319 research outputs found

    Labor Disputes and Labor Flows

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    About one in four workers challenges her dismissal in front of a labor court in France. Using a data set of individual labor disputes brought to French courts over the years 1996 to 2003, we examine the impact of labor court activity on labor market flows. First, we present a simple theoretical model showing the links between judicial costs and judicial case outcomes. Second, we exploit our model as well as the French institutional setting to generate instruments for these endogenous outcomes. In particular, we use shocks in the supply of lawyers who resettle close to their university of origin. Using these instruments, we show that labor court decisions have a causal effect on labor flows. More trials and more cases won by the workers cause more job destructions. More settlements, higher filing rates, and a larger fraction of workers represented by a lawyer dampen job destructions. Various robustness checks confirm these findings.labor judges, labor flows, employment protection legislation, unfair dismissal, France

    Teachers' Training, Class Size and Students' Outcomes: Learning from Administrative Forecasting Mistakes

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    This paper studies the impact of different teacher and class characteristics on third graders' outcomes. It uses a feature of the French system in which some novice teachers start their jobs before receiving any training. Three categories of teachers are included in the sample: experienced teachers, trained novice teachers and untrained novice teachers. To identify the effects, we use administrative mistakes in forecasting the number of teachers. We find that trained and untrained novice teachers are assigned to similar classes, whereas experienced teachers have better students located in better environments. Hence, in order to match similar students and classes, we focus on pupils with novice teachers and discard those with experienced teachers. In addition, we show that the same sample can be used to estimate the causal effect of class size on students' outcomes. Our findings are: (1) teachers' training substantially improves students' test scores in mathematics; (2) this training effect does not rely on different teaching practices, but mainly on subject matter competence; untrained teachers who majored in sciences at university improve their students' achievement as much as trained teachers do; (3) the class size effect is substantial and significant; class size does not seem to be correlated with instructional practices; (4) teachers' training does not improve the scores of initially low-achieving students and classes; on the contrary, a smaller class is more beneficial to low-achieving students within classes and to all students in low-achieving classes.teachers' training, class size

    Teachers' training, class size and students' outcomes: learning from administrative forecasting mistakes

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    This paper studies the impact of different teacher and class characteristics on third graders' outcomes. It uses a feature of the French system in which some novice teachers start their jobs before receiving any training. Three categories of teachers are included in the sample: experienced teachers, trained novice teachers and untrained novice teachers. To identify the effects, we use administrative mistakes in forecasting the number of teachers. We find that trained and untrained novice teachers are assigned to similar classes, whereas experienced teachers have better students located in better environments. Hence, in order to match similar students and classes, we focus on pupils with novice teachers and discard those with experienced teachers. In addition, we show that the same sample can be used to estimate the causal effect of class size on students' outcomes. Our findings are: (1) teachers' training substantially improves students' test scores in mathematics; (2) this training effect does not rely on different teaching practices, but mainly on subject matter competence; untrained teachers who majored in sciences at university improve their students' achievement as much as trained teachers do; (3) the class size effect is substantial and significant; class size does not seem to be correlated with instructional practices; (4) teachers' training does not improve the scores of initially low-achieving students and classes; on the contrary, a smaller class is more beneficial to low-achieving students within classes and to all students in low-achieving classes

    Labor disputes and labor flows

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    About one in four workers challenges her dismissal in front of a labor court in France. Using a data set of individual labor disputes brought to French courts over the years 1996 to 2003, we examine the impact of labor court activity on labor market flows. First, we present a simple theoretical model showing the links between judicial costs and judicial case outcomes. Second, we exploit our model as well as the French institutional setting to generate instruments for these endogenous outcomes. In particular, we use shocks in the supply of lawyers who resettle close to their university of origin. Using these instruments, we show that labor court decisions have a causal effect on labor flows. More trials and more cases won by the workers cause more job destructions. More settlements, higher filing rates, and a larger fraction of workers represented by a lawyer dampen job destructions. Various robustness checks confirm these findings

    Sylvia Estienne, Dominique Jaillard, Natacha Lubtchansky, Claude Pouzadoux (dir.), Image et religion dans l’AntiquitĂ© grĂ©co-romaine. Actes du colloque de Rome, 11-13 dĂ©cembre 2003, organisĂ© par l’École française d’AthĂšnes, l’ArScAn (UMR 7041 : CNRS, Paris I, Paris X), l’équipe ESPRI et l’ACI jeunes chercheurs ICAR

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    Les actes du prĂ©sent colloque sont le point d’aboutissement d’un remarquable programme de recherche sur les relations entre l’image et la religion dans l’AntiquitĂ© grecque et romaine. Cinq sĂ©minaires organisĂ©s en Italie, en GrĂšce ou en France, certains dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©s dans les MEFRA, avaient dĂ©jĂ  bien prĂ©parĂ© le terrain des prĂ©sentes rĂ©flexions, qui forment cependant un ensemble tout Ă  fait cohĂ©rent et permettent de mesurer tout le chemin parcouru. Pour situer l’ensemble de ces travaux d’un poin..

    VALENTI (Catherine), L’École française d’Athùnes

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    Issu d’un travail de doctorat, ce livre se propose de retracer la crĂ©ation, la genĂšse et l’évolution du plus prestigieux et du plus ancien des grands instituts français de recherche Ă  l’étranger, Ă  savoir l’École française d’AthĂšnes. Depuis l’ouvrage sur L’histoire et l’Ɠuvre de l’École française d’AthĂšnes, Ă©crit en 1901 par Georges Radet, lui-mĂȘme ancien « AthĂ©nien », aucune synthĂšse n’était venue replacer le rĂŽle de cette institution dans l’histoire du paysage Ă©ducatif et culturel français ..

    Priority Education Zones: Which Resources Produce Which Results? An Evaluation over the 1982-1992 Period

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    In 1982, pilot tests breaking with the idea of equal treatment were introduced in an attempt to do something about persistent school failure rates among the most disadvantaged pupils. These priority education zones (ZEPs) initially set up in a few regions were strengthened and extended in 1989 and 1990 and the measure has been regularly renewed since. It encourages the establishments concerned to develop educational projects and local partnerships by granting them additional resources (appropriations, jobs, hours of teaching, etc.). The aim is to improve educational performance by stimulating new projects. A reduction in class sizes is also coming to be seen as a tool. The changes that ZEP status has brought about for these establishments are evaluated using administrative data on the schools. We show that it is hard to find a significant effect of the ZEP programme on pupils success rates over the 1982-1992 period.Education, Program Evaluation, Compensatory Policy

    Un décret du koinon des Ioniens trouvé à Claros

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    Das hier publizierte Dekret wurde 1988 in der NĂ€he der Heiligen Straße des Apollon-Heiligtums von Klaros gefunden. Es überliefert die Antwort des koinon der Ionier auf die Anfragen der Bürger von Kolophon, ob man die Panegyris und die penteterischen WettkĂ€mpfe zu Ehren des Apollon von Klaros wieder aufnehmen könnte, die durch Kriege unterbrochen worden waren. Um welche Kriege es sich handelt, ist schwierig zu bestimmen, sicher ist, dass sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt beendet waren. Der internationale Kontext, soweit er sich nach manchen Angaben in dem Text abzeichnet, erlaubt eine Datierung in das Umfeld des Jahres 190 v.Chr. Die ErwĂ€hnung einer Epiphanie Apollons und von ihm erteilter Orakel erlaubt Hypothesen zur Funktionsweise des Heiligtums und seines Tempels. Das Dokument gibt die Möglichkeit, die Rolle von Klaros in den großen Machtverschiebungen im Kleinasien dieser Zeit nĂ€her zu bestimmen und ebenso die internationale Bedeutung des Orakelheiligtums.The decree here published was found in 1988, close to the sacred way of the sanctuary of Apollo at Claros. It records the answer of the Ionian koinon with regard to the actions taken by Colophon to revive the celebration of the panegyry and the quadrennial competition in honor of Clarian Apollo. Some previous wars, now difficult to identify, had made the celebrations stop. With the international context revealed in this document, we are able to date it in the 190s BC. The mention of an Apollo’s epiphany and of oracles delivered by him allows hypotheses on the organization of the sanctuary and its temple. The decree helps to understand the role of Claros on the political scene in Asia Minor and the internalization of the shrine during these times.Le dĂ©cret ici publiĂ© a Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ© en 1988, Ă  proximitĂ© de la voie sacrĂ©e du sanctuaire d’Apollon Ă  Claros. Il relate la rĂ©ponse du koinon des Ioniens aux dĂ©marches entreprises par les Colophoniens pour reprendre la cĂ©lĂ©bration de la panĂ©gyrie et des concours pentĂ©tĂ©riques en l’honneur d’Apollon clarien, que des guerres, difficiles Ă  identifier mais dĂ©sormais rĂ©volues, avaient eu pour effet d’interrompre. Le contexte international qui paraĂźt Ă©merger des indications du document permet de le dater dans les annĂ©es 190 av. J.-C.; quant Ă  la mention d’une Ă©piphanie d’Apollon et celle des oracles rendus par le dieu, elles autorisent des hypothĂšses sur le fonctionnement du sanctuaire et de son temple. Le document vient nourrir les reconstitutions historiques sur le rĂŽle de Claros dans les grands mouvements des puissances du temps en Asie Mineure et sur l’internationalisation du sanctuaire oraculaire durant la pĂ©riode

    EurÎmos : Rapport préliminaire sur les travaux réalisés en 2017

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    La troisiĂšme campagne de la Mission archĂ©ologique française d’EurĂŽmos du MinistĂšre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres et du DĂ©veloppement international eut lieu au mois d’aoĂ»t 2017. Outre la campagne de fouille, nous avons poursuivi au mois de septembre le projet de prospection dans l’EurĂŽmide et ses territoires voisins qui avait Ă©tĂ© initiĂ© l’annĂ©e derniĂšre sous la direction d’Abuzer Kızıl et autorisĂ© par la Direction des biens culturels et des musĂ©es d’Ankara. Les membres de l’Institut Ausonius mĂšnent ..

    EurÎmos : rapport préliminaire sur les travaux réalisés en 2015

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    La premiĂšre campagne de la Mission archĂ©ologique française d’EurĂŽmos du ministĂšre des Affaires Ă©trangĂšres et du DĂ©veloppement international eut lieu au mois d’aoĂ»t 2015. Les membres de l’Institut Ausonius mĂšnent toutefois depuis l’étĂ© 2012 des travaux Ă©pigraphiques et numismatiques ainsi que des prospections Ă  EurĂŽmos et ses environs grĂące Ă  l’appui financier du Labex LaScArBx de l’universitĂ© de Bordeaux et de l’Institut Ausonius (UMR 5607). Il convient aussi de mentionner les contributions d..
