10 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Energy-Saving Lighting Systems for Poultry Houses

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    The provision of lighting in poultry shelters is an energy-intensive process in poultry farming, due to a lack of sunlight in closed facilities. Lighting plays an important role in the majority of organism biorhythms and it clocks the processes of vital activities of the birds. Lighting directly influences productivity, growth and sexual maturation of birds. A determining factor for the lifetime of an LED is the crystal heating temperature during its operation. It may be assumed that the LED lifetime is largely independent of the variation in the current passing through the LED (within the limits of its design values). The research objective was to conduct laboratory testing to compare the electricity consumption between the existing and a newly developed lighting system for poultry house no. 19 of the Kuchinsky Poultry Breeding Plant. In order to conduct the laboratory testing, the authors developed lighting fixtures consisting of sealed plastic bodies with an LED-carrying PCB inside. The testing continued for 113 days. The new system consumed 662 kWh, while the previous system consumed 783 kWh. Energy savings through the testing period amounted to 15%. During the testing, the new equipment was reliable; no failures of LED fixtures were recorded. Keywords: LED lighting, energy conservation, poultry farming, microclimat

    Diffraction of the Field of a Grounded Cable on an Elongated Dielectric Spheroid in a Conducting Layer

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    Based on a rigorous solution to the problem, analytical expressions are obtained for calculating the diffraction of the electromagnetic field of a grounded cable on an elongated dielectric spheroid in a conductive layer. The field of a grounded AC cable in a conductive layer is determined by solving the Helmholtz equation for the vector potential by using the method of integral Fourier–Bessel transformations, taking into account the boundary conditions at the bottom and surface of the conductive layer. The process of finding the secondary field of an elongated dielectric spheroid on an alternating current in a conducting layer is divided into two stages. First, we find an exact solution to the problem of an elongated dielectric spheroid at a constant current in a homogeneous field, in free space, decomposing this solution into a Taylor series and retaining the first term, which is a dipole approximation. In the second stage, the resulting field as the sum of the fields of the horizontal and vertical dipoles is analytically continued into the frequency domain. The field of the horizontal and vertical dipoles in the conducting layer is obtained by using the method of integral Fourier–Bessel transformations, taking into account the boundary conditions at the bottom and surface of the conducting layer. The resulting solution is presented in a closed form in elementary functions and has an accuracy level acceptable for the practice. Graphs showing the flow characteristics of an elongated dielectric spheroid modeling a swimmer in a light diving suit are given. The influence of the water–air boundary on the increase in the secondary field of the dielectric spheroid, which leads to an increase in the reliability of object detection, is revealed. The practical implementation of the described device protected by a patent and the experimental data of testing the device layout on the Gulf of Finland are given. A good agreement between the theoretical and experimental flow characteristics of a dielectric object both in shape, amplitude, and phase, is revealed

    Diffraction of the Field of a Grounded Cable on an Elongated Dielectric Spheroid in a Conducting Layer

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    Based on a rigorous solution to the problem, analytical expressions are obtained for calculating the diffraction of the electromagnetic field of a grounded cable on an elongated dielectric spheroid in a conductive layer. The field of a grounded AC cable in a conductive layer is determined by solving the Helmholtz equation for the vector potential by using the method of integral Fourier–Bessel transformations, taking into account the boundary conditions at the bottom and surface of the conductive layer. The process of finding the secondary field of an elongated dielectric spheroid on an alternating current in a conducting layer is divided into two stages. First, we find an exact solution to the problem of an elongated dielectric spheroid at a constant current in a homogeneous field, in free space, decomposing this solution into a Taylor series and retaining the first term, which is a dipole approximation. In the second stage, the resulting field as the sum of the fields of the horizontal and vertical dipoles is analytically continued into the frequency domain. The field of the horizontal and vertical dipoles in the conducting layer is obtained by using the method of integral Fourier–Bessel transformations, taking into account the boundary conditions at the bottom and surface of the conducting layer. The resulting solution is presented in a closed form in elementary functions and has an accuracy level acceptable for the practice. Graphs showing the flow characteristics of an elongated dielectric spheroid modeling a swimmer in a light diving suit are given. The influence of the water–air boundary on the increase in the secondary field of the dielectric spheroid, which leads to an increase in the reliability of object detection, is revealed. The practical implementation of the described device protected by a patent and the experimental data of testing the device layout on the Gulf of Finland are given. A good agreement between the theoretical and experimental flow characteristics of a dielectric object both in shape, amplitude, and phase, is revealed

    Portable spectral device for monitoring plant stress conditions

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    The non-destructive monitoring systems use for plant stress conditions detecting and evaluating can improve the performed research and working procedures quality significantly. Such systems concepts are based on obtaining of the leaves’ reflective characteristics, the spectrum, and the chlorophyll fluorescence induction. By several methods combining for plant stress states detection within a single device, for different crops, it is possible to increase the evaluation accuracy and extend the device functionality. The laboratory prototype of the device for plants’ stress states determining was developed and tested on plants of basil garden variety. It was shown that the impact of the stress factor in the form of the UV-C radiation was expressed in the shape change of the fluorescence spectrum, namely, in the fluorescence intensity fall in the long-wave part of the spectrum. Also it was shown that the reflectivity decreased in the green and far red regions of the spectrum. At the spectra registration in the red and IR sections of the spectrum, some noises and interference distortions were detected, which can be filtered out by ways of demodulation and calculation of the trigonometric component of the interference distortion functions

    Influence of Pulsed, Scanning and Constant (16- and 24-h) Modes of LED Irradiation on the Physiological, Biochemical and Morphometric Parameters of Lettuce Plants (<i>Lactuca sativa</i> L.) while Cultivated in Vertical Farms

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    In city farming, when growing green crops, a significant part of the production cost is the cost of electricity for lighting. The physiology, biochemistry, morphology and productivity of plants can be affected by changing irradiation modes and these changes reduce electricity costs. However, the results of studies in the literature are contradictory. In this work, we investigated the effect of impulse (frequency 1000 Hz and duty cycle 67%), scanning (the principle of running lights) and constant 16 h and 24 h modes of operation of white light LED irradiators on the physiological, biochemical and morphometric parameters of lettuce with red and green leaves. The daytime integral of light in all variants remained unchanged ~15.6 mol m−2 day−1. Daily electricity consumption also did not differ significantly. Plants were grown on racks in a climatic chamber up to 35 days of age. For lettuce with red leaves, the most optimal for biomass accumulation and synthesis of anthocyanins was the impulse illumination mode, while for lettuce with green leaves, no statistically significant differences in biomass were observed under different irradiation modes. For red-leaved lettuce, it was found that the highest concentration of carotenoids in the leaf was observed under constant (24 h) and scanning irradiation, which is associated with a more active reaction of the photosynthetic system to prolonged irradiation and increased intensity during scanning irradiation. Also, increased photosynthetic activity was found in both varieties of lettuce at 16 h of operation of LED irradiators, which, however, did not affect their final productivity. The results may be useful for the development of LED illuminators for use in rack growing

    Effect of UV Stress on the Antioxidant Capacity, Photosynthetic Activity, Flavonoid and Steviol Glycoside Accumulation of <i>Stevia rebaudiana</i> Bertoni

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    Lighting conditions are an important controller of plant growth and development, and they affect secondary metabolite synthesis. In this research, we explored the effect of additional UV irradiation of various ranges in addition to the main one at PPFD 160 µmol m−2 s−1 on the accumulation of some secondary metabolites of stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni). The fresh weight of leaves was slightly higher under additional UV-A and UV-B irradiation compared with the control variant, and the leaf surface area was significantly larger, respectively, by 23.3 and 20.7% than in the control variant, while the rate of photosynthesis did not decrease. Plants under additional UV-B and UV-C irradiation were under the greatest light stress, as evidenced by a decrease in antioxidant capacity by an average of 30% compared to the control and UV-A. The total flavonoid content was significantly higher (by 74%) under UV-B irradiation. The highest concentration of steviol glycoside was observed during budding and flowering under UV-B and UV-C irradiation (by 13.2 and 11.3%, respectively). Analysis of hyperspectral images, chlorophyll fluorescence, and vegetation indices showed light stress increasing under UV-C irradiation, which caused an increase in the relative chlorophyll content, scorches, leaf morphology changes, a CO2 absorption rate decrease, and plant growth inhibition. UV-B irradiation can be used as an optimal type of irradiation based on a set of indicators

    Impact of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Pigment Content and Essential Oil Accumulation in Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.)

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    In this study, we investigated the effects of additional ultraviolet radiation (UV) on the main growth fluorescent lamp light on pigment content and essential oil accumulation in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Three different UV light sources from light-emitting diodes and discharge lamps, which emit UV in the UV-A (315&ndash;400 nm), UV-B (280&ndash;315 nm) and UV-C (100&ndash;280 nm) ranges, were tested for basil plant growing. The plants, growing under additional UV-A and UV-B from mercury lamps, on the 60th growing day were higher than control plants by 90% and 53%, respectively. The fresh leaf mass of the UV-A irradiated basil plants was 2.4-fold higher than the control plant mass. The dry mass/fresh mass ratio of the UV-A and UV-B irradiated plants was higher by 45% and 35% in comparison to the control plants. Leaf area was increased by 40% and 20%, respectively. UV-C affected the anthocyanin content most strongly, they increased by 50%, whereas only by 27% and 0% under UV-A and UV-B. Any UV addition did not affect the essential oil total contents but altered the essential oil compositions. UV-A and UV-B increased the linalool proportion from 10% to 20%, and to 25%, respectively, in contrast to UV-C, which reduced it to 3%. UV-C induced the eugenol methyl ether accumulation (17%) and inhibited plant growth. Moreover, UV increased the proportion of &alpha;-guaiene, &beta;-cubebene and &alpha;-bulnesene and decreased the proportion of sabinene and fenchone. Thus, we concluded that UV (except UV-C) used jointly with main light with PPFD 120 &plusmn; 10 &mu;mol photons&middot;m&minus;2&middot;s&minus;1 for sweet basil cultivation may be justified to stimulate basil growth and optimize the essential oil accumulation

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different LED Irradiators When Growing Red Mustard (Brassica juncea L.) in Indoor Farming

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    Investigation is devoted to the optimization of light spectrum and intensity used for red mustard growing. Notably, most of the studies devoted to red mustard growing were conducted on micro-greens, which is not enough for the development of methods and recommendations for making the right choices about the irradiation parameters for full-cycle cultivation. In this study, we tested four models of LED with different ratios of blue, green red and far red radiation intensity: 12:20:63:5; 15:30:49:6; 30:1:68:1, in two values of photon flux density (PFD)&mdash;120 and 180 &micro;mol m&minus;2 s&minus;1&mdash;to determine the most effective combination for red mustard growing. The study was conducted in a container-type climate chamber, where the red leaf mustard was cultivated in hydroponics. On the 30th day of cultivation, the plant&rsquo;s morphological, biochemical and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and reflection coefficients were recorded. The results indicated that the PFD 120 &micro;mol m&minus;2 s&minus;1 had a worse effect on both mustard leaf biomass accumulation and nitrate concentration (13&ndash;30% higher) in the plants. The best lighting option for growing red mustard was the blue&ndash;red spectrum, as the most efficient in terms of converting electricity into biomass (77 Wth/g). This light spectrum contributes to plant development with a larger leaf area (60%) and a fresh mass (54%) compared with the control, which has a maximum similarity in spectrum percentage to the sunlight spectrum. The presence of green and far red radiation with the blue&ndash;red light spectrum in various proportions at the same level of PFD had a negative effect on plant fresh mass, leaf surface area and photosynthetic activity. The obtained results could be useful for lighting parameters&rsquo; optimization when growing red mustard in urban farms

    Impact of Ultraviolet Radiation on the Pigment Content and Essential Oil Accumulation in Sweet Basil (<i>Ocimum basilicum</i> L.)

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    In this study, we investigated the effects of additional ultraviolet radiation (UV) on the main growth fluorescent lamp light on pigment content and essential oil accumulation in sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.). Three different UV light sources from light-emitting diodes and discharge lamps, which emit UV in the UV-A (315–400 nm), UV-B (280–315 nm) and UV-C (100–280 nm) ranges, were tested for basil plant growing. The plants, growing under additional UV-A and UV-B from mercury lamps, on the 60th growing day were higher than control plants by 90% and 53%, respectively. The fresh leaf mass of the UV-A irradiated basil plants was 2.4-fold higher than the control plant mass. The dry mass/fresh mass ratio of the UV-A and UV-B irradiated plants was higher by 45% and 35% in comparison to the control plants. Leaf area was increased by 40% and 20%, respectively. UV-C affected the anthocyanin content most strongly, they increased by 50%, whereas only by 27% and 0% under UV-A and UV-B. Any UV addition did not affect the essential oil total contents but altered the essential oil compositions. UV-A and UV-B increased the linalool proportion from 10% to 20%, and to 25%, respectively, in contrast to UV-C, which reduced it to 3%. UV-C induced the eugenol methyl ether accumulation (17%) and inhibited plant growth. Moreover, UV increased the proportion of α-guaiene, β-cubebene and α-bulnesene and decreased the proportion of sabinene and fenchone. Thus, we concluded that UV (except UV-C) used jointly with main light with PPFD 120 ± 10 μmol photons·m−2·s−1 for sweet basil cultivation may be justified to stimulate basil growth and optimize the essential oil accumulation

    Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Different LED Irradiators When Growing Red Mustard (<i>Brassica juncea</i> L.) in Indoor Farming

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    Investigation is devoted to the optimization of light spectrum and intensity used for red mustard growing. Notably, most of the studies devoted to red mustard growing were conducted on micro-greens, which is not enough for the development of methods and recommendations for making the right choices about the irradiation parameters for full-cycle cultivation. In this study, we tested four models of LED with different ratios of blue, green red and far red radiation intensity: 12:20:63:5; 15:30:49:6; 30:1:68:1, in two values of photon flux density (PFD)—120 and 180 µmol m−2 s−1—to determine the most effective combination for red mustard growing. The study was conducted in a container-type climate chamber, where the red leaf mustard was cultivated in hydroponics. On the 30th day of cultivation, the plant’s morphological, biochemical and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, and reflection coefficients were recorded. The results indicated that the PFD 120 µmol m−2 s−1 had a worse effect on both mustard leaf biomass accumulation and nitrate concentration (13–30% higher) in the plants. The best lighting option for growing red mustard was the blue–red spectrum, as the most efficient in terms of converting electricity into biomass (77 Wth/g). This light spectrum contributes to plant development with a larger leaf area (60%) and a fresh mass (54%) compared with the control, which has a maximum similarity in spectrum percentage to the sunlight spectrum. The presence of green and far red radiation with the blue–red light spectrum in various proportions at the same level of PFD had a negative effect on plant fresh mass, leaf surface area and photosynthetic activity. The obtained results could be useful for lighting parameters’ optimization when growing red mustard in urban farms