was interactive, where ideas and questions between younger researchers and senior mentors were shared in all moments of the congress

    Un anno di Comitato Unico di Garanzia: riflessioni all'INGV

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    L’Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - INGV ha istituito il Comitato Unico di Garanzia per le pari opportunità, la valorizzazione del benessere di chi lavora e contro le discriminazioni – CUG nel luglio 2011, ai sensi della L.183/2010. Il CUG ha assunto, estendendoli, i compiti del precedente Comitato Pari Opportunità, ossia, come da delibera CD n. del 28/6/2011: • focalizzare i problemi relativi alle pari opportunità; • contribuire a migliorare la qualità della vita negli ambienti di lavoro e a valorizzare le risorse umane; • verificare gli equilibri tra i sessi nelle posizioni funzionali a parità di requisiti professionali; • formulare proposte per: la gestione flessibile delle risorse umane e le attività di formazione professionale; è inoltre chiamato a perseguire gli obiettivi della direttiva dei dipartimenti della Funzione Pubblica e per le Pari Opportunità del 4 marzo 2011, per esercitare compiti propositivi, consultivi e di verifica. I compiti affidati dall’Amministrazione da un lato e le sollecitazioni ricevute dal personale dall’altro hanno portato ad una serie di azioni, tra le principali: • la redazione di un Codice per la tutela della dignità delle persone e per la prevenzione delle molestie sessuali e morali dell’INGV, l’individuazione della Consigliera di Fiducia e l’avvio di un ciclo di seminari sull’argomento, nell’ambito della prevenzione delle discriminazioni; • una lettura di genere delle bozze dei nuovi regolamenti dell’ente, con proposte di modifiche ispirate alla Carta Europea dei Ricercatori – CdR (e.g. principi di Non discriminazione, Equilibrio di genere) e alla normativa in tema di pari opportunità e tutela della maternità, parte delle quali recepite nel Regolamento del Personale e nel Disciplinare in materia di orario di servizio; un’azione, questa, legata all’adesione in via sperimentale alla Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, iniziativa della Comunità Europea per l’effettiva implementazione della CdR; • nell’ambito del processo di valutazione della ricerca dell’ANVUR, l’evidenziazione di alcune criticità presenti nel bando, in relazione alla valutazione della maternità, risultate in una interrogazione parlamentare e in una lettera aperta, grazie al contributo dell’Associazione Donne e Scienza e dei CUG dell’INFN e del CNR. Le esperienze fatte confermano l’opportunità di dare voce a tutte le donne dell’Istituto e di fare rete tra i Comitati degli enti di ricerca.UnpublishedCertosa di Pontignano (Siena), Italyope

    An imbalance between specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators and pro-inflammatory leukotrienes promotes instability of atherosclerotic plaques

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    Chronic unresolved inflammation plays a causal role in the development of advanced atherosclerosis, but the mechanisms that prevent resolution in atherosclerosis remain unclear. Here, we use targeted mass spectrometry to identify specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators (SPM) in histologically-defined stable and vulnerable regions of human carotid atherosclerotic plaques. The levels of SPMs, particularly resolvin D1 (RvD1), and the ratio of SPMs to pro-inflammatory leukotriene B4 (LTB₄), are significantly decreased in the vulnerable regions. SPMs are also decreased in advanced plaques of fat-fed Ldlr⁻/⁻ mice. Administration of RvD1 to these mice during plaque progression restores the RvD1:LTB₄ ratio to that of less advanced lesions and promotes plaque stability, including decreased lesional oxidative stress and necrosis, improved lesional efferocytosis, and thicker fibrous caps. These findings provide molecular support for the concept that defective inflammation resolution contributes to the formation of clinically dangerous plaques and offer a mechanistic rationale for SPM therapy to promote plaque stability

    Who Invited You? The Complex Story Of Aquatic Invasive Species

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    Invasive species represent a global threat to ecosystems, human health, and the economy. A basic knowledge of invasive species biology is crucial to understand current and future impacts and implications. The purpose of this book is to provide a broad background on invasive species, and also details on specific examples through case studies. The students in the course Aquatic Invasive Species (MAR 442) at the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine, have researched and reviewed scientific literature to educate readers about these issues. The class, comprised of fifteen junior and senior Marine Science, Marine Affairs, Animal Behavior, and Environmental Sciences students, selected the different topics, presented the material, wrote the chapters, and assembled the final versions into this book. This book cannot be all inclusive, but we think this book will provide an excellent broad overview of the most important aspects of Invasive Species Biology and might stimulate the reader to dive deeper into the material.https://dune.une.edu/marinesci_studproj/1003/thumbnail.jp
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